protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Action = Request.Params["Action"]; switch (Action) { case "EditState": EditState(); break; } if (!IsPostBack) { #region 当前页面赋值 string guid = Request.Params["guid"]; _appState = Request.Params["State"]; appPage = Request.Params["page"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid)) { applyGuid = guid; Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); ht.Add("Guid", guid); Model.Application appli = Model.Application.Instance.GetModelById(ht); appli.SetWebControls(this.Page); this.ArrivedTime.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(appli.ArrivedTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); this.WorkTime.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(appli.WorkTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); if (appli.IO == 1) { strIO = "出港"; } else { strIO = "进港"; Panel1.Visible = false; } AppState.SelectedValue = appli.AppState.ToString(); //安全适运单 ht.Clear(); ht.Add("AppGuid", guid); Model.SCW scw = Model.SCW.Instance.GetModelById(ht); scw.SetWebControls(this.Page); //散装货物列表 Model.BulkFreight bulk = new Model.BulkFreight(); IList list = bulk.GetAllList(" and AppGuid='" + guid + "'", "Id"); rptBulk.DataSource = list; rptBulk.DataBind(); //图片附件 CNVP.UI.FileUpload _fuplo = new UI.FileUpload(); mfile0_0 = _fuplo.GetImgUrl("mfile0_0", guid); mfile0_1 = _fuplo.GetImgUrl("mfile0_1", guid); mfile0_2 = _fuplo.GetImgUrl("mfile0_2", guid); scwmfile2 = _fuplo.GetImgUrl("scwmfile0_2", guid); scwmfile3 = _fuplo.GetImgUrl("scwmfile0_3", guid); scwmfile4 = _fuplo.GetImgUrl("scwmfile0_4", guid); //显示其它类型的附件 //申报单 string strsql1 = "select * from cnvp_source where appGuid='" + guid + "' and sourcetype like 'mfile0_%' and substring(sourcetype,8,2) > 4"; Model.Source source = new Model.Source(); DataTable dt3 = DataFactory.GetInstance().ExecuteTable(strsql1); if (dt3.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt3.Rows.Count; i++) { this.imgsrc1 += "<a href='" + dt3.Rows[i]["SourceUrl"] + "' target='_blank'>其它" + (i + 1) + "</a> "; } } // 适运单 string strsql2 = "select * from cnvp_source where appGuid='" + guid + "' and sourcetype like 'scwmfile0_%' and substring(sourcetype,11,2) > 3"; Model.Source source1 = new Model.Source(); DataTable dt4 = DataFactory.GetInstance().ExecuteTable(strsql2); if (dt4.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt4.Rows.Count; i++) { this.imgsrc2 += "<a href='" + dt4.Rows[i]["SourceUrl"] + "' target='_blank'>其它" + (i + 1) + "</a> "; } } if (_fuplo.GetImgUrl("mfile0_3", guid) != "") { mfile0_3 = "4、<a href=\"" + _fuplo.GetImgUrl("mfile0_3", guid) + "\" target=\"_blank\">进/出港申报委托书</a> "; } if (_fuplo.GetImgUrl("mfile0_3", guid) != "") { mfile0_4 = "5、<a href=\"" + _fuplo.GetImgUrl("mfile0_4", guid) + "\" target=\"_blank\">保险证书类型</a> "; } if (_fuplo.GetImgUrl("scwmfile0_1", guid) != "") { scwmfile1 = "<a href=\"" + _fuplo.GetImgUrl("scwmfile0_1", guid) + "\" target=\"_blank\">水份含量和适运水份极限证书</a> "; } if (_fuplo.GetImgUrl("scwmfile0_2", guid) != "") { scwmfile2 = "<a href=\"" + _fuplo.GetImgUrl("scwmfile0_1", guid) + "\" target=\"_blank\">安全适运性评估报告</a> "; } if (_fuplo.GetImgUrl("scwmfile0_3", guid) != "") { scwmfile3 = "<a href=\"" + _fuplo.GetImgUrl("scwmfile0_3", guid) + "\" target=\"_blank\">委托书</a> "; } if (_fuplo.GetImgUrl("scwmfile0_4", guid) != "") { scwmfile4 = "<a href=\"other.aspx?AppGuid=" + applyGuid + "\" target=\"_blank\">其它</a>"; } //审批意见信息 Model.Accredit accredit = Model.Accredit.Instance.GetModelById(ht); AppOpinions.Text = accredit.AppOpinions; ScwOpinions.Text = accredit.ScwOpinions; } #endregion } }
/// <summary> /// 编辑申请单 /// </summary> private void EditApply(int editState) { string applyId = Request.Params["applyId"]; string scwId = Request.Params["scwId"]; string bulkId = Request.Params["bulkId"]; //散装货物表ID 不能传入string类型,新定义一个字段存入ID string applyGuid = Request.Params["applyGuid"]; string appState = Request.Params["appState"]; string appPage = Request.Params["appPage"]; CNVP.UI.FileUpload upload = new UI.FileUpload(); Model.Application appli = new Model.Application(); Model.SCW scw = new Model.SCW(); Model.Source source = new Model.Source(); Model.BulkFreight bulk = new Model.BulkFreight(); //项目申请单 appli.UpdateModel(); appli.Id = Convert.ToInt32(applyId); appli.IO = Convert.ToInt32(IO.SelectedValue); appli.AppState = editState; //安全适运单 if (appli.IO == 1) { CNVP.UI.Application _apply = new UI.Application(); scw.UpdateModel(); //scw.ExatrCertificate = _apply.GetCheck(ExatrCertificate, ","); scw.GoodsGroup = GoodsGroup.SelectedValue; scw.Id = Convert.ToInt32(scwId); } //附件上传 source.AppGuid = applyGuid; //source.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; source.SourceUrl = upload.UploadPic(); source.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(UserLoginInfo.UserLoginID); //散装货物上传 //bulk.Id = Request.Params["bulkId"]; bulk.BfGoodsName = Request.Params["BfGoodsName"]; bulk.BfGoodsGroup = Request.Params["BfGoodsGroup"]; bulk.Class = Request.Params["Class"]; bulk.DangerousNo = Request.Params["DangerousNo"]; bulk.BfTotalWeight = Request.Params["BfTotalWeight"]; bulk.DischargingPort = Request.Params["DischargingPort"]; bulk.Position = Request.Params["Position"]; bulk.Remark = Request.Params["Remark"]; CNVP.Data.Application bll = new CNVP.Data.Application(); bll.Edit(appli, scw, source, bulk, bulkId); MessageBox.ShowMessage("修改提交成功!", "ApplicationList.aspx?State=" + appState + "&page=" + appPage); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { #region 当前页面赋值 string guid = Request.Params["guid"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid)) { applyGuid = guid; Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); ht.Add("Guid", guid); Model.Application appli = Model.Application.Instance.GetModelById(ht); appli.SetWebControls(this.Page); this.ArrivedTime.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(appli.ArrivedTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); this.WorkTime.