Example #1
        // Transforms body references in the save games
        private static void TransformBodyReferencesOnSave(GameEvents.FromToAction <ProtoVessel, ConfigNode> data)
            // Save the reference to the real body
            if (data.to == null)
            ConfigNode    orbit = data.to.GetNode("ORBIT");
            CelestialBody body  = PSystemManager.Instance.localBodies.FirstOrDefault(b => b.flightGlobalsIndex == data.from.orbitSnapShot.ReferenceBodyIndex);

            if (body == null)
            orbit.AddValue("IDENT", UBI.GetUBI(body));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets invoked when all bodies were successfully loaded
        /// </summary>
        public static void OnLoaderLoadedAllBodies(Loader loader, ConfigNode node)
            // Grab home star and home planet
            CelestialBody[] cbs  = Bodies.Select(b => b.celestialBody).ToArray();
            CelestialBody   star = UBI.GetBody(InterstellarSettings.Instance.HomeStar, cbs);

            if (!star.Has("IC:HomePlanet"))
                throw new Exception("The home star must have a home planet defined.");

            CelestialBody planet = UBI.GetBody(InterstellarSettings.Instance.HomePlanet ?? star.Get("IC:HomePlanet", ""), cbs);

            // Grab the position of the home star
            Vector3d position = star.Get("IC:Position", Vector3d.zero);

            // Fix the naming of home star and home planet
            Body starBody   = Bodies.Find(b => b.celestialBody == star);
            Body planetBody = Bodies.Find(b => b.celestialBody == planet);

            RenameBody(starBody, "Sun");
            RenameBody(planetBody, "Kerbin");
            planet.isHomeWorld = true;

            // Since this body is the center of the universe, remove its orbit
            UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(starBody.generatedBody.celestialBody.GetComponent <OrbitRendererUpdater>());
            starBody.orbit = null;

            // Trigger the KSC mover
            WithBody(planetBody, () => { planetBody.pqs = new PQSLoader(); });

            // Go through each body, and calculate the orbits of the stars
            foreach (Body body in Bodies)
                // Don't work with non-IC bodies
                if (!body.celestialBody.Has("IC:Position"))

                // We already edited the home star
                if (body.celestialBody == star)

                // Apply the SOI
                if (body.celestialBody.Has("IC:SOI"))
                    body.properties.sphereOfInfluence = body.celestialBody.Get("IC:SOI", 0d) * InterstellarSettings.Instance.KI;

                // Calculate the real position of the star
                Vector3d realPosition = body.celestialBody.Get("IC:Position", Vector3d.zero) - position;

                // Apply the orbital parameters
                WithBody(body, () =>
                    body.orbit = new OrbitLoader();
                    body.orbit.semiMajorAxis =
                            Math.Pow(realPosition.x, 2) + Math.Pow(realPosition.y, 2) + Math.Pow(realPosition.z, 2),
                            0.5) * InterstellarSettings.Instance.KI;
                    body.orbit.eccentricity        = 0;
                    body.orbit.argumentOfPeriapsis = 90;
                    body.orbit.meanAnomalyAtEpoch  = 0;
                    body.orbit.inclination         =
                        Math.Atan(realPosition.z /
                                  Math.Pow(Math.Pow(realPosition.x, 2) + Math.Pow(realPosition.y, 2), 0.5)) / Math.PI *
                    body.orbit.longitudeOfAscendingNode = CalculateLAN(realPosition.x, realPosition.y);
                    body.orbit.period        = Double.MaxValue;
                    body.orbit.referenceBody = UBI.GetUBI(star);

                    // This is a bit of a hack, because 1.3.1 and 1.4.5+ use different enums for
                    // that value, and i want IC to be compatible with all versions
                        PropertyInfo orbitMode   = typeof(OrbitLoader).GetProperty("mode");
                        Type parserType          = orbitMode.PropertyType;
                        MethodInfo setFromString = parserType.GetMethod("SetFromString");
                        Object parser            = orbitMode.GetValue(body.orbit, null);
                        setFromString.Invoke(parser, new[] { "OFF" });
                        orbitMode.SetValue(body.orbit, parser, null);
                        // ignored

                    // Load additional patches
                    if (body.celestialBody.Has("IC:OrbitPatches"))
                                                               body.celestialBody.Get <ConfigNode>("IC:OrbitPatches"));