Inheritance: MemberInfo
Example #1
        public TypeInfo GetTypeInfo(Type type)
            if (!_typeInfos.ContainsKey(type))
                var typeInfo = new TypeInfo
                        Id = _typeInfos.Count,
                        TypeName = type.AssemblyQualifiedName,
                        IsEnumerable = type.IsImplOf<IEnumerable>()

                if (!typeInfo.IsEnumerable)
                    var propertyInfos = type.GetProperties();
                    var propertyNames = new SimpleList<string>();
                    foreach (var propertyInfo in propertyInfos)
                        if (!IsAValidProperty(propertyInfo)) continue;
                    typeInfo.PropertyNames = propertyNames;

                _typeInfos.Add(type, typeInfo);
                return typeInfo;
            return _typeInfos[type];
 internal static TypeInfo GetNextTypeInfo(Type initialArg, TypeInfo curTypeInfo)
     lock (_DelegateCache)
         return NextTypeInfo(initialArg, curTypeInfo);
 public static void TypeInfo_BaseType(TypeInfo typeInfo)
     String typeName = typeInfo.NameString();
     if (typeName == null)
 static void setBoxing(CompilerContext context, TypeInfo targetType, ExpressionNode expression) {
     var info = expression.getUserData(typeof(ExpressionInfo));
     if (info == null || targetType == null) {
     var type = getType(context, expression);
     if (type == targetType) {
     if (isAssignable(context, targetType, expression)) {
         if (targetType.IsPrimitive) {
             if (!type.IsPrimitive) {
                 info.BoxingKind = BoxingKind.Unbox;
                 var unboxinMethod = context.TypeSystem.getUnboxingMethod(type);
                 info.BoxingMethod = unboxinMethod;
                 info.OriginalType = info.Type;
                 info.Type = unboxinMethod.ReturnType;
         } else if (type.IsPrimitive) {
             info.BoxingKind = BoxingKind.Box;
             var boxingMethod = context.TypeSystem.getBoxingMethod((targetType.IsObject) ? type : targetType);
             info.BoxingMethod = boxingMethod;
             info.OriginalType = info.Type;
             info.Type = boxingMethod.ReturnType;
         } else if (targetType.IsNumeric && type.IsNumeric) {
             info.BoxingKind = BoxingKind.Unbox;
             info.BoxingMethod = context.TypeSystem.getUnboxingMethod(type);
Example #5
        public override FlatOperand Resolve(ExpressionSyntax expression, ArgumentListSyntax argumentList, TypeInfo result_type, SymbolInfo si, FlatOperand into_lvalue, Function function, List<FlatStatement> instructions)
            FlatOperand fop_subject;
            if (expression is IdentifierNameSyntax)
                // typeof this
                fop_subject = FlatOperand.ThisRef(FlatValue.FromType(result_type.ConvertedType));
            else if (expression is MemberAccessExpressionSyntax)
                MemberAccessExpressionSyntax meas = (MemberAccessExpressionSyntax)expression;

                fop_subject = function.ResolveExpression(meas.Expression, null, instructions);
                throw new NotImplementedException("GetMetaTable on expression type " + expression.GetType().ToString());

            if (into_lvalue == null)
                FlatOperand fop_register = function.AllocateRegister("");
                into_lvalue = fop_register.GetLValue(function, instructions);
            instructions.Add(FlatStatement.GETMETATABLE(into_lvalue, fop_subject));
            return into_lvalue.AsRValue(FlatValue.Table());
Example #6
        public void It_detects_Obsolete_attributes()
            var typeInfo = new TypeInfo();

            @"namespace MyNamespace
            [System.Obsolete(""This class is obsolete!"")]
            public class MyClass
            [System.Obsolete(""This constructor is obsolete!"")]
            public MyClass() { }
            [System.Obsolete(""This method is obsolete!"")]
            public void MyMethod() { }
            [System.Obsolete(""This property is obsolete!"")]
            public int MyProperty { get; set; }
            [System.Obsolete(""This event is obsolete!"")]
            public event System.EventHandler MyEvent;
            [System.Obsolete(""This field is obsolete!"")]
            public int MyField;
            Assert.AreEqual("This class is obsolete!", typeInfo.ObsoleteMessage);
            Assert.IsTrue(typeInfo.Members.Single(m => m.Name == ".ctor").Obsolete);
            Assert.AreEqual("This constructor is obsolete!", typeInfo.Members.Single(m => m.Name == ".ctor").ObsoleteMessage);
            Assert.IsTrue(typeInfo.Members.Single(m => m.Name == "MyMethod").Obsolete);
            Assert.AreEqual("This method is obsolete!", typeInfo.Members.Single(m => m.Name == "MyMethod").ObsoleteMessage);
            Assert.IsTrue(typeInfo.Members.Single(m => m.Name == "MyProperty").Obsolete);
            Assert.AreEqual("This property is obsolete!", typeInfo.Members.Single(m => m.Name == "MyProperty").ObsoleteMessage);
            Assert.IsTrue(typeInfo.Members.Single(m => m.Name == "MyEvent").Obsolete);
            Assert.AreEqual("This event is obsolete!", typeInfo.Members.Single(m => m.Name == "MyEvent").ObsoleteMessage);
            Assert.IsTrue(typeInfo.Members.Single(m => m.Name == "MyField").Obsolete);
            Assert.AreEqual("This field is obsolete!", typeInfo.Members.Single(m => m.Name == "MyField").ObsoleteMessage);
Example #7
        private bool MapDestinationCtorToSource(TypeMap typeMap, ConstructorInfo destCtor, TypeInfo sourceTypeInfo,
                                                IMappingOptions options)
            var parameters = new List<ConstructorParameterMap>();
            var ctorParameters = destCtor.GetParameters();

