protected override void OnInit() { base.OnInit(); mSprite = (mWidget as UISprite); mSprite2D = (mWidget as UI2DSprite); if (mSprite != null) { mNormalSprite = mSprite.spriteName; } if (mSprite2D != null) { mNormalSprite2D = mSprite2D.sprite2D; } //add a sound UIPlaySound playsound = transform.GetComponent <UIPlaySound>(); if (playsound == null) { playsound = transform.gameObject.AddComponent <UIPlaySound>(); } if (playsound != null) { playsound.audioClip = Resources.Load <AudioClip>("pre/sound/Plastic_Click_1"); } }
private static void SetUIPlaySound(XmlElement el, UIPlaySound comp) { el.SetAttribute("audioClip", comp.audioClip.ToString()); el.SetAttribute("audioClip", comp.trigger.ToString()); el.SetAttribute("volume", comp.volume.ToString()); el.SetAttribute("pitch", comp.pitch.ToString()); }
void Awake() { if (mToggle == null) mToggle = GetComponent<UIToggle>(); if (mToggleObjects == null) mToggleObjects = GetComponent<UIToggledObjects>(); if (mPlaySound == null) mPlaySound = GetComponent<UIPlaySound>(); if (mBtnActivate == null) mBtnActivate = GetComponent<UIButtonActivate>(); }
void Start() { LoadConfig(); InitInput(); anim = this.character.GetComponent <SkeletonAnimation> (); anim_letter = this.battle_letter.GetComponent <Animation> (); audio = this.character.GetComponent <UIPlaySound> (); }
public MatchMsgBtn(GameObject inBtn, MatchMsg inMsg) { btn = inBtn; msg = inMsg; valid = true; timeCnt = 0; m_btnScale = btn.GetComponent <UIButtonScale>(); m_btnSound = btn.GetComponent <UIPlaySound>(); }
static public int get_volume(IntPtr l) { try { UIPlaySound self = (UIPlaySound)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, self.volume); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int Play(IntPtr l) { try { UIPlaySound self = (UIPlaySound)checkSelf(l); self.Play(); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int get_trigger(IntPtr l) { try { UIPlaySound self = (UIPlaySound)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, true); pushEnum(l, (int)self.trigger); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
void Start() { UIEventListener[] btns = transform.GetComponentsInChildren<UIEventListener>(); buttons = new UIEventListener[btns.Length]; for (short i = 0; i < btns.Length; ++i) { buttons[i] = btns[i]; buttons[i].onClick = onClick; } retractBtn = buttons[1].GetComponent<UIButton>(); clickSound = transform.GetComponent<UIPlaySound>(); }
void Start() { //Get components from the scene at init. //Get the audio from the background, which is the slide sound. GameObject background = GameObject.FindWithTag("Background"); slideSound = background.GetComponent<UIPlaySound>(); //Get the scroll bar from the race scroll element. GameObject raceScrollBarObject = GameObject.FindWithTag("RaceScrollBar"); raceScrollBar = raceScrollBarObject.GetComponent<UIScrollBar>(); //Get the scroll bar from the ship scroll element. GameObject shipScrollBarObject = GameObject.FindWithTag("ShipScrollBar"); shipScrollBar = shipScrollBarObject.GetComponent<UIScrollBar>(); }
void Start() { for (short i = 0; i < buttons.Length; ++i) buttons[i].onClick = onClick; for (short i = 4; i < 6; ++i) buttons[i].GetComponent<UISprite>().alpha = 0; Global.gameScene = GameScenes.WELCOME; Global.setSceneOld(GameScenes.WELCOME); clickSound = transform.GetComponent<UIPlaySound>(); }
IEnumerator LoadAudioClip(string sound_path, UIPlaySound play_sound) { AssetResource asset_res = new AssetResource(); yield return(ResourceLoader.Instance.load_asset(sound_path, typeof(AudioClip), asset_res)); var audio_clip = asset_res.asset_ as AudioClip; if (play_sound != null && audio_clip != null) { play_sound.audioClip = audio_clip; play_sound.ForceClick();// 需要主动调用一次 } }
void Awake() { for (short i = 0; i < buttons.Length; ++i) buttons[i].onClick = onClick; backs = new UISprite[6]; for (short i = 0; i < 6; ++i) backs[i] = buttons[i].transform.FindChild("back").GetComponent<UISprite>(); nameInput = transform.FindChild("myName").GetComponent<UIInput>(); audioButton = transform.FindChild("audioOn").GetComponent<UIToggle>(); clickSound = transform.GetComponent<UIPlaySound>(); }
