protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { CleanupSet(); Instances.Dispose(); Uniform.Dispose(); base.Dispose(disposing); }
public void Dispose() { colorKeyProgram.Dispose(); colorProgram.Dispose(); colorKeyUniform.Dispose(); pixel.Dispose(); }
public void Dispose() { defaultProgram.Dispose(); textureColor.Dispose(); spriteRenderer.Dispose(); Bgfx.Shutdown(); }
public void Dispose() { parametersHandle.Dispose(); ambientHandle.Dispose(); diffuseHandle.Dispose(); specularHandle.Dispose(); colorHandle.Dispose(); lightPosRadiusHandle.Dispose(); lightRgbInnerRHandle.Dispose(); }
static unsafe void RenderThread(Sample sample) { // initialize the renderer Bgfx.Init(); Bgfx.Reset(sample.WindowWidth, sample.WindowHeight, ResetFlags.Vsync); // enable debug text Bgfx.SetDebugFeatures(DebugFeatures.DisplayText); // load shaders var programTextureLighting = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("vs_stencil_texture_lighting", "fs_stencil_texture_lighting"); var programColorLighting = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("vs_stencil_color_lighting", "fs_stencil_color_lighting"); var programColorTexture = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("vs_stencil_color_texture", "fs_stencil_color_texture"); var programColorBlack = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("vs_stencil_color", "fs_stencil_color_black"); var programTexture = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("vs_stencil_texture", "fs_stencil_texture"); // load meshes var bunnyMesh = ResourceLoader.LoadMesh("bunny.bin"); var columnMesh = ResourceLoader.LoadMesh("column.bin"); var hplaneMesh = new Mesh(MemoryBlock.FromArray(StaticMeshes.HorizontalPlane), PosNormalTexcoordVertex.Layout, StaticMeshes.PlaneIndices); var vplaneMesh = new Mesh(MemoryBlock.FromArray(StaticMeshes.VerticalPlane), PosNormalTexcoordVertex.Layout, StaticMeshes.PlaneIndices); // load textures var figureTex = ResourceLoader.LoadTexture(""); var flareTex = ResourceLoader.LoadTexture(""); var fieldstoneTex = ResourceLoader.LoadTexture(""); // create uniforms var colorTextureHandle = new Uniform("u_texColor", UniformType.Sampler); var uniforms = new Uniforms(); uniforms.SubmitConstUniforms(); // light colors uniforms.LightColor = new[] { new Vector4(1.0f, 0.7f, 0.2f, 0.0f), // yellow new Vector4(0.7f, 0.2f, 1.0f, 0.0f), // purple new Vector4(0.2f, 1.0f, 0.7f, 0.0f), // cyan new Vector4(1.0f, 0.4f, 0.2f, 0.0f) // orange }; // camera var camera = new Camera(60.0f, sample.WindowWidth, sample.WindowHeight, 0.1f, 100.0f); camera.Position = new Vector3(0.0f, 18.0f, -40.0f); // start the frame clock var clock = new Clock(); clock.Start(); // check caps and stats, for testing purposes Bgfx.GetCaps(); Bgfx.GetStats(); // main loop while (sample.ProcessEvents(ResetFlags.Vsync)) { // tick the clock var elapsed = clock.Frame(); var time = clock.TotalTime(); // write some debug text Bgfx.DebugTextClear(); Bgfx.DebugTextWrite(0, 1, DebugColor.White, DebugColor.Blue, "SharpBgfx/Samples/13-Stencil"); Bgfx.DebugTextWrite(0, 2, DebugColor.White, DebugColor.Cyan, "Description: Stencil reflections."); Bgfx.DebugTextWrite(0, 3, DebugColor.White, DebugColor.Cyan, "Frame: {0:F3} ms", elapsed * 1000); // clear the background Bgfx.SetViewClear(BaseId, ClearTargets.Color | ClearTargets.Depth | ClearTargets.Stencil, 0x30303000); Bgfx.SetViewRect(BaseId, 0, 0, sample.WindowWidth, sample.WindowHeight); Bgfx.Touch(BaseId); // set view params for each pass var viewMtx = camera.GetViewMatrix(); var projMtx = camera.GetProjectionMatrix(); for (byte i = PassId0; i <= PassId4; i++) { Bgfx.SetViewRect(i, 0, 0, sample.WindowWidth, sample.WindowHeight); Bgfx.SetViewTransform(i, (float *)&viewMtx, (float *)&projMtx); } // first pass - draw ground plane var floorMtx = FloorTransform; hplaneMesh.Submit(PassId0, programColorBlack, &floorMtx, StateGroups[PrebuiltRenderState.StencilReflectionCraftStencil], uniforms); // second pass - reflected objects Bgfx.SetViewClear(PassId1, ClearTargets.Depth, 0); uniforms.AmbientPass = true; uniforms.LightingPass = true; uniforms.Color = new Vector4(0.70f, 0.65f, 0.60f, 0.8f); uniforms.LightCount = LightCount; // light positions var lightPositions = new Vector4[LightCount]; var reflectedLights = new Vector4[LightCount]; for (int i = 0; i < lightPositions.Length; i++) { var v3 = new Vector3( (float)Math.Sin(time * 1.1 + i * 0.03 + i * 1.07 * Math.PI / 2) * 20.0f, 8.0f + (1.0f - (float)Math.Cos(time * 1.5 + i * 0.29 + 1.49f * Math.PI / 2)) * 4.0f, (float)Math.Cos(time * 1.3 + i * 0.13 + i * 1.79 * Math.PI / 2) * 20.0f ); lightPositions[i] = new Vector4(v3, 15.0f); reflectedLights[i] = new Vector4(Vector3.Transform(v3, ReflectionTransform), 15.0f); } uniforms.LightPosRadius = reflectedLights; var bunnyMtx = Matrix4x4.CreateScale(5) * Matrix4x4.CreateRotationY(time - 1.56f) * Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(0.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f); var reflectedBunnyMtx = bunnyMtx * ReflectionTransform; bunnyMesh.Submit(PassId1, programColorLighting, &reflectedBunnyMtx, StateGroups[PrebuiltRenderState.StencilReflectionDrawReflected], uniforms); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var mtx = ColumnTransforms[i] * ReflectionTransform; columnMesh.Submit(PassId1, programColorLighting, &mtx, StateGroups[PrebuiltRenderState.StencilReflectionDrawReflected], uniforms); } // third pass - blend the plane and reflections uniforms.LightPosRadius = lightPositions; hplaneMesh.Submit(PassId2, programTextureLighting, &floorMtx, StateGroups[PrebuiltRenderState.StencilReflectionBlendPlane], uniforms, fieldstoneTex, colorTextureHandle); // fourth pass - draw the solid objects bunnyMesh.Submit(PassId3, programColorLighting, &bunnyMtx, StateGroups[PrebuiltRenderState.StencilReflectionDrawScene], uniforms); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var mtx = ColumnTransforms[i]; columnMesh.Submit(PassId3, programColorLighting, &mtx, StateGroups[PrebuiltRenderState.StencilReflectionDrawScene], uniforms); } // fifth pass - draw the lights as objects for (int i = 0; i < LightCount; i++) { var c = uniforms.LightColor[i]; uniforms.Color = new Vector4(c.X, c.Y, c.Z, 0.8f); var p = lightPositions[i]; var mtx = Matrix4x4.CreateScale(1.5f) * Matrix4x4.CreateBillboard(new Vector3(p.X, p.Y, p.Z), camera.Position, Vector3.UnitY, -Vector3.UnitZ); vplaneMesh.Submit(PassId4, programColorTexture, &mtx, StateGroups[PrebuiltRenderState.CustomBlendLightTexture], uniforms, flareTex, colorTextureHandle); } // advance to the next frame. Rendering thread will be kicked to // process submitted rendering primitives. Bgfx.Frame(); } // clean up bunnyMesh.Dispose(); columnMesh.Dispose(); hplaneMesh.Dispose(); vplaneMesh.Dispose(); figureTex.Dispose(); fieldstoneTex.Dispose(); flareTex.Dispose(); programTextureLighting.Dispose(); programColorLighting.Dispose(); programColorTexture.Dispose(); programColorBlack.Dispose(); programTexture.Dispose(); colorTextureHandle.Dispose(); uniforms.Dispose(); Bgfx.Shutdown(); }
