private static IEnumerable <IImporter> PathToIImporter(string input)
            // Remove preceding and seceding quotes from path.
            input = input.TrimStart('"').TrimEnd('"');

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input))
                throw new ArgumentException("Input path cannot be null or whitespace.", nameof(input));

            // Correct paths
            if (!Path.IsPathRooted(input))
                input = Path.GetFullPath(input);

            if (Directory.Exists(input) && input.Contains(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "statink"))
                foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(input))
                    if (StatInkReader.AcceptsInput(file))
                        yield return(new StