public static void ConfigInitialize() { Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("SardOpeia", "SardOpeia"); Menu.AddGroupLabel("SardOpeia v" + Program.AddonVersion + " by Marwanpro"); Menu.AddSeparator(); Menu.AddLabel("If you have any problem/bug/suggestion, post in forum"); Menu.AddLabel("Have a fun (And Free ELO) with this addon !"); // --- General Menu Todo: Fix and add missings features GeneralMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("General Option", "MenuGeneral"); GeneralMenu.AddGroupLabel("General Tweak - Configure main options"); GeneralMenu.AddSeparator(); { GeneralMenu.Add("autouseE", new CheckBox("Spam E on Poisonned Target")); GeneralMenu.Add("useEifkillable", new CheckBox("Use E without poison if killable")); } // --- Draw Menu Todo: Check DrawMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Draw", "MenuDraw"); DrawMenu.AddGroupLabel("Draw - Show range circle arround you and other information"); DrawMenu.AddSeparator(); { DrawMenu.Add("drawQW", new CheckBox("Draw Q/W")); DrawMenu.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("Draw E Range")); DrawMenu.Add("drawR", new CheckBox("Draw Ultimate")); DrawMenu.AddSeparator(); DrawMenu.AddLabel("Green Circle: Spell Ready"); DrawMenu.AddLabel("Red Circle: Spell in Cooldown"); DrawMenu.AddLabel("Purple Circle (Q/W): Only Q or W ready"); DrawMenu.AddLabel("Yellow Circle (E): 0.5 sec of Cooldown"); DrawMenu.AddSeparator(); DrawMenu.AddLabel("Don't Forget to disable AA circle in OrbWalker's settings"); } // --- Combo Menu Todo : Add Delayer ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo", "MenuCombo"); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo"); ComboMenu.AddSeparator(); { ComboMenu.Add("comboQ", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ComboMenu.Add("comboW", new CheckBox("Use W")); ComboMenu.Add("comboE", new CheckBox("Use E")); } // --- Harass Menu Todo: Make it HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass", "MenuHarass"); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass - Auto Harass"); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(); { HarassMenu.Add("testa", new CheckBox("Test A")); } // --- Farm Menu Todo: Improve it FarmMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Farm", "MenuFarm"); FarmMenu.AddGroupLabel("Farm"); FarmMenu.AddSeparator(); { FarmMenu.Add("EtoFinishCreep", new CheckBox("E on Poisonned Creep (LastHit Mode)")); } // --- Ultimate Menu Todo: LOL UltimateMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Ultimate", "MenuUltimate"); UltimateMenu.AddGroupLabel("Ultimate Logic"); UltimateMenu.AddSeparator(); { UltimateMenu.AddLabel("Enable this option to allow this script to use your Ultimate"); UltimateMenu.Add("enableR", new CheckBox("Enable Ultimate Logic", false)); UltimateMenu.AddSeparator(); UltimateMenu.Add("RonGapcloser", new CheckBox("Use R on GapCloser", false)); UltimateMenu.Add("RtoInterrupt", new CheckBox("Use R to Interrupt", false)); UltimateMenu.Add("RonCombo", new CheckBox("Use R on Combo", false)); UltimateMenu.Add("FaceToUlt", new Slider("Minimum number of facing ennemies to use Ultimate", 3, 1, 5)); } }
public static void Game_OnGameLoad() { if (Player.ChampionName != ChampionName) { return; } #region Spells Q = new LeagueSharp.Common.Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1000f); Q.SetSkillshot(0.7f, 55f, float.MaxValue, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine); W = new LeagueSharp.Common.Spell(SpellSlot.W, 610f); W.SetTargetted(0.103f, 550f); E = new LeagueSharp.Common.Spell(SpellSlot.E, 610f); E.SetTargetted(.5f, 550f); R = new LeagueSharp.Common.Spell(SpellSlot.R); R.SetSkillshot(2.5f, 450f, float.MaxValue, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle); #endregion #region Items/SummonerSpells IgniteSlot = Player.GetSpellSlot("summonerdot"); HealthPot = new Items.Item(2003, 0); BiscuitOfRej = new Items.Item(2010, 0); TearOfGod = new Items.Item(3070, 0); Manamune = new Items.Item(3004, 0); Seraph = new Items.Item(3040, 0); Archangel = new Items.Item(3003, 0); Flask = new Items.Item(2031, 0); Flask1 = new Items.Item(2032, 0); Flask2 = new Items.Item(2033, 0); HexGunBlade = new Items.Item(3146, 600f); HexProtobelt = new Items.Item(3152, 300f); HexGLP = new Items.Item(3030, 300f); #endregion #region Menu menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("SurvivorRyze", "SurvivorRyze"); ComboMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo"); ComboMenu.Add("ComboMode", new ComboBox("Combo Mode:", 0, "Burst", "Survivor Mode (Shield)")); ComboMenu.Add("CUseQ", new CheckBox("Cast Q")); ComboMenu.Add("CUseW", new CheckBox("Cast W")); ComboMenu.Add("CUseE", new CheckBox("Cast E")); ComboMenu.Add("CBlockAA", new CheckBox("Block AA in Combo Mode")); ComboMenu.Add("Combo2TimesMana", new