public string ToString(int subSize) { string str = ""; foreach (string sign in fields) { str += UIConstants.SignFormat(sign, subSize); } return(str); }
private void SetText() { int subSize = UIConstants.TextFontSubSize; textMesh.text = UIConstants.SignFormat(sign, subSize); Bounds textBounds = textRenderer.bounds; MaterialPropertyBlock prop = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); backgroundRenderer.GetPropertyBlock(prop); prop.SetFloat("_ScaleX", textBounds.size.x + SIGN_PADDING_WIDTH); prop.SetFloat("_ScaleY", textBounds.size.y); backgroundRenderer.SetPropertyBlock(prop); }
private static void SetUIConstants() { //代码设置授权码 WHC.Security.MyConstants.License = "397cV0hDLlNlY3VybXR5fOS8jeWNjuiBqnzlua-lt57niLHlkK-o_6rmioDmnK-mnInpmZDlhbzlj7h8RmFsc2Uv"; WHC.Dictionary.MyConstants.License = "37c6V0hDLkRpY3Rpa25hcnl85LyN5Y2O6IGqfOW5_*W3nueIseWQr*i-qubKgObcr*bciemZkOWFrOWPuHxGYWxzZQvv"; WHC.Pager.WinControl.MyConstants.License = "070eV0hDLlBhZ2VyfOS8jeWNjuiBqnx8RmFsc2Uv"; //设置软件信息 string expiredDate = "12/29/2013"; //标识,并不起作用 string softName = "StaffData"; //软件名称,确定存储位置 string version = "5.0"; //软件版本 string publicKey = "<RSAKeyValue><Modulus>mtDtu679/0quhftVyOc6/cBov/i534Dkh3AB8RwrpC9Vq2RIFB3uvjRUuaAEPR8vMcijQjVzqLZgMM7jFKclzbh21rWTM+YlOeraKz5FPCC7rSLnv6Tfbzia9VI/r5cfM8ogVMuUKCZeU+PTEmVviasCl8nPYyqOQchlf/MftMM=</Modulus><Exponent>AQAB</Exponent></RSAKeyValue>"; UIConstants.SetValue(expiredDate, version, softName, publicKey); }
/// <summary> /// Builds the tree for MenuItem tree view model /// </summary> /// <param name="node"></param> /// <param name="menuItemViewModel"></param> void BuildTreeViewModel(ISyntaxEntity node, MenuItemViewModel menuItemViewModel) { MenuItemViewModel item = new MenuItemViewModel() { DisplayText = node.DisplayText(), SpokenText = node.SpokenText(), Name = node.DisplayText(), LineNumber = node.Location.StartLineNumber + Constants.GoToLineOffsite, Children = new ObservableCollection <MenuItemViewModel>(), IsExpanded = (node is Block || node is FunctionDefinition)?false:true, ImageSource = UIConstants.GetImageSourceFromKind(node) }; if (null == menuItemViewModel) { treeRootViewModel = item; } else { menuItemViewModel.Children.Add(item); } menuItemViewModel = item; if (null == node.Children) { return; } foreach (var child in node.Children) { if (child.Kind == SyntaxEntityKind.Function) { if (((child as FunctionDefinition).TypeOfFunction & functionTypesToDisplay) == 0) { continue; } } BuildTreeViewModel(child, menuItemViewModel); } }
public void SetListView(IEnumerable <ISyntaxEntity> entities, string label, bool focusOnFirst = true) { //Cleaning UI listView.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; treeView.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ListItems.Clear(); var listItems = entities.Select(entity => { return(new MenuItemViewModel() { DisplayText = entity.DisplayText(), SpokenText = entity.SpokenText(), Name = entity.DisplayText(), LineNumber = entity.Location.StartLineNumber + Constants.GoToLineOffsite, Children = new ObservableCollection <MenuItemViewModel>(), ImageSource = UIConstants.GetImageSourceFromKind(entity) }); //return new MenuItem(entity.CurrentCodeFile.Language.SpokenText(entity), // entity.Location.StartLineNumber); }); foreach (var item in listItems) { ListItems.Add(item); } listView.Focus(); /// Focus explanation: /// The ListViewItems are not generated immediately, because of that we can obtain the ListViewItem to shift focus. /// Hence we call ListView.UpdateLayout() which pre-generates the ListViewItems. /// Since there are only few tens of items expected in the list view, this is acceptable. /// In case the list items will go to hundreds or thousands, this is not efficient way, we need to use the /// status chaged event of the ItemContainerGenerator to get the ListViewItem. if (true == focusOnFirst) { listView.SelectedItem = listView.Items[0]; listView.UpdateLayout(); var item = (ListViewItem)listView.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(listView.Items[0]); if (null != item) { item.Focus(); } } else { listView.SelectedItem = listView.Items[listItems.Count() - 1]; listView.SelectedIndex = listItems.Count() - 1; listView.UpdateLayout(); var item = (ListViewItem)listView.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(listView.Items[listItems.Count() - 1]); if (null != item) { item.Focus(); } } isTreeViewActive = false; ResizeControl(); }
private static void SetTaskInfo(Models.TaskInfo taskInfo, UIConstants uIConstants) { taskInfo.Height = uIConstants.Height; taskInfo.Width = uIConstants.Width; taskInfo.Title = uIConstants.Title.ToString(); }
public static void SetTaskInfo(TaskInfo taskInfo, UIConstants uIConstants) { taskInfo.Height = uIConstants.Height; taskInfo.Width = uIConstants.Width; }
private void SetText(string str) { text = str; textField.text = UIConstants.SignFormat(text, subSize); }
private static void SetTaskInfo(Models.TaskInfo taskInfo, UIConstants uIConstants) { taskInfo.Height = uIConstants.Height; taskInfo.Width = uIConstants.Width; }