public void TryExit() { PostProcessingEffect.depthOfField.focusDistance.value = 0.1f; Time.timeScale = 0f; uiPos = UIPos.Exit; }
public void PauseGame() { PostProcessingEffect.depthOfField.focusDistance.value = 0.1f; Time.timeScale = 0f; uiPos = UIPos.Pause; }
public void ResumeGame() { PostProcessingEffect.depthOfField.focusDistance.value = 0.5f; Time.timeScale = 1f; uiPos = UIPos.Play; }
public void SetUI() { if (uiPos != lastUiPos) { UI[lastUiPos].SetActive(false); UI[uiPos].SetActive(true); lastUiPos = uiPos; } }
//移动UI,改变尺寸 void Move(UIPos from, UIPos to, UXMovement movement_Size, UXMovement movement_Pos, Action onComplete = null) { target.sizeDelta = from.size; target.position = from.pos; target.DOSizeDelta(to.size, movement_Size.duration).SetEase(movement_Size.curve); target.DOMove(to.pos, movement_Pos.duration).SetEase(movement_Pos.curve).OnComplete(() => { onComplete?.Invoke(); }); }
public void CloseCamera() { uiPos = UIPos.Play; Time.timeScale = 1; = new Vector2(0.2f, 0f); PostProcessingEffect.vignette.intensity.value = 0.05f; PostProcessingEffect.depthOfField.focusDistance.value = 0.5f; }
public void OpenPic(Texture2D tx) { uiPos = UIPos.Camera; Time.timeScale = 0; = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); PostProcessingEffect.vignette.intensity.value = 0.255f; PostProcessingEffect.depthOfField.focusDistance.value = 0.1f; PictureShow.sprite = Sprite.Create(tx, new Rect(0, 0, tx.width, tx.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); }
public void Home() { reset(); isStart = false; StartCoroutine(SoundFadeOut(GameMusic, 0.5f)); PostProcessingEffect.depthOfField.focusDistance.value = 0.1f; BaseWaterBuoyancy.flowMagnitude = 0; uiPos = UIPos.Menu; }
private void Awake() { audioManager = GetComponent <AudioManager>(); Noise = vCamera.GetCinemachineComponent <CinemachineBasicMultiChannelPerlin>(); Noise.m_AmplitudeGain = 0; Noise.m_FrequencyGain = 0; StartCoroutine(SoundFadeIn(BaseSFX, 0.5f)); //set default isDeath = false; Time.timeScale = 1; //if there's no saved file, make new if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Char Index", -1) == -1) { Tutorial.gameObject.SetActive(true); firstTimePlay = true; SavedData.SaveData(true); Debug.Log("Making New Saving Data..."); } //get data from the saved file SavedData.GetData(); //reset the virtual camera vCamera.Follow = null; vCamera.LookAt = null; //setting up the post processing PostProcessingEffect.Setup(); PostProcessingEffect.depthOfField.focusDistance.value = 0.1f; = new Vector2(0.2f, 0f); PostProcessingEffect.vignette.intensity.value = 0.05f; //setting up the UI AddUI(); uiPos = UIPos.Menu; lastUiPos = uiPos; //setup the water bouyancy physics startWaterFlowMagnitude = BaseWaterBuoyancy.flowMagnitude; BaseWaterBuoyancy.flowMagnitude = 0; //setting up the player player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <PlayerController>(); spawnPoint = player.transform.position; player.character = data.Character[SavedData.CharIndex]; player.boat = data.Boats[SavedData.BoatIndex]; }
public void StartGame() { isStart = true; StartCoroutine(SoundFadeIn(GameMusic, 0.5f)); vCamera.Follow = player.transform; vCamera.LookAt = player.transform; PostProcessingEffect.depthOfField.focusDistance.value = 0.5f; BaseWaterBuoyancy.flowMagnitude = startWaterFlowMagnitude; uiPos = UIPos.Play; }
//移动UI,改变缩放而非尺寸 public void MoveWithScale(UIPos from, UIPos to, UXMovement movement_Size, UXMovement movement_Pos, Action onComplete = null) { Vector2 fromSize = from.size / target.sizeDelta; target.localScale = fromSize; target.position = from.pos; Vector2 toSize = to.size / target.sizeDelta; target.DOScale(toSize, movement_Size.duration).SetEase(movement_Size.curve); target.DOMove(to.pos, movement_Pos.duration).SetEase(movement_Pos.curve).OnComplete(() => { onComplete?.Invoke(); }); }
public void RestartGame() { reset(); PostProcessingEffect.depthOfField.focusDistance.value = 0.5f; foreach (GameObject g in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("BG")) { Destroy(g); } foreach (Background bg in BGParent.GetComponentsInChildren <Background>()) { bg.isPlaced = false; } uiPos = UIPos.Play; }
public void Death() { PostProcessingEffect.depthOfField.focusDistance.value = 0.1f; Time.timeScale = 0.5f; int score = maxDistance + (50 * maxSpeed) + (200 * PhotoCaptured); maxDistanceText.text = maxDistance + " m"; maxSpeedText.text = string.Format("50 x {0} m/s", maxSpeed); photoCapturedText.text = string.Format("200 x {0}", PhotoCaptured.ToString()); scoreText.text = score.ToString(); yourBest.text = score >= SavedData.bestScore ? "Best Score!" : string.Format("Your Best: {0}", SavedData.bestScore); uiPos = UIPos.Death; SavedData.SetBestSpeed(maxSpeed); SavedData.SetBestDistance(maxDistance); SavedData.SetBestScore(score); SavedData.SaveData(); }
public void GoBackToMenu() { uiPos = UIPos.Menu; }
public void GoToBoatSelect() { uiPos = UIPos.Boat; }
public void GoToCharacterSelect() { uiPos = UIPos.Character; }