Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes.
        /// </summary>
        public XmlRpcServer()
            TypeSerializerFactory = new TypeSerializerFactory();
            TypeConverterFactory = new TypeConverterFactory();

            XmlRpcServerConfig config = new XmlRpcServerConfig();
            //config.EnabledForExtensions = true;
            Config = config;
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 ///     Writes the field to the CSV file
 ///     using the given <see cref="T:CsvHelper.TypeConversion.ITypeConverter" />.
 ///     When all fields are written for a record,
 ///     <see cref="M:CsvHelper.ICsvWriter.NextRecord" /> must be called
 ///     to complete writing of the current record.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the field.</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="TConverter">The type of the converter.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="field">The field to write.</param>
 public virtual void WriteField <T, TConverter>(T field)
     WriteField(field, TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter <TConverter>());
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the field to the CSV file
        /// using the given <see cref="ITypeConverter"/>.
        /// When all fields are written for a record,
        /// <see cref="ICsvWriter.NextRecord" /> must be called
        /// to complete writing of the current record.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the field.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TConverter">The type of the converter.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="field">The field to write.</param>
        public virtual void WriteField <T, TConverter>(T field)
            var converter = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter <TConverter>();

            WriteField(field, converter);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Auto maps the given map and checks for circular references as it goes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map">The map to auto map.</param>
        /// <param name="ignoreReferences">A value indicating if references should be ignored when auto mapping.
        /// True to ignore references, otherwise false.</param>
        /// <param name="prefixReferenceHeaders">A value indicating if headers of reference properties should
        /// get prefixed by the parent property name.
        /// True to prefix, otherwise false.</param>
        /// <param name="mapParents">The list of parents for the map.</param>
        internal static void AutoMapInternal(CsvClassMap map, bool ignoreReferences, bool prefixReferenceHeaders, LinkedList <Type> mapParents, int indexStart = 0)
            var type = map.GetType().GetTypeInfo().BaseType.GetGenericArguments()[0];

            if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                throw new CsvConfigurationException("Types that inherit IEnumerable cannot be auto mapped. " +
                                                    "Did you accidentally call GetRecord or WriteRecord which " +
                                                    "acts on a single record instead of calling GetRecords or " +
                                                    "WriteRecords which acts on a list of records?");

            var properties = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);

            foreach (var property in properties)
                var typeConverterType = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter(property.PropertyType).GetType();
                if (typeConverterType == typeof(EnumerableConverter))
                    // The IEnumerable converter just throws an exception so skip it.

                var isDefaultConverter    = typeConverterType == typeof(DefaultTypeConverter);
                var hasDefaultConstructor = property.PropertyType.GetConstructor(new Type[0]) != null;
                if (isDefaultConverter && hasDefaultConstructor)
                    if (ignoreReferences)

                    // If the type is not one covered by our type converters
                    // and it has a parameterless constructor, create a
                    // reference map for it.
                    if (CheckForCircularReference(property.PropertyType, mapParents))

                    var refMapType = typeof(DefaultCsvClassMap <>).MakeGenericType(property.PropertyType);
                    var refMap     = (CsvClassMap)ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance(refMapType);
                    AutoMapInternal(refMap, false, prefixReferenceHeaders, mapParents, map.GetMaxIndex() + 1);

                    if (refMap.PropertyMaps.Count > 0 || refMap.ReferenceMaps.Count > 0)
                        var referenceMap = new CsvPropertyReferenceMap(property, refMap);
                        if (prefixReferenceHeaders)

                    var propertyMap = new CsvPropertyMap(property);
                    propertyMap.Data.Index = map.GetMaxIndex() + 1;
                    if (propertyMap.Data.TypeConverter.CanConvertFrom(typeof(string)) ||
                        propertyMap.Data.TypeConverter.CanConvertTo(typeof(string)) && !isDefaultConverter)
                        // Only add the property map if it can be converted later on.
                        // If the property will use the default converter, don't add it because
                        // we don't want the .ToString() value to be used when auto mapping.