static public int set_volume(IntPtr l) { try { UIPlaySound self = (UIPlaySound)checkSelf(l); System.Single v; checkType(l, 2, out v); self.volume = v; pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int set_trigger(IntPtr l) { try { UIPlaySound self = (UIPlaySound)checkSelf(l); UIPlaySound.Trigger v; checkEnum(l, 2, out v); self.trigger = v; pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int set_audioClip(IntPtr l) { try { UIPlaySound self = (UIPlaySound)checkSelf(l); UnityEngine.AudioClip v; checkType(l, 2, out v); self.audioClip = v; pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
void Start() { //Get components from the scene at init. //Get the audio from the background, which is the slide sound. GameObject background = GameObject.FindWithTag("Background"); slideSound = background.GetComponent <UIPlaySound>(); //Get the scroll bar from the race scroll element. GameObject raceScrollBarObject = GameObject.FindWithTag("RaceScrollBar"); raceScrollBar = raceScrollBarObject.GetComponent <UIScrollBar>(); //Get the scroll bar from the ship scroll element. GameObject shipScrollBarObject = GameObject.FindWithTag("ShipScrollBar"); shipScrollBar = shipScrollBarObject.GetComponent <UIScrollBar>(); }
private void scan() { Result result = reader.Decode(temps, cameraTexture.height, cameraTexture.width); if (result != null) { DialogUtil.tip(result.Text); UIPlaySound sound = gameObject.GetComponent <UIPlaySound>(); sound.Play(); cameraTexture.Stop(); if (callBack != null) { callBack.Execute(); } } }
private void CheckUIButtonSoundInGo(GameObject go) { _goCount++; UIButton[] uiButtons = go.GetComponents <UIButton>(); if (uiButtons != null && uiButtons.Length > 0) { _hitCount++; _resultList.Add(go); string path = GetHierarchyWithRoot(go); if (uiButtons.Length > 1) { Debug.LogError(string.Format("{0} 存在多于一个UIButton组件,请检查", path)); } UIPlaySound[] uiPlaySounds = go.GetComponents <UIPlaySound>(); UIPlaySound playSound = null; if (uiPlaySounds != null && uiPlaySounds.Length > 0) { playSound = uiPlaySounds[0]; //删除冗余的UIPlaySound组件 if (uiPlaySounds.Length > 1) { Debug.LogError(string.Format("{0} 存在多于一个UIPlaySound组件,已清除", path)); for (var i = 1; i < uiPlaySounds.Length; i++) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(uiPlaySounds[i], true); } } } if (playSound == null) { playSound = go.AddComponent <UIPlaySound>(); } playSound.audioClip = _buttonAudioClip; playSound.trigger = UIPlaySound.Trigger.OnClick; } //递归遍历子节点 foreach (Transform child in go.transform) { CheckUIButtonSoundInGo(child.gameObject); } }
public static int Play(IntPtr l) { int result; try { UIPlaySound uIPlaySound = (UIPlaySound)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); uIPlaySound.Play(); LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); result = 1; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return(result); }
public static int get_audioClip(IntPtr l) { int result; try { UIPlaySound uIPlaySound = (UIPlaySound)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); LuaObject.pushValue(l, uIPlaySound.audioClip); result = 2; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return(result); }
public static int get_trigger(IntPtr l) { int result; try { UIPlaySound uIPlaySound = (UIPlaySound)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); LuaObject.pushEnum(l, (int)uIPlaySound.trigger); result = 2; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return(result); }
private void Select(UILabel lbl, bool instant) { Highlight(lbl, instant); UIEventListener component = lbl.gameObject.GetComponent <UIEventListener>(); value = (component.parameter as string); UIPlaySound[] components = GetComponents <UIPlaySound>(); int i = 0; for (int num = components.Length; i < num; i++) { UIPlaySound uIPlaySound = components[i]; if (uIPlaySound.trigger == UIPlaySound.Trigger.OnClick) { NGUITools.PlaySound(uIPlaySound.audioClip, uIPlaySound.volume, 1f); } } }
public static int set_pitch(IntPtr l) { int result; try { UIPlaySound uIPlaySound = (UIPlaySound)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); float pitch; LuaObject.checkType(l, 2, out pitch); uIPlaySound.pitch = pitch; LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); result = 1; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Event function triggered when the drop-down list item gets clicked on. /// </summary> protected virtual void OnItemClick(GameObject go) { Select(go.GetComponent <UILabel>(), true); UIEventListener listener = go.GetComponent <UIEventListener>(); value = listener.parameter as string; UIPlaySound[] sounds = GetComponents <UIPlaySound>(); for (int i = 0, imax = sounds.Length; i < imax; ++i) { UIPlaySound snd = sounds[i]; if (snd.trigger == UIPlaySound.Trigger.OnClick) { NGUITools.PlaySound(snd.audioClip, snd.volume, 1f); } } CloseSelf(); }
