Example #1
        private void ExportGroundAndWater()
            /* I'll be honest, I tried to make sense of this bit but it went right
            ** over my head, so I just re-implemented it as it was and fixed it up
            ** so it took water levels into account, so it's a bit of a mess still.
            ** Sorry about that. If someone wants to help make it readable then be
            ** my guest!*/
            TerrainManager terrainManager = Singleton <TerrainManager> .instance;
            int            gridSize       = 16;
            int            steps          = (1920 * 9) / gridSize;     //??????????

            double[,] waterPoints  = new double[steps + 2, steps + 2]; //Why does it add 2? I have no idea
            double[,] groundPoints = new double[steps + 2, steps + 2];
            double[] contourX = new double[steps + 2], contourY = new double[steps + 2], contourZ = new double[] { 1.6 };

            for (int y = 0; y < steps + 2; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < steps + 2; ++x)
                    if (y == 0 || y == steps + 1 || x == 0 || x == steps + 1) //*shrug*
                        waterPoints[y, x]  = 0.0F;                            //*more shrug*
                        groundPoints[y, x] = 0.0F;
                        Vector3 position = new Vector3(((y - 1) - (steps / 2)) * gridSize, 0, ((x - 1) - (steps / 2)) * gridSize); //What?

                        float waterLevel  = terrainManager.SampleRawHeightSmoothWithWater(position, false, 0f);
                        float groundLevel = terrainManager.SampleRawHeightSmooth(position);
                        float difference  = waterLevel - groundLevel;

                        UniqueLogger.AddLog("Levels", Math.Round(waterLevel).ToString() + " - " + Math.Round(groundLevel).ToString(), "");

                        if (difference < 5.0F)
                            waterPoints[y, x]  = difference;
                            groundPoints[y, x] = groundLevel / 12; //Divided it, as it makes the points more rounded
                            waterPoints[y, x]  = (double)difference;
                            groundPoints[y, x] = 0.0F;

                contourX[y] = y * gridSize;
                contourY[y] = y * gridSize; //Still no idea...


            CreateContours(waterPoints, contourX, contourY, contourZ, gridSize, steps, ContourType.Water);
            CreateContours(groundPoints, contourX, contourY, contourZ, gridSize, steps, ContourType.Ground);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether the name of the road matches
        /// the input name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="comparisonName">The road name to compare against</param>
        /// <returns>Whether the name of the road matches the comparison name.</returns>
        public bool RoadNameMatches(string comparisonName)
            string prefixCompare   = inGameNamePrefix.ToLower().Replace(" ", "");
            string postfixCompare  = inGameNamePostfix.ToLower().Replace(" ", "");
            string roadNameCompare = prefixCompare + postfixCompare;

            comparisonName = comparisonName.ToLower().Replace(" ", "");

            UniqueLogger.AddLog("Road name matches", inGameNamePrefix + " " + inGameNamePostfix, "");

            return(roadNameCompare == comparisonName);
Example #3
        private OSMWay CreateWay(int index, NetSegment segment, ushort segmentId)
            OSMWay returnWay = null;

            NetSegment.Flags segmentFlags = segment.m_flags;
            NetManager       netManager   = Singleton <NetManager> .instance;
            List <OSMWayND>  wayPaths     = new List <OSMWayND>();
            List <OSMWayTag> wayTags;
            ushort           startNodeId = segment.m_startNode, endNodeId = segment.m_endNode;

            if (startNodeId != 0 && endNodeId != 0)
                Vector3 startNodeDirection = segment.m_startDirection;
                Vector3 endNodeDirection   = segment.m_endDirection;

                if (segmentFlags.IsFlagSet(NetSegment.Flags.Invert))
                    startNodeId        = segment.m_endNode;
                    endNodeId          = segment.m_startNode;
                    startNodeDirection = segment.m_endDirection;
                    endNodeDirection   = segment.m_startDirection;

                NetNode startNode         = netManager.m_nodes.m_buffer[startNodeId];
                NetNode endNode           = netManager.m_nodes.m_buffer[endNodeId];
                Vector3 startNodePosition = startNode.m_position;
                Vector3 endNodePosition   = endNode.m_position;

                wayPaths.Add(new OSMWayND {
                    @ref = startNodeId

                if (Vector3.Angle(startNodeDirection, -endNodeDirection) > 3f)
                    Vector3 midPointA = Vector3.zero, midPointB = Vector3.zero;
                    NetSegment.CalculateMiddlePoints(startNodePosition, startNodeDirection, endNodePosition, endNodeDirection, false, false, out midPointA, out midPointB);
                    Bezier3 bezier = new Bezier3(startNodePosition, midPointA, midPointB, endNodePosition);

                    osmNodes.Add(CreateNode(unindexedNodeOffset++, bezier.Position(0.25f)));
                    osmNodes.Add(CreateNode(unindexedNodeOffset++, bezier.Position(0.5f)));
                    osmNodes.Add(CreateNode(unindexedNodeOffset++, bezier.Position(0.75f)));

                    wayPaths.Add(new OSMWayND {
                        @ref = (uint)unindexedNodeOffset - 3
                    wayPaths.Add(new OSMWayND {
                        @ref = (uint)unindexedNodeOffset - 2
                    wayPaths.Add(new OSMWayND {
                        @ref = (uint)unindexedNodeOffset - 1

                wayPaths.Add(new OSMWayND {
                    @ref = endNodeId

                if (Tagger.CreateWayTags(segment, out wayTags))
                    if (haveRoadNamerMod)
                        // If road namer mod is available, then attempt to get the name asscociated with the segment, if any
                        string roadName = RoadNamerManager.Instance().getSegmentName((ushort)(segmentId));
                        if (roadName != null)
                            //If a name is available, add a name tag
                            wayTags.Add(new OSMWayTag {
                                k = "name", v = StringUtilities.RemoveTags(roadName)
                    returnWay = new OSMWay {
                        changeset = 50000000, id = (uint)index, timestamp = DateTime.Now, user = "******", nd = wayPaths.ToArray(), tag = wayTags.ToArray(), version = 1
                    UniqueLogger.AddLog("Road names missing from search", segment.Info.name, "");