Example #5
        public void GetConverterForFloatTest()
            var converter = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter(typeof(float));

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(converter, typeof(SingleConverter));
Example #6
        public void GetConverterForDecimalTest()
            var converter = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter(typeof(decimal));

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(converter, typeof(DecimalConverter));
Example #7
        public void GetConverterForByteTest()
            var converter = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter(typeof(byte));

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(converter, typeof(ByteConverter));
Example #8
        public void GetConverterForUnknownTypeTest()
            var converter = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter(typeof(TestUnknownClass));

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(converter, typeof(DefaultTypeConverter));
Example #9
        protected virtual ISettings LoadSettingCore(Type settingType, int storeId = 0)
            var allSettings = GetAllCachedSettings();
            var instance    = (ISettings)Activator.CreateInstance(settingType);
            var prefix      = settingType.Name;

            foreach (var fastProp in FastProperty.GetProperties(settingType).Values)
                var prop = fastProp.Property;

                // Get properties we can read and write to
                if (!prop.CanWrite)

                string key = prefix + "." + prop.Name;

                if (!allSettings.TryGetValue(CreateCacheKey(key, storeId), out var cachedSetting) && storeId > 0)
                    // Fallback to shared (storeId = 0)
                    allSettings.TryGetValue(CreateCacheKey(key, 0), out cachedSetting);

                string setting = cachedSetting?.Value;

                if (setting == null)
                    if (fastProp.IsSequenceType)
                        if ((fastProp.GetValue(instance) as IEnumerable) != null)
                            // Instance of IEnumerable<> was already created, most likely in the constructor of the settings concrete class.
                            // In this case we shouldn't let the EnumerableConverter create a new instance but keep this one.

                var converter = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter(prop.PropertyType);

                if (converter == null || !converter.CanConvertFrom(typeof(string)))

                    object value = converter.ConvertFrom(setting);

                    // Set property
                    fastProp.SetValue(instance, value);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var msg = "Could not convert setting '{0}' to type '{1}'".FormatInvariant(key, prop.PropertyType.Name);
                    Logger.Error(ex, msg);

Example #10
        private static IEnumerable <IDbDataParameter> BindingModelPropertyToParameter(
            TModel model, IDictionary <string, IDbModelPropertyStrategy> modelPropertyBindings, IEnumerable <IDbDataParameter> dbParams)
            var parameters       = new List <IDbDataParameter>(dbParams);
            var converterFactory = TypeConverterFactory.GetTypeConverterFactory();

            foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                var propBindingQuery = modelPropertyBindings.Where(c => c.Key == parameter.ParameterName).ToList();

                if (!propBindingQuery.Any())

                var propertyBindingInfo = propBindingQuery.First();
                var modelProperty       = propertyBindingInfo.Value.GetPropertyInfo();
                var value = modelProperty.GetValue(model, null);

                if (value != null)
                    var converter = converterFactory.GetConvertType(modelProperty.PropertyType);

                    if (converter != null)
                        if (converter is EnumConverter)
                            parameter.Value =
                                (converter as EnumConverter).Convert(modelProperty.PropertyType, value);
                            parameter.Value = converter.Convert(value);
                        parameter.Value = value;
                    if (propertyBindingInfo.Value.IsAllowNull())
                        parameter.Value = DBNull.Value;
                        if (propertyBindingInfo.Value.GetPropertyInfo().PropertyType.IsValueType)
                            parameter.Value = Activator.CreateInstance(
                            parameter.Value = string.Empty;

Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Auto maps the given map and checks for circular references as it goes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map">The map to auto map.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Options for auto mapping.</param>
        /// <param name="mapParents">The list of parents for the map.</param>
        /// <param name="indexStart">The index starting point.</param>
        internal static void AutoMapInternal(CsvClassMap map, AutoMapOptions options, LinkedList <Type> mapParents, int indexStart = 0)
            var type = map.GetType().GetTypeInfo().BaseType.GetGenericArguments()[0];

            if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                throw new CsvConfigurationException("Types that inherit IEnumerable cannot be auto mapped. " +
                                                    "Did you accidentally call GetRecord or WriteRecord which " +
                                                    "acts on a single record instead of calling GetRecords or " +
                                                    "WriteRecords which acts on a list of records?");

            var flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public;

            if (options.IncludePrivateProperties)
                flags = flags | BindingFlags.NonPublic;

            var members = new List <MemberInfo>();

            if ((options.MemberTypes & MemberTypes.Properties) == MemberTypes.Properties)
                var properties = type.GetProperties(flags);

            if ((options.MemberTypes & MemberTypes.Fields) == MemberTypes.Fields)
                var fields = new List <MemberInfo>();
                foreach (var field in type.GetFields(flags))
                    if (!field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CompilerGeneratedAttribute), false).Any())


            foreach (var member in members)
                var typeConverterType = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter(member.MemberType()).GetType();

                if (typeConverterType == typeof(EnumerableConverter))
                    // The IEnumerable converter just throws an exception so skip it.

