Example #1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            DateTime n      = DateTime.Now;
            var      tempDi = new DirectoryInfo(
                $"ExampleOutput-{n.Year - 2000:00}-{n.Month:00}-{n.Day:00}-{n.Hour:00}{n.Minute:00}{n.Second:00}");


            var sourceDoc = new FileInfo("../../TestDocument.docx");
            var newDoc    = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(tempDi.FullName, "Modified.docx"));

            File.Copy(sourceDoc.FullName, newDoc.FullName);
            using (WordprocessingDocument wDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(newDoc.FullName, true))
                XDocument xDoc = wDoc.MainDocumentPart.GetXDocument();

                // Match content (paragraph 1)
                IEnumerable <XElement> content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Take(1);
                var regex = new Regex("Video");
                int count = OpenXmlRegex.Match(content, regex);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #1 Count: {0}", count);

                // Match content, case insensitive (paragraph 1)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("video", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Match(content, regex);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #2 Count: {0}", count);

                // Match content, with callback (paragraph 1)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("video", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                OpenXmlRegex.Match(content, regex, (element, match) =>
                                   Console.WriteLine("Example #3 Found value: >{0}<", match.Value));

                // Replace content, beginning of paragraph (paragraph 2)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(1).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("^Video provides");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio gives", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #4 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // Replace content, middle of paragraph (paragraph 3)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(2).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("powerful");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "good", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #5 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // Replace content, end of paragraph (paragraph 4)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(3).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex(" [a-z.]*$");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, " super good point!", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #6 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // Delete content, beginning of paragraph (paragraph 5)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(4).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("^Video provides");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #7 Deleted: {0}", count);

                // Delete content, middle of paragraph (paragraph 6)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(5).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("powerful ");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #8 Deleted: {0}", count);

                // Delete content, end of paragraph (paragraph 7)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(6).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("[.]$");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #9 Deleted: {0}", count);

                // Replace content in inserted text, same author (paragraph 8)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(7).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("Video");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio", null, true, "Eric White");
                Console.WriteLine("Example #10 Deleted: {0}", count);

                // Delete content in inserted text, same author (paragraph 9)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(8).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("powerful ");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null, true, "Eric White");
                Console.WriteLine("Example #11 Deleted: {0}", count);

                // Replace content partially in inserted text, same author (paragraph 10)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(9).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("Video provides ");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio gives ", null, true, "Eric White");
                Console.WriteLine("Example #12 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // Delete content partially in inserted text, same author (paragraph 11)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(10).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex(" to help you prove your point");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null, true, "Eric White");
                Console.WriteLine("Example #13 Deleted: {0}", count);

                // Replace content in inserted text, different author (paragraph 12)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(11).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("Video");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio", null, true, "John Doe");
                Console.WriteLine("Example #14 Deleted: {0}", count);

                // Delete content in inserted text, different author (paragraph 13)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(12).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("powerful ");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null, true, "John Doe");
                Console.WriteLine("Example #15 Deleted: {0}", count);

                // Replace content partially in inserted text, different author (paragraph 14)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(13).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex("Video provides ");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio gives ", null, true, "John Doe");
                Console.WriteLine("Example #16 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // Delete content partially in inserted text, different author (paragraph 15)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(14).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex(" to help you prove your point");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null, true, "John Doe");
                Console.WriteLine("Example #17 Deleted: {0}", count);

                const string leftDoubleQuotationMarks = @"[\u0022“„«»”]";
                const string words = @"[\w\-&/]+(?:\s[\w\-&/]+)*";
                const string rightDoubleQuotationMarks = @"[\u0022”‟»«“]";

                // Replace content using replacement pattern (paragraph 16)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(15).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex($"{leftDoubleQuotationMarks}(?<words>{words}){rightDoubleQuotationMarks}");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "‘${words}’", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #18 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // Replace content using replacement pattern in partially inserted text (paragraph 17)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(16).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex($"{leftDoubleQuotationMarks}(?<words>{words}){rightDoubleQuotationMarks}");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "‘${words}’", null, true, "John Doe");
                Console.WriteLine("Example #19 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // Replace content using replacement pattern (paragraph 18)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(17).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex($"({leftDoubleQuotationMarks})(video)({rightDoubleQuotationMarks})");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "$1audio$3", null, true, "John Doe");
                Console.WriteLine("Example #20 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // Recognize tabs (paragraph 19)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(18).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex(@"([1-9])\.\t");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "($1)\t", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #21 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // The next two examples deal with line breaks, i.e., the <w:br/> elements.
                // Note that you should use the U+000D (Carriage Return) character (i.e., '\r')
                // to match a <w:br/> (or <w:cr/>) and replace content with a <w:br/> element.
                // Depending on your platform, the end of line character(s) provided by
                // Environment.NewLine might be "\n" (Unix), "\r\n" (Windows), or "\r" (Mac).