            if (ctorParameters.Length == 0 || !options.ConstructorMappingEnabled)
                return false;

            foreach (var parameter in ctorParameters)
                var members = new LinkedList<MemberInfo>();

                if (!MapDestinationPropertyToSource(members, sourceTypeInfo, parameter.Name, options))
                    return false;

                var resolvers = members.Select(mi => mi.ToMemberGetter());

                var param = new ConstructorParameterMap(parameter, resolvers.ToArray());


            typeMap.AddConstructorMap(destCtor, parameters);

            return true;
        public void ShouldSetTypePropertyWhenPassingTypeInfoToConstructor()
            var typeInfo = new TypeInfo(typeof(CustomClass));
            var dynamicObject = new DynamicObject(typeInfo);

Example #9
 public static TypeInfo GetTypeInfo(this Type type)
     var typeInfo = new TypeInfo { Type = type, TypeCategory = TypeCategory.Other };
         typeInfo.TypeCategory = TypeCategory.ClientInterface;
     else if(type.IsTask())
             typeInfo.TypeCategory = TypeCategory.Task;
             var taskResultType = type.GetGenericArgument();
                 typeInfo.TypeCategory = TypeCategory.ReadOnlyList;
                 typeInfo.Type = taskResultType.GetGenericArgument();
                 typeInfo.TypeCategory = TypeCategory.GenericTask;
                 typeInfo.Type = taskResultType;
     return typeInfo;
Example #10
        public override void CheckSemantic(Scope scope, List<Error> errors)
            string id_var = "";
            //chekeo la semantica del lvalue
            LeftExpr.CheckSemantic(scope, errors);
            TypeInfo t = LeftExpr.ReturnType;

            //en el caso de q sea una variable guardo
            //su valor para despues compararlo con el id del ciclo
            if (LeftExpr is VariableNode)
                id_var = ((VariableNode)LeftExpr).Value;

            //chekeo la semantica del rvalue
            RigthExpr.CheckSemantic(scope, errors);
            TypeInfo t1 = RigthExpr.ReturnType;

            if (t != null && t1 != null && t.Name != t1.Name)
                if (t1.Name == "nil")
                    if (t.Name == "int")
                        errors.Add(new Error(Row, Col, string.Format("Cannot assign nil to an int")));
                else if(t1.Name == "void")
                    errors.Add(new Error(Row, Col, string.Format("The expression that try assign to \"{0}\" not return value", t.Name)));
                    errors.Add(new Error(Row, Col, string.Format("Cannot asssign  \"{0}\" to  \"{1}\"", t1.Name, t.Name)));
                if (countLoop >0  && id_var == scope.IdLoop)
                    errors.Add(new Error(Row, Col, string.Format("Cannot assign any value to variable \"{0}\" of <for>", scope.IdLoop)));
            ReturnType = new TypeInfo("void", null, TypeDecl.Base);
Example #11
        public static TypeInfo Create(Type rootType, Func<Type, IEntityMetaDataProvider> provider)
            if (null == rootType)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(rootType));
            if (null == provider)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(provider));

            TypeInfo typeInfo = new TypeInfo();

            typeInfo.Id = rootType.FullName; //NosQL Id.

            typeInfo.Pageable = rootType.GetCustomAttribute<GridPageableAttribute>();

            typeInfo.Sortable = rootType.GetCustomAttribute<GridSortableAttribute>();

            typeInfo.Filterable = rootType.GetCustomAttribute<GridFilterableAttribute>();

            typeInfo.Editable = rootType.GetCustomAttribute<GridEditableAttribute>();

            GridAttribute ga = rootType.GetCustomAttribute<GridAttribute>();
            if (null != ga)
                typeInfo.Groupable = ga.Groupable;
                typeInfo.Height = ga.Height;

            LoadFields(typeInfo, null, rootType, provider);

            return typeInfo;
 ExpressionInfo(TypeInfo type, Object value) {
     this.Type = type;
     this.Value = value;
     this.IsConstant = true;
     this.BoxingKind = BoxingKind.None;
     this.Negate = true;
Example #13
        public override void CheckSemantic(Scope scope, List<Error> errors)
            //chekeo la semantica de la expr inicial
            ExprFor.CheckSemantic(scope, errors);

            //si el tipo de retorno no es int lanzo un error
            if (ExprFor.ReturnType!= null && ExprFor.ReturnType.BaseType.Name != "int")
                errors.Add(new Error(Row, Col, "The first expression of <for> must be an int"));

            //chekeo la semantica de la expr final
            ExprTo.CheckSemantic(scope, errors);
            //si no tiene errores esa expr

            //si el tipo de retorno no es int lanzo un error
            if (ExprTo.ReturnType != null && ExprTo.ReturnType.BaseType.Name != "int")
                errors.Add(new Error(Row, Col, "The To'expression of <for> must be an int"));

            //creo un nuevo scope
            Scope for_scope = new Scope(scope);
            //agrego la var de ciclo
            for_scope.Variables.Add(IdLoop, new VarInfo(IdLoop, scope.ExistType("int")));

            for_scope.IdLoop = IdLoop;

            ExprDo.CheckSemantic(for_scope, errors);

            ReturnType = new TypeInfo("void", null, TypeDecl.Base);
 public ConventionInfo()
     Source = new TypeInfo();
     Target = new TypeInfo();
     SourceProp = new PropInfo();
     TargetProp = new PropInfo();
        public When_resolving_two_types_with_same_name()
            var a = new A { Int32Value = 0, StringValue = "" };
            var b = new { Int32Value = 0, StringValue = "" };

            var typeInfoA = new TypeInfo(a.GetType());
            var typeInfoB = new TypeInfo(b.GetType());

            typeInfoA.Name = "TestTypeName";
            typeInfoB.Name = "TestTypeName";

            typeInfoA.Namespace = "TestNamespace";
            typeInfoB.Namespace = "TestNamespace";

            typeInfoA.DeclaringType = null;
            typeInfoB.DeclaringType = null;

            var typeResolver = new TypeResolver();

            resolvedTypeA1 = typeResolver.ResolveType(typeInfoA);
            resolvedTypeB1 = typeResolver.ResolveType(typeInfoB);

            resolvedTypeA2 = typeResolver.ResolveType(typeInfoA);
            resolvedTypeB2 = typeResolver.ResolveType(typeInfoB);
Example #16
 private void EnumDCInterfaceMembers(TypeInfo info, EnumMembersHandler handler) {
     var generatedEntityInfo = info.FindDCXPClassInfo();
     var dcPropertyInfos = DCPropertyInfos(generatedEntityInfo);
     foreach (DCPropertyInfo dcPropertyInfo in dcPropertyInfos){
         handler(dcPropertyInfo, dcPropertyInfo.Name);
        static bool isCallingResourceManagerCtor(IList<Instruction> instrs, int ldstrIndex, TypeInfo typeInfo)
            try {
                int index = ldstrIndex + 1;

                var ldtoken = instrs[index++];
                if (ldtoken.OpCode.Code != Code.Ldtoken)
                    return false;
                if (!new SigComparer().Equals(typeInfo.type.TypeDef, ldtoken.Operand as ITypeDefOrRef))
                    return false;

                if (!checkCalledMethod(instrs[index++], "System.Type", "(System.RuntimeTypeHandle)"))
                    return false;
                if (!checkCalledMethod(instrs[index++], "System.Reflection.Assembly", "()"))
                    return false;

                var newobj = instrs[index++];
                if (newobj.OpCode.Code != Code.Newobj)
                    return false;
                if (newobj.Operand.ToString() != "System.Void System.Resources.ResourceManager::.ctor(System.String,System.Reflection.Assembly)")
                    return false;

                return true;
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {
                return false;
            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) {
                return false;
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Prompts the user to edit a value.
        /// </summary>
        public Variant ShowDialog(Session session, NodeId nodeId)
            m_session = session;
            m_nodeId = nodeId;

            #region Task #B2 - Write Value
            // generate a default value based on the data type.
            m_value = Variant.Null;
            m_sourceType = GetExpectedType(session, nodeId);

            if (m_sourceType != null)
                m_value = new Variant(TypeInfo.GetDefaultValue(m_sourceType.BuiltInType), m_sourceType);

