static string SingleTypeConstraintToString(TypeConstraint singleConstraint) { switch (singleConstraint) { case TypeConstraint.Boolean: return("Boolean"); case TypeConstraint.Scalar: return("Scalar"); case TypeConstraint.Vector2: return("Vector2"); case TypeConstraint.Vector3: return("Vector3"); case TypeConstraint.Vector4: return("Vector4"); case TypeConstraint.Matrix3x2: return("Matrix3x2"); case TypeConstraint.Matrix4x4: return("Matrix4x4"); case TypeConstraint.Quaternion: return("Quaternion"); case TypeConstraint.Color: return("Color"); default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } }
/// <summary> Mark a serializable field as an input port. You can access this through <see cref="GetInputPort(string)"/> </summary> /// <param name="backingValue">Should we display the backing value for this port as an editor field? </param> /// <param name="connectionType">Should we allow multiple connections? </param> /// <param name="typeConstraint">Constrains which input connections can be made to this port </param> /// <param name="instancePortList">If true, will display a reorderable list of inputs instead of a single port. Will automatically add and display values for lists and arrays </param> public InputAttribute(ShowBackingValue backingValue = ShowBackingValue.Unconnected, ConnectionType connectionType = ConnectionType.Multiple, TypeConstraint typeConstraint = TypeConstraint.None, bool instancePortList = false) { this.backingValue = backingValue; this.connectionType = connectionType; this.instancePortList = instancePortList; this.typeConstraint = typeConstraint; }
public void EqualsToInt32(Type type, bool expected) { TypeConstraint .EqualsTo(typeof(int)) .Check(type) .Should().Be(expected); }
/// <summary> Mark a serializable field as an output port. You can access this through <see cref="GetOutputPort(string)"/> </summary> /// <param name="backingValue">Should we display the backing value for this port as an editor field? </param> /// <param name="connectionType">Should we allow multiple connections? </param> /// <param name="typeConstraint">Constrains which input connections can be made from this port </param> /// <param name="dynamicPortList">If true, will display a reorderable list of outputs instead of a single port. Will automatically add and display values for lists and arrays </param> public OutputAttribute(ShowBackingValue backingValue = ShowBackingValue.Never, ConnectionType connectionType = ConnectionType.Multiple, TypeConstraint typeConstraint = TypeConstraint.None, bool dynamicPortList = false) { this.backingValue = backingValue; this.connectionType = connectionType; this.dynamicPortList = dynamicPortList; this.typeConstraint = typeConstraint; }
/// <summary> Add a dynamic, serialized port to this node. </summary> /// <seealso cref="AddDynamicInput"/> /// <seealso cref="AddDynamicOutput"/> private NodePort AddDynamicPort(Type type, NodePort.IO direction, ConnectionType connectionType = ConnectionType.Multiple, TypeConstraint typeConstraint = TypeConstraint.None, string fieldName = null) { if (fieldName == null) { fieldName = "dynamicInput_0"; var i = 0; while (this.HasPort(fieldName)) { fieldName = "dynamicInput_" + (++i); } } else if (this.HasPort(fieldName)) { Debug.LogWarning("Port '" + fieldName + "' already exists in " +, this); return(this.ports[fieldName]); } var port = new NodePort(fieldName, type, direction, connectionType, typeConstraint, this); this.ports.Add(fieldName, port); return(port); }
public override Ce FilterBy(TypeConstraint filter) { Throw.IfArgumentNull(filter, "filter"); var newSource = source.Select(ceResult => ceResult.FilterBy(filter)).ToList(); return(new TypeSetCe(newSource)); }
public ReferencedTypesTypeSet FilterBy(TypeConstraint filter) { Throw.IfArgumentNull(filter, "filter"); return new ReferencedTypesTypeSet( sourceField.Where(filter.Check), originalField ); }
public ReferencedTypesTypeSet FilterBy(TypeConstraint filter) { Throw.IfArgumentNull(filter, "filter"); return(new ReferencedTypesTypeSet( sourceField.Where(filter.Check), originalField )); }
