Example #1
        // Based on the two points, extract the circle which results in the connection (if the connection exists).
        private List<AtomicRegion> HandleConnection(UndirectedPlanarGraph.PlanarGraph graph, List<Circle> circles, Point pt1, Point pt2)
            List<AtomicRegion> atoms = new List<AtomicRegion>();

            UndirectedPlanarGraph.PlanarGraphEdge edge = graph.GetEdge(pt1, pt2);

            if (edge == null) return atoms;

            // Find the one circle that applies to this set of points.
            Circle theCircle = null;
            foreach (Circle circle in circles)
                if (circle.PointLiesOn(pt1) && circle.PointLiesOn(pt2)) theCircle = circle;

            switch (edge.edgeType)
                case UndirectedPlanarGraph.EdgeType.REAL_ARC:
                case UndirectedPlanarGraph.EdgeType.REAL_DUAL:
                    atoms.AddRange(CreateSectors(theCircle, pt1, pt2));
            //                    atoms.AddRange(CreateSemiCircleRegions());

            return atoms;
Example #2
        private List<Atomizer.AtomicRegion> SectorOrTruncationDefinesRegion(List<Circle> circles, UndirectedPlanarGraph.PlanarGraph graph)
            // Do there exist any real-dual edges or extended segments? If so, this is not a sector.
            for (int p = 0; p < points.Count; p++)
                UndirectedPlanarGraph.PlanarGraphEdge edge = graph.GetEdge(points[p], points[(p + 1) % points.Count]);

                if (edge.edgeType == UndirectedPlanarGraph.EdgeType.EXTENDED_SEGMENT) return null;
                else if (edge.edgeType == UndirectedPlanarGraph.EdgeType.REAL_DUAL) return null;

            // Collect all segments; split into two collinear lists.
            List<Segment> segments = CollectSegments(graph);
            List<List<Segment>> collinearSegmentSet = SplitSegmentsIntoCollinearSequences(segments);

            // A sector requires one (semicircl) or two sets of segments ('normal' arc).
            if (collinearSegmentSet.Count > 2) return null;

            // Collect all arcs.
            List<MinorArc> arcs = CollectStrictArcs(circles, graph);
            List<List<MinorArc>> collinearArcSet = SplitArcsIntoCollinearSequences(arcs);

            // A sector requires one set of arcs (no more, no less).
            if (collinearArcSet.Count != 1) return null;

            // Semicircle has one set of sides
            if (collinearSegmentSet.Count == 1) return ConvertToTruncationOrSemicircle(collinearSegmentSet[0], collinearArcSet[0]);

            // Pacman shape created with a circle results in Sector
            return ConvertToGeneralSector(collinearSegmentSet[0], collinearSegmentSet[1], collinearArcSet[0]);
Example #3
        private Atomizer.AtomicRegion PolygonDefinesRegion(UndirectedPlanarGraph.PlanarGraph graph)
            List<Segment> sides = new List<Segment>();

            // All connections between adjacent connections MUST be segments.
            for (int p = 0; p < points.Count; p++)
                Segment segment = new Segment(points[p], points[(p + 1) % points.Count]);


                if (graph.GetEdge(points[p], points[(p + 1) % points.Count]).edgeType != UndirectedPlanarGraph.EdgeType.REAL_SEGMENT) return null;

            // All iterative connections cannot be arcs.
            for (int p1 = 0; p1 < points.Count - 1; p1++)
                // We want to check for a direct cycle, therefore, p2 starts at p1 not p1 + 1
                for (int p2 = p1; p2 < points.Count; p2++)
                    UndirectedPlanarGraph.PlanarGraphEdge edge = graph.GetEdge(points[p1], points[(p2 + 1) % points.Count]);

                    if (edge != null)
                        if (edge.edgeType == UndirectedPlanarGraph.EdgeType.REAL_ARC) return null;

            // Make the Polygon
            Polygon poly = Polygon.MakePolygon(sides);

            if (poly == null) throw new ArgumentException("Real segments should define a polygon; they did not.");

            return new ShapeAtomicRegion(poly);
Example #4
        private List<Atomizer.AtomicRegion> MixedArcChordedRegion(List<Circle> thatCircles, UndirectedPlanarGraph.PlanarGraph graph)
            List<AtomicRegion> regions = new List<AtomicRegion>();

