Example #1
        private void ComputePublicKeyToken()
            var pubKey        = (_certificate.PublicKey.Key as RSACryptoServiceProvider).ExportCspBlob(false);
            var strongNameKey = new byte[pubKey.Length + 12];

            // the strong name key requires a header in front of the public key:
            // unsigned int SigAlgId;
            // unsigned int HashAlgId;
            // ULONG cbPublicKey;

            pubKey.CopyTo(strongNameKey, 12);

            // Set the AlgId in the header (CALG_RSA_SIGN)
            strongNameKey[0] = 0;
            strongNameKey[1] = 0x24;
            strongNameKey[2] = 0;
            strongNameKey[3] = 0;

            // Set the AlgId in the key blob (CALG_RSA_SIGN)
            // I've noticed this comes from the RSACryptoServiceProvider as CALG_RSA_KEYX
            // but for strong naming we need it to be marked CALG_RSA_SIGN
            strongNameKey[16] = 0;
            strongNameKey[17] = 0x24;
            strongNameKey[18] = 0;
            strongNameKey[19] = 0;

            // set the hash id (SHA_1-Hash -- 0x8004)
            // Still not sure *where* this value comes from.
            strongNameKey[4] = 0x04;
            strongNameKey[5] = 0x80;
            strongNameKey[6] = 0;
            strongNameKey[7] = 0;

            strongNameKey[8]  = (byte)(pubKey.Length);
            strongNameKey[9]  = (byte)(pubKey.Length >> 8);
            strongNameKey[10] = (byte)(pubKey.Length >> 16);
            strongNameKey[11] = (byte)(pubKey.Length >> 24);

            StrongNameKey = strongNameKey;

            PublicKeyToken = UnitHelper.ComputePublicKeyToken(StrongNameKey).ToHexString();