/// <summary>
        /// This is an helper method to convert the VSCOMPONENTSELECTORDATA recieved by the
        /// implementer of IVsComponentUser into a ProjectElement that can be used to create
        /// an instance of this class.
        /// This should not be called for project reference or reference to managed assemblies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>ProjectElement corresponding to the COM component passed in</returns>
        private ProjectElement GetProjectElementBasedOnInputFromComponentSelectorData()
            ProjectElement element = new ProjectElement(this.ProjectMgr, this.typeName, ProjectFileConstants.COMReference);

            // Set the basic information regarding this COM component
            element.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Guid, this.typeGuid.ToString("B"));
            element.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.VersionMajor, this.majorVersionNumber);
            element.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.VersionMinor, this.minorVersionNumber);
            element.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Lcid, this.lcid);
            element.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Isolated, false.ToString());

            // See if a PIA exist for this component
            TypeLibConverter typelib = new TypeLibConverter();
            string           assemblyName;
            string           assemblyCodeBase;

            if (typelib.GetPrimaryInteropAssembly(this.typeGuid, Int32.Parse(this.majorVersionNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Int32.Parse(this.minorVersionNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Int32.Parse(this.lcid, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), out assemblyName, out assemblyCodeBase))
                element.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.WrapperTool, WrapperToolAttributeValue.Primary.ToString().ToLower());
                // MSBuild will have to generate an interop assembly
                element.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.WrapperTool, WrapperToolAttributeValue.TlbImp.ToString().ToLower());
                element.SetMetadata(ProjectFileConstants.Private, true.ToString());
Example #2
        internal Assembly GetPrimaryInteropAssembly(UCOMITypeLib typeLib, TypeLibConverter tlbConverter)
            Assembly pia = FindRCW(typeLib);

            if (pia != null)

            IntPtr typeLibAttr = NativeMethods.InvalidIntPtr;

            typeLib.GetLibAttr(out typeLibAttr);

            if (typeLibAttr != NativeMethods.InvalidIntPtr)
                // Marshal the returned int as a TLibAttr structure
                TYPELIBATTR tlbAttr     = (TYPELIBATTR)Marshal.PtrToStructure(typeLibAttr, typeof(TYPELIBATTR));
                string      asmName     = null;
                string      asmCodeBase = null;

                try {
                    tlbConverter.GetPrimaryInteropAssembly(tlbAttr.guid, tlbAttr.wMajorVerNum, tlbAttr.wMinorVerNum, tlbAttr.lcid,
                                                           out asmName, out asmCodeBase);

                    if (asmName != null && asmCodeBase == null)
                        // We found the PIA in the GAC... we need a codebase for this
                        // so we can pass this to the compiler.
                        try {
                            pia         = Assembly.Load(asmName);
                            asmCodeBase = GetLocalPath(pia.EscapedCodeBase);
                        catch (Exception e) {
                            Debug.WriteLineIf(AxWrapperGen.AxWrapper.Enabled, "Could load assembly from GAC " + asmName + " Exception " + e.Message);
                    else if (asmCodeBase != null)
                        asmCodeBase = GetLocalPath(asmCodeBase);
                        pia         = Assembly.LoadFrom(asmCodeBase);

                    if (pia != null)
                        AddRCW(typeLib, pia);
                finally {

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to search the GAC for an assembly that seems to match the given type GUID
        /// </summary>
        private static Assembly SearchForInteropAssembly(Guid typeInfoGuid)
            Assembly assembly = null;

            try {
                string      typelibPath = @"Interface\{" + typeInfoGuid + @"}\TypeLib";
                RegistryKey typelibKey  = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(typelibPath);
                if (typelibKey == null)

                // Read HKCR\Interface\{<typeInfoGuid>}\TypeLib\(Default)"
                Guid typelibGuid = new Guid(typelibKey.GetValue(null, null) as string);

                // Read HKCR\Interface\{<typeInfoGuid>}\TypeLib\Version"
                string typelibVersion = typelibKey.GetValue("Version") as String;
                if (typelibVersion == null)

                string[] versionSplit = typelibVersion.Split('.');
                int      major        = int.Parse(versionSplit[0]);
                int      minor        = int.Parse(versionSplit[1]);