            // Every segment may be have a set of circles. (on each side) surrounding it.
            // Keep parallel lists of: (1) segments, (2) (real) arcs, (3) left outer circles, and (4) right outer circles
            Segment[] regionsSegments = new Segment[points.Count];
            Arc[] arcSegments = new Arc[points.Count];
            Circle[] leftOuterCircles = new Circle[points.Count];
            Circle[] rightOuterCircles = new Circle[points.Count];

            // Populate the parallel arrays.
            int currCounter = 0;
            for (int p = 0; p < points.Count; )
                UndirectedPlanarGraph.PlanarGraphEdge edge = graph.GetEdge(points[p], points[(p + 1) % points.Count]);
                Segment currSegment = new Segment(points[p], points[(p + 1) % points.Count]);

                // If a known segment, seek a sequence of collinear segments.
                if (edge.edgeType == UndirectedPlanarGraph.EdgeType.REAL_SEGMENT)
                    Segment actualSeg = currSegment;

                    bool collinearExists = false;
                    int prevPtIndex;
                    for (prevPtIndex = p + 1; prevPtIndex < points.Count; prevPtIndex++)
                        // Make another segment with the next point.
                        Segment nextSeg = new Segment(points[p], points[(prevPtIndex + 1) % points.Count]);

                        // CTA: This criteria seems invalid in some cases....; may not have collinearity

                        // We hit the end of the line of collinear segments.
                        if (!currSegment.IsCollinearWith(nextSeg)) break;

                        collinearExists = true;
                        actualSeg = nextSeg;

                    // If there exists an arc over the actual segment, we have an embedded circle to consider.
                    regionsSegments[currCounter] = actualSeg;

                    if (collinearExists)
                        UndirectedPlanarGraph.PlanarGraphEdge collEdge = graph.GetEdge(actualSeg.Point1, actualSeg.Point2);
                        if (collEdge != null)
                            if (collEdge.edgeType == UndirectedPlanarGraph.EdgeType.REAL_ARC)
                                // Find all applicable circles
                                List<Circle> circles = GetAllApplicableCircles(thatCircles, actualSeg.Point1, actualSeg.Point2);

                                // Get the exact outer circles for this segment (and create any embedded regions).
                                regions.AddRange(ConvertToCircleCircle(actualSeg, circles, out leftOuterCircles[currCounter], out rightOuterCircles[currCounter]));

                    p = prevPtIndex;
                else if (edge.edgeType == UndirectedPlanarGraph.EdgeType.REAL_DUAL)
                    regionsSegments[currCounter] = new Segment(points[p], points[(p + 1) % points.Count]);

                    // Get the exact chord and set of circles
                    Segment chord = regionsSegments[currCounter];

                    // Find all applicable circles
                    List<Circle> circles = GetAllApplicableCircles(thatCircles, points[p], points[(p + 1) % points.Count]);

                    // Get the exact outer circles for this segment (and create any embedded regions).
                    regions.AddRange(ConvertToCircleCircle(chord, circles, out leftOuterCircles[currCounter], out rightOuterCircles[currCounter]));

                else if (edge.edgeType == UndirectedPlanarGraph.EdgeType.REAL_ARC)
                    // Find the unique circle that contains these two points.
                    // (if more than one circle has these points, we would have had more intersections and it would be a direct chorded region)
                    List<Circle> circles = GetAllApplicableCircles(thatCircles, points[p], points[(p + 1) % points.Count]);

                    if (circles.Count != 1) throw new Exception("Need ONLY 1 circle for REAL_ARC atom id; found (" + circles.Count + ")");

                    arcSegments[currCounter++] = new MinorArc(circles[0], points[p], points[(p + 1) % points.Count]);


            // Check to see if this is a region in which some connections are segments and some are arcs.
            // This means there were no REAL_DUAL edges.
            List<AtomicRegion> generalRegions = GeneralAtomicRegion(regionsSegments, arcSegments);
            if (generalRegions.Any()) return generalRegions;

            // Copy the segments into a list (ensuring no nulls)
            List<Segment> actSegments = new List<Segment>();
            foreach (Segment side in regionsSegments)
                if (side != null) actSegments.Add(side);

            // Construct a polygon out of the straight-up segments
            // This might be a polygon that defines a pathological region.
            Polygon poly = Polygon.MakePolygon(actSegments);

