Example #1
        public UnitAppPayloadResult GetCommandAppCoreData()
            var results = new UnitAppPayloadResult();

            results.Personnel    = new List <PersonnelInfoResult>();
            results.Groups       = new List <GroupInfoResult>();
            results.Units        = new List <UnitInfoResult>();
            results.Roles        = new List <RoleInfoResult>();
            results.Statuses     = new List <CustomStatusesResult>();
            results.Calls        = new List <CallResult>();
            results.UnitStatuses = new List <UnitStatusCoreResult>();
            results.UnitRoles    = new List <UnitRoleResult>();

            var users  = _departmentsService.GetAllUsersForDepartment(DepartmentId);
            var groups = _departmentGroupsService.GetAllDepartmentGroupsForDepartment(DepartmentId);
            var rolesForUsersInDepartment = _personnelRolesService.GetAllRolesForUsersInDepartment(DepartmentId);
            var allRoles    = _personnelRolesService.GetRolesForDepartment(DepartmentId);
            var allProfiles = _userProfileService.GetAllProfilesForDepartment(DepartmentId);
            var allGroups   = _departmentGroupsService.GetAllGroupsForDepartment(DepartmentId);
            var units       = _unitsService.GetUnitsForDepartment(DepartmentId);
            var unitTypes   = _unitsService.GetUnitTypesForDepartment(DepartmentId);

            foreach (var user in users)
                //var profile = _userProfileService.GetProfileByUserId(user.UserId);
                //var group = _departmentGroupsService.GetGroupForUser(user.UserId);

                UserProfile profile = null;
                if (allProfiles.ContainsKey(user.UserId))
                    profile = allProfiles[user.UserId];

                DepartmentGroup group = null;
                if (groups.ContainsKey(user.UserId))
                    group = groups[user.UserId];

                //var roles = _personnelRolesService.GetRolesForUser(user.UserId);

                List <PersonnelRole> roles = null;
                if (rolesForUsersInDepartment.ContainsKey(user.UserId))
                    roles = rolesForUsersInDepartment[user.UserId];

                var result = new PersonnelInfoResult();

                if (profile != null)
                    result.Fnm = profile.FirstName;
                    result.Lnm = profile.LastName;
                    result.Id  = profile.IdentificationNumber;
                    result.Mnu = profile.MobileNumber;
                    result.Fnm = "Unknown";
                    result.Lnm = "Check Profile";
                    result.Id  = "";
                    result.Mnu = "";

                result.Eml = user.Email;
                result.Did = DepartmentId;
                result.Uid = user.UserId.ToString();

                if (group != null)
                    result.Gid = group.DepartmentGroupId;
                    result.Gnm = group.Name;

                result.Roles = new List <string>();
                if (roles != null && roles.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var role in roles)
                        if (role != null)


            results.Rights = new DepartmentRightsResult();
            var currentUser = _usersService.GetUserByName(UserName);

            if (currentUser == null)
                throw HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized.AsException();

            var department = _departmentsService.GetDepartmentById(DepartmentId, false);

            results.Rights.Adm  = department.IsUserAnAdmin(currentUser.UserId);
            results.Rights.Grps = new List <GroupRight>();

            var currentGroup = _departmentGroupsService.GetGroupForUser(currentUser.UserId, DepartmentId);

            if (currentGroup != null)
                var groupRight = new GroupRight();
                groupRight.Gid = currentGroup.DepartmentGroupId;
                groupRight.Adm = currentGroup.IsUserGroupAdmin(currentUser.UserId);


            foreach (var group in allGroups)
                var groupInfo = new GroupInfoResult();
                groupInfo.Gid = group.DepartmentGroupId;
                groupInfo.Nme = group.Name;

                if (group.Type.HasValue)
                    groupInfo.Typ = group.Type.Value;

                if (group.Address != null)
                    groupInfo.Add = group.Address.FormatAddress();


            foreach (var unit in units)
                var unitResult = new UnitInfoResult();
                unitResult.Uid = unit.UnitId;
                unitResult.Did = DepartmentId;
                unitResult.Nme = unit.Name;
                unitResult.Typ = unit.Type;

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(unit.Type))
                    var unitType = unitTypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == unit.Type);

                    if (unitType != null)
                        unitResult.Cid = unitType.CustomStatesId.GetValueOrDefault();
                    unitResult.Cid = 0;

                if (unit.StationGroup != null)
                    unitResult.Sid = unit.StationGroup.DepartmentGroupId;
                    unitResult.Snm = unit.StationGroup.Name;