                // Recognize tabs and insert line breaks (paragraph 20).
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(19).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex($@"([1-9])\.{UnicodeMapper.HorizontalTabulation}");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, $"Article $1{UnicodeMapper.CarriageReturn}", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #22 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // Recognize and remove line breaks (paragraph 21)
                content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(20).Take(1);
                regex   = new Regex($"{UnicodeMapper.CarriageReturn}");
                count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, " ", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #23 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // Remove soft hyphens (paragraph 22)
                List <XElement> paras = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(21).Take(1).ToList();
                count  = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paras, new Regex($"{UnicodeMapper.SoftHyphen}"), "", null);
                count += OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paras, new Regex("use"), "no longer use", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #24 Replaced: {0}", count);

                // The next example deals with symbols (i.e., w:sym elements).
                // To work with symbols, you should acquire the Unicode values for the
                // symbols you wish to match or use in replacement patterns. The reason
                // is that UnicodeMapper will (a) mimic Microsoft Word in shifting the
                // Unicode values into the Unicode private use area (by adding U+F000)
                // and (b) use replacements for Unicode values that have been used in
                // conjunction with different fonts already (by adding U+E000).
                // The replacement Únicode values will depend on the order in which
                // symbols are retrieved. Therefore, you should not rely on any fixed
                // assignment.
                // In the example below, pencil will be represented by U+F021, whereas
                // spider (same value with different font) will be represented by U+E001.
                // If spider had been assigned first, spider would be U+F021 and pencil
                // would be U+E001.
                char oldPhone = UnicodeMapper.SymToChar("Wingdings", 40);
                char newPhone = UnicodeMapper.SymToChar("Wingdings", 41);
                char pencil   = UnicodeMapper.SymToChar("Wingdings", 0x21);
                char spider   = UnicodeMapper.SymToChar("Webdings", 0x21);

                // Replace or comment on symbols (paragraph 23)
                paras  = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(22).Take(1).ToList();
                count  = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paras, new Regex($"{oldPhone}"), $"{newPhone} (replaced with new phone)", null);
                count += OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paras, new Regex($"({pencil})"), "$1 (same pencil)", null);
                count += OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paras, new Regex($"({spider})"), "$1 (same spider)", null);
                Console.WriteLine("Example #25 Replaced: {0}", count);


            var sourcePres = new FileInfo("../../TestPresentation.pptx");
            var newPres    = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(tempDi.FullName, "Modified.pptx"));

            File.Copy(sourcePres.FullName, newPres.FullName);
            using (PresentationDocument pDoc = PresentationDocument.Open(newPres.FullName, true))
                foreach (SlidePart slidePart in pDoc.PresentationPart.SlideParts)
                    XDocument xDoc = slidePart.GetXDocument();

                    // Replace content
                    IEnumerable <XElement> content = xDoc.Descendants(A.p);
                    var regex = new Regex("Hello");
                    int count = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "H e l l o", null);
                    Console.WriteLine("Example #18 Replaced: {0}", count);

                    // If you absolutely want to preserve compatibility with PowerPoint 2007, then you will need to strip the xml:space="preserve" attribute throughout.
                    // This is an issue for PowerPoint only, not Word, and for 2007 only.
                    // The side-effect of this is that if a run has space at the beginning or end of it, the space will be stripped upon loading, and content/layout will be affected.
                    xDoc.Descendants().Attributes(XNamespace.Xml + "space").Remove();

        public static int Main(string [] args)
            ErrorHandling errors = new ErrorHandling();
            // create the default options before we parse the cmd
            SwiftyOptions options = new SwiftyOptions();

            var extra = options.ParseCommandLine(args);