            // cast the value to a string.
            ValueTB.Text = (string)TypeInfo.Cast(m_value.Value, m_value.TypeInfo, BuiltInType.String);

            if (ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
                return Variant.Null;

            return m_value;
Example #19
 public TypeMap(TypeInfo sourceType, TypeInfo destinationType, MemberList memberList)
     _sourceType = sourceType;
     _destinationType = destinationType;
     Profile = ConfigurationStore.DefaultProfileName;
     ConfiguredMemberList = memberList;
 LocalInfo(TypeInfo type, String name, int index, Label beginLabel, Label endLabel) {
     this.type = type; = name;
     this.index = index;
     this.beginLabel = beginLabel;
     this.endLabel = endLabel;
        public DataContract2ClassBuilder(string ns, Command cmd, DataTable dt)
            : base(ns, cmd)
            this.dt = dt;

            foreach (DataColumn column in dt.Columns)
                TypeInfo ty = new TypeInfo { type = column.DataType };
                foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                    if (row[column] == DBNull.Value)
                        ty.Nullable = true;

                dict.Add(column, ty);


Example #22
        public void It_can_create_a_deep_clone_of_itself()
            var type1 = new TypeInfo
                            Name = "MyType",
                            Kind = TypeKind.Class,
                            Obsolete = true,
                            ObsoleteMessage = "I'm obsolete!",
                            Members =
                                    new MemberInfo
                                        Changes = { new MemberChangeInfo() }
                            Changes =
                                    new TypeChangeInfo()

            var type2 = type1.Clone();

            Assert.AreNotSame(type1, type2);
            Assert.AreEqual(type1.Name, type2.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(type1.Kind, type2.Kind);
            Assert.AreEqual(type1.Obsolete, type2.Obsolete);
            Assert.AreEqual(type1.ObsoleteMessage, type2.ObsoleteMessage);
            Assert.AreNotSame(type1.Members, type2.Members);
            Assert.AreNotSame(type1.Members.Single(), type2.Members.Single());
            Assert.AreNotSame(type1.Members.Single().Changes.Single(), type2.Members.Single().Changes.Single());
            Assert.AreNotSame(type1.Changes, type2.Changes);
            Assert.AreNotSame(type1.Changes.Single(), type2.Changes.Single());
 public static void TypeInfo_CustomAttributes(TypeInfo typeInfo)
     String typeName = typeInfo.NameString();
     if (typeName == null)
Example #24
 string HaveField(TypeInfo t)
     for (int i = 0; i < t.Record_parameters.Count(); i++)
         if (Field == t.Record_parameters[i].Id) return t.Record_parameters[i].Type;
     return "";
 private static void CheckForTypeConversion(ExpressionSyntax expression, TypeInfo typeInfo, Action<Diagnostic> reportDiagnostic, string filePath)
     if (typeInfo.Type != null && typeInfo.Type.IsValueType && typeInfo.ConvertedType != null && !typeInfo.ConvertedType.IsValueType)
         reportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create(ValueTypeToReferenceTypeInAStringConcatenationRule, expression.GetLocation(), new object[] { typeInfo.Type.ToDisplayString() }));
        private static IEnumerable<TargetElementAttribute> GetValidTargetElementAttributes(
            TypeInfo typeInfo,
            ErrorSink errorSink)
            var targetElementAttributes = typeInfo.GetCustomAttributes<TargetElementAttribute>(inherit: false);

            return targetElementAttributes.Where(attribute => ValidTargetElementAttributeNames(attribute, errorSink));
 void buildTypeDocumentation(TypeInfo type, TypeMemberNode typeDeclaration) {
     var comment = ParserHelper.decodeDocumentation(context.Text, typeDeclaration.DocumentationOffset,
     memberKind = MemberKind.Type;
     this.type = type;
     node = typeDeclaration;
     appendDocumentation(getIdString(type), comment);
Example #28
        private readonly TypeInfo m_typeInfo; // Corresponding type info

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public ConvEnumExternal(ConverterInfo info, TypeInfo typeInfo, Type managedType)
            m_typeInfo = typeInfo;
            m_managedType = managedType;

            info.AddToSymbolTable(typeInfo, ConvType.Enum, this);
            info.RegisterType(managedType, this);
Example #29
        public MiniParameterInfo(CorElementType elementType, TypeInfo parameterType)
            System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Requires(parameterType != null);

            _elementType = elementType;
            _paramType = parameterType;
 static void setArrayInitializerTypes(ArrayInitializerExpressionNode initializer, TypeInfo type) {
     initializer.getUserData(typeof(ExpressionInfo)).Type = type;
     foreach (var e in initializer.Values) {
         if (e.ExpressionKind == ExpressionKind.ArrayInitializer) {
             setArrayInitializerTypes((ArrayInitializerExpressionNode)e, type.ElementType);
Example #31
        void ICloneTargetSetup.HandleObject <T>(T source, T target, CloneBehavior behavior, TypeInfo behaviorTarget)
            // Since "fallback to default" is triggered by source being equal to the currently handled object,
            // we need to make sure that this cannot be triggered accidentally by auto-generated clone lambdas.
            // Only allow the fallback when the object in question is actually cloned by user code!
            bool calledFromUserCode = this.currentObject is ICloneExplicit || this.currentCloneType.Surrogate != null;