                var isDefaultConverter    = typeConverterType == typeof(DefaultTypeConverter);
                var hasDefaultConstructor = member.MemberType().GetConstructor(new Type[0]) != null;
                if (isDefaultConverter && hasDefaultConstructor)
                    if (options.IgnoreReferences)

                    // If the type is not one covered by our type converters
                    // and it has a parameterless constructor, create a
                    // reference map for it.
                    if (CheckForCircularReference(member.MemberType(), mapParents))

                    var refMapType = typeof(DefaultCsvClassMap <>).MakeGenericType(member.MemberType());
                    var refMap     = (CsvClassMap)ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance(refMapType);
                    var refOptions = options.Copy();
                    refOptions.IgnoreReferences = false;
                    AutoMapInternal(refMap, options, mapParents, map.GetMaxIndex() + 1);

                    if (refMap.PropertyMaps.Count > 0 || refMap.ReferenceMaps.Count > 0)
                        var referenceMap = new CsvPropertyReferenceMap(member, refMap);
                        if (options.PrefixReferenceHeaders)

                    var propertyMap = new CsvPropertyMap(member);
                    // Use global values as the starting point.
                    propertyMap.Data.TypeConverterOptions = TypeConverterOptions.Merge(options.TypeConverterOptionsFactory.GetOptions(member.MemberType()));
                    propertyMap.Data.Index = map.GetMaxIndex() + 1;
                    if (!isDefaultConverter)
                        // Only add the property/field map if it can be converted later on.
                        // If the property/field will use the default converter, don't add it because
                        // we don't want the .ToString() value to be used when auto mapping.

Example #12
 static WriteToCSVHelper()
     TypeConverterFactory.AddConverter <string[]>(new EnumerableConverter <string>());
 public AbstractReflectiveHandlerMapping()
     TypeConverterFactory = new TypeConverterFactory();
     //TargetProviderFactory = new StatelessTargetProviderFactory();
Example #14
        public void GetConverterForInt64()
            var converter = TypeConverterFactory.CreateTypeConverter(typeof(long));

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(converter, typeof(Int64Converter));
Example #15
        public void GetConverterForInt16()
            var converter = TypeConverterFactory.CreateTypeConverter(typeof(short));

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(converter, typeof(Int16Converter));
Example #16
        public void GetConverterForDateTime()
            var converter = TypeConverterFactory.CreateTypeConverter(typeof(DateTime));

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(converter, typeof(DateTimeConverter));
Example #17
        public void GetConverterForEnumTest()
            var converter = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter(typeof(TestEnum));

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(converter, typeof(EnumConverter));
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a <see cref="CsvClassMap"/> for the type.
        /// This internal method is used to pass extra information
        /// along so circular references can be checked, and
        /// property maps can be auto indexed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The type to generate for the map.</param>
        /// <param name="indexStart">The index that is started from.</param>
        /// <param name="mapParents">The list of parents for the map.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal virtual CsvClassMap AutoMapInternal(Type type, int indexStart, LinkedList <Type> mapParents)
            if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                throw new CsvConfigurationException("Types that inhererit IEnumerable cannot be auto mapped. " +
                                                    "Did you accidentally call GetRecord or WriteRecord which " +
                                                    "acts on a single record instead of calling GetRecords or " +
                                                    "WriteRecords which acts on a list of records?");

            if (maps[type] != null)
                // If the map already exists, use it.

#if WINRT_4_5
            var properties = type.GetProperties();
            var properties = type.GetProperties(propertyBindingFlags);
            var mapType = typeof(DefaultCsvClassMap <>).MakeGenericType(type);
            var map     = (CsvClassMap)ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance(mapType);
            map.IndexStart = indexStart;
            foreach (var property in properties)
                var isDefaultConverter = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter(property.PropertyType).GetType() == typeof(DefaultTypeConverter);
#if WINRT_4_5
                var hasDefaultConstructor = property.PropertyType.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredConstructors.Any(c => !c.GetParameters().Any());
                var hasDefaultConstructor = property.PropertyType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes) != null;
                if (isDefaultConverter && hasDefaultConstructor)
                    // If the type is not one covered by our type converters
                    // and it has a parameterless constructor, create a
                    // reference map for it.
                    if (CheckForCircularReference(property.PropertyType, mapParents))

                    var refMap = AutoMapInternal(property.PropertyType, map.GetMaxIndex(), mapParents);
                    if (refMap.PropertyMaps.Count > 0 || refMap.ReferenceMaps.Count > 0)
                        map.ReferenceMaps.Add(new CsvPropertyReferenceMap(property, refMap));
                    var propertyMap = new CsvPropertyMap(property);
                    propertyMap.Data.Index = map.GetMaxIndex() + 1;
                    if (propertyMap.Data.TypeConverter.CanConvertFrom(typeof(string)) ||
                        propertyMap.Data.TypeConverter.CanConvertTo(typeof(string)) && !isDefaultConverter)
                        // Only add the property map if it can be converted later on.
                        // If the property will use the default converter, don't add it because
                        // we don't want the .ToString() value to be used when auto mapping.