                // Try using TypeLibConverter
                TypeLibConverter tlc = new TypeLibConverter();
                string           asmName = null, asmCodeBase = null;
                tlc.GetPrimaryInteropAssembly(typelibGuid, major, minor, 0, out asmName, out asmCodeBase);

                if (asmName != null)
                    assembly = Assembly.Load(asmName);

                if (assembly != null)

                // Next, try looking up the GAC
                assembly = SearchForInteropAssemblyInGAC(typeInfoGuid, major, minor);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (IronPython.Hosting.PythonEngine.options.EngineDebug)
                    throw e;

        internal Assembly GetPrimaryInteropAssembly(System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib typeLib, TypeLibConverter tlbConverter)
            Assembly assem = this.FindRCW(typeLib);

            if (assem == null)
                IntPtr invalidIntPtr = System.Design.NativeMethods.InvalidIntPtr;
                typeLib.GetLibAttr(out invalidIntPtr);
                if (!(invalidIntPtr != System.Design.NativeMethods.InvalidIntPtr))
                System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPELIBATTR typelibattr = (System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPELIBATTR)Marshal.PtrToStructure(invalidIntPtr, typeof(System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPELIBATTR));
                string asmName     = null;
                string asmCodeBase = null;
                    tlbConverter.GetPrimaryInteropAssembly(typelibattr.guid, typelibattr.wMajorVerNum, typelibattr.wMinorVerNum, typelibattr.lcid, out asmName, out asmCodeBase);
                    if ((asmName != null) && (asmCodeBase == null))
                            assem       = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad(asmName);
                            asmCodeBase = this.GetLocalPath(assem.EscapedCodeBase);
                        catch (Exception)
                    else if (asmCodeBase != null)
                        asmCodeBase = this.GetLocalPath(asmCodeBase);
                        assem       = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(asmCodeBase);
                    if (assem != null)
                        this.AddRCW(typeLib, assem);
Example #5
        internal override bool FindExistingWrapper(out ComReferenceWrapperInfo wrapperInfo, DateTime componentTimestamp)
            string str;
            string str2;

            wrapperInfo = null;
            TypeLibConverter converter = new TypeLibConverter();

            if (!converter.GetPrimaryInteropAssembly(this.ReferenceInfo.attr.guid, this.ReferenceInfo.attr.wMajorVerNum, this.ReferenceInfo.attr.wMinorVerNum, this.ReferenceInfo.attr.lcid, out str, out str2))
                if ((str2 != null) && (str2.Length > 0))
                    Uri      uri      = new Uri(str2);
                    Assembly assembly = Assembly.UnsafeLoadFrom(uri.LocalPath);
                    wrapperInfo                 = new ComReferenceWrapperInfo();
                    wrapperInfo.path            = uri.LocalPath;
                    wrapperInfo.assembly        = assembly;
                    wrapperInfo.originalPiaName = new AssemblyNameExtension(AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(uri.LocalPath));
                    Assembly assembly2 = Assembly.Load(str);
                    wrapperInfo                 = new ComReferenceWrapperInfo();
                    wrapperInfo.path            = assembly2.Location;
                    wrapperInfo.assembly        = assembly2;
                    wrapperInfo.originalPiaName = new AssemblyNameExtension(str, true);
            catch (FileNotFoundException)
            catch (BadImageFormatException)
                base.Log.LogWarningWithCodeFromResources("ResolveComReference.BadAssemblyImage", new object[] { str });
            return(wrapperInfo != null);
Example #6
         * Method:  Resolve
         * Gets the resolved assembly path for the typelib wrapper.
        internal override bool FindExistingWrapper(out ComReferenceWrapperInfo wrapperInfo, DateTime componentTimestamp)
            wrapperInfo = null;

            // Let NDP do the dirty work...
            TypeLibConverter converter = new TypeLibConverter();
            string           asmName, asmCodeBase;

            if (!converter.GetPrimaryInteropAssembly(ReferenceInfo.attr.guid, ReferenceInfo.attr.wMajorVerNum, ReferenceInfo.attr.wMinorVerNum, ReferenceInfo.attr.lcid,
                                                     out asmName, out asmCodeBase))

            // let's try to load the assembly to determine its path and if it's there
                if (asmCodeBase != null && asmCodeBase.Length > 0)
                    Uri uri = new Uri(asmCodeBase);

