public static void ConvertImageToTxm(string inPath, Stream outStream, byte level = 1, ushort bufferBase = 0, ushort paletteBufferBase = 0) { using (var image = Image.Load <Rgba32>(inPath)) { // Gather all colors to see if it would fit in PSMT8 TxmPixelFormat pixelFormat = TxmPixelFormat.None; HashSet <Rgba32> colorSet = new HashSet <Rgba32>(); List <Rgba32> palette = null; for (int y = 0; y < image.Height; ++y) { var row = image.GetPixelRowSpan(y); for (int x = 0; x < image.Width; ++x) { colorSet.Add(row[x]); if (colorSet.Count > 256) { pixelFormat = TxmPixelFormat.PSMCT32; y = image.Height; break; } } } short paletteWidth = 0; short paletteHeight = 0; if (pixelFormat == TxmPixelFormat.None) { // Palette check passed, assign palettized pixel format if (colorSet.Count > 16) { pixelFormat = TxmPixelFormat.PSMT8; paletteWidth = 16; paletteHeight = 16; } else { pixelFormat = TxmPixelFormat.PSMT4; paletteWidth = 8; paletteHeight = 2; } palette = new List <Rgba32>(colorSet); } // Write header BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(outStream); TxmHeader txmHeader = new TxmHeader { ImageSourcePixelFormat = pixelFormat, ImageVideoPixelFormat = pixelFormat, ImageWidth = (short)image.Width, ImageHeight = (short)image.Height, ImageBufferBase = bufferBase, ClutPixelFormat = palette != null ? TxmPixelFormat.PSMCT32 : TxmPixelFormat.None, Misc = (byte)(level & 0x0f), ClutWidth = paletteWidth, ClutHeight = paletteHeight, ClutBufferBase = paletteBufferBase }; txmHeader.Write(bw); // Write palette int palettePixelsWritten = 0; if (pixelFormat == TxmPixelFormat.PSMT4) { foreach (var color in palette) { bw.Write(color.R); bw.Write(color.G); bw.Write(color.B); bw.Write((byte)((color.A + 1) >> 1)); ++palettePixelsWritten; } } else if (pixelFormat == TxmPixelFormat.PSMT8) { int baseOffset = 0; Rgba32 black = new Rgba32(); int[] order = new int[] { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, }; while (palettePixelsWritten < palette.Count) { foreach (var offset in order) { var palOffset = baseOffset + offset; var color = palOffset < palette.Count ? palette[palOffset] : black; bw.Write(color.R); bw.Write(color.G); bw.Write(color.B); bw.Write((byte)((color.A + 1) >> 1)); ++palettePixelsWritten; } baseOffset += order.Length; } } // Pad out rest of palette int targetOffset = 16 + (txmHeader.GetClutByteSize() + 15) / 16 * 16; while (outStream.Position < targetOffset) { bw.Write((byte)0); } // Write main image data byte pal4BppBuffer = 0; bool odd = false; for (int y = 0; y < image.Height; ++y) { var row = image.GetPixelRowSpan(y); for (int x = 0; x < image.Width; ++x) { var pixel = row[x]; if (pixelFormat == TxmPixelFormat.PSMCT32) { bw.Write(pixel.R); bw.Write(pixel.G); bw.Write(pixel.B); bw.Write(pixel.A); // Should be halved, but full range is used on PC } else { var palIndex = palette.IndexOf(pixel); if (pixelFormat == TxmPixelFormat.PSMT4) { pal4BppBuffer <<= 4; pal4BppBuffer |= (byte)(palIndex & 0x0f); odd = !odd; if (!odd) { bw.Write(pal4BppBuffer); pal4BppBuffer = 0; } } else { bw.Write((byte)palIndex); } } } } } }
public void ExportTextures(StreamWriter mtlWriter, string outputPath, bool forceDirect = false) { if (disposedValue) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().FullName); } if (textureDat == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No texture pack supplied."); } int i = 0; numWrittenTextures = 0; foreach (var pair in textureCache.OrderBy(p => p.Key)) { string pngPath = $"{outputPath}{i}.png"; string alphaPath = $"{outputPath}{i}_alpha.png"; TxmHeader textureTxm = pair.Value; int txmIndex = (int)(pair.Key >> 32); using (var txmMs = new MemoryStream(textureDat.GetData(txmIndex))) { BinaryReader txmBr = new BinaryReader(txmMs); TxmHeader pakTxm = new TxmHeader(); pakTxm.Read(txmBr); Image <Rgba32> img = null; try { // Check if TXM is already suitable if (forceDirect || /*pakTxm.ImageSourcePixelFormat == textureTxm.ImageSourcePixelFormat &&*/ pakTxm.ImageBufferBase == textureTxm.ImageBufferBase && pakTxm.ClutPixelFormat == textureTxm.ClutPixelFormat && pakTxm.ClutBufferBase == textureTxm.ClutBufferBase) { // Use TXM as-is txmMs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); if (new string(txmBr.ReadChars(4)) == "DAT\0") { // Unwrap DAT txmMs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); using (DatReader txmDat = new DatReader(txmMs)) { if (txmDat.EntriesCount != 1) { throw new InvalidDataException("Nested texture DAT contains more than one file."); } using (MemoryStream innerStream = new MemoryStream(txmDat.GetData(0))) { img = TxmConversion.ConvertTxmToImage(innerStream); } } } else { txmMs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); img = TxmConversion.ConvertTxmToImage(txmMs); // Dump palette //if (pakTxm.ClutPixelFormat != TxmPixelFormat.None) //{ // txmMs.Seek(0x10, SeekOrigin.Begin); // using (var palette = TxmConversion.ConvertTxmRgba32(txmBr, pakTxm.ClutWidth, pakTxm.ClutHeight)) // { // palette.SaveAsPng($"palette_{numWrittenTextures}.png"); // } //} } } else { // Generate new TXM using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ms); textureTxm.Write(bw); CopyTexelsClut(txmBr, bw, pakTxm, textureTxm); CopyTexels(txmBr, bw, pakTxm, textureTxm); bw.Flush(); ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); img = TxmConversion.ConvertTxmToImage(ms); } } // Save out color texture using (var img24bpp = img.CloneAs <Rgb24>()) { img24bpp.SaveAsPng(pngPath); } // Extract alpha channel as a separate image using (var alphaImg = new Image <L8>(img.Width, img.Height)) { for (int y = 0; y < alphaImg.Height; ++y) { var srcSpan = img.GetPixelRowSpan(y); var destSpan = alphaImg.GetPixelRowSpan(y); for (int x = 0; x < alphaImg.Width; ++x) { var srcAlpha = srcSpan[x].A; destSpan[x] = new L8(srcAlpha); } } alphaImg.SaveAsPng(alphaPath); } } finally { if (img != null) { img.Dispose(); } } } mtlWriter.WriteLine($"newmtl tex_{pair.Key:x12}"); mtlWriter.WriteLine("Kd 0.80000000 0.80000000 0.80000000"); mtlWriter.WriteLine("Ka 0 0 0"); mtlWriter.WriteLine("Ke 0 0 0"); mtlWriter.WriteLine("Ks 0 0 0"); mtlWriter.WriteLine("d 1"); mtlWriter.WriteLine("illum 2"); mtlWriter.WriteLine($"map_Kd {Path.GetFileName(pngPath)}"); mtlWriter.WriteLine($"map_d {Path.GetFileName(alphaPath)}"); mtlWriter.WriteLine(); ++i; ++numWrittenTextures; } }