public AllInOneTableViewController (UITableViewStyle style, bool canSearch) : base (style) { ClearsSelectionOnViewWillAppear = false; CanSearch = canSearch; RegisterType (GetType ()); }
public UITableViewCell CustomizeCell(UITableViewCell cell, MonoTouch.Foundation.NSIndexPath indexPath, UITableViewStyle style) { if (style == UITableViewStyle.Grouped) { if (Count == 1) { cell.BackgroundView = new UIImageView (Resources.CellBackgroundFull); cell.SelectedBackgroundView = new UIImageView (Resources.CellBackgroundFullSelected); } else if (indexPath.Row == 0) { cell.BackgroundView = new UIImageView (Resources.CellBackgroundTop); cell.SelectedBackgroundView = new UIImageView (Resources.CellBackgroundTopSelected); } else if (indexPath.Row + 1 == this.Count) { cell.BackgroundView = new UIImageView (Resources.CellBackgroundBottom); cell.SelectedBackgroundView = new UIImageView (Resources.CellBackgroundBottomSelected); } else { cell.BackgroundView = new UIImageView (Resources.CellBackgroundMiddle); cell.SelectedBackgroundView = new UIImageView (Resources.CellBackgroundMiddleSelected); } cell.TextLabel.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear; if (cell.DetailTextLabel != null) cell.DetailTextLabel.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear; } else { cell.BackgroundView = new UIImageView (Resources.CellBackgroundPlain); cell.SelectedBackgroundView = new UIImageView (Resources.CellBackgroundPlainSelected); } return cell; }
public FoldersViewController(UITableViewStyle style) : base() { TraceHelper.AddMessage("Folders: constructor"); this.Title = NSBundle.MainBundle.LocalizedString ("Folders", "Folders"); this.TabBarItem.Image = UIImage.FromBundle ("Images/33-cabinet.png"); }
public OptionTableViewController(List<SelectionItem> options, UITableViewStyle style = UITableViewStyle.Plain) : base(style) { int items = 0; int headers = 0; Options = options; OptionDictionary = new Dictionary<string, List<SelectionItem>>(); List<SelectionItem> temp = new List<SelectionItem>(); string previousBlockName = ""; foreach (var item in options) { if (temp != null) { items++; temp.Add(item); } } if (temp != null && temp.Count > 0) { headers++; OptionDictionary.Add(previousBlockName, temp); } if (headers > 1) { totalHeight = totalHeight + (headers * headerheight); } totalHeight = totalHeight + (items * rowheight); }
public CustomFlyoutNavigationController(UITableViewStyle navigationStyle = UITableViewStyle.Plain) : base(navigationStyle) { OverlayView = new UIView(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds); OverlayView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.5f); OverlayView.Alpha = 0; }
/// <summary> /// You specify the table style in the constructor when using a UITableViewController /// </summary> public TableScreen (UITableViewStyle tableStyle, UITableViewCellStyle cellStyle , UITableViewCellAccessory cellAccessory) : base (tableStyle) { this.cellStyle = cellStyle; this.cellAccessory = cellAccessory; }
public FlyoutNavigationController(UITableViewStyle navigationStyle = UITableViewStyle.Plain) { navigation = new DialogViewController(navigationStyle,null); navigation.OnSelection += NavigationItemSelected; var navFrame = navigation.View.Frame; navFrame.Width = menuWidth; navigation.View.Frame = navFrame; this.View.AddSubview (navigation.View); SearchBar = new UISearchBar (new RectangleF (0, 0, navigation.TableView.Bounds.Width, 44)) { //Delegate = new SearchDelegate (this), TintColor = this.TintColor }; TintColor = UIColor.Black; //navigation.TableView.TableHeaderView = SearchBar; navigation.TableView.TableFooterView = new UIView (new RectangleF (0, 0, 100, 100)){BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear}; navigation.TableView.ScrollsToTop = false; shadowView = new UIView (); shadowView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; shadowView.Layer.ShadowOffset = new System.Drawing.SizeF (-5, -1); shadowView.Layer.ShadowColor = UIColor.Black.CGColor; shadowView.Layer.ShadowOpacity = .75f; closeButton = new UIButton (); closeButton.TouchDown += delegate { HideMenu (); }; AlwaysShowLandscapeMenu = true; this.View.AddGestureRecognizer (new OpenMenuGestureRecognizer (this, new Selector ("panned"), this)); ShouldAutoPushFirstView = true; }
public override UITableView MakeTableView(System.Drawing.RectangleF bounds, UITableViewStyle style) { var tv = base.MakeTableView (bounds, style); tv.BackgroundView = new UIView () { BackgroundColor = Colors.TableViewBackground }; tv.SeparatorStyle = UITableViewCellSeparatorStyle.None; return tv; }
// public SeriesTypesController(TChart chart, ChartViewController chartController,UITableViewStyle style) : base(style) public SeriesTypesController(UITableViewStyle style) : base(style) { // this.chart=chart; // this.chartController = chartController; this.chartController =new ChartViewController(); this.chart = chartController.chart; }