            // Determine which outermost circles apply inside of this polygon.
            Circle[] circlesCutInsidePoly = new Circle[actSegments.Count];
            for (int p = 0; p < actSegments.Count; p++)
                if (leftOuterCircles[p] != null && rightOuterCircles[p] == null)
                    circlesCutInsidePoly[p] = CheckCircleCutInsidePolygon(poly, leftOuterCircles[p], actSegments[p].Point1, actSegments[p].Point2);
                else if (leftOuterCircles[p] == null && rightOuterCircles[p] != null)
                    circlesCutInsidePoly[p] = CheckCircleCutInsidePolygon(poly, rightOuterCircles[p], actSegments[p].Point1, actSegments[p].Point2);
                else if (leftOuterCircles[p] != null && rightOuterCircles[p] != null)
                    circlesCutInsidePoly[p] = CheckCircleCutInsidePolygon(poly, leftOuterCircles[p], actSegments[p].Point1, actSegments[p].Point2);

                    if (circlesCutInsidePoly[p] == null) circlesCutInsidePoly[p] = rightOuterCircles[p];
                    circlesCutInsidePoly[p] = null;

            bool isStrictPoly = true;
            for (int p = 0; p < actSegments.Count; p++)
                if (circlesCutInsidePoly[p] != null || arcSegments[p] != null)
                    isStrictPoly = false;

            // This is just a normal shape region: polygon.
            if (isStrictPoly)
                regions.Add(new ShapeAtomicRegion(poly));
            // A circle cuts into the polygon.
                // Now that all interior arcs have been identified, construct the atomic (probably pathological) region
                AtomicRegion pathological = new AtomicRegion();
                for (int p = 0; p < actSegments.Count; p++)
                    // A circle cutting inside the polygon
                    if (circlesCutInsidePoly[p] != null)
                        Arc theArc = null;

                        if (circlesCutInsidePoly[p].DefinesDiameter(regionsSegments[p]))
                            Point midpt = circlesCutInsidePoly[p].Midpoint(regionsSegments[p].Point1, regionsSegments[p].Point2);

                            if (!poly.IsInPolygon(midpt)) midpt = circlesCutInsidePoly[p].OppositePoint(midpt);

                            theArc = new Semicircle(circlesCutInsidePoly[p], regionsSegments[p].Point1, regionsSegments[p].Point2, midpt, regionsSegments[p]);
                            theArc = new MinorArc(circlesCutInsidePoly[p], regionsSegments[p].Point1, regionsSegments[p].Point2);

                        pathological.AddConnection(regionsSegments[p].Point1, regionsSegments[p].Point2, ConnectionType.ARC, theArc);
                        // We have a direct arc
                        if (arcSegments[p] != null)
                            pathological.AddConnection(regionsSegments[p].Point1, regionsSegments[p].Point2,
                                                       ConnectionType.ARC, arcSegments[p]);
                        // Use the segment
                            pathological.AddConnection(regionsSegments[p].Point1, regionsSegments[p].Point2,
                                                       ConnectionType.SEGMENT, regionsSegments[p]);


            return regions;
Example #5
        // Collect all arcs attributed to this this cycle;
        private List<MinorArc> CollectStrictArcs(List<Circle> circles, UndirectedPlanarGraph.PlanarGraph graph)
            List<MinorArc> minors = new List<MinorArc>();

            for (int p = 0; p < points.Count; p++)
                UndirectedPlanarGraph.PlanarGraphEdge edge = graph.GetEdge(points[p], points[(p + 1) % points.Count]);

                if (edge.edgeType == UndirectedPlanarGraph.EdgeType.REAL_ARC)
                    // Find the applicable circle.
                    Circle theCircle = null;
                    foreach (Circle circle in circles)
                        if (circle.HasArc(points[p], points[(p + 1) % points.Count]))
                            theCircle = circle;

                    minors.Add(new MinorArc(theCircle, points[p], points[(p + 1) % points.Count]));

            return minors;
Example #6
        // Collect all segments attributed to this this cycle
        private List<Segment> CollectSegments(UndirectedPlanarGraph.PlanarGraph graph)
            List<Segment> segments = new List<Segment>();

            for (int p = 0; p < points.Count; p++)
                UndirectedPlanarGraph.PlanarGraphEdge edge = graph.GetEdge(points[p], points[(p + 1) % points.Count]);

                if (edge.edgeType == UndirectedPlanarGraph.EdgeType.REAL_SEGMENT)
                    segments.Add(new Segment(points[p], points[(p + 1) % points.Count]));

            return segments;