internal AndTypeConstraint(TypeConstraint left, TypeConstraint right) { Throw.IfArgumentNull(left, "left"); Throw.IfArgumentNull(right, "right"); leftField = left; rightField = right; }
/// <summary> /// Mark a serializable field as an input port. You can access this through <see cref="GetInputPort(string)"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="backingValue"> /// Should we display the backing value for this port as an editor field? /// </param> /// <param name="connectionType">Should we allow multiple connections?</param> /// <param name="typeConstraint"> /// Constrains which input connections can be made to this port /// </param> /// <param name="dynamicPortList"> /// If true, will display a reorderable list of inputs instead of a single port. Will /// automatically add and display values for lists and arrays /// </param> /// <param name="allowedTypes">If set apply to typeConstraint</param> public InputAttribute(ShowBackingValue backingValue = ShowBackingValue.Unconnected, ConnectionType connectionType = ConnectionType.Multiple, TypeConstraint typeConstraint = TypeConstraint.None, bool dynamicPortList = false, params Type[] allowedTypes) { this.backingValue = backingValue; this.connectionType = connectionType; this.dynamicPortList = dynamicPortList; this.typeConstraint = typeConstraint; this.allowedTypes = allowedTypes; }
protected override string InnerTranslate() { if (TypeConstraint != null && !IsExcludeConstraint) { return($"{Syntax.Identifier} extends {TypeConstraint.Translate()}"); } return(Syntax.Identifier.ToString()); }
private IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> GetProperties(BindingFlags bindingFlags) { if (bindingFlags == BindingFlags.Default) { return(TypeConstraint.Properties()); } return(TypeConstraint.Properties(bindingFlags)); }
/// <summary> /// Get a property by name, or throw exception /// </summary> /// <exception cref="NoSuchPropertyException"/> private PropertyInfo GetProperty(string propertyName) { var property = TypeConstraint.Property(propertyName); if (property == null) { throw new NoSuchPropertyException(TypeConstraint, propertyName); } return(property); }
void AssertTypeConstraint(TypeConstraint expected, TypeConstraint actual) { Assert.AreEqual(expected.Constraint, actual.Constraint); if (expected.Constraint == ConstraintType.Type) { AssertMemberRef(expected.ConstrainedType, actual.ConstrainedType.Type, actual.ConstrainedType.ID); } else if (expected.Constraint == ConstraintType.TypeParam) { Assert.AreEqual(expected.ConstrainedTypeParamPosition, actual.ConstrainedTypeParamPosition); } }
internal static ExpressionType ConstrainToTypes(TypeConstraint allowedTypes, ExpressionType constrainerA, ExpressionType constrainerB) { if (constrainerA.Constraints == TypeConstraint.NoType) { return(ConstrainToType(allowedTypes, constrainerB)); } if (constrainerB.Constraints == TypeConstraint.NoType) { return(ConstrainToType(allowedTypes, constrainerA)); } // Both constrainers have types. Constrain to the intersection of their constraints. return(new ExpressionType(IntersectConstraints(allowedTypes, IntersectConstraints(constrainerA.Constraints, constrainerB.Constraints)))); }
private IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> GetProperties(Type propertyType, BindingFlags bindingFlags) { IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> properties; if (bindingFlags == BindingFlags.Default) { properties = TypeConstraint.Properties().Where(x => x.PropertyType == propertyType); } else { properties = TypeConstraint.Properties(bindingFlags).Where(x => x.PropertyType == propertyType); } return(properties); }
public static TreeNodeViewModel BuildSelectorTree(TypeConstraint constraints) { TreeNodeViewModel tree = new TreeNodeViewModel(); BuildConstantSelectorTree(tree, constraints.DotNetTypes); BuildEnumerationsSelectorTree(tree, constraints.Enumerations); BuildConceptSelectorTree(tree, constraints.DataTypes, typeof(DataType)); BuildConceptSelectorTree(tree, constraints.Concepts, typeof(SyntaxNode)); // expand only top level nodes foreach (TreeNodeViewModel treeNode in tree.TreeNodes) { treeNode.IsExpanded = true; } return(tree); }