            if (object.ReferenceEquals(source, this.currentObject) && calledFromUserCode)
                this.PrepareObjectChildCloneGraph(this.currentObject, target, this.currentCloneType);
            else if (behaviorTarget != null)
                this.PushCloneBehavior(new LocalCloneBehavior(behaviorTarget, behavior));
                this.PrepareObjectCloneGraph(source, target, null);
            else if (behavior == CloneBehavior.Reference)
            else if (behavior == CloneBehavior.WeakReference)
                if (!object.ReferenceEquals(source, null))
                this.PrepareObjectCloneGraph(source, target, null, behavior);
 public override TypeInfo MapType(TypeInfo type)
 private static bool IsApplicableAttribute(TypeInfo type, TypeInfo targetType, string targetTypeName)
     return(type != null && AreEquivalent(targetType, type) ||
            targetTypeName != null && type.FullName == targetTypeName);
Example #34
 public TypeCustomAttributeProvider(TypeInfo provider)
     _provider = provider;
        private IGraphType GetGraphType(GraphTypeAdapter typeAdapter, TypeResolver typeResolver, TypeInfo typeInfo)
            var graphTypeInfo = typeResolver.DeriveType(typeInfo);

Example #36
 public static MethodInfo GetPrivateStaticMethod(this TypeInfo t, string name)
     return(t.GetMethod(name, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static));
Example #37
 public static MethodInfo[] GetPublicInstanceOverloadedMethods(this TypeInfo t, string name)
     return(t.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).Where(m => m.Name == name).ToArray());
Example #38
 public static MethodInfo GetPublicInstanceMethod(this TypeInfo t, string name)
     return(t.GetMethod(name, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance));
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the conversion might change the resultant boxed type.
        /// Similar boxing checks are performed elsewhere, but in this case we need to perform the check on the entire conditional expression.
        /// This will make sure the resultant cast is proper for the type of the conditional expression.
        /// </summary>
        private bool ReplacementBreaksBoxingInConditionalExpression(TypeInfo originalExpressionTypeInfo, TypeInfo newExpressionTypeInfo, ExpressionSyntax previousOriginalNode, ExpressionSyntax previousReplacedNode)
            // If the resultant types are different and it is boxing to the converted type then semantics could be changing.
            if (!Equals(originalExpressionTypeInfo.Type, newExpressionTypeInfo.Type))
                var originalConvertedTypeConversion      = this.OriginalSemanticModel.ClassifyConversion(previousOriginalNode, originalExpressionTypeInfo.ConvertedType);
                var newExpressionConvertedTypeConversion = this.SpeculativeSemanticModel.ClassifyConversion(previousReplacedNode, newExpressionTypeInfo.ConvertedType);

                if (originalConvertedTypeConversion.IsBoxing && newExpressionConvertedTypeConversion.IsBoxing)

