public void RunSequentialSumOfArrayTask() { try { TwoDimensionalArray array = new TwoDimensionalArray(10000, 10000, new SequentialSumOfArray()); var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); int sum = array.SumOfArrayElements(); watch.Stop(); this.writer.Write($"Regular Iteration. Time Taken-->{watch.ElapsedMilliseconds}"); array.Display(sum); } catch (OutOfMemoryException e) { logger.Error($"Out of Memory: {e.Message}"); } }
public void RunParallelForTask() { try { TwoDimensionalArray array = new TwoDimensionalArray(10000, 10000, new ParallelForSumOfArray()); var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); int sum = array.SumOfArrayElements(); watch.Stop(); this.writer.Write($"Parallel.For with local thread totals. Time Taken-->{watch.ElapsedMilliseconds}"); array.Display(sum); } catch (OutOfMemoryException e) { logger.Error($"Out of Memory: {e.Message}"); } }