Example #1
    private void Update()
        Ray        ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
        RaycastHit hit;

        // Change cursor to main or inspect, depending on if inspection mode is activated
        Cursor.SetCursor((ui_h.isInspectorModeActivated) ? cursor_inspect : cursor_main, Vector2.zero, CursorMode.ForceSoftware);

        if (useItem)
            if (Vector3.Distance(uh.CurrentUnit.transform.position, currentTarget.transform.position) <= UIHandler.selectedItem.GetComponent <Item>().usageDistance || UIHandler.selectedItem.GetComponent <Item_Throwable>())
                UIHandler.selectedItem.transform.position = uh.CurrentUnit.GetComponent <UnitController>().itemDropper.transform.position;
                if (UIHandler.selectedItem && UIHandler.selectedItem.GetComponent <Item>().Action(currentTarget))
                    currentTarget = null;

            useItem = false;

        // Checks the pending inventory
        if (useInv)
            if (currentUnit.GetComponent <UnitMovementController>().InventoryWithinReach)
                currentUnit                   = null;
                SecondaryInventory            = null;
                ui_h.isInspectorModeActivated = false;
                useInv = false;

        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit) && !ui_h.isInventoryWindowOpen && (!EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject(-1) || UIHandler.selectedItem != null)) // EventSystem is to make sure that you cannot click through the UI, the "-1" is to check for the mouse position
            // Set cursor to be item selection
            if (Input.GetAxisRaw("Multi Select") == 1 && hit.transform.tag == TagHandler.ITEM)
                Cursor.SetCursor(cursor_grab, Vector2.zero, CursorMode.ForceSoftware);

            #region Left Click
            // ------------------ LEFT CLICK
            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
                if (!isDragging)
                    dragOrigin = Input.mousePosition;

                // ----------- If the player only wants to select a single unit
                if ((hit.transform.tag == TagHandler.PLAYER || hit.transform.tag == TagHandler.INVENTORY) && !UIHandler.selectedItem) // Checks to see if a playable unit is being clicked, if not then deselect all units
                    if (ui_h.isInspectorModeActivated)
                        // Setting up a pending inventory check (making sure that the player has to walk to the given inventory before opening it)
                        currentUnit        = uh.CurrentUnit;
                        SecondaryInventory = hit.transform.GetComponent <InventoryHandler>();
                        useInv             = true;
                        if (Input.GetAxisRaw("Multi Select") == 1)       // If Shift is being pressed then it allows multiple selection, otherwise only one unit can be select at a time
                            if (uh.isSelected(hit.transform.gameObject)) // If shift is pressed, then it allows you to deselect selected units whilst still having the others selected
                            uh.select(hit.transform.gameObject);    // (auto deselect previous selection)
                else if (UIHandler.selectedItem)
                    useItem       = true;
                    currentTarget = hit.transform.gameObject;

                    if (Input.GetAxisRaw("Multi Select") != 1)

                    ui_h.isInspectorModeActivated = false;
            } // end button down

            // reset drag box
            if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1"))
                dragBox.width  = 0;
                dragBox.height = 0;
                dragOrigin     = -Vector2.one;
                isDragging     = false;

            #region Left Click - Drag
            // Dragging
            if (Input.GetButton("Fire1"))
                isDragging = dragBox.width > dragActivationBound || dragBox.height > dragActivationBound;

                dragBox = new Rect(dragOrigin.x, MouseYToRect(dragOrigin.y), Input.mousePosition.x - dragOrigin.x, MouseYToRect(Input.mousePosition.y) - MouseYToRect(dragOrigin.y));

                if (dragBox.width < 0)
                    dragBox.x    += dragBox.width;
                    dragBox.width = -dragBox.width;

                if (dragBox.height < 0)
                    dragBox.y     += dragBox.height;
                    dragBox.height = -dragBox.height;

                for (int i = 0; i < uh.size; i++)
                    Vector3 screenPos   = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(uh[i].transform.position);
                    Vector2 screenPoint = new Vector2(screenPos.x, Screen.height - screenPos.y);

                    if (dragBox.Contains(screenPoint))
                        if (isDragging)
            } // end LEFT CLICK

            #region Right Click
            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire2"))
                ui_h.isInspectorModeActivated = false; // right clicking terminates inspector mode
                UIHandler.selectedItem        = null;  // right clicking terminates current Item

                // Handling the movement of multiple units. If more than 1 is moved, than increase the stoppingDistance, so that they won't run into each other
                if (uh.numberOfUnitSelected > 1)
                    for (int i = 0; i < uh.size; i++)
                        if (uh.isSelected(uh[i]))
                            uh[i].GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>().stoppingDistance = uh[i].GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>().radius *uh.numberOfUnitSelected - 1;
                    if (uh.CurrentUnit != null)
                        uh.CurrentUnit.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>().stoppingDistance = 0;