public void TestGetTypeParamConstraints() { Type gcClass = typeof(GenericConstrainedClass <, , ,>); Type[] typeparams = gcClass.GetGenericArguments(); Type tParam = typeparams[0]; Type uParam = typeparams[1]; Type vParam = typeparams[2]; Type wParam = typeparams[3]; var tExpected = new TypeConstraint[] { TypeConstraint.Struct }; var uExpected = new TypeConstraint[] { TypeConstraint.Class, TypeConstraint.Ctor }; var vExpected = new TypeConstraint[] { TypeConstraint.TypeParam(3) }; var wExpected = new TypeConstraint[] { TypeConstraint.Type(new MemberRef("", MemberRefType.Class, typeof(TestClass).MetadataToken)) }; AssertTypeConstraints(tExpected, utility.GetTypeParamConstraints(tParam)); AssertTypeConstraints(uExpected, utility.GetTypeParamConstraints(uParam)); AssertTypeConstraints(vExpected, utility.GetTypeParamConstraints(vParam)); AssertTypeConstraints(wExpected, utility.GetTypeParamConstraints(wParam)); }
public IReadOnlyList <TypeConstraint> GetTypeParamConstraints(Type typeParam) { Check.Ref(typeParam); Check.Cond(typeParam.IsGenericParameter, "typeParam must be a generic parameter type"); List <TypeConstraint> constraints = new List <TypeConstraint>(); var attr = typeParam.GenericParameterAttributes; if (attr.HasFlag(GenericParameterAttributes.NotNullableValueTypeConstraint)) { constraints.Add(TypeConstraint.Struct); } else { if (attr.HasFlag(GenericParameterAttributes.ReferenceTypeConstraint)) { constraints.Add(TypeConstraint.Class); } if (attr.HasFlag(GenericParameterAttributes.DefaultConstructorConstraint)) { constraints.Add(TypeConstraint.Ctor); } foreach (var constraint in typeParam.GetGenericParameterConstraints()) { if (constraint.IsGenericParameter) { int pos = constraint.GenericParameterPosition; constraints.Add(TypeConstraint.TypeParam(pos)); } else { MemberRef mRef = new MemberRef(constraint.Name, GetMemberRefType(constraint), constraint.MetadataToken); constraints.Add(TypeConstraint.Type(mRef)); } } } return(constraints.ToArray()); }
internal static ExpressionType ConstrainToType(TypeConstraint allowedTypes, ExpressionType constrainer) { return(new ExpressionType(IntersectConstraints(constrainer.Constraints, allowedTypes))); }
internal static TypeConstraint IntersectConstraints(TypeConstraint a, TypeConstraint b) { return(a & b); }
private void Setup([CanBeNull] Type setValue, [NotNull] Type[] setBaseTypeConstraints, TypeConstraint setTypeCategoryConstraint, LinkedMemberInfo setMemberInfo, IParentDrawer setParent, GUIContent setLabel, bool setReadOnly) { baseTypeConstraints = setBaseTypeConstraints; typeCategoryConstraint = setTypeCategoryConstraint; base.Setup(setValue, typeof(Type), setMemberInfo, setParent, setLabel, setReadOnly); }
/// <summary> Creates a new instance of the drawer or returns a reusable instance from the pool. </summary> /// <param name="value"> The initial cached value of the drawer. </param> /// <param name="memberInfo"> LinkedMemberInfo for the class member that the created drawer represents. Can be null. </param> /// <param name="parent"> The parent drawer of the created drawer. Can be null. </param> /// <param name="label"> The prefix label. </param> /// <param name="readOnly"> True if drawer should be read only. </param> /// <returns> The drawer instance, ready to be used. </returns> public static ConstraintedTypeDrawer Create([CanBeNull] Type value, [NotNull] Type[] baseTypeConstraints, TypeConstraint typeCategoryConstraint, LinkedMemberInfo memberInfo, IParentDrawer parent, GUIContent label, bool readOnly) { ConstraintedTypeDrawer result; if (!DrawerPool.TryGet(out result)) { result = new ConstraintedTypeDrawer(); } result.Setup(value, baseTypeConstraints, typeCategoryConstraint, memberInfo, parent, label, readOnly); result.LateSetup(); return(result); }
public static int ComputeCe(this Type that, TypeConstraint filter = null) { return(Ce .For(that) .FilterBy(filter)); }
