/// <summary> /// Draw the inspector widget. /// </summary> public override void OnInspectorGUI() { EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(80f); mAtlas = target as UIAtlas; NGUIEditorTools.DrawSeparator(); if (mAtlas.replacement != null) { mType = AtlasType.Reference; mReplacement = mAtlas.replacement as UIAtlas; } AtlasType after = (AtlasType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Atlas Type", mType); if (mType != after) { if (after == AtlasType.Normal) { OnSelectAtlas(null); } else { mType = AtlasType.Reference; } } if (mType == AtlasType.Reference) { ComponentSelector.Draw <UIAtlas>(mAtlas.replacement as UIAtlas, OnSelectAtlas); NGUIEditorTools.DrawSeparator(); GUILayout.Label("You can have one atlas simply point to\n" + "another one. This is useful if you want to be\n" + "able to quickly replace the contents of one\n" + "atlas with another one, for example for\n" + "swapping an SD atlas with an HD one, or\n" + "replacing an English atlas with a Chinese\n" + "one. All the sprites referencing this atlas\n" + "will update their references to the new one."); if (mReplacement != mAtlas && mAtlas.replacement != mReplacement) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Atlas Change", mAtlas); mAtlas.replacement = mReplacement; UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(mAtlas); } return; } if (!mConfirmDelete) { NGUIEditorTools.DrawSeparator(); Material mat = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Material", mAtlas.spriteMaterial, typeof(Material), false) as Material; if (mAtlas.spriteMaterial != mat) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Atlas Change", mAtlas); mAtlas.spriteMaterial = mat; // Ensure that this atlas has valid import settings if (mAtlas.texture != null) { NGUIEditorTools.ImportTexture(mAtlas.texture, false, false); } mAtlas.MarkAsDirty(); mConfirmDelete = false; } if (mat != null) { TextAsset ta = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("TP Import", null, typeof(TextAsset), false) as TextAsset; if (ta != null) { // Ensure that this atlas has valid import settings if (mAtlas.texture != null) { NGUIEditorTools.ImportTexture(mAtlas.texture, false, false); } NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Import Sprites", mAtlas); NGUIJson.LoadSpriteData(mAtlas, ta); if (mSprite != null) { mSprite = mAtlas.GetSprite(mSprite.name); } mAtlas.MarkAsDirty(); } UIAtlas.Coordinates coords = (UIAtlas.Coordinates)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Coordinates", mAtlas.coordinates); if (coords != mAtlas.coordinates) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Atlas Change", mAtlas); mAtlas.coordinates = coords; mConfirmDelete = false; } float pixelSize = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Pixel Size", mAtlas.pixelSize); if (pixelSize != mAtlas.pixelSize) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Atlas Change", mAtlas); mAtlas.pixelSize = pixelSize; mConfirmDelete = false; } } } if (mAtlas.spriteMaterial != null) { Color blue = new Color(0f, 0.7f, 1f, 1f); Color green = new Color(0.4f, 1f, 0f, 1f); if (mConfirmDelete) { if (mSprite != null) { // Show the confirmation dialog NGUIEditorTools.DrawSeparator(); GUILayout.Label("Are you sure you want to delete '" + mSprite.name + "'?"); NGUIEditorTools.DrawSeparator(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { GUI.backgroundColor = Color.green; if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel")) { mConfirmDelete = false; } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.red; if (GUILayout.Button("Delete")) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Delete Sprite", mAtlas); mAtlas.spriteList.Remove(mSprite); mConfirmDelete = false; } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else { mConfirmDelete = false; } } else { if (mSprite == null && mAtlas.spriteList.Count > 0) { string spriteName = EditorPrefs.GetString("NGUI Selected Sprite"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(spriteName)) { mSprite = mAtlas.GetSprite(spriteName); } if (mSprite == null) { mSprite = mAtlas.spriteList[0]; } } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.green; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("Add/Delete"); if (GUILayout.Button("New Sprite")) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Add Sprite", mAtlas); UIAtlas.Sprite newSprite = new UIAtlas.Sprite(); if (mSprite != null) { newSprite.name = "Copy of " + mSprite.name; newSprite.outer = mSprite.outer; newSprite.inner = mSprite.inner; } else { newSprite.name = "New Sprite"; } mAtlas.spriteList.Add(newSprite); mSprite = newSprite; } // Show the delete button GUI.backgroundColor = Color.red; if (mSprite != null && GUILayout.Button("Delete", GUILayout.Width(55f))) { mConfirmDelete = true; } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (!mConfirmDelete && mSprite != null) { NGUIEditorTools.DrawSeparator(); string spriteName = UISpriteInspector.SpriteField(mAtlas, mSprite.name); if (spriteName != mSprite.name) { mSprite = mAtlas.GetSprite(spriteName); EditorPrefs.SetString("NGUI Selected Sprite", spriteName); } if (mSprite == null) { return; } Texture2D tex = mAtlas.spriteMaterial.mainTexture as Texture2D; if (tex != null) { Rect inner = mSprite.inner; Rect outer = mSprite.outer; string name = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Edit Name", mSprite.name); if (mSprite.name != name && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { bool found = false; foreach (UIAtlas.Sprite sp in mAtlas.spriteList) { if (sp.name == name) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Edit Sprite Name", mAtlas); mSprite.name = name; } } if (mAtlas.coordinates == UIAtlas.Coordinates.Pixels) { GUI.backgroundColor = green; outer = NGUIEditorTools.IntRect("Dimensions", mSprite.outer); Vector4 border = new Vector4( mSprite.inner.xMin - mSprite.outer.xMin, mSprite.inner.yMin - mSprite.outer.yMin, mSprite.outer.xMax - mSprite.inner.xMax, mSprite.outer.yMax - mSprite.inner.yMax); GUI.backgroundColor = blue; border = NGUIEditorTools.IntPadding("Border", border); GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; inner.xMin = mSprite.outer.xMin + border.x; inner.yMin = mSprite.outer.yMin + border.y; inner.xMax = mSprite.outer.xMax - border.z; inner.yMax = mSprite.outer.yMax - border.w; } else { // Draw the inner and outer rectangle dimensions GUI.backgroundColor = green; outer = EditorGUILayout.RectField("Outer Rect", mSprite.outer); GUI.backgroundColor = blue; inner = EditorGUILayout.RectField("Inner Rect", mSprite.inner); GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; } if (outer.xMax < outer.xMin) { outer.xMax = outer.xMin; } if (outer.yMax < outer.yMin) { outer.yMax = outer.yMin; } if (outer != mSprite.outer) { float x = outer.xMin - mSprite.outer.xMin; float y = outer.yMin - mSprite.outer.yMin; inner.x += x; inner.y += y; } // Sanity checks to ensure that the inner rect is always inside the outer inner.xMin = Mathf.Clamp(inner.xMin, outer.xMin, outer.xMax); inner.xMax = Mathf.Clamp(inner.xMax, outer.xMin, outer.xMax); inner.yMin = Mathf.Clamp(inner.yMin, outer.yMin, outer.yMax); inner.yMax = Mathf.Clamp(inner.yMax, outer.yMin, outer.yMax); EditorGUILayout.Separator(); // Padding is mainly meant to be used by the 'trimmed' feature of TexturePacker if (mAtlas.coordinates == UIAtlas.Coordinates.Pixels) { int left = Mathf.RoundToInt(mSprite.paddingLeft * mSprite.outer.width); int right = Mathf.RoundToInt(mSprite.paddingRight * mSprite.outer.width); int top = Mathf.RoundToInt(mSprite.paddingTop * mSprite.outer.height); int bottom = Mathf.RoundToInt(mSprite.paddingBottom * mSprite.outer.height); NGUIEditorTools.IntVector a = NGUIEditorTools.IntPair("Padding", "Left", "Top", left, top); NGUIEditorTools.IntVector b = NGUIEditorTools.IntPair(null, "Right", "Bottom", right, bottom); if (a.x != left || a.y != top || b.x != right || b.y != bottom) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Atlas