                // Add unit roles for this unit
                var roles = _unitsService.GetRolesForUnit(unit.UnitId);
                foreach (var role in roles)
                    var roleResult = new UnitRoleResult();
                    roleResult.Name       = role.Name;
                    roleResult.UnitId     = role.UnitId;
                    roleResult.UnitRoleId = role.UnitRoleId;


            var unitStatuses = _unitsService.GetAllLatestStatusForUnitsByDepartmentId(DepartmentId);

            foreach (var us in unitStatuses)
                var unitStatus = new UnitStatusCoreResult();
                unitStatus.UnitId      = us.UnitId;
                unitStatus.StateType   = (UnitStateTypes)us.State;
                unitStatus.StateTypeId = us.State;
                unitStatus.Type        = us.Unit.Type;
                unitStatus.Timestamp   = us.Timestamp.TimeConverter(department);
                unitStatus.Name        = us.Unit.Name;

                if (us.DestinationId.HasValue)
                    unitStatus.DestinationId = us.DestinationId.Value;


            foreach (var role in allRoles)
                var roleResult = new RoleInfoResult();
                roleResult.Rid = role.PersonnelRoleId;
                roleResult.Nme = role.Name;


            var customStates = _customStateService.GetAllActiveCustomStatesForDepartment(DepartmentId);

            foreach (var customState in customStates)
                if (customState.IsDeleted)

                foreach (var stateDetail in customState.GetActiveDetails())
                    if (stateDetail.IsDeleted)

                    var customStateResult = new CustomStatusesResult();
                    customStateResult.Id      = stateDetail.CustomStateDetailId;
                    customStateResult.Type    = customState.Type;
                    customStateResult.StateId = stateDetail.CustomStateId;
                    customStateResult.Text    = stateDetail.ButtonText;
                    customStateResult.BColor  = stateDetail.ButtonColor;
                    customStateResult.Color   = stateDetail.TextColor;
                    customStateResult.Gps     = stateDetail.GpsRequired;
                    customStateResult.Note    = stateDetail.NoteType;
                    customStateResult.Detail  = stateDetail.DetailType;


            var calls = _callsService.GetActiveCallsByDepartment(DepartmentId).OrderByDescending(x => x.LoggedOn);

            if (calls != null && calls.Any())
                foreach (var c in calls)
                    var call = new CallResult();

                    call.Cid = c.CallId;
                    call.Pri = c.Priority;
                    call.Ctl = c.IsCritical;
                    call.Nme = c.Name;
                    call.Noc = c.NatureOfCall;
                    call.Map = c.MapPage;
                    call.Not = c.Notes;

                    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(c.Address) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(c.GeoLocationData))
                        var geo = c.GeoLocationData.Split(char.Parse(","));

                        if (geo.Length == 2)
                            call.Add = _geoLocationProvider.GetAddressFromLatLong(double.Parse(geo[0]), double.Parse(geo[1]));
                        call.Add = c.Address;

                    call.Add = c.Address;
                    call.Geo = c.GeoLocationData;
                    call.Lon = c.LoggedOn.TimeConverter(department);
                    call.Ste = c.State;
                    call.Num = c.Number;

                // This is a hack due to a bug in the current units app! -SJ 1-31-2016
                var call = new CallResult();
                call.Cid = 0;
                call.Pri = 0;
                call.Ctl = false;
                call.Nme = "No Call";
                call.Noc = "";
                call.Map = "";
                call.Not = "";
                call.Add = "";
                call.Geo = "";
                call.Lon = DateTime.UtcNow;
                call.Ste = 0;
                call.Num = "";


Example #2
        public UnitAppPayloadResult GetUnitAppCallDataOnly()
            var results = new UnitAppPayloadResult();

            results.Calls = new List <CallResultEx>();

            var department = _departmentsService.GetDepartmentById(DepartmentId, false);
            var calls      = _callsService.GetActiveCallsByDepartment(DepartmentId).OrderByDescending(x => x.LoggedOn);

            if (calls != null && calls.Any())
                foreach (var c in calls)
                    var call = new CallResultEx();

                    call.Cid = c.CallId;
                    call.Pri = c.Priority;
                    call.Ctl = c.IsCritical;
                    call.Nme = c.Name;
                    call.Noc = c.NatureOfCall;
                    call.Map = c.MapPage;
                    call.Not = c.Notes;

                    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(c.Address) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(c.GeoLocationData))
                        var geo = c.GeoLocationData.Split(char.Parse(","));

                        if (geo.Length == 2)
                            call.Add = _geoLocationProvider.GetAddressFromLatLong(double.Parse(geo[0]), double.Parse(geo[1]));
                        call.Add = c.Address;

                    call.Add = c.Address;
                    call.Geo = c.GeoLocationData;
                    call.Lon = c.LoggedOn.TimeConverter(department);
                    call.Ste = c.State;
                    call.Num = c.Number;

                    c.Protocols    = _callsService.GetCallProtocolsByCallId(c.CallId);
                    call.Protocols = new List <CallProtocolResult>();
                    if (c.Protocols != null && c.Protocols.Any())
                        foreach (var protocol in c.Protocols)
                            var p = new CallProtocolResult();
                            p.Id   = protocol.DispatchProtocolId;
                            p.Code = protocol.Protocol.Code;
                            p.Name = protocol.Protocol.Name;


                // This is a hack due to a bug in the current units app! -SJ 1-31-2016
                var call = new CallResultEx();
                call.Cid = 0;
                call.Pri = 0;
                call.Ctl = false;
                call.Nme = "No Call";
                call.Noc = "";
                call.Map = "";
                call.Not = "";
                call.Add = "";
                call.Geo = "";
                call.Lon = DateTime.UtcNow;
                call.Ste = 0;
                call.Num = "";