            // deal with those options that do not care about the extra params,
            // then check if we have some and print.
            if (options.Demangle)

            if (options.PrintHelp)

            if (options.PrintVersion)

            if (extra.Count > 0)
                // Warn about extra params that are ignored.
                Console.WriteLine($"WARNING: The following extra parameters will be ignored: '{ String.Join (",", extra) }'");

            // in the following checks, the options will make sure that, if not provided, we find the path.
            // if we are missing the path, we have an issue.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.SwiftBinPath))
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to find the custom swift compiler. Try using --swift-bin-path.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.SwiftLibPath))
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to find the custom swift compiler libraries. Try using --swift-lib-path.");

            if (errors.AnyErrors)
                return(HandleErrors(options, errors));

            if (errors.AnyErrors)
                return(HandleErrors(options, errors));

            if (options.ModuleName == null)
                Console.WriteLine("-module-name option is required.");

            var unicodeMapper = new UnicodeMapper();

            if (options.UnicodeMappingFile != null)
                if (!File.Exists(options.UnicodeMappingFile))
                    Console.WriteLine($"Unable to find the unicode mapping file {options.UnicodeMappingFile}.");

            Compile(options, unicodeMapper, errors);
            if (errors.AnyMessages)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}{1} warnings and {2} errors{0}", Environment.NewLine, errors.WarningCount, errors.ErrorCount);
                return(HandleErrors(options, errors));
        public void WordSample1()
            var sourceDoc = new FileInfo(GetFilePath("TestDocument.docx"));
            var newDoc    = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(TempDir, "Modified.docx"));

            File.Copy(sourceDoc.FullName, newDoc.FullName, true);

            using var wDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(newDoc.FullName, true);
            var xDoc = wDoc.MainDocumentPart.GetXDocument();

            // Match content (paragraph 1)
            var content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Take(1);
            var regex   = new Regex("Video");
            var count   = OpenXmlRegex.Match(content, regex);

            Log.WriteLine("Example #1 Count: {0}", count);

            // Match content, case insensitive (paragraph 1)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("video", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Match(content, regex);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #2 Count: {0}", count);

            // Match content, with callback (paragraph 1)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("video", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            OpenXmlRegex.Match(content, regex, (element, match) =>
                               Log.WriteLine("Example #3 Found value: >{0}<", match.Value));

            // Replace content, beginning of paragraph (paragraph 2)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(1).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("^Video provides");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio gives", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #4 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Replace content, middle of paragraph (paragraph 3)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(2).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("powerful");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "good", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #5 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Replace content, end of paragraph (paragraph 4)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(3).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex(" [a-z.]*$");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, " super good point!", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #6 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Delete content, beginning of paragraph (paragraph 5)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(4).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("^Video provides");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #7 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Delete content, middle of paragraph (paragraph 6)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(5).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("powerful ");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #8 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Delete content, end of paragraph (paragraph 7)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(6).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("[.]$");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #9 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Replace content in inserted text, same author (paragraph 8)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(7).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("Video");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio", null, true, "Eric White");
            Log.WriteLine("Example #10 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Delete content in inserted text, same author (paragraph 9)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(8).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("powerful ");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null, true, "Eric White");
            Log.WriteLine("Example #11 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Replace content partially in inserted text, same author (paragraph 10)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(9).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("Video provides ");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio gives ", null, true, "Eric White");
            Log.WriteLine("Example #12 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Delete content partially in inserted text, same author (paragraph 11)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(10).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex(" to help you prove your point");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null, true, "Eric White");
            Log.WriteLine("Example #13 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Replace content in inserted text, different author (paragraph 12)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(11).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("Video");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio", null, true, "John Doe");
            Log.WriteLine("Example #14 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Delete content in inserted text, different author (paragraph 13)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(12).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("powerful ");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null, true, "John Doe");
            Log.WriteLine("Example #15 Deleted: {0}", count);

            // Replace content partially in inserted text, different author (paragraph 14)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(13).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex("Video provides ");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "Audio gives ", null, true, "John Doe");
            Log.WriteLine("Example #16 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Delete content partially in inserted text, different author (paragraph 15)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(14).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex(" to help you prove your point");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "", null, true, "John Doe");
            Log.WriteLine("Example #17 Deleted: {0}", count);

            const string LeftDoubleQuotationMarks = @"[\u0022“„«»”]";
            const string Words = @"[\w\-&/]+(?:\s[\w\-&/]+)*";
            const string RightDoubleQuotationMarks = @"[\u0022”‟»«“]";