Example #40
 public static object ChangeType(this object source, TypeInfo newType) => Convert.ChangeType(source, newType.AsType());
Example #41
        private static void CheckDependencies(IList <Sharpen.Tuple <RuleDependencyAttribute, ICustomAttributeProvider> > dependencies, TypeInfo recognizerType)
            string[] ruleNames    = GetRuleNames(recognizerType);
            int[]    ruleVersions = GetRuleVersions(recognizerType, ruleNames);
            RuleDependencyChecker.RuleRelations relations = ExtractRuleRelations(recognizerType);
            StringBuilder errors = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (Sharpen.Tuple <RuleDependencyAttribute, ICustomAttributeProvider> dependency in dependencies)
                if (!dependency.Item1.Recognizer.GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(recognizerType))
                // this is the rule in the dependency set with the highest version number
                int effectiveRule = dependency.Item1.Rule;
                if (effectiveRule < 0 || effectiveRule >= ruleVersions.Length)
                    string message = string.Format("Rule dependency on unknown rule {0}@{1} in {2}", dependency.Item1.Rule, dependency.Item1.Version, dependency.Item1.Recognizer.ToString());
                Dependents dependents = Dependents.Self | dependency.Item1.Dependents;
                ReportUnimplementedDependents(errors, dependency, dependents);
                BitSet @checked = new BitSet();
                int    highestRequiredDependency = CheckDependencyVersion(errors, dependency, ruleNames, ruleVersions, effectiveRule, null);
                if ((dependents & Dependents.Parents) != 0)
                    BitSet parents = relations.parents[dependency.Item1.Rule];
                    for (int parent = parents.NextSetBit(0); parent >= 0; parent = parents.NextSetBit(parent + 1))
                        if (parent < 0 || parent >= ruleVersions.Length || @checked.Get(parent))
                        int required = CheckDependencyVersion(errors, dependency, ruleNames, ruleVersions, parent, "parent");
                        highestRequiredDependency = Math.Max(highestRequiredDependency, required);
                if ((dependents & Dependents.Children) != 0)
                    BitSet children = relations.children[dependency.Item1.Rule];
                    for (int child = children.NextSetBit(0); child >= 0; child = children.NextSetBit(child + 1))
                        if (child < 0 || child >= ruleVersions.Length || @checked.Get(child))
                        int required = CheckDependencyVersion(errors, dependency, ruleNames, ruleVersions, child, "child");
                        highestRequiredDependency = Math.Max(highestRequiredDependency, required);
                if ((dependents & Dependents.Ancestors) != 0)
                    BitSet ancestors = relations.GetAncestors(dependency.Item1.Rule);
                    for (int ancestor = ancestors.NextSetBit(0); ancestor >= 0; ancestor = ancestors.NextSetBit(ancestor + 1))
                        if (ancestor < 0 || ancestor >= ruleVersions.Length || @checked.Get(ancestor))
                        int required = CheckDependencyVersion(errors, dependency, ruleNames, ruleVersions, ancestor, "ancestor");
                        highestRequiredDependency = Math.Max(highestRequiredDependency, required);
                if ((dependents & Dependents.Descendants) != 0)
                    BitSet descendants = relations.GetDescendants(dependency.Item1.Rule);
                    for (int descendant = descendants.NextSetBit(0); descendant >= 0; descendant = descendants.NextSetBit(descendant + 1))
                        if (descendant < 0 || descendant >= ruleVersions.Length || @checked.Get(descendant))
                        int required = CheckDependencyVersion(errors, dependency, ruleNames, ruleVersions, descendant, "descendant");
                        highestRequiredDependency = Math.Max(highestRequiredDependency, required);
                int declaredVersion = dependency.Item1.Version;
                if (declaredVersion > highestRequiredDependency)
                    string message = string.Format("Rule dependency version mismatch: {0} has maximum dependency version {1} (expected {2}) in {3}", ruleNames[dependency.Item1.Rule], highestRequiredDependency, declaredVersion, dependency.Item1.Recognizer.ToString());
            if (errors.Length > 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(errors.ToString());
Example #42
        public static IList <Sharpen.Tuple <RuleDependencyAttribute, ICustomAttributeProvider> > GetDependencies(TypeInfo clazz)
            IList <Sharpen.Tuple <RuleDependencyAttribute, ICustomAttributeProvider> > result = new List <Sharpen.Tuple <RuleDependencyAttribute, ICustomAttributeProvider> >();

            GetElementDependencies(AsCustomAttributeProvider(clazz), result);
            foreach (ConstructorInfo ctor in clazz.DeclaredConstructors)
                GetElementDependencies(AsCustomAttributeProvider(ctor), result);
                foreach (ParameterInfo parameter in ctor.GetParameters())
                    GetElementDependencies(AsCustomAttributeProvider(parameter), result);

            foreach (FieldInfo field in clazz.DeclaredFields)
                GetElementDependencies(AsCustomAttributeProvider(field), result);

            foreach (MethodInfo method in clazz.DeclaredMethods)
                GetElementDependencies(AsCustomAttributeProvider(method), result);
                if (method.ReturnTypeCustomAttributes != null)
                    GetElementDependencies(AsCustomAttributeProvider(method.ReturnTypeCustomAttributes), result);
                if (method.ReturnParameter != null)
                    GetElementDependencies(AsCustomAttributeProvider(method.ReturnParameter), result);

                foreach (ParameterInfo parameter in method.GetParameters())
                    GetElementDependencies(AsCustomAttributeProvider(parameter), result);

Example #43
 public static T GetPublicInstanceField <T>(this TypeInfo t, object instance, string field)
     return((T)t.GetField(field, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)?.GetValue(instance));
Example #44
 protected static ICustomAttributeProvider AsCustomAttributeProvider(TypeInfo type)
     return(new TypeCustomAttributeProvider(type));
Example #45
 public SmartType(Type type, ConstructorRetrieval constructorRetrieval)
     _type = type;
     _constructorRetrieval = constructorRetrieval;
     _typeInfo             = _type.GetTypeInfo();
Example #46
        void OnSearchBarButtonPressed(object sender, EventArgs args)
            // Get the search text.
            SearchBar searchBar  = (SearchBar)sender;
            string    searchText = searchBar.Text;

            // Create a List and initialize the results Label.
            var list = new List <Tuple <Type, Type> >();

            _resultsLabel.Text = string.Empty;

            // Get Xamarin.Forms assembly.
            Assembly xamarinFormsAssembly = typeof(View).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;