public CustomTableView(RectangleF bounds, UITableViewStyle style) : base(bounds, style) { ApplyDropShadow(); // Necessary because we are using a transparent navigation bar setting // ContentInset = new UIEdgeInsets(44, 0, 0, 0); }
public DefaultDialogViewController(RootElement root, UITableViewStyle tableStyle = UITableViewStyle.Grouped, EventHandler refreshRequested = null) : base(root, true) { if (refreshRequested != null) RefreshRequested += refreshRequested; Style = tableStyle; TableView.BackgroundView = null; TableView.BackgroundColor = ApplicationColors.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND; }
public CalibrationBeginViewController (UITableViewStyle style) : base (style) { Unknowns = new List<CLBeacon> (); Immediates = new List<CLBeacon> (); Nears = new List<CLBeacon> (); Fars = new List<CLBeacon> (); beacons = new List<CLBeacon> [4] { Unknowns, Immediates, Nears, Fars }; // This location manager will be used to display beacons available for calibration. locationManager = new CLLocationManager (); locationManager.DidRangeBeacons += HandleDidRangeBeacons; }
public RangingViewController (UITableViewStyle style) : base (style) { Unknowns = new List<CLBeacon> (); Immediates = new List<CLBeacon> (); Nears = new List<CLBeacon> (); Fars = new List<CLBeacon> (); beacons = new List<CLBeacon> [4] { Unknowns, Immediates, Nears, Fars }; locationManager = new CLLocationManager (); locationManager.DidRangeBeacons += HandleDidRangeBeacons; }
public RecipeListTableViewController (UITableViewStyle style, RecipesController recipes) : base (style) { Title = "Recipes"; = recipes; // Add a print button and use PrintSelectedRecipes as the pressed event handler printButtonItem = new UIBarButtonItem ("Print", UIBarButtonItemStyle.Bordered, PrintSelectedRecipes); NavigationItem.RightBarButtonItem = printButtonItem; // Increase the height of the table rows - 1 pixel higher than the recipe thumbnails displayed in the table cells TableView.RowHeight = 43.0f; TableView.Source = new RecipeListSource (this); }
public DialogView(RectangleF frame, UITableViewStyle style, RootElement root) : base(frame) { tableView = MakeTableView (new RectangleF (0, 0, frame.Width, frame.Height), style); tableView.BackgroundView.Alpha = 0.0f; tableView.AutosizesSubviews = true; BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear; source = new Source (this); tableView.Source = source; AddSubview (tableView); Root = root; }
public MenuViewController(UITableViewStyle tableViewStyle) : base(tableViewStyle) { }
public FoldingTableViewController(RectangleF frame, UITableViewStyle withStyle) : base() { tableView = new UITableView(frame, withStyle); }
protected EventSourceDialogViewController(UITableViewStyle style = UITableViewStyle.Grouped, RootElement root = null, bool pushing = false) : base(style, root, pushing) { }
public ListView(UIViewController parentViewController, RectangleF bounds, UITableViewStyle style = UITableViewStyle.Grouped) : base(bounds, style) { ParentViewController = parentViewController; }
public DialogViewTable(RectangleF bounds, UITableViewStyle style) : base(bounds, style) { }
protected ReactiveTableView(RectangleF frame, UITableViewStyle style) : base(frame, style) { }
protected ReactiveTableView(CGRect frame, UITableViewStyle style) : base(frame, style) { }
public DialogViewController(UITableViewStyle style, RootElement root, bool pushing) : base(style) { this.pushing = pushing; Style = style; PrepareRoot(root); }
protected DialogViewController(UITableViewStyle style, bool pushing) : base(style) { this.pushing = pushing; Style = style; }
public TableChildExampleViewController(UITableViewStyle style, IndicatorInfo itemInfo) : base(style) { this.ItemInfo = itemInfo; }
public StyleDemoTableController(UITableViewStyle style) : base(style) { }
protected MvxEventSourceTableViewController(UITableViewStyle style = UITableViewStyle.Plain) : base(style) { }
public TaskListObservableTableViewController(UITableViewStyle tableStyle) : base(tableStyle) { }
public DialogViewController (UITableViewStyle style, RootElement root) : base (style) { PrepareRoot (root); }
public FlyoutNavigationController(UITableViewStyle navigationStyle = UITableViewStyle.Plain) { Initialize(navigationStyle); }
public ComparisonLineupTableView(ComparisonModel comparison, RectangleF frame, UITableViewStyle style) : base(frame, style) { Reset(comparison); _source = new ComparisonLineupTableViewSource(this); _source.OnComparableSelected += (sender, args) => { OnComparableSelected.Fire(this, EventArgs.Empty); }; Source = _source; }