            // Replace content using replacement pattern (paragraph 16)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(15).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex($"{LeftDoubleQuotationMarks}(?<words>{Words}){RightDoubleQuotationMarks}");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "‘${words}’", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #18 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Replace content using replacement pattern in partially inserted text (paragraph 17)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(16).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex($"{LeftDoubleQuotationMarks}(?<words>{Words}){RightDoubleQuotationMarks}");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "‘${words}’", null, true, "John Doe");
            Log.WriteLine("Example #19 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Replace content using replacement pattern (paragraph 18)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(17).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex($"({LeftDoubleQuotationMarks})(video)({RightDoubleQuotationMarks})");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "$1audio$3", null, true, "John Doe");
            Log.WriteLine("Example #20 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Recognize tabs (paragraph 19)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(18).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex(@"([1-9])\.\t");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "($1)\t", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #21 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // The next two examples deal with line breaks, i.e., the <w:br/> elements.
            // Note that you should use the U+000D (Carriage Return) character (i.e., '\r')
            // to match a <w:br/> (or <w:cr/>) and replace content with a <w:br/> element.
            // Depending on your platform, the end of line character(s) provided by
            // Environment.NewLine might be "\n" (Unix), "\r\n" (Windows), or "\r" (Mac).

            // Recognize tabs and insert line breaks (paragraph 20).
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(19).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex($@"([1-9])\.{UnicodeMapper.HorizontalTabulation}");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, $"Article $1{UnicodeMapper.CarriageReturn}", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #22 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Recognize and remove line breaks (paragraph 21)
            content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(20).Take(1);
            regex   = new Regex($"{UnicodeMapper.CarriageReturn}");
            count   = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, " ", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #23 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // Remove soft hyphens (paragraph 22)
            var paras = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(21).Take(1).ToList();

            count  = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paras, new Regex($"{UnicodeMapper.SoftHyphen}"), "", null);
            count += OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paras, new Regex("use"), "no longer use", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #24 Replaced: {0}", count);

            // The next example deals with symbols (i.e., w:sym elements).
            // To work with symbols, you should acquire the Unicode values for the
            // symbols you wish to match or use in replacement patterns. The reason
            // is that UnicodeMapper will (a) mimic Microsoft Word in shifting the
            // Unicode values into the Unicode private use area (by adding U+F000)
            // and (b) use replacements for Unicode values that have been used in
            // conjunction with different fonts already (by adding U+E000).
            // The replacement Únicode values will depend on the order in which
            // symbols are retrieved. Therefore, you should not rely on any fixed
            // assignment.
            // In the example below, pencil will be represented by U+F021, whereas
            // spider (same value with different font) will be represented by U+E001.
            // If spider had been assigned first, spider would be U+F021 and pencil
            // would be U+E001.
            var oldPhone = UnicodeMapper.SymToChar("Wingdings", 40);
            var newPhone = UnicodeMapper.SymToChar("Wingdings", 41);
            var pencil   = UnicodeMapper.SymToChar("Wingdings", 0x21);
            var spider   = UnicodeMapper.SymToChar("Webdings", 0x21);

            // Replace or comment on symbols (paragraph 23)
            paras  = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(22).Take(1).ToList();
            count  = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paras, new Regex($"{oldPhone}"), $"{newPhone} (replaced with new phone)", null);
            count += OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paras, new Regex($"({pencil})"), "$1 (same pencil)", null);
            count += OpenXmlRegex.Replace(paras, new Regex($"({spider})"), "$1 (same spider)", null);
            Log.WriteLine("Example #25 Replaced: {0}", count);

        public static void TestAndExecute(string swiftCode, CodeElementCollection <ICodeElement> callingCode,
                                          string expectedOutput,
                                          string testName                  = null,
                                          CSClass otherClass               = null, string skipReason = null,
                                          string iosExpectedOutput         = null,
                                          PlatformName platform            = PlatformName.None,
                                          UnicodeMapper unicodeMapper      = null, int expectedErrorCount = 0,
                                          Action <string> postCompileCheck = null,
                                          string[] expectedOutputContains  = null)
            SetInvokingTestNameIfUnset(ref testName, out string nameSpace);
            string testClassName = "TomTest" + testName;

            using (var provider = new DisposableTempDirectory()) {
                var compiler = Utils.CompileSwift(swiftCode, provider, nameSpace);

                var libName           = $"lib{nameSpace}.dylib";
                var tempDirectoryPath = Path.Combine(provider.DirectoryPath, "BuildDir");
                File.Copy(Path.Combine(compiler.DirectoryPath, libName), Path.Combine(tempDirectoryPath, libName));

