Example #1
       /// <summary>
       /// </summary>
       /// <param name="af"></param>
       /// <param name="type"></param>
       /// <param name="protocol"></param>
       /// <returns></returns>
 //public static UDTSOCKET socket(int af, int type = SOCK_STREAM, int protocol = 0);
public static UDTSOCKET socket(AddressFamily af, UDTSockType type, int protocol)
   if (!s_UDTUnited.m_bGCStatus)

      return s_UDTUnited.newSocket(af, type);
   catch (CUDTException e)
      s_UDTUnited.setError(new CUDTException(e));
      return INVALID_SOCK;
   catch (bad_alloc)
      s_UDTUnited.setError(new CUDTException(3, 2, 0));
      return INVALID_SOCK;
   catch (Exception e)
      s_UDTUnited.setError(new CUDTException(-1, 0, 0));
      return INVALID_SOCK;
Example #2
        // Functionality:
        //    Create a new UDT socket.
        // Parameters:
        //    0) [in] af: IP version, IPv4 (AF_INET) or IPv6 (AF_INET6).
        //    1) [in] type: socket type, SOCK_STREAM or SOCK_DGRAM
        // Returned value:
        //    The new UDT socket ID, or INVALID_SOCK.

        UDTSOCKET newSocket(AddressFamily af, UDTSockType type)
            //if ((type != UDTSockType.SOCK_STREAM) && (type != UDTSockType.SOCK_DGRAM))
            //   throw new CUDTException(5, 3, 0);

            UdtSocket ns = null;

                ns = new UdtSocket();
                ns.m_pUDT = new CUDT();
                ns.m_pSelfAddr = new IPAddress();

                if (AddressFamily.InterNetwork == af)
                    ns.m_pSelfAddr = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);
                    ns.m_pSelfAddr = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.IPv6Any, 0);
            catch (Exception e)
                //delete ns;
                throw new CUDTException(3, 2, 0);

            lock (m_IDLock)
                ns.m_SocketID = --m_SocketID;

            ns.m_Status = UDTSTATUS.INIT;
            ns.m_ListenSocket = 0;
            ns.m_pUDT.m_SocketID = ns.m_SocketID;
            ns.m_pUDT.m_iSockType = (UDTSockType.SOCK_STREAM == type) ? UDTSockType.UDT_STREAM : UDTSockType.UDT_DGRAM;
            ns.m_pUDT.m_iIPversion = ns.m_iIPversion = af;
            ns.m_pUDT.m_pCache = m_pCache;

            // protect the m_Sockets structure.
            lock (m_ControlLock)
                    m_Sockets[ns.m_SocketID] = ns;
                catch (Exception e)
                    //failure and rollback
                    //delete ns;
                    ns = null;

            if (null == ns)
                throw new CUDTException(3, 2, 0);

            return ns.m_SocketID;
Example #3
   internal CRNode m_pRNode;                    // node information for UDT list used in rcv queue

#region constructor and desctructor
        CUDT(CUDT ancestor)
   m_pSndBuffer = null;
   m_pRcvBuffer = null;
   m_pSndLossList = null;
   m_pRcvLossList = null;
   m_pACKWindow = null;
   m_pSndTimeWindow = null;
   m_pRcvTimeWindow = null;

   m_pSndQueue = null;
   m_pRcvQueue = null;
   m_pPeerAddr = null;
   m_pSNode = null;
   m_pRNode = null;

   // Initilize mutex and condition variables

   // Default UDT configurations
   m_iMSS = ancestor.m_iMSS;
   m_bSynSending = ancestor.m_bSynSending;
   m_bSynRecving = ancestor.m_bSynRecving;
   m_iFlightFlagSize = ancestor.m_iFlightFlagSize;
   m_iSndBufSize = ancestor.m_iSndBufSize;
   m_iRcvBufSize = ancestor.m_iRcvBufSize;
   m_Linger = ancestor.m_Linger;
   m_iUDPSndBufSize = ancestor.m_iUDPSndBufSize;
   m_iUDPRcvBufSize = ancestor.m_iUDPRcvBufSize;
   m_iSockType = ancestor.m_iSockType;
   m_iIPversion = ancestor.m_iIPversion;
   m_bRendezvous = ancestor.m_bRendezvous;
   m_iSndTimeOut = ancestor.m_iSndTimeOut;
   m_iRcvTimeOut = ancestor.m_iRcvTimeOut;
   m_bReuseAddr = true;	// this must be true, because all accepted sockets shared the same port with the listener
   m_llMaxBW = ancestor.m_llMaxBW;

   m_pCCFactory = ancestor.m_pCCFactory.clone();
   m_pCC = null;
   m_pCache = ancestor.m_pCache;

   // Initial status
   m_bOpened = false;
   m_bListening = false;
   m_bConnected = false;
   m_bClosing = false;
   m_bShutdown = false;
   m_bBroken = false;