                    // make sure the PIA can be loaded
                    Assembly assembly = Assembly.UnsafeLoadFrom(uri.LocalPath);

                    // got here? then assembly must have been loaded successfully.
                    wrapperInfo          = new ComReferenceWrapperInfo();
                    wrapperInfo.path     = uri.LocalPath;
                    wrapperInfo.assembly = assembly;

                    // We need to remember the original assembly name of this PIA in case it gets redirected to a newer
                    // version and other COM components use that name to reference the PIA. assembly.FullName wouldn't
                    // work here since we'd get the redirected assembly name.
                    wrapperInfo.originalPiaName = new AssemblyNameExtension(AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(uri.LocalPath));
                    Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load(asmName);

                    // got here? then assembly must have been loaded successfully.
                    wrapperInfo          = new ComReferenceWrapperInfo();
                    wrapperInfo.path     = assembly.Location;
                    wrapperInfo.assembly = assembly;

                    // We need to remember the original assembly name of this PIA in case it gets redirected to a newer
                    // version and other COM components use that name to reference the PIA.
                    wrapperInfo.originalPiaName = new AssemblyNameExtension(asmName, true);
            catch (FileNotFoundException)
                // This means that assembly file cannot be found.
                // We don't need to do anything here; wrapperInfo is not set
                // and we'll assume that the assembly doesn't exist.
            catch (BadImageFormatException)
                // Similar case as above, except we should additionally warn the user that the assembly file
                // is not really a valid assembly file.
                if (!Silent)
                    Log.LogWarningWithCodeFromResources("ResolveComReference.BadAssemblyImage", asmName);

            // have we found the wrapper?
            if (wrapperInfo != null)

Example #7
        internal static Assembly generateAssemblyFromTypeLib(UCOMITypeLib typeLib, bool safeArrayAsArray, string asmFilePath, out bool foundPIAInstead)
            foundPIAInstead = false;
            string typeLibName = Marshal.GetTypeLibName(typeLib);
            string asmDir, asmName, asmFullPath;

            if (asmFilePath == "")
                // asmFilePath == "" means that user does not want the assembly saved in a file. A filename argument
                // is required by the conversion function, although no file is actually written by it. Therefore we
                // supply one in case it is truly necessary.
                asmName = "interop." + typeLibName + ".dll";
                asmDir  = "";
                asmDir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(asmFilePath);
                if (asmDir == null)
                    // asmFilePath was a root dir, like c:\.
                    string asmRoot = System.IO.Path.GetPathRoot(asmFilePath);
                    asmDir = asmRoot == null ? "" : asmRoot;
                    asmDir = asmDir + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
                // M code ensures that if asmFilePath is a dir and not a filename it ends in \, so asmName will be ""
                // if it is a dir.
                asmName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(asmFilePath);
                if (asmName == "")
                    // asmFilePath was just a dir.
                    asmName = "interop." + typeLibName + ".dll";
            asmFullPath = asmDir + asmName;

            ImporterNotiferSink sink = new ImporterNotiferSink(safeArrayAsArray, asmDir);
            TypeLibConverter    tlc  = new TypeLibConverter();

            // Check for an existing PIA and use it if it exists.
            IntPtr pTLibAttr;

            typeLib.GetLibAttr(out pTLibAttr);
            TYPELIBATTR typeLibAttr = (TYPELIBATTR)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pTLibAttr, typeof(TYPELIBATTR));
            string      piaName, piaCodeBase;
            bool        piaExists = tlc.GetPrimaryInteropAssembly(typeLibAttr.guid, typeLibAttr.wMajorVerNum, typeLibAttr.wMinorVerNum,
                                                                  typeLibAttr.lcid, out piaName, out piaCodeBase);

            if (piaExists)
                Assembly pia = Assembly.LoadWithPartialName(piaName);
                if (pia != null)
                    foundPIAInstead = true;

            TypeLoader.isBuildingDynamicAssembly = true;
            try {
                AssemblyBuilder asmBuilder = tlc.ConvertTypeLibToAssembly(typeLib, asmFullPath,
                                                                          safeArrayAsArray ? TypeLibImporterFlags.SafeArrayAsSystemArray : 0, sink, null, null, typeLibName, null);
                Type[] tt = asmBuilder.GetTypes();
                if (asmFilePath != "")
            } finally {
                TypeLoader.isBuildingDynamicAssembly = false;