                Utils.CompileToCSharp(provider, tempDirectoryPath, nameSpace, unicodeMapper: unicodeMapper, expectedErrorCount: expectedErrorCount);
                if (postCompileCheck != null)

                Tuple <CSNamespace, CSUsingPackages> testClassParts = TestRunningCodeGenerator.CreateTestClass(callingCode, testName, iosExpectedOutput ?? expectedOutput, nameSpace,
                                                                                                               testClassName, otherClass, skipReason, platform);

                var thisTestPath = Path.Combine(Compiler.kSwiftDeviceTestRoot, nameSpace);

                var thisTestPathSwift = Path.Combine(thisTestPath, "swiftsrc");

                var swiftPrefix = string.Empty;
                var swiftSuffix = string.Empty;
                var csPrefix    = string.Empty;
                var csSuffix    = string.Empty;
                var nameSuffix  = string.Empty;
                switch (platform)
                case PlatformName.macOS:
                    swiftPrefix = "#if os(OSX)\n";
                    swiftSuffix = "#endif\n";
                    csPrefix    = "#if __MACOS__\n";
                    csSuffix    = "\n#endif\n";
                    nameSuffix  = "_macOS";

                case PlatformName.iOS:
                    swiftPrefix = "#if os(iOS)\n";
                    swiftSuffix = "#endif\n";
                    csPrefix    = "#if __IOS__\n";
                    csSuffix    = "\n#endif\n";
                    nameSuffix  = "_iOS";

                case PlatformName.tvOS:
                    swiftPrefix = "#if os(tvOS)\n";
                    swiftSuffix = "#endif\n";
                    csPrefix    = "#if __TVOS__\n";
                    csSuffix    = "\n#endif\n";
                    nameSuffix  = "_tvOS";

                case PlatformName.watchOS:
                    swiftPrefix = "#if os(watchOS)\n";
                    swiftSuffix = "#endif\n";
                    csPrefix    = "#if __WATCHOS__\n";
                    csSuffix    = "\n#endif\n";
                    nameSuffix  = "_watchOS";

                case PlatformName.None:

                    throw new NotImplementedException(platform.ToString());

                File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(thisTestPathSwift, $"{testClassName}{testName}{nameSuffix}.swift"), swiftPrefix + swiftCode + swiftSuffix);

                CSFile csTestFile     = CSFile.Create(testClassParts.Item2, testClassParts.Item1);
                var    csTestFilePath = Path.Combine(thisTestPath, $"{testClassName}{testName}{nameSuffix}.cs");
                // Write out the file without csPrefix/csSuffix
                CodeWriter.WriteToFile(csTestFilePath, csTestFile);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(csPrefix) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(csSuffix))
                    // Read the C# code, and prepend/append the csPrefix/csSuffix blobs, then save the modified contents again.
                    File.WriteAllText(csTestFilePath, csPrefix + File.ReadAllText(csTestFilePath) + csSuffix);

                var csFile = TestRunningCodeGenerator.GenerateTestEntry(callingCode, testName, nameSpace, platform, otherClass);
                CodeWriter.WriteToFile(Path.Combine(tempDirectoryPath, "NameNotImportant.cs"), csFile);

                var sourceFiles     = Directory.GetFiles(tempDirectoryPath, "*.cs");
                var objcRuntimePath = Path.Combine(tempDirectoryPath, "ObjCRuntime");
                if (Directory.Exists(objcRuntimePath))
                    sourceFiles = sourceFiles.And(Directory.GetFiles(objcRuntimePath, "*.cs"));

                var compilerWarnings = Compiler.CSCompile(tempDirectoryPath, sourceFiles, "NameNotImportant.exe", platform: platform);

                if (compilerWarnings.Contains("warning"))

                CopyTestReferencesTo(tempDirectoryPath, platform);

                var output = Execute(tempDirectoryPath, "NameNotImportant.exe", platform);
                if (expectedOutput != null)
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedOutput, output);
                    foreach (var s in expectedOutputContains)
                        Assert.IsTrue(output.Contains(s), $"Expected to find string {s} in {output}");