public static int set_trigger(IntPtr l) { int result; try { UIPlaySound uIPlaySound = (UIPlaySound)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); UIPlaySound.Trigger trigger; LuaObject.checkEnum <UIPlaySound.Trigger>(l, 2, out trigger); uIPlaySound.trigger = trigger; LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); result = 1; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return(result); }
public static int set_audioClip(IntPtr l) { int result; try { UIPlaySound uIPlaySound = (UIPlaySound)LuaObject.checkSelf(l); AudioClip audioClip; LuaObject.checkType <AudioClip>(l, 2, out audioClip); uIPlaySound.audioClip = audioClip; LuaObject.pushValue(l, true); result = 1; } catch (Exception e) { result = LuaObject.error(l, e); } return(result); }
void Start() { //Get components from the scene at init. //Get the audio from the quit button, the slide onto quit audio GameObject quitButton = GameObject.FindWithTag("QuitButton"); quitSlideSound = quitButton.GetComponent<UIPlaySound>(); //Get the audio from the start button, the default select audio GameObject startButton = GameObject.FindWithTag("StartButton"); slideSound = startButton.GetComponent<UIPlaySound>(); //Get the vertical scroll bar. GameObject verticalScrollBarObject = GameObject.FindWithTag("MainMenuScrollBar"); verticalScrollBar = verticalScrollBarObject.gameObject.GetComponent<UIScrollBar>(); //Get the audio from the background, which happens to be the select sound GameObject background = GameObject.FindWithTag("Background"); selectSound = background.GetComponent<UIPlaySound>(); }
IEnumerator DestroyGameObject() { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(DestroyTime)); if (destroyAudio != null) { UIPlaySound us = gameObject.AddComponent <UIPlaySound>(); us.audioClip = destroyAudio; us.Play(); } if (isSetHide) { gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { Destroy(gameObject); } }
private void OnItemPress(GameObject go, bool isPressed) { if (isPressed) { Select(go.GetComponent <UILabel>(), true); UIEventListener component = go.GetComponent <UIEventListener>(); value = (component.parameter as string); UIPlaySound[] components = this.GetComponents <UIPlaySound>(); int i = 0; for (int num = components.Length; i < num; i++) { UIPlaySound uIPlaySound = components[i]; if (uIPlaySound.trigger == UIPlaySound.Trigger.OnClick) { NGUITools.PlaySound(uIPlaySound.audioClip, uIPlaySound.volume, 1f); } } CloseSelf(); } }
void Start() { //Get the audio from the background, which is the slide sound GameObject background = GameObject.FindWithTag("Background"); slideSound = background.GetComponent<UIPlaySound>(); //Get the START MATCH label. startMatch = GameObject.FindWithTag("StartMatch"); //Get the greyed out label startMatchGreyed = GameObject.FindWithTag("StartMatchGreyed"); //Ensure the greyed out label is displayed at start startMatch.SetActive(false); startMatchGreyed.SetActive(true); //Set the number of players numberOfPlayers = 9; //Ready count should be the number of players notReadyCount = numberOfPlayers; }
// Token: 0x0600311D RID: 12573 RVA: 0x000F0D4C File Offset: 0x000EF14C private void Select(UILabel lbl, bool instant) { this.Highlight(lbl, instant); UIEventListener component = lbl.gameObject.GetComponent <UIEventListener>(); this.value = (component.parameter as string); UIPlaySound[] components = base.GetComponents <UIPlaySound>(); int i = 0; int num = components.Length; while (i < num) { UIPlaySound uiplaySound = components[i]; if (uiplaySound.trigger == UIPlaySound.Trigger.OnClick) { NGUITools.PlaySound(uiplaySound.audioClip, uiplaySound.volume, 1f); } i++; } }
/// <summary> /// Select the specified label. /// </summary> void Select(UILabel lbl, bool instant) { Highlight(lbl, instant); UIEventListener listener = lbl.gameObject.GetComponent <UIEventListener>(); value = listener.parameter as string; UIPlaySound[] sounds = GetComponents <UIPlaySound>(); for (int i = 0, imax = sounds.Length; i < imax; ++i) { UIPlaySound snd = sounds[i]; if (snd.trigger == UIPlaySound.Trigger.OnClick) { NGUITools.PlaySound(snd.audioClip, snd.volume, 1f); } } }