static unsafe void RunCompute(Sample sample, bool indirectSupported) { // build vertex layouts var quadLayout = new VertexLayout(); quadLayout.Begin() .Add(VertexAttributeUsage.Position, 2, VertexAttributeType.Float) .End(); var computeLayout = new VertexLayout(); computeLayout.Begin() .Add(VertexAttributeUsage.TexCoord0, 4, VertexAttributeType.Float) .End(); // static quad data var vb = new VertexBuffer(MemoryBlock.FromArray(QuadVertices), quadLayout); var ib = new IndexBuffer(MemoryBlock.FromArray(QuadIndices)); // create compute buffers var currPositionBuffer0 = new DynamicVertexBuffer(1 << 15, computeLayout, BufferFlags.ComputeReadWrite); var currPositionBuffer1 = new DynamicVertexBuffer(1 << 15, computeLayout, BufferFlags.ComputeReadWrite); var prevPositionBuffer0 = new DynamicVertexBuffer(1 << 15, computeLayout, BufferFlags.ComputeReadWrite); var prevPositionBuffer1 = new DynamicVertexBuffer(1 << 15, computeLayout, BufferFlags.ComputeReadWrite); // load shaders var particleProgram = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("vs_particle", "fs_particle"); var initInstancesProgram = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("cs_init_instances"); var updateInstancesProgram = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("cs_update_instances"); // indirect rendering support var indirectProgram = SharpBgfx.Program.Invalid; var indirectBuffer = IndirectBuffer.Invalid; bool useIndirect = false; if (indirectSupported) { indirectProgram = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("cs_indirect"); indirectBuffer = new IndirectBuffer(2); useIndirect = true; } // setup params uniforms var paramData = new ParamsData { TimeStep = 0.0157f, DispatchSize = 32, Gravity = 0.109f, Damping = 0.25f, ParticleIntensity = 0.64f, ParticleSize = 0.279f, BaseSeed = 57, ParticlePower = 3.5f, InitialSpeed = 3.2f, InitialShape = 1, MaxAccel = 100.0f }; // have the compute shader run initialization var u_params = new Uniform("u_params", UniformType.Vector4, 3); Bgfx.SetUniform(u_params, ¶mData, 3); Bgfx.SetComputeBuffer(0, prevPositionBuffer0, ComputeBufferAccess.Write); Bgfx.SetComputeBuffer(1, currPositionBuffer0, ComputeBufferAccess.Write); Bgfx.Dispatch(0, initInstancesProgram, MaxParticleCount / ThreadGroupUpdateSize); // start the frame clock var clock = new Clock(); clock.Start(); // main loop while (sample.ProcessEvents(ResetFlags.Vsync)) { // tick the clock var elapsed = clock.Frame(); var time = clock.TotalTime(); // write some debug text Bgfx.DebugTextClear(); Bgfx.DebugTextWrite(0, 1, DebugColor.White, DebugColor.Blue, "SharpBgfx/Samples/24-NBody"); Bgfx.DebugTextWrite(0, 2, DebugColor.White, DebugColor.Cyan, "Description: N-body simulation with compute shaders using buffers."); Bgfx.DebugTextWrite(0, 3, DebugColor.White, DebugColor.Cyan, "Frame: {0:F3} ms", elapsed * 1000); // fill the indirect buffer if we're using it if (useIndirect) { Bgfx.SetUniform(u_params, ¶mData, 3); Bgfx.SetComputeBuffer(0, indirectBuffer, ComputeBufferAccess.Write); Bgfx.Dispatch(0, indirectProgram); } // update particle positions Bgfx.SetComputeBuffer(0, prevPositionBuffer0, ComputeBufferAccess.Read); Bgfx.SetComputeBuffer(1, currPositionBuffer0, ComputeBufferAccess.Read); Bgfx.SetComputeBuffer(2, prevPositionBuffer1, ComputeBufferAccess.Write); Bgfx.SetComputeBuffer(3, currPositionBuffer1, ComputeBufferAccess.Write); Bgfx.SetUniform(u_params, ¶mData, 3); if (useIndirect) { Bgfx.Dispatch(0, updateInstancesProgram, indirectBuffer, 1); } else { Bgfx.Dispatch(0, updateInstancesProgram, paramData.DispatchSize); } // ping-pong the buffers for next frame Swap(ref currPositionBuffer0, ref currPositionBuffer1); Swap(ref prevPositionBuffer0, ref prevPositionBuffer1); // view transforms for particle rendering var viewMatrix = Matrix4x4.CreateLookAt(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -45.0f), -Vector3.UnitZ, Vector3.UnitY); var projMatrix = Matrix4x4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView((float)Math.PI / 4, (float)sample.WindowWidth / sample.WindowHeight, 0.1f, 10000.0f); Bgfx.SetViewTransform(0, &viewMatrix.M11, &projMatrix.M11); Bgfx.SetViewRect(0, 0, 0, sample.WindowWidth, sample.WindowHeight); // draw the particles Bgfx.SetVertexBuffer(vb); Bgfx.SetIndexBuffer(ib); Bgfx.SetInstanceDataBuffer(currPositionBuffer0, 0, paramData.DispatchSize * ThreadGroupUpdateSize); Bgfx.SetRenderState(RenderState.ColorWrite | RenderState.BlendAdd | RenderState.DepthTestAlways); if (useIndirect) { Bgfx.Submit(0, particleProgram, indirectBuffer); } else { Bgfx.Submit(0, particleProgram); } // done with frame Bgfx.Frame(); } // cleanup if (indirectSupported) { indirectProgram.Dispose(); indirectBuffer.Dispose(); } u_params.Dispose(); currPositionBuffer0.Dispose(); currPositionBuffer1.Dispose(); prevPositionBuffer0.Dispose(); prevPositionBuffer1.Dispose(); updateInstancesProgram.Dispose(); initInstancesProgram.Dispose(); particleProgram.Dispose(); ib.Dispose(); vb.Dispose(); }
static unsafe void RenderThread(Sample sample) { // initialize the renderer Bgfx.Init(RendererBackend.Direct3D11); Bgfx.Reset(sample.WindowWidth, sample.WindowHeight, ResetFlags.Vsync); // enable debug text Bgfx.SetDebugFeatures(DebugFeatures.DisplayText); // load shaders var programTextureLighting = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("vs_stencil_texture_lighting", "fs_stencil_texture_lighting"); var programColorLighting = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("vs_stencil_color_lighting", "fs_stencil_color_lighting"); var programColorTexture = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("vs_stencil_color_texture", "fs_stencil_color_texture"); var programColorBlack = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("vs_stencil_color", "fs_stencil_color_black"); var programTexture = ResourceLoader.LoadProgram("vs_stencil_texture", "fs_stencil_texture"); // load meshes var bunnyMesh = ResourceLoader.LoadMesh("bunny.bin"); var columnMesh = ResourceLoader.LoadMesh("column.bin"); var hplaneMesh = new Mesh(MemoryBlock.FromArray(StaticMeshes.HorizontalPlane), PosNormalTexcoordVertex.Layout, StaticMeshes.PlaneIndices); var vplaneMesh = new Mesh(MemoryBlock.FromArray(StaticMeshes.VerticalPlane), PosNormalTexcoordVertex.Layout, StaticMeshes.PlaneIndices); // load textures var figureTex = ResourceLoader.LoadTexture(""); var flareTex = ResourceLoader.LoadTexture(""); var fieldstoneTex = ResourceLoader.LoadTexture(""); // create uniforms var colorTextureHandle = new Uniform("u_texColor", UniformType.Int1); var uniforms = new Uniforms(); uniforms.SubmitConstUniforms(); // light colors uniforms.LightColor = new[] { new Vector4(1.0f, 0.7f, 0.2f, 0.0f), // yellow new Vector4(0.7f, 0.2f, 1.0f, 0.0f), // purple new Vector4(0.2f, 1.0f, 0.7f, 0.0f), // cyan new Vector4(1.0f, 0.4f, 0.2f, 0.0f) // orange }; // camera var camera = new Camera(60.0f, sample.WindowWidth, sample.WindowHeight, 0.1f, 100.0f); camera.Position = new Vector3(0.0f, 18.0f, -40.0f); // start the frame clock var clock = new Clock(); clock.Start(); // main loop while (sample.ProcessEvents(ResetFlags.Vsync)) { // tick the clock var elapsed = clock.Frame(); var time = clock.TotalTime(); // write some debug text Bgfx.DebugTextClear(); Bgfx.DebugTextWrite(0, 1, DebugColor.White, DebugColor.Blue, "SharpBgfx/Samples/13-Stencil"); Bgfx.DebugTextWrite(0, 2, DebugColor.White, DebugColor.Cyan, "Description: Stencil reflections."); Bgfx.DebugTextWrite(0, 3, DebugColor.White, DebugColor.Cyan, "Frame: {0:F3} ms", elapsed * 1000); // clear the background Bgfx.SetViewClear(BaseId, ClearTargets.Color | ClearTargets.Depth | ClearTargets.Stencil, 