Change", mAtlas); mSprite.paddingLeft = a.x / mSprite.outer.width; mSprite.paddingTop = a.y / mSprite.outer.width; mSprite.paddingRight = b.x / mSprite.outer.height; mSprite.paddingBottom = b.y / mSprite.outer.height; MarkSpriteAsDirty(); } } else { // Create a button that can make the coordinates pixel-perfect on click GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { GUILayout.Label("Correction", GUILayout.Width(75f)); Rect corrected0 = outer; Rect corrected1 = inner; if (mAtlas.coordinates == UIAtlas.Coordinates.Pixels) { corrected0 = NGUIMath.MakePixelPerfect(corrected0); corrected1 = NGUIMath.MakePixelPerfect(corrected1); } else { corrected0 = NGUIMath.MakePixelPerfect(corrected0, tex.width, tex.height); corrected1 = NGUIMath.MakePixelPerfect(corrected1, tex.width, tex.height); } if (corrected0 == mSprite.outer && corrected1 == mSprite.inner) { GUI.color = Color.grey; GUILayout.Button("Make Pixel-Perfect"); GUI.color = Color.white; } else if (GUILayout.Button("Make Pixel-Perfect")) { outer = corrected0; inner = corrected1; GUI.changed = true; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { mView = (View)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Show", mView); GUILayout.Label("Shader", GUILayout.Width(45f)); if (mUseShader != EditorGUILayout.Toggle(mUseShader, GUILayout.Width(20f))) { mUseShader = !mUseShader; if (mUseShader && mView == View.Sprite) { // TODO: Remove this when Unity fixes the bug with DrawPreviewTexture not being affected by BeginGroup Debug.LogWarning("There is a bug in Unity that prevents the texture from getting clipped properly.\n" + "Until it's fixed by Unity, your texture may spill onto the rest of the Unity's GUI while using this mode."); } } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (mSprite.outer != outer || mSprite.inner != inner) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Atlas Change", mAtlas); mSprite.outer = outer; mSprite.inner = inner; mConfirmDelete = false; MarkSpriteAsDirty(); } Rect uv0 = outer; Rect uv1 = inner; if (mAtlas.coordinates == UIAtlas.Coordinates.Pixels) { uv0 = NGUIMath.ConvertToTexCoords(uv0, tex.width, tex.height); uv1 = NGUIMath.ConvertToTexCoords(uv1, tex.width, tex.height); } // Draw the atlas EditorGUILayout.Separator(); Material m = mUseShader ? mAtlas.spriteMaterial : null; Rect rect = (mView == View.Atlas) ? NGUIEditorTools.DrawAtlas(tex, m) : NGUIEditorTools.DrawSprite(tex, uv0, m); // Draw the sprite outline NGUIEditorTools.DrawOutline(rect, uv0, uv1); EditorGUILayout.Separator(); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Draw the inspector widget. /// </summary> public override void OnInspectorGUI() { EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(80f); mAtlas = target as UIAtlas; UIAtlas.Sprite sprite = (mAtlas != null) ? mAtlas.GetSprite(NGUISettings.selectedSprite) : null; NGUIEditorTools.DrawSeparator(); if (mAtlas.replacement != null) { mType = AtlasType.Reference; mReplacement = mAtlas.replacement; } AtlasType after = (AtlasType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Atlas Type", mType); if (mType != after) { if (after == AtlasType.Normal) { OnSelectAtlas(null); } else { mType = AtlasType.Reference; } } if (mType == AtlasType.Reference) { ComponentSelector.Draw <UIAtlas>(mAtlas.replacement, OnSelectAtlas); NGUIEditorTools.DrawSeparator(); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("You can have one atlas simply point to " + "another one. This is useful if you want to be " + "able to quickly replace the contents of one " + "atlas with another one, for example for " + "swapping an SD atlas with an HD one, or " + "replacing an English atlas with a Chinese " + "one. All the sprites referencing this atlas " + "will update their references to the new one.", MessageType.Info); if (mReplacement != mAtlas && mAtlas.replacement != mReplacement) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Atlas Change", mAtlas); mAtlas.replacement = mReplacement; UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(mAtlas); } return; } if (!mConfirmDelete) { NGUIEditorTools.DrawSeparator(); Material mat = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Material", mAtlas.spriteMaterial, typeof(Material), false) as Material; if (mAtlas.spriteMaterial != mat) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Atlas Change", mAtlas); mAtlas.spriteMaterial = mat; // Ensure that this atlas has valid import settings if (mAtlas.texture != null) { NGUIEditorTools.ImportTexture(mAtlas.texture, false, false); } mAtlas.MarkAsDirty(); mConfirmDelete = false; } if (mat != null) { TextAsset ta = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("TP Import", null, typeof(TextAsset), false) as TextAsset; if (ta != null) { // Ensure that this atlas has valid import settings if (mAtlas.texture != null) { NGUIEditorTools.ImportTexture(mAtlas.texture, false, false); } NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Import Sprites", mAtlas); NGUIJson.LoadSpriteData(mAtlas, ta); if (sprite != null) { sprite = mAtlas.GetSprite(sprite.name); } mAtlas.MarkAsDirty(); } UIAtlas.Coordinates coords = (UIAtlas.Coordinates)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Coordinates", mAtlas.coordinates); if (coords != mAtlas.coordinates) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Atlas Change", mAtlas); mAtlas.coordinates = coords; mConfirmDelete = false; } float pixelSize = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Pixel Size", mAtlas.pixelSize, GUILayout.Width(120f)); if (pixelSize != mAtlas.pixelSize) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Atlas Change", mAtlas); mAtlas.pixelSize = pixelSize; mConfirmDelete = false; } } } if (mAtlas.spriteMaterial != null) { Color blue = new Color(0f, 0.7f, 1f, 1f); Color green = new Color(0.4f, 1f, 0f, 1f); if (mConfirmDelete) { if (sprite != null) { // Show the confirmation dialog NGUIEditorTools.DrawSeparator(); GUILayout.Label("Are you sure you want to delete '" + sprite.name + "'?"); NGUIEditorTools.DrawSeparator(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { GUI.backgroundColor = Color.green; if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel")) { mConfirmDelete = false; } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.red; if (GUILayout.Button("Delete")) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Delete Sprite", mAtlas); mAtlas.spriteList.Remove(sprite); mConfirmDelete = false; } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else { mConfirmDelete = false; } } else { if (sprite == null && mAtlas.spriteList.Count > 0) { string spriteName = NGUISettings.selectedSprite; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(spriteName)) { sprite = mAtlas.GetSprite(spriteName); } if (sprite == null) { sprite = mAtlas.spriteList[0]; } } if (!mConfirmDelete && sprite != null) { NGUIEditorTools.DrawSeparator(); NGUIEditorTools.AdvancedSpriteField(mAtlas, sprite.name, SelectSprite, true); if (sprite == null) { return; } Texture2D tex = mAtlas.spriteMaterial.mainTexture as Texture2D; if (tex != null) { Rect inner = sprite.inner; Rect outer = sprite.outer; if (mAtlas.coordinates == UIAtlas.Coordinates.Pixels) { GUI.backgroundColor = green; outer = NGUIEditorTools.IntRect("Dimensions", sprite.outer); Vector4 border = new Vector4( sprite.inner.xMin - sprite.outer.xMin, sprite.inner.yMin - sprite.outer.yMin, sprite.outer.xMax - sprite.inner.xMax, sprite.outer.yMax - sprite.inner.yMax); GUI.backgroundColor = blue; border = NGUIEditorTools.IntPadding("Border", border); GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; inner.xMin = sprite.outer.xMin + border.x; inner.yMin = sprite.outer.yMin + border.y; inner.xMax = sprite.outer.xMax - border.z; inner.yMax = sprite.outer.yMax - border.w; } else { // Draw the inner and outer rectangle dimensions GUI.backgroundColor = green; outer = EditorGUILayout.RectField("Outer Rect", sprite.outer); GUI.backgroundColor = blue; inner = EditorGUILayout.RectField("Inner