private UnitDescriptionForSerialization(UnitDescription unit) { name = unit.GetUnitName(); unitRace = unit.GetRace().race.ToString(); unitClass = unit.GetClass().clas.ToString(); abilityName = unit.GetAbilityName(); id = unit.GetId(); experience = unit.GetExperience(); level = unit.GetLevel(); gems = unit.GetGems(); }
public void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData) { if (eventData.button != PointerEventData.InputButton.Left) { return; } if (_status != SlotState.Used || GameManager.instance.gamestate != GameManager.GameState.Placement) { return; } List <Cell> authorizedCells = Board.CurrentBoard.GetAuthorizedAllyCells(); List <Cell> avalaibleCells = new List <Cell>(); foreach (Cell cell in authorizedCells) { if (!cell.GetIsOccupied() && cell.GetIsObstacle() == false) { avalaibleCells.Add(cell); } } if (avalaibleCells.Count == 0) { return; } Unit newUnit = Instantiate(unitPrefab).GetComponent <Unit>(); newUnit.SetName(unitDescription.GetUnitName()); newUnit.SetSprite(unitDescription.GetSprite()); newUnit.raceStats = unitDescription.GetRace(); newUnit.classStat = unitDescription.GetClass(); newUnit.SetAbilityName(unitDescription.GetAbilityName()); newUnit.SetGems(unitDescription.GetGems()); newUnit.Level = unitDescription.GetLevel(); newUnit.AttachBoard(); newUnit.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(attachedCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition), Quaternion.identity); Cell destinatinCell = avalaibleCells[0]; newUnit.initialPos = destinatinCell.TileMapPosition; newUnit.tag = Unit.allyTag; newUnit.isRandomUnit = false; = unitDescription.GetId(); newUnit.PrepareForDragNDrop(); ClearSlot(); }
public void GenerateSlots(string[] unitGems) { //number of gems slots should be the unit level uint numberOfGemsSlots = currentDescription.GetLevel(); float widthOffset = 0.8f; float heightOffset = -0.8f; uint nbGemsSlotsPerLine = numberOfGemsSlots; float y = 0.5f; if (numberOfGemsSlots > 5) { nbGemsSlotsPerLine = 5; } else { y = 0; } float baseX = 0 - (nbGemsSlotsPerLine - 1) * widthOffset / 2; float x = baseX; //create gem slots for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfGemsSlots; i++) { //get RectTransform corners to start at the top left corner Vector3 position = new Vector3(x, y, 0) + UnitGemsZone.transform.position; x += widthOffset; GameObject slot = Instantiate(GemSlot, position, Quaternion.identity, UnitGemsZone.transform); slot.GetComponent <GemSlot>().IsUnitSlot = true; gemSlots.Add(slot); if (i != 0 && i % 5 == 0) { x = baseX; y += heightOffset; } } //put unit owned gems in slots if (unitGems != null) { for (int i = 0; i < unitGems.Length; i++) { GameObject gemGameObject = Resources.Load("Gems/" + unitGems[i]) as GameObject; Vector3 position = gemSlots[i].transform.position; GameObject newGem = Instantiate(gemGameObject, position, Quaternion.identity, gemSlots[i].transform); GemSlot currentGemSlot = gemSlots[i].GetComponent <GemSlot>(); currentGemSlot.Gem = newGem.GetComponent <Gem>(); newGem.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <GemUI>().GemSlot = currentGemSlot; currentGemsDisplayed.Add(newGem); currentGems.Add(currentGemSlot.Gem); } } }
public void UpdateDescription() { if (actualSlot == null) { UnitName.text = ""; UnitStats.text = ""; UnitExperience.text = ""; return; } currentDescription = actualSlot.GetCurrentUnitDescription(); SetUnitName(currentDescription.GetUnitName()); SetUnitExperience(currentDescription.GetExperience()); SetUnitLevel(currentDescription.GetLevel()); ClassStat classe = currentDescription.GetClass(); RaceStat race = currentDescription.GetRace(); //destroy previously displayed slots foreach (GameObject slot in gemSlots) { Destroy(slot); } string[] gems = currentDescription.GetGems(); gemSlots = new List <GameObject>(); currentGems = new List <Gem>(); if (ResetGemsButton) { if (GameManager.instance.gamestate == GameManager.GameState.Placement || (GameManager.instance.gamestate == GameManager.GameState.Shopping || GameManager.instance.gamestate == GameManager.GameState.Resolution) && actualSlot.GetSlotType() == InventorySlot.SlotType.Inventory) { GenerateSlots(gems); ResetGemsButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { ResetGemsButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } uint level = currentDescription.GetLevel(); float damage = classe.damage + race.damage + 1 * (level - 1); float maxLife = classe.maxLife + race.maxLife + 10 * (int)(level - 1); float attackSpeed = classe.attackSpeed + race.attackSpeed + 0.05f * (level - 1); float moveSpeed = classe.moveSpeed + race.moveSpeed; float armor = classe.armor + race.armor + 0.05f * (level - 1); float power = 1 + 0.05f * (level - 1); int range = classe.range; float incrementStamina = classe.incrementStamina; if (currentGems.Count > 0) { foreach (Gem gem in currentGems) { if (gem.GetStatModified() == Gem.StatModified.None) { gem.InitializeStatModified(); } switch (gem.GetStatModified()) { case Gem.StatModified.Damage: damage = gem.InitGemEffect(damage); break; case Gem.StatModified.Health: maxLife = gem.InitGemEffect(maxLife); break; case Gem.StatModified.AttackSpeed: attackSpeed = gem.InitGemEffect(attackSpeed); break; case Gem.StatModified.Armor: armor = gem.InitGemEffect(armor); break; case Gem.StatModified.MovementSpeed: moveSpeed = gem.InitGemEffect(moveSpeed); break; case Gem.StatModified.Power: power = gem.InitGemEffect(power); break; } } } //get ability name and add space before every capital letter string abilityName = currentDescription.GetAbilityName(); StringBuilder abilityNameWithSpaces = new StringBuilder(abilityName.Length * 2); abilityNameWithSpaces.Append(abilityName[0]); for (int i = 1; i < abilityName.Length; i++) { if (char.IsUpper(abilityName[i]) && abilityName[i - 1] != ' ') { abilityNameWithSpaces.Append(' '); } abilityNameWithSpaces.Append(abilityName[i]); } string stats = "Classe : " + + "\n" + "Race : " + + "\n" + "Capacité : " + abilityNameWithSpaces + "\n" + "Stamina générée : " + incrementStamina + "\n" + "PV Max : " + maxLife + "\n" + "Dégâts : " + Mathf.Round(damage * 100f) / 100f + "\n" + "Vitesse d'attaque : " + Mathf.Round(attackSpeed * 100f) / 100f + "\n" + "Vitesse de déplacement : " + Mathf.Round(moveSpeed * 100f) / 100f + "\n" + "Armor : " + Mathf.Round(armor * 100f) / 100f + "\n" + "Puissance : " + Mathf.Round(power * 100f) / 100f + "\n" + "Portée : " + range + "\n"; SetUnitStats(stats); }