Example #19
 public void RemoveConverterForUnknownTypeTest()
     TypeConverterFactory.RemoveConverter <TestUnknownClass>();
Example #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Registers CsvHelper type converters that can allow serialization of complex types.
 /// </summary>
 public static void RegisterAnalysisProgramsTypeConverters()
     // This is a manually maintained method
     TypeConverterFactory.AddConverter <ISet <Point> >(new CsvSetPointConverter());
Example #21
        public void GetConverterForCharTest()
            var converter = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter(typeof(char));

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(converter, typeof(CharConverter));
Example #22
        /// Load settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Type</typeparam>
        /// <param name="storeId">Store identifier for which settigns should be loaded</param>
        public virtual T LoadSetting <T>(int storeId = 0) where T : ISettings, new()
            if (typeof(T).HasAttribute <JsonPersistAttribute>(true))
                return(LoadSettingsJson <T>(storeId));

            var settings = Activator.CreateInstance <T>();

            foreach (var fastProp in FastProperty.GetProperties(typeof(T)).Values)
                var prop = fastProp.Property;

                // get properties we can read and write to
                if (!prop.CanWrite)

                var key = typeof(T).Name + "." + prop.Name;
                // load by store
                string setting = GetSettingByKey <string>(key, storeId: storeId, loadSharedValueIfNotFound: true);

                if (setting == null)
                    if (fastProp.IsSequenceType)
                        if ((fastProp.GetValue(settings) as IEnumerable) != null)
                            // Instance of IEnumerable<> was already created, most likely in the constructor of the settings concrete class.
                            // In this case we shouldn't let the EnumerableConverter create a new instance but keep this one.
                        #region Obsolete ('EnumerableConverter' can handle this case now)
                        //if (prop.PropertyType.IsGenericType && prop.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(List<>))
                        //	// convenience: don't return null for simple list types
                        //	var listArg = prop.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                        //	object list = null;

                        //	if (listArg == typeof(int))
                        //		list = new List<int>();
                        //	else if (listArg == typeof(decimal))
                        //		list = new List<decimal>();
                        //	else if (listArg == typeof(string))
                        //		list = new List<string>();

                        //	if (list != null)
                        //	{
                        //		fastProp.SetValue(settings, list);
                        //	}


                var converter = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter(prop.PropertyType);

                if (converter == null || !converter.CanConvertFrom(typeof(string)))

                object value = converter.ConvertFrom(setting);

                //set property
                fastProp.SetValue(settings, value);

Example #23
        public void GetConverterForDoubleTest()
            var converter = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter(typeof(double));

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(converter, typeof(DoubleConverter));
Example #24
        public void GetConverterForInt32Test()
            var converter = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter(typeof(int));

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(converter, typeof(Int32Converter));
Example #25
        public void GetConverterForGuidTest()
            var converter = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter(typeof(Guid));

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(converter, typeof(GuidConverter));
Example #26
        public void GetConverterForNullableTest()
            var converter = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter(typeof(int?));

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(converter, typeof(NullableConverter));
Example #27
        protected virtual ISettings LoadSettingCore(Type settingType, int storeId = 0)
            var allSettings = GetAllCachedSettings();
            var instance    = (ISettings)Activator.CreateInstance(settingType);
            var prefix      = settingType.Name;

            foreach (var fastProp in FastProperty.GetProperties(settingType).Values)
                var prop = fastProp.Property;

