Example #1
        public Int32 SampleInt32()
            Int32 sum = 0;

            for (Int32 i = 0; i < Iterations; i++)
                sum = unchecked (sum + _uniformInt32.Sample(_rng));
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes the current medium, and resets the program.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void MaterialsList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _timer.Enabled        = false;
            _startButton.Enabled  = true;
            _pauseButton.Enabled  = false;
            _resumeButton.Enabled = false;
            _clearButton.Enabled  = false;
            _timeElapsed          = 0;
            _timeShown.Text       = _timeElapsed.ToString("E03");

            int selected = _materialsList.SelectedIndex;

            if (selected == 5)
                var rng = SmallRng.Create();
                selected = _dist.Sample(rng);

            if (selected == 0)
                _current = _glass;
            else if (selected == 1)
                _current = _diamond;
            else if (selected == 2)
                _current = _water;
            else if (selected == 3)
                _current = _air;
            else if (selected == 4)
                _current = _brett;

            _ycurrent = new YValues();
            _ypast    = new YValues();
            _yfuture  = new YValues();
Example #3
        public IEnumerable <RoverAction> Simulate(ScratchRover rover)
            while (true)
                yield return(RoverAction.CollectSample);

                yield return(RoverAction.ProcessSamples);

                yield return(RoverAction.Transmit);

                Int32 num = _directionDist.Sample(_rng);
                if (num == 0)
                    yield return(new RoverAction(Direction.Up));
                else if (num == 1)
                    yield return(new RoverAction(Direction.Right));
                else if (num == 2)
                    yield return(new RoverAction(Direction.Down));
                else if (num == 3)
                    yield return(new RoverAction(Direction.Left));

                if (rover.IsHalted)
                    yield break;

                yield return(RoverAction.CollectPower);
Example #4
        private static readonly Bernoulli _wallClearChance   = Bernoulli.FromRatio(1, 5); // 20% chance of clearing a wall

        public Level Generate(SimulationParameters parameters, Int32 rngSeed)
            if (parameters == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parameters));

            Pcg32 rng = Pcg32.Create((UInt64)rngSeed, 0);

            Int32 width  = parameters.BottomRight.X + 1;
            Int32 height = parameters.BottomRight.Y + 1;

            TerrainType[,] terrain = new TerrainType[width, height];

            Position start = parameters.InitialPosition;
            Stack <CoordinatePair>   stack   = new Stack <CoordinatePair>();
            HashSet <CoordinatePair> visited = new HashSet <CoordinatePair>();

            terrain[start.X, start.Y] = TerrainType.Smooth;

            while (stack.Count > 0)
                var current = stack.Peek();

                Int32   offset          = _directionDist.Sample(rng);
                Boolean anyNewNeighbors = false;
                for (Int32 i = 0; i < Direction.DirectionCount; i++)
                    Direction direction = (Direction)((i + offset) % Direction.DirectionCount);

                    var passage       = current + direction;
                    var neighbor      = passage + direction;
                    var boundaryCheck = neighbor + direction;
                    if (!parameters.BottomRight.Contains(boundaryCheck) || visited.Contains(neighbor))

                    anyNewNeighbors = true;
                    terrain[passage.X, passage.Y]   = TerrainType.Smooth;
                    terrain[neighbor.X, neighbor.Y] = TerrainType.Smooth;

                if (!anyNewNeighbors)
                    if (_wallClearChance.Sample(rng))
                        Direction direction     = (Direction)_directionDist.Sample(rng);
                        var       passage       = current + direction;
                        var       boundaryCheck = passage + direction;
                        if (parameters.BottomRight.Contains(boundaryCheck) && terrain[passage.X, passage.Y] == TerrainType.Impassable)
                            terrain[passage.X, passage.Y] = TerrainType.Rough;


            return(new Level(terrain, new ProtoLevel(parameters, this, rngSeed)));
Example #5
        public IEnumerable <RoverAction> Simulate(ScratchRover rover)
            while (true)
                Direction smoothSquare = Direction.None;
                for (Int32 i = 0; i < Direction.DirectionCount; i++)
                    if (adjacentSquares[i] == TerrainType.Smooth)
                        smoothSquare = (Direction)i;

                if (rover.Power < 30 || (smoothSquare == Direction.None && adjacentSquares[4] == TerrainType.Smooth))
                    if (rover.Power < 51 * rover.MovesLeft)
                        yield return(RoverAction.CollectPower);

                if (rover.MovesLeft < 3)
                    if (rover.MovesLeft == 2)
                        yield return(RoverAction.ProcessSamples);

                        yield return(RoverAction.Transmit);

                        yield break;
                    yield return(RoverAction.Transmit);
                if (rover.Power < 41)
                    if (rover.Power > 10)
                        yield return(RoverAction.CollectPower);
                    if (rover.Power < 41)
                        yield return(RoverAction.Transmit);
                if (adjacentSquares[4] == TerrainType.Smooth || adjacentSquares[4] == TerrainType.Rough)
                    yield return(RoverAction.CollectSample);

                    if (rover.SamplesCollected >= 3)
                        yield return(RoverAction.ProcessSamples);
                if (adjacentSquares.Contains(TerrainType.Smooth))
                    if (adjacentSquares[0] == TerrainType.Smooth)
                        yield return(new RoverAction(Direction.Up));
                    else if (adjacentSquares[1] == TerrainType.Smooth)
                        yield return(new RoverAction(Direction.Right));
                    else if (adjacentSquares[2] == TerrainType.Smooth)
                        yield return(new RoverAction(Direction.Down));
                    else if (adjacentSquares[3] == TerrainType.Smooth)
                        yield return(new RoverAction(Direction.Left));
                    Int32 num = _directionDist.Sample(_rng);
                    if (num == 0)
                        yield return(new RoverAction(Direction.Up));
                    else if (num == 1)
                        yield return(new RoverAction(Direction.Right));
                    else if (num == 2)
                        yield return(new RoverAction(Direction.Down));
                    else if (num == 3)
                        yield return(new RoverAction(Direction.Left));