Example #1
 public void ShouldRegisterAllSerializableTypesFromAssemblyInProperOrder()
Example #2
 private static void AssertTypeIsRegistered(Type type)
     Assert.That(TypeInfoRepository.GetTypeInfo(type).ShortTypeId, Is.Not.Null, type.FullName + " is not registered as predefined type!");
        private static void PerformMeasurement(PerformanceMonitor monitor)
            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Instance of SimpleClass", new SimpleClass {
                Number = 32, Double = 3.14, Text = "test"
            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Instance of SimpleClass null text", new SimpleClass {
                Number = 32, Double = 3.14

            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Array SimpleClass[]", new[]
                new SimpleClass {
                    Number = 32, Double = 3.14, Text = "test1"
                new SimpleClass {
                    Number = 5, Double = 7.14, Text = "test2"
                new SimpleClass {
                    Number = -3, Double = 21.14, Text = "test3"

            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Instance of BasicTypes", new BasicTypes
                Bool      = true,
                Byte      = 32,
                Character = 'a',
                Decimal   = 55,
                Double    = 3.2,
                Float     = 2.3f,
                Int       = 3,
                Long      = 4,
                SByte     = 2,
                Short     = 33,
                String    = "some text",
                UInt      = 33,
                ULong     = 66,
                UShort    = 22

            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Instance of ComplexType", new ComplexType
                Date            = DateTime.Now,
                NullableInt     = 35,
                InterfaceHolder = new Impl {
                    Text = "test"
                BaseType = new Derived {
                    Value = 65.5, Other = 'c'
                PolymorphicHolder = new PolymorphicHolder {
                    A = new Derived {
                        Other = '3', Value = 3.3
                    }, B = new Derived2 {
                        Other = 33, Value = 33.3
                Array          = new[] { 1.0, 2.1, 3.2, 4.3, 5.4, 6.5, 7.6, 8.7, 9.8, 0.9 },
                GuidCollection = new List <Guid> {
                    Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.Empty

            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Instance of ComplexTypeWithObject", new ComplexTypeWithObject
                Date            = DateTime.Now,
                NullableInt     = 35,
                InterfaceHolder = new Impl {
                    Text = "test"
                ObjectHolder = new SimpleClass {
                    Double = 32
                BaseType = new Derived {
                    Value = 65.5, Other = 'c'

            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Instance of POCO", new POCO {
                Text = "text", TimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromHours(66), Value = 99999

            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Array byte[]", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 }));
            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Array long[]", new long[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 }));
            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Array double[]", new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 }));
            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Array string[]", new[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "other" }));

            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Instance of StructureHolder", new StructureHolder
                Date   = DateTime.Now,
                Span   = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(333),
                Pair   = new KeyValuePair <DateTime, decimal>(DateTime.UtcNow, 55),
                Guid   = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Custom = new CustomStruct(66)

            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Array mixed object[]", new object[] { 55, 3.15, null, "test", DateTime.Now, new SimpleClass {
                                                                                   Text = "test"
                                                                               } }));

            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Collection List[SimpleClass]", new List <SimpleClass>
                new SimpleClass {
                    Double = 5, Number = 32, Text = "a"
                new SimpleClass {
                    Double = 45, Number = 332, Text = "bb"

            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Collection Dictionary[int,string]", new Dictionary <int, string> {
                { 3, "3" }, { 55, "fifty five" }

            var linkedList = new LinkedList <SimpleClass>();

            linkedList.AddLast(new SimpleClass {
                Double = 5, Number = 32, Text = "a"
            linkedList.AddLast(new SimpleClass {
                Double = 45, Number = 332, Text = "bb"
            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Collection LinkedList[SimpleClass]", linkedList));

            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Instance of PolymorphicHolder", new PolymorphicHolder
                A = new Derived {
                    Other = 'c', Value = 34.2
                B = new Derived2 {
                    Other = 55, Value = 34.2

            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For <object>("Instance of SimpleClass as object", new SimpleClass {
                Number = 32, Double = 3.14, Text = "test"

            var hugeObject = new KeyValuePair <StructureHolder, BasicTypes> [25];

            for (int i = 0; i < hugeObject.Length; ++i)
                hugeObject[i] = new KeyValuePair <StructureHolder, BasicTypes>(new StructureHolder(), new BasicTypes());

            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Array of huge objects", hugeObject));

            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Object array", new object[] { new SimpleClass {
                                                                           Text = "test", Double = Double.MaxValue, Number = int.MaxValue
                                                                       }, new SimpleClass {
                                                                           Text = "test", Double = Double.MaxValue, Number = int.MaxValue
                                                                       }, new SimpleClass {
                                                                           Text = "test", Double = Double.MaxValue, Number = int.MaxValue
                                                                       }, new SimpleClass {
                                                                           Text = "test", Double = Double.MaxValue, Number = int.MaxValue
                                                                       }, new SimpleClass {
                                                                           Text = "test", Double = Double.MaxValue, Number = int.MaxValue
                                                                       } }));
            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Object array with registered type", new object[] { new RegisteredSimpleClass {
                                                                                                Text = "test", Double = Double.MaxValue, Number = int.MaxValue
                                                                                            }, new RegisteredSimpleClass {
                                                                                                Text = "test", Double = Double.MaxValue, Number = int.MaxValue
                                                                                            }, new RegisteredSimpleClass {
                                                                                                Text = "test", Double = Double.MaxValue, Number = int.MaxValue
                                                                                            }, new RegisteredSimpleClass {
                                                                                                Text = "test", Double = Double.MaxValue, Number = int.MaxValue
                                                                                            }, new RegisteredSimpleClass {
                                                                                                Text = "test", Double = Double.MaxValue, Number = int.MaxValue
                                                                                            } }));

            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Instance of class with standard member type", new SimpleHolder {
                Value = new SimpleClass {
                    Double = 3.65, Number = 99999, Text = "abcdef"
            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Instance of class with sealed member type", new SealedHolder {
                Value = new SealedClass {
                    Double = 3.65, Number = 99999, Text = "abcdef"
            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Instance of class without parameterless ctor", new ClassWithoutParameterlessCtor(32)));
            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Instance of class with readonly field", new ClassWithReadonlyField(12)));
            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Instance of class with all fields referring to the same object", new ClassWithFieldsReferringToTheSameValue(new SimpleClass {
                Text = "a"
            monitor.MeasureFor(Case.For("Instance of int", 32));
 /// <summary>
 /// Registers all classes with [Serializable] attribute in order to decrease size of serialized message containing them.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="assembly"></param>
 public static void RegsterSerializableFrom(Assembly assembly)
 static BinaryMessageSerializer()
Example #6
 public static Func <BinaryReader, object> GetDeserializer(string typeFullName)
Example #7
 public static Action <BinaryWriter, object> GetSerializer(Type type)