                // Get properties we can read and write to
                if (!prop.CanWrite)

                string key = prefix + "." + prop.Name;

                if (!allSettings.TryGetValue(CreateCacheKey(key, storeId), out var cachedSetting) && storeId > 0)
                    // // Fallback to shared (storeId = 0)
                    allSettings.TryGetValue(CreateCacheKey(key, 0), out cachedSetting);

                string setting = cachedSetting?.Value;

                if (setting == null)
                    if (fastProp.IsSequenceType)
                        if ((fastProp.GetValue(instance) as IEnumerable) != null)
                            // Instance of IEnumerable<> was already created, most likely in the constructor of the settings concrete class.
                            // In this case we shouldn't let the EnumerableConverter create a new instance but keep this one.
                        #region Obsolete ('EnumerableConverter' can handle this case now)
                        //if (prop.PropertyType.IsGenericType && prop.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(List<>))
                        //	// convenience: don't return null for simple list types
                        //	var listArg = prop.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                        //	object list = null;

                        //	if (listArg == typeof(int))
                        //		list = new List<int>();
                        //	else if (listArg == typeof(decimal))
                        //		list = new List<decimal>();
                        //	else if (listArg == typeof(string))
                        //		list = new List<string>();

                        //	if (list != null)
                        //	{
                        //		fastProp.SetValue(settings, list);
                        //	}


                var converter = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter(prop.PropertyType);

                if (converter == null || !converter.CanConvertFrom(typeof(string)))

                    object value = converter.ConvertFrom(setting);

                    // Set property
                    fastProp.SetValue(instance, value);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var msg = "Could not convert setting '{0}' to type '{1}'".FormatInvariant(key, prop.PropertyType.Name);
                    Logger.Error(ex, msg);

Example #28
        public void GetConverterForStringTest()
            var converter = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter(typeof(string));

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(converter, typeof(StringConverter));
Example #29
 private EnumReader(IColumnReader valueReader, IColumnReader rowIndexReader)
     _valueReader            = valueReader;
     _rowIndexReader         = rowIndexReader;
     _rowIndexToIntConverter = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter(typeof(byte), typeof(int));
Example #30
        public void GetConverterForUInt16Test()
            var converter = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter(typeof(ushort));

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(converter, typeof(UInt16Converter));
Example #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a cell to the Excel file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the field.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="row">Row to write the field to.</param>
        /// <param name="col">Column to write the field to.</param>
        /// <param name="field">The field to write.</param>
        /// <param name="numberFormat">Optional number formatting string for the cell</param>
        /// <param name="dateFormat">Optional DateTime formatting string for the cell</param>
        /// <param name="fontStyle">Optional font style for the cell</param>
        /// <param name="fontSize">Optional font size for the cell</param>
        /// <param name="fontName">Optional font name for the cell</param>
        public void WriteCell <T>(
            int row,
            int col,
            T field,
            string numberFormat = null,
            string dateFormat   = null,
            FontStyle?fontStyle = null,
            float?fontSize      = null,
            string fontName     = null)
            // Find the type conversion options
            var type      = typeof(T);
            var converter = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter(type);
            var options   = TypeConverterOptions.Merge(TypeConverterOptionsFactory.GetOptions(type, _configuration.CultureInfo));

            // Set the formatting options to override the defaults
            var format = numberFormat ?? dateFormat;

            if (converter.AcceptsNativeType)
                // Convert the options to Excel format
                if (format != null)
                    format = XLStyle.FormatDotNetToXL(format, converter.ConvertedType, options.CultureInfo);
                    // If no formatting is provided, see if the native type requires it (mostly for DateTime)
                    format = converter.ExcelFormatString(options);
                // Override the formatting for the formatter, and do not format the Excel cell
                if (numberFormat != null)
                    options.NumberFormat = format;
                else if (dateFormat != null)
                    options.DateFormat = format;
                format = null;

            // Find the default style to use for this cell based on the row and column styles
            var cellStyle = _sheet.Rows[row].Style ?? _sheet.Columns[col].Style;

            // Clone the style so it does not modify the entire row or column
            cellStyle = cellStyle?.Clone();

            // Set up cell formatting for this cell
            UpdateStyle(ref cellStyle, format, fontStyle, fontSize, fontName);

            // Apply the style to this cell if defined
            if (cellStyle != null)
                _sheet[row, col].Style = cellStyle;

            // Now write the cell contents
            object value;

            if (converter.AcceptsNativeType)
                value = field;
                value = converter.ConvertToExcel(options, field);
            var s = value as string;

            if (s != null && s.StartsWith("="))
                // Write as a formula if it starts with an equals sign
                _sheet[row, col].Value   = "";
                _sheet[row, col].Formula = s;
                _sheet[row, col].Value = value;
Example #32
        public void GetConverterForUInt64Test()
            var converter = TypeConverterFactory.GetConverter(typeof(ulong));

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(converter, typeof(UInt64Converter));