void Start() { //Get the audio from the background, which is the slide sound GameObject background = GameObject.FindWithTag("Background"); slideSound = background.GetComponent <UIPlaySound>(); //Get the SELECT [ENTER] label. selectEnter = GameObject.FindWithTag("SelectEnter"); //Get the greyed out label selectEnterGreyed = GameObject.FindWithTag("SelectEnterGreyed"); //Ensure the greyed out label is displayed at start selectEnter.SetActive(false); selectEnterGreyed.SetActive(true); //Get the Mission Info Boxes aesopInfoBox = GameObject.FindWithTag("AesopInfoBox"); fourcroyInfoBox = GameObject.FindWithTag("FourcroyInfoBox"); herronsInfoBox = GameObject.FindWithTag("HerronsInfoBox"); santaroInfoBox = GameObject.FindWithTag("SantaroInfoBox"); //Get the Mission Selection Spheres. aesop = GameObject.FindWithTag("Aesop"); fourcroy = GameObject.FindWithTag("Fourcroy"); herrons = GameObject.FindWithTag("Herrons"); santaro = GameObject.FindWithTag("Santaro"); //Get the starting transform scales of the Mission Spheres aesopScale = aesop.transform.localScale; fourcroyScale = fourcroy.transform.localScale; herronsScale = herrons.transform.localScale; santaroScale = santaro.transform.localScale; //Hide the mission text boxes HideAesopMissionText(); HideFourcroyMissionText(); HideHerronsMissionText(); HideSantaroMissionText(); }
void Start() { //Get the audio from the background, which is the slide sound GameObject background = GameObject.FindWithTag("Background"); slideSound = background.GetComponent <UIPlaySound>(); //Get the START MATCH label. startMatch = GameObject.FindWithTag("StartMatch"); //Get the greyed out label startMatchGreyed = GameObject.FindWithTag("StartMatchGreyed"); //Ensure the greyed out label is displayed at start startMatch.SetActive(false); startMatchGreyed.SetActive(true); //Set the number of players numberOfPlayers = 9; //Ready count should be the number of players notReadyCount = numberOfPlayers; }
// Token: 0x0600029F RID: 671 RVA: 0x0001A58C File Offset: 0x0001878C protected virtual void OnItemClick(GameObject go) { this.Select(go.GetComponent <UILabel>(), true); UIEventListener component = go.GetComponent <UIEventListener>(); this.value = (component.parameter as string); UIPlaySound[] components = base.GetComponents <UIPlaySound>(); int i = 0; int num = components.Length; while (i < num) { UIPlaySound uiplaySound = components[i]; if (uiplaySound.trigger == UIPlaySound.Trigger.OnClick) { NGUITools.PlaySound(uiplaySound.audioClip, uiplaySound.volume, 1f); } i++; } this.CloseSelf(); }
void Start() { //Get the audio from the background, which is the slide sound GameObject background = GameObject.FindWithTag("Background"); slideSound = background.GetComponent<UIPlaySound>(); //Get the SELECT [ENTER] label. selectEnter = GameObject.FindWithTag("SelectEnter"); //Get the greyed out label selectEnterGreyed = GameObject.FindWithTag("SelectEnterGreyed"); //Ensure the greyed out label is displayed at start selectEnter.SetActive(false); selectEnterGreyed.SetActive(true); //Get the Mission Info Boxes aesopInfoBox = GameObject.FindWithTag("AesopInfoBox"); fourcroyInfoBox = GameObject.FindWithTag("FourcroyInfoBox"); herronsInfoBox = GameObject.FindWithTag("HerronsInfoBox"); santaroInfoBox = GameObject.FindWithTag("SantaroInfoBox"); //Get the Mission Selection Spheres. aesop = GameObject.FindWithTag("Aesop"); fourcroy = GameObject.FindWithTag("Fourcroy"); herrons = GameObject.FindWithTag("Herrons"); santaro = GameObject.FindWithTag("Santaro"); //Get the starting transform scales of the Mission Spheres aesopScale = aesop.transform.localScale; fourcroyScale = fourcroy.transform.localScale; herronsScale = herrons.transform.localScale; santaroScale = santaro.transform.localScale; //Hide the mission text boxes HideAesopMissionText(); HideFourcroyMissionText(); HideHerronsMissionText(); HideSantaroMissionText(); }
private void OnItemPress(GameObject go, Boolean isPressed) { if (isPressed) { this.Select(go.GetComponent <UILabel>(), true); UIEventListener component = go.GetComponent <UIEventListener>(); this.value = (component.parameter as String); UIPlaySound[] components = base.GetComponents <UIPlaySound>(); Int32 i = 0; Int32 num = (Int32)components.Length; while (i < num) { UIPlaySound uiplaySound = components[i]; if (uiplaySound.trigger == UIPlaySound.Trigger.OnClick) { NGUITools.PlaySound(uiplaySound.audioClip, uiplaySound.volume, 1f); } i++; } this.CloseSelf(); } }
void Awake() { m_sound = GetComponent<UIPlaySound>(); }