CheckBox("Champion needs to have mana for atleast 2 times (Q/W/E)?")); ComboMenu.Add("CUseR", new CheckBox("Ultimate (R) in Ultimate Menu")); ComboMenu.Add("CUseIgnite", new CheckBox("Use Ignite (Smart)")); HarassMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass"); HarassMenu.Add("HarassQ", new CheckBox("Use Q")); HarassMenu.Add("HarassW", new CheckBox("Use W", false)); HarassMenu.Add("HarassE", new CheckBox("Use E", false)); HarassMenu.Add("HarassManaManager", new Slider("Mana Manager (%)", 30, 1, 100)); LaneClearMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Lane Clear", "LaneClear"); LaneClearMenu.Add("UseQLC", new CheckBox("Use Q to LaneClear")); LaneClearMenu.Add("UseELC", new CheckBox("Use E to LaneClear")); LaneClearMenu.Add("LaneClearManaManager", new Slider("Mana Manager (%)", 30, 1, 100)); ItemsMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Items Menu", "ItemsMenu"); ItemsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Tear Stacking : "); ItemsMenu.Add("StackTear", new CheckBox("Stack Tear in Fountain?")); ItemsMenu.Add("StackTearNF", new CheckBox("Stack Tear if Blue Buff?")); ItemsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Seraph's Embrace : "); ItemsMenu.Add("UseSeraph", new CheckBox("Use [Seraph's Embrace]?")); ItemsMenu.Add("UseSeraphIfEnemiesAreNearby", new CheckBox("Use [Seraph's Embrace] only if Enemies are nearby?")); ItemsMenu.Add("UseSeraphAtHP", new Slider("Activate [Seraph's Embrace] at HP %?", 15, 0, 100)); ItemsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Potions : "); ItemsMenu.Add("UseHPPotion", new Slider("Use HP Potion/Biscuit/Flask at % Health", 15, 0, 100)); ItemsMenu.Add("UseItemFlask", new CheckBox("Use Flasks If You don't have Potions?")); ItemsMenu.Add("UsePotionOnlyIfEnemiesAreInRange", new CheckBox("Use Potions/Flasks only if Enemies are nearby?")); ItemsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Gunblade : "); ItemsMenu.Add("UseHexGunBlade", new CheckBox("Use [Hextech Gunblade]?")); ItemsMenu.Add("HexGunBladeAtHP", new Slider("Use [Hextech Gunblade] at HP %?", 25, 0, 100)); ItemsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Protobelt : "); ItemsMenu.Add("UseHexProtobelt", new CheckBox("Use [Hextech Protobelt-01]?")); ItemsMenu.Add("HexProtobeltAtHP", new Slider("Use [Hextech Protobelt-01] at HP %?", 25, 0, 100)); ItemsMenu.AddGroupLabel("GLP-800 : "); ItemsMenu.Add("UseHexGLP", new CheckBox("Use [Hextech GLP-800]?")); ItemsMenu.Add("HexGLPAtHP", new Slider("Use [Hextech GLP-800] at HP %?", 25, 0, 100)); HitChanceMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("HitChance Menu", "HitChance"); HitChanceMenu.Add("HitChance", new ComboBox("Hit Chance", 0, "Medium", "High", "Very High")); UltimateMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Ultimate Menu", "UltMenu"); UltimateMenu.Add("UseR", new KeyBind("Use R Automatically (Beta)", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'G')); MiscMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Misc Menu", "MiscMenu"); MiscMenu.Add("KSQ", new CheckBox("Use Q to KS")); MiscMenu.Add("KSW", new CheckBox("Use W to KS")); MiscMenu.Add("KSE", new CheckBox("Use E to KS")); MiscMenu.Add("InterruptWithW", new CheckBox("Use W to Interrupt Channeling Spells")); MiscMenu.Add("WGapCloser", new CheckBox("Use W on Enemy GapCloser (Irelia's Q)")); MiscMenu.Add("ChaseWithR", new CheckBox("Use R to Chase (Being Added)")); MiscMenu.Add("EscapeWithR", new CheckBox("Use R to Escape (Ultimate Menu)")); AutoLevelerMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("AutoLeveler Menu", "AutoLevelerMenu"); AutoLevelerMenu.Add("AutoLevelUp", new CheckBox("AutoLevel Up Spells?")); AutoLevelerMenu.Add("AutoLevelUp1", new ComboBox("First: ", 3, "Q", "W", "E", "R")); AutoLevelerMenu.Add("AutoLevelUp2", new ComboBox("Second: ", 0, "Q", "W", "E", "R")); AutoLevelerMenu.Add("AutoLevelUp3", new ComboBox("Third: ", 2, "Q", "W", "E", "R")); AutoLevelerMenu.Add("AutoLevelUp4", new ComboBox("Fourth: ", 1, "Q", "W", "E", "R")); AutoLevelerMenu.Add("AutoLvlStartFrom", new Slider("AutoLeveler Start from Level: ", 2, 1, 6)); DrawingMenu = menu.AddSubMenu("Drawing", "Drawing"); DrawingMenu.Add("DrawQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q Range")); DrawingMenu.Add("DrawWE", new CheckBox("Draw W/E Range")); DrawingMenu.Add("DrawR", new CheckBox("Draw R Range", false)); #endregion #region Subscriptions Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; Obj_AI_Base.OnLevelUp += Obj_AI_Base_OnLevelUp; Interrupter2.OnInterruptableTarget += Interrupter2_OnInterruptableTarget; AntiGapcloser.OnEnemyGapcloser += AntiGapcloser_OnEnemyGapcloser; #endregion Chat.Print("<font color='#800040'>[SurvivorSeries] Ryze</font> <font color='#ff6600'>Loaded.</font>"); }