protected MvxTableViewController(UITableViewStyle style = UITableViewStyle.Plain) : base(style) { this.AdaptForBinding(); }
protected BaseTableViewController(UITableViewStyle style = UITableViewStyle.Plain) { _tableView = new Lazy <EnhancedTableView>(() => new EnhancedTableView(style)); }
public BaseViewController(UITableViewStyle style, bool pushing) : base(style , null ,pushing) { }
public SwipeDetectingTableView(RectangleF bounds, UITableViewStyle style, BaseTimelineViewController container) : base(bounds, style) { this.container = container; }
public override UITableView MakeTableView(RectangleF bounds, UITableViewStyle style) { return(new SwipeDetectingTableView(bounds, style, this)); }
public RootViewController(UITableViewStyle withStyle) : base(withStyle) { }
protected ExtendedTableViewController(UITableViewStyle withStyle) : base(withStyle) { }
protected MvvmTableViewController(UITableViewStyle withStyle) : base(withStyle) { }
public DialogViewController (UITableViewStyle style, RootElement root, bool pushing) : base (style) { Style = style; this.pushing = pushing; this.root = root; }
public virtual UITableView MakeTableView(RectangleF bounds, UITableViewStyle style) { return(new UITableView(bounds, style)); }
public ScrollingNavigationTableViewController(UITableViewStyle withStyle) : base(withStyle) { }
public override UITableView MakeTableView(RectangleF bounds, UITableViewStyle style) { return base.MakeTableView (bounds, style); }
public DialogViewController(UITableViewStyle style, RootElement root) : base(style) { Style = style; this.root = root; }
void Initialize(UITableViewStyle navigationStyle = UITableViewStyle.Plain) { navigation = new DialogViewController(navigationStyle, null); navigation.OnSelection += NavigationItemSelected; RectangleF navFrame = navigation.View.Frame; navFrame.Width = menuWidth; navigation.View.Frame = navFrame; View.AddSubview(navigation.View); SearchBar = new UISearchBar(new RectangleF(0, 0, navigation.TableView.Bounds.Width, 44)) { //Delegate = new SearchDelegate (this), TintColor = TintColor }; TintColor = UIColor.Black; var version = new System.Version(UIDevice.CurrentDevice.SystemVersion); if(version.Major >= 7) navigation.TableView.TableHeaderView = new UIView(new RectangleF(0, 0, 320, 22)) { BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear }; navigation.TableView.TableFooterView = new UIView(new RectangleF(0, 0, 100, 100)) {BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear}; navigation.TableView.ScrollsToTop = false; shadowView = new UIView(); shadowView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; shadowView.Layer.ShadowOffset = new SizeF(-5, -1); shadowView.Layer.ShadowColor = UIColor.Black.CGColor; shadowView.Layer.ShadowOpacity = .75f; closeButton = new UIButton(); closeButton.TouchUpInside += delegate { HideMenu(); }; AlwaysShowLandscapeMenu = true; View.AddGestureRecognizer(new OpenMenuGestureRecognizer(this, new Selector("panned"), this)); }
public DialogViewController(UITableViewStyle style, RootElement root, bool pushing) : base(style) { Style = style; this.pushing = pushing; this.root = root; }
public virtual CustomTableView MakeTableView(RectangleF bounds, UITableViewStyle style) { var tableView = new CustomTableView (new RectangleF(0, 0, bounds.Width, bounds.Height), style); tableView.Frame = new RectangleF(0, 0, tableView.Frame.Width, tableView.Frame.Height); return tableView; }
public ToolsController(TChart chart, ChartViewController chartController, UITableViewStyle style) : base(style) { this.chart = chart; this.chartController = chartController; }
public CustomDialogViewController(UITableViewStyle style, RootElement root, bool pushing) : base(style, root, pushing) { }
public DialogViewController (UITableViewStyle style, RootElement root) : base (style) { Style = style; this.root = root; }
public BaseTableViewController(UITableViewStyle style) : base(style) { }
public virtual UITableView MakeTableView (RectangleF bounds, UITableViewStyle style) { return new UITableView (bounds, style); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public FlexiTableViewController(UITableViewStyle withStyle) : base(withStyle) { LifecycleDelegate.ForceInstanceCreation(); }
public DialogViewController (UITableViewStyle style, RootElement root, bool pushing) : base (style) { this.pushing = pushing; PrepareRoot (root); }
public ListView(RectangleF bounds, UITableViewStyle style = UITableViewStyle.Grouped) : base(bounds, style) { }
// Allow us to set the style of the TableView public SettingsController(TChart chart, ChartViewController chartController ,UITableViewStyle style) : base(style) { this.chart = chart; this.chartController = chartController; }
protected SettingsTableViewController(UITableViewStyle style) : base(style) { }