/// <summary> /// Helper function that returns the selected root object. /// </summary> static public GameObject SelectedRoot(bool createIfMissing) { GameObject go = Selection.activeGameObject; // Only use active objects if (go != null && !NGUITools.GetActive(go)) { go = null; } // Try to find a panel UIPanel p = (go != null) ? NGUITools.FindInParents <UIPanel>(go) : null; // No selection? Try to find the root automatically if (p == null) { UIPanel[] panels = GameObject.FindSceneObjectsOfType(typeof(UIPanel)) as UIPanel[]; if (panels.Length > 0) { go = panels[0].gameObject; } } // Now find the first uniformly scaled object if (go != null) { Transform t = go.transform; // Find the first uniformly scaled object while (!Mathf.Approximately(t.localScale.x, t.localScale.y) || !Mathf.Approximately(t.localScale.x, t.localScale.z)) { t = t.parent; if (t == null) { return((p != null) ? p.gameObject : null); } else { go = t.gameObject; } } } if (createIfMissing && go == null) { // No object specified -- find the first panel if (go == null) { UIPanel panel = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(UIPanel)) as UIPanel; if (panel != null) { go = panel.gameObject; } } // No UI present -- create a new one if (go == null) { go = UICreateNewUIWizard.CreateNewUI(); } } return(go); }
static void Create2D() { UICreateNewUIWizard.CreateNewUI(UICreateNewUIWizard.CameraType.Simple2D); }
static void Create3D() { UICreateNewUIWizard.CreateNewUI(UICreateNewUIWizard.CameraType.Advanced3D); }
public static GameObject CreateNewUI() { return(UICreateNewUIWizard.CreateNewUI(UICreateNewUIWizard.camType)); }