0x30303000); Bgfx.SetViewRect(BaseId, 0, 0, sample.WindowWidth, sample.WindowHeight); Bgfx.Touch(BaseId); // set view params for each pass var viewMtx = camera.GetViewMatrix(); var projMtx = camera.GetProjectionMatrix(); for (byte i = PassId0; i <= PassId4; i++) { Bgfx.SetViewRect(i, 0, 0, sample.WindowWidth, sample.WindowHeight); Bgfx.SetViewTransform(i, (float*)&viewMtx, (float*)&projMtx); } // first pass - draw ground plane var floorMtx = FloorTransform; hplaneMesh.Submit(PassId0, programColorBlack, &floorMtx, StateGroups[PrebuiltRenderState.StencilReflectionCraftStencil], uniforms); // second pass - reflected objects Bgfx.SetViewClear(PassId1, ClearTargets.Depth, 0); uniforms.AmbientPass = true; uniforms.LightingPass = true; uniforms.Color = new Vector4(0.70f, 0.65f, 0.60f, 0.8f); uniforms.LightCount = LightCount; // light positions var lightPositions = new Vector4[LightCount]; var reflectedLights = new Vector4[LightCount]; for (int i = 0; i < lightPositions.Length; i++) { var v3 = new Vector3( (float)Math.Sin(time * 1.1 + i * 0.03 + i * 1.07 * Math.PI / 2) * 20.0f, 8.0f + (1.0f - (float)Math.Cos(time * 1.5 + i * 0.29 + 1.49f * Math.PI / 2)) * 4.0f, (float)Math.Cos(time * 1.3 + i * 0.13 + i * 1.79 * Math.PI / 2) * 20.0f ); lightPositions[i] = new Vector4(v3, 15.0f); reflectedLights[i] = new Vector4(Vector3.Transform(v3, ReflectionTransform), 15.0f); } uniforms.LightPosRadius = reflectedLights; var bunnyMtx = Matrix4x4.CreateScale(5) * Matrix4x4.CreateRotationY(time - 1.56f) * Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(0.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f); var reflectedBunnyMtx = bunnyMtx * ReflectionTransform; bunnyMesh.Submit(PassId1, programColorLighting, &reflectedBunnyMtx, StateGroups[PrebuiltRenderState.StencilReflectionDrawReflected], uniforms); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var mtx = ColumnTransforms[i] * ReflectionTransform; columnMesh.Submit(PassId1, programColorLighting, &mtx, StateGroups[PrebuiltRenderState.StencilReflectionDrawReflected], uniforms); } // third pass - blend the plane and reflections uniforms.LightPosRadius = lightPositions; hplaneMesh.Submit(PassId2, programTextureLighting, &floorMtx, StateGroups[PrebuiltRenderState.StencilReflectionBlendPlane], uniforms, fieldstoneTex, colorTextureHandle); // fourth pass - draw the solid objects bunnyMesh.Submit(PassId3, programColorLighting, &bunnyMtx, StateGroups[PrebuiltRenderState.StencilReflectionDrawScene], uniforms); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var mtx = ColumnTransforms[i]; columnMesh.Submit(PassId3, programColorLighting, &mtx, StateGroups[PrebuiltRenderState.StencilReflectionDrawScene], uniforms); } // fifth pass - draw the lights as objects for (int i = 0; i < LightCount; i++) { var c = uniforms.LightColor[i]; uniforms.Color = new Vector4(c.X, c.Y, c.Z, 0.8f); var p = lightPositions[i]; var mtx = Matrix4x4.CreateScale(1.5f) * Matrix4x4.CreateBillboard(new Vector3(p.X, p.Y, p.Z), camera.Position, Vector3.UnitY, -Vector3.UnitZ); vplaneMesh.Submit(PassId4, programColorTexture, &mtx, StateGroups[PrebuiltRenderState.CustomBlendLightTexture], uniforms, flareTex, colorTextureHandle); } // advance to the next frame. Rendering thread will be kicked to // process submitted rendering primitives. Bgfx.Frame(); } // clean up bunnyMesh.Dispose(); columnMesh.Dispose(); hplaneMesh.Dispose(); vplaneMesh.Dispose(); figureTex.Dispose(); fieldstoneTex.Dispose(); flareTex.Dispose(); programTextureLighting.Dispose(); programColorLighting.Dispose(); programColorTexture.Dispose(); programColorBlack.Dispose(); programTexture.Dispose(); colorTextureHandle.Dispose(); uniforms.Dispose(); Bgfx.Shutdown(); }