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(appli.WorkTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); if (appli.IO == 1) { strIO = "出港"; } else { strIO = "进港"; Panel1.Visible = false; } if (appli.AppState == 1) { printApply = "<a href=\"solidbulk.aspx?AppGuid=" + guid + "\" target=\"_blank\">打印固体散装货物申报单</a>"; printScw = "<a href=\"scwprint.aspx?AppGuid=" + guid + "\" target=\"_blank\">打印安全适运申报单</a>"; printNotice = "<a href=\"Notice.aspx?AppGuid=" + guid + "\" class=\"btn-submit\" target=\"_blank\">打印审批通知单</a>"; } applyId = appli.Id.ToString(); //安全适运单 ht.Clear(); ht.Add("AppGuid", guid); Model.SCW scw = Model.SCW.Instance.GetModelById(ht); scw.SetWebControls(this.Page); scwId = scw.Id.ToString(); //散装货物列表 Model.BulkFreight bulk = new Model.BulkFreight(); IList list = bulk.GetAllList(" and AppGuid='" + guid + "'", "Id"); rptBulk.DataSource = list; rptBulk.DataBind(); //图片附件 CNVP.UI.FileUpload _fuplo = new UI.FileUpload(); mfile0_0 = _fuplo.GetImgUrl("mfile0_0", guid); mfile0_1 = _fuplo.GetImgUrl("mfile0_1", guid); mfile0_2 = _fuplo.GetImgUrl("mfile0_2", guid); scwmfile2 = _fuplo.GetImgUrl("scwmfile0_2", guid); scwmfile3 = _fuplo.GetImgUrl("scwmfile0_3", guid); scwmfile4 = _fuplo.GetImgUrl("scwmfile0_4", guid); if (_fuplo.GetImgUrl("mfile0_3", guid) != "") { mfile0_3 = "4、<a href=\"" + _fuplo.GetImgUrl("mfile0_3", guid) + "\" target=\"_blank\">进/出港申报委托书</a> "; } if (_fuplo.GetImgUrl("mfile0_4", guid) != "") { mfile0_4 = "5、<a href=\"" + _fuplo.GetImgUrl("mfile0_4", guid) + "\" target=\"_blank\">保险证书类型</a> "; } //显示其它类型的附件 //申报单 string strsql1 = "select * from cnvp_source where appGuid='" + guid + "' and sourcetype like 'mfile0_%' and substring(sourcetype,8,2) > 4"; Model.Source source = new Model.Source(); DataTable dt = DataFactory.GetInstance().ExecuteTable(strsql1); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { this.imgsrc1 += "<a href='" + dt.Rows[i]["SourceUrl"] + "' target='_blank'>其它" + (i + 1) + "</a> "; } } // 适运单 string strsql2 = "select * from cnvp_source where appGuid='" + guid + "' and sourcetype like 'scwmfile0_%' and substring(sourcetype,11,2) > 3"; Model.Source source1 = new Model.Source(); DataTable dt1 = DataFactory.GetInstance().ExecuteTable(strsql2); if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt1.Rows.Count; i++) { this.imgsrc2 += "<a href='" + dt1.Rows[i]["SourceUrl"] + "' target='_blank'>其它" + (i + 1) + "</a> "; } } if (_fuplo.GetImgUrl("scwmfile0_1", guid) != string.Empty) { scwmfile1 = "<a href=\"" + _fuplo.GetImgUrl("scwmfile0_1", guid) + "\" target=\"_blank\">水份含量和适运水份极限证书</a> "; } if (_fuplo.GetImgUrl("scwmfile0_2", guid) != "") { scwmfile2 = "<a href=\"" + _fuplo.GetImgUrl("scwmfile0_1", guid) + "\" target=\"_blank\">安全适运性评估报告</a> "; } if (_fuplo.GetImgUrl("scwmfile0_3", guid) != "") { scwmfile3 = "<a href=\"" + _fuplo.GetImgUrl("scwmfile0_3", guid) + "\" target=\"_blank\">委托书</a> "; } //if (_fuplo.GetImgUrl("scwmfile0_4", guid) != "") //{ // scwmfile4 = "<a href=\"other.aspx?AppGuid=" + applyGuid + "\" target=\"_blank\">其它</a>"; //} #region 审批意见 DataTable dts1 = DataFactory.GetInstance().ExecuteTable("select * from CNVP_accredit where AppGuid='" + guid + "'"); if (dts1 != null && dts1.Rows.Count > 0) { spyj = dts1.Rows[0]["AppOpinions"].ToString(); spyj1 = dts1.Rows[0]["ScwOpinions"].ToString(); } #endregion } #endregion } }