Rect", sprite.inner); GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; } if (outer.xMax < outer.xMin) { outer.xMax = outer.xMin; } if (outer.yMax < outer.yMin) { outer.yMax = outer.yMin; } if (outer != sprite.outer) { float x = outer.xMin - sprite.outer.xMin; float y = outer.yMin - sprite.outer.yMin; inner.x += x; inner.y += y; } // Sanity checks to ensure that the inner rect is always inside the outer inner.xMin = Mathf.Clamp(inner.xMin, outer.xMin, outer.xMax); inner.xMax = Mathf.Clamp(inner.xMax, outer.xMin, outer.xMax); inner.yMin = Mathf.Clamp(inner.yMin, outer.yMin, outer.yMax); inner.yMax = Mathf.Clamp(inner.yMax, outer.yMin, outer.yMax); bool changed = false; if (sprite.inner != inner || sprite.outer != outer) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Atlas Change", mAtlas); sprite.inner = inner; sprite.outer = outer; MarkSpriteAsDirty(); changed = true; } EditorGUILayout.Separator(); if (mAtlas.coordinates == UIAtlas.Coordinates.Pixels) { int left = Mathf.RoundToInt(sprite.paddingLeft * sprite.outer.width); int right = Mathf.RoundToInt(sprite.paddingRight * sprite.outer.width); int top = Mathf.RoundToInt(sprite.paddingTop * sprite.outer.height); int bottom = Mathf.RoundToInt(sprite.paddingBottom * sprite.outer.height); NGUIEditorTools.IntVector a = NGUIEditorTools.IntPair("Padding", "Left", "Top", left, top); NGUIEditorTools.IntVector b = NGUIEditorTools.IntPair(null, "Right", "Bottom", right, bottom); if (changed || a.x != left || a.y != top || b.x != right || b.y != bottom) { NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Atlas Change", mAtlas); sprite.paddingLeft = a.x / sprite.outer.width; sprite.paddingTop = a.y / sprite.outer.height; sprite.paddingRight = b.x / sprite.outer.width; sprite.paddingBottom = b.y / sprite.outer.height; MarkSpriteAsDirty(); } } else { // Create a button that can make the coordinates pixel-perfect on click GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { GUILayout.Label("Correction", GUILayout.Width(75f)); Rect corrected0 = outer; Rect corrected1 = inner; if (mAtlas.coordinates == UIAtlas.Coordinates.Pixels) { corrected0 = NGUIMath.MakePixelPerfect(corrected0); corrected1 = NGUIMath.MakePixelPerfect(corrected1); } else { corrected0 = NGUIMath.MakePixelPerfect(corrected0, tex.width, tex.height); corrected1 = NGUIMath.MakePixelPerfect(corrected1, tex.width, tex.height); } if (corrected0 == sprite.outer && corrected1 == sprite.inner) { GUI.color = Color.grey; GUILayout.Button("Make Pixel-Perfect"); GUI.color = Color.white; } else if (GUILayout.Button("Make Pixel-Perfect")) { outer = corrected0; inner = corrected1; GUI.changed = true; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } // This functionality is no longer used. It became obsolete when the Atlas Maker was added. /*NGUIEditorTools.DrawSeparator(); * * GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); * { * EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("Add/Delete"); * * if (GUILayout.Button("Clone Sprite")) * { * NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo("Add Sprite", mAtlas); * UIAtlas.Sprite newSprite = new UIAtlas.Sprite(); * * if (sprite != null) * { * newSprite.name = "Copy of " + sprite.name; * newSprite.outer = sprite.outer; * newSprite.inner = sprite.inner; * } * else * { * newSprite.name = "New Sprite"; * } * * mAtlas.spriteList.Add(newSprite); * sprite = newSprite; * } * * // Show the delete button * GUI.backgroundColor = Color.red; * * if (sprite != null && GUILayout.Button("Delete", GUILayout.Width(55f))) * { * mConfirmDelete = true; * } * GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; * } * GUILayout.EndHorizontal();*/ if (NGUIEditorTools.previousSelection != null) { NGUIEditorTools.DrawSeparator(); GUI.backgroundColor = Color.green; if (GUILayout.Button("<< Return to " + NGUIEditorTools.previousSelection.name)) { NGUIEditorTools.SelectPrevious(); } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; } } } } }