protected override void OnMouseDown(object parameter) { if (!(parameter is MouseButtonEventArgs args)) { return; } if (args.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Right) { return; } args.Handled = true; Visual control = args.Source as Visual; if (IsTemporallyVisible) { base.OnMouseDown(parameter); return; } // get parent concept node var ancestor = this.Ancestor <ConceptNodeViewModel>(); if (ancestor == null) { return; } // check if property is referencing assembly - special case ! if (ancestor.SyntaxNode.IsAssemblyReference(PropertyBinding)) { IAssemblyConcept assemblyConcept = SelectAssemblyReference(ancestor.SyntaxNode, PropertyBinding, control); if (assemblyConcept == null) { return; } SyntaxTreeManager.SetConceptProperty(ancestor.SyntaxNode, PropertyBinding, assemblyConcept.Assembly); SyntaxNode = ancestor.SyntaxNode; OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Presentation)); return; } // get hosting script concept ScriptConcept script; if (ancestor.SyntaxNode is ScriptConcept) { script = (ScriptConcept)ancestor.SyntaxNode; } else { script = ancestor.SyntaxNode.Ancestor <ScriptConcept>() as ScriptConcept; } // get type constraints of the property TypeConstraint constraints = SyntaxTreeManager.GetTypeConstraints(script?.Languages, ancestor.SyntaxNode, PropertyBinding); // build tree view TreeNodeViewModel viewModel = SyntaxNodeSelector.BuildSelectorTree(constraints); // open dialog window PopupWindow dialog = new PopupWindow(control, viewModel); _ = dialog.ShowDialog(); if (dialog.Result == null) { return; } Type selectedType = dialog.Result.NodePayload as Type; if (selectedType == null) { return; } // set binded property of the model by selected reference PropertyInfo property = ancestor.SyntaxNode.GetPropertyInfo(PropertyBinding); if (SyntaxTreeManager.GetPropertyType(property) == typeof(Type)) { selectedType = SelectTypeReference(ancestor.SyntaxNode, selectedType, control); SyntaxTreeManager.SetConceptProperty(ancestor.SyntaxNode, PropertyBinding, selectedType); SyntaxNodeType = selectedType; } else if (selectedType.IsEnum) { object enumValue = SelectEnumerationValue(selectedType, control); if (enumValue == null) { return; } SyntaxTreeManager.SetConceptProperty(ancestor.SyntaxNode, PropertyBinding, enumValue); } else { ISyntaxNode reference; if (selectedType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(DataType))) { reference = (ISyntaxNode)Activator.CreateInstance(selectedType); } else { // use dialog and scope provider to find reference to the node in the syntax tree reference = SelectSyntaxNodeReference(selectedType, ancestor.SyntaxNode, PropertyBinding, control); if (reference == null) { return; } } SyntaxTreeManager.SetConceptProperty(ancestor.SyntaxNode, PropertyBinding, reference); SyntaxNode = reference; } // reset view model's state OnPropertyChanged(nameof(Presentation)); }
static TypeAssert Name(string name, TypeConstraint typeConstraint) => new TypeAssert(new Name(name), typeConstraint);
public TypeAssert(Expression child, TypeConstraint constraints) { _child = child; _constraints = constraints; }
internal static ExpressionType AssertMatchingTypes(TypeConstraint allowedTypes, ExpressionType constrainerA, ExpressionType constrainerB, TypeConstraint resultType) { var doTypesMatch = IntersectConstraints(allowedTypes, IntersectConstraints(constrainerA.Constraints, constrainerB.Constraints)) != TypeConstraint.NoType; return(new ExpressionType(doTypesMatch ? resultType : TypeConstraint.NoType)); }
public ExpressionType(TypeConstraint constraints) { Constraints = constraints; }
public abstract Ce FilterBy(TypeConstraint filter);
return !filterField.Check(type); } } }
public Ce Ignoring(TypeConstraint toIgnore) { Throw.IfArgumentNull(toIgnore, "toIgnore"); return(FilterBy(toIgnore.Not())); }
public static TypeConstraint Or(this Type left, TypeConstraint right) { return TypeConstraint.EqualsTo(left) .Or(right); }
public override Ce FilterBy(TypeConstraint filter) { return(filter == null ? this : new TypeCe(references.FilterBy(filter), Type)); }
public static int ComputeCe(this Type that, TypeConstraint filter = null) { return Ce .For(that) .FilterBy(filter); }
internal OrTypeConstraint(TypeConstraint left, TypeConstraint right) { leftField = left; rightField = right; }