            // Loop through all the types.
            foreach (Type type in xamarinFormsAssembly.ExportedTypes)
                TypeInfo typeInfo = type.GetTypeInfo();

                // Public types only.
                if (typeInfo.IsPublic)
                    // Loop through the properties.
                    foreach (PropertyInfo property in typeInfo.DeclaredProperties)
                        // Check for a match
                        if (property.Name.Equals(searchText))
                            // Add it to the list.
                            list.Add(Tuple.Create <Type, Type>(type, property.PropertyType));

            if (list.Count == 0)
                _resultsLabel.Text =
                    String.Format("No Xamarin.Forms properties with " +
                                  "the name of {0} were found",
                _resultsLabel.Text = "The ";

                foreach (Tuple <Type, Type> tuple in list)
                    _resultsLabel.Text +=
                        String.Format("{0} type defines a property named {1} of type {2}",
                                      tuple.Item1.Name, searchText, tuple.Item2.Name);

                    if (tuple != list.Last())
                        _resultsLabel.Text += "; and the ";

                _resultsLabel.Text += ".";
 private static bool AreEquivalent(TypeInfo type, TypeInfo other)
     // TODO: Unify NoPIA interfaces
Example #48
        private Dictionary <string, CommandRecord> LoadCommands()
            Dictionary <string, CommandRecord> commands = new Dictionary <string, CommandRecord>();
            string        dir           = new FileInfo(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location).Directory.FullName;
            DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(dir);

            FileInfo[] files          = directoryInfo.GetFiles("*.dll");
            Type       commandsetType = typeof(CommandSet);
            string     typeName;
            string     methodName;
            string     command;
            IEnumerable <CommandAttribute> commandAttributes;

            foreach (FileInfo file in files)
                Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load(AssemblyLoadContext.GetAssemblyName(file.FullName));
                Type[]   types    = assembly.GetTypes();
                foreach (Type type in types)
                    TypeInfo typeInfo = type.GetTypeInfo();
                    if (typeInfo.IsArray == true)
                    if (typeInfo.IsEnum == true)
                    if (typeInfo.IsAbstract == true)
                    if (typeInfo.IsInterface == true)
                    if (typeInfo.IsClass == false)
                    if (!commandsetType.IsAssignableFrom(type))

                    typeName = type.Name;
                    if (typeName.EndsWith("Commands"))
                        typeName = typeName.Substring(0, typeName.Length - 8);
                    typeName = typeName.ToLower();
                    foreach (MethodInfo method in type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly))
                        methodName        = method.Name.ToLower();
                        commandAttributes = method.GetCustomAttributes <CommandAttribute>();
                        foreach (CommandAttribute commandAttribute in commandAttributes)
                            command = commandAttribute.Name.Trim().ToLower();
                            if (command.Length <= 0)
                            commands[command] = new CommandRecord(command, type, method);
        private static DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute GetApplicableDebuggerTypeProxyAttribute(TypeInfo type)
            // includes inherited attributes. The debugger uses the first attribute if multiple are applied.
            var result = type.GetCustomAttributes <DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (result != null)

            // TODO (tomat): which assembly should we look at for proxy attributes?
            foreach (DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute attr in type.Assembly.GetCustomAttributes <DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute>())
                if (IsApplicableAttribute(type, attr.Target.GetTypeInfo(), attr.TargetTypeName))

 public ParameterExpression(TypeInfo parameterType, string parameterName, int instanceId)
     ParameterType = parameterType;
     ParameterName = parameterName;
     InstanceId    = instanceId;
 internal static PersistRequestBuilderTask RemoveWithVersionCheck(TypeInfo type, BitArray availableFields)
     return(new PersistRequestBuilderTask(PersistRequestKind.Remove, type, availableFields, null, true));
 internal static PersistRequestBuilderTask Remove(TypeInfo type)
     return(new PersistRequestBuilderTask(PersistRequestKind.Remove, type, null, null, false));
        internal static MemberInfo ResolveMember(object obj, string memberName, bool callableOnly)
            TypeInfo type = obj.GetType().GetTypeInfo();

            // case-sensitive:
            TypeInfo currentType = type;

            while (true)
                if (!callableOnly)
                    var field = currentType.GetDeclaredField(memberName);
                    if (field != null)

                    var property = currentType.GetDeclaredProperty(memberName);
                    if (property != null)
                        var getter = property.GetMethod;
                        if (getter != null)

                var method = currentType.GetDeclaredMethod(memberName, Type.EmptyTypes);
                if (method != null)

                if (currentType.BaseType == null)

                currentType = currentType.BaseType.GetTypeInfo();

            // case-insensitive:
            currentType = type;
            while (true)
                IEnumerable <MemberInfo> members;
                if (callableOnly)
                    members = type.DeclaredMethods;
                    members = ((IEnumerable <MemberInfo>)type.DeclaredFields).Concat(type.DeclaredProperties);

                MemberInfo candidate = null;
                foreach (var member in members)
                    if (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(memberName, member.Name))
                        if (candidate != null)

                        MethodInfo method;

                        if (member is FieldInfo)
                            candidate = member;
                        else if ((method = member as MethodInfo) != null)
                            if (method.GetParameters().Length == 0)
                                candidate = member;
                            var getter = ((PropertyInfo)member).GetMethod;
                            if (getter?.GetParameters().Length == 0)
                                candidate = member;

                if (candidate != null)

                if (currentType.BaseType == null)

                currentType = currentType.BaseType.GetTypeInfo();

 internal static PersistRequestBuilderTask UpdateWithVersionCheck(TypeInfo type, BitArray availableFields, BitArray changedField)
     return(new PersistRequestBuilderTask(PersistRequestKind.Update, type, availableFields, changedField, true));
 public IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> Get(TypeInfo parameter) => parameter.GetProperties();
 internal static PersistRequestBuilderTask Update(TypeInfo type, BitArray changedFields)
     return(new PersistRequestBuilderTask(PersistRequestKind.Update, type, null, changedFields, false));
Example #57
 void ICloneTargetSetup.HandleValue <T>(ref T source, ref T target, CloneBehavior behavior, TypeInfo behaviorTarget)
     if (typeof(T) == this.currentCloneType.Type.AsType())
         // Structs can't contain themselfs. If source's type is equal to our current clone type, this is a handle-self call.
         this.PrepareValueChildCloneGraph <T>(ref source, ref target, this.currentCloneType);
     else if (behaviorTarget != null)
         this.PushCloneBehavior(new LocalCloneBehavior(behaviorTarget, behavior));
         this.PrepareValueCloneGraph <T>(ref source, ref target, null);
         this.PrepareValueCloneGraph <T>(ref source, ref target, null);
        // Constructors

        internal static PersistRequestBuilderTask Insert(TypeInfo type)
            return(new PersistRequestBuilderTask(PersistRequestKind.Insert, type, null, null, false));
        private Type GetEquivalentType(Type type)
            Type equiv;

            if (_equivalentTypeCache == null)
                // Pre-loading with the non-generic IQueryable and IEnumerable not only covers this case
                // without any reflection-based introspection, but also means the slightly different
                // code needed to catch this case can be omitted safely.
                _equivalentTypeCache = new Dictionary <Type, Type>
                    { typeof(IQueryable), typeof(IEnumerable) },
                    { typeof(IEnumerable), typeof(IEnumerable) }
            if (!_equivalentTypeCache.TryGetValue(type, out equiv))
                Type     pubType = GetPublicType(type);
                TypeInfo info    = pubType.GetTypeInfo();
                if (info.IsInterface && info.IsGenericType)
                    Type genericType = info.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
                    if (genericType == typeof(IOrderedEnumerable <>))
                        equiv = pubType;
                    else if (genericType == typeof(IOrderedQueryable <>))
                        equiv = typeof(IOrderedEnumerable <>).MakeGenericType(info.GenericTypeArguments[0]);
                    else if (genericType == typeof(IEnumerable <>))
                        equiv = pubType;
                    else if (genericType == typeof(IQueryable <>))
                        equiv = typeof(IEnumerable <>).MakeGenericType(info.GenericTypeArguments[0]);
                if (equiv == null)
                    var interfacesWithInfo = info.ImplementedInterfaces.Select(IntrospectionExtensions.GetTypeInfo).ToArray();
                    var singleTypeGenInterfacesWithGetType = interfacesWithInfo
                                                             .Where(i => i.IsGenericType && i.GenericTypeArguments.Length == 1)
                                                             .Select(i => new { Info = i, GenType = i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() })
                    Type typeArg = singleTypeGenInterfacesWithGetType
                                   .Where(i => i.GenType == typeof(IOrderedQueryable <>) || i.GenType == typeof(IOrderedEnumerable <>))
                                   .Select(i => i.Info.GenericTypeArguments[0])
                    if (typeArg != null)
                        equiv = typeof(IOrderedEnumerable <>).MakeGenericType(typeArg);
                        typeArg = singleTypeGenInterfacesWithGetType
                                  .Where(i => i.GenType == typeof(IQueryable <>) || i.GenType == typeof(IEnumerable <>))
                                  .Select(i => i.Info.GenericTypeArguments[0])
                        equiv = typeof(IEnumerable <>).MakeGenericType(typeArg);
                _equivalentTypeCache.Add(type, equiv);
Example #60
        private static string[] GetRuleNames(TypeInfo recognizerClass)
            FieldInfo ruleNames = recognizerClass.DeclaredFields.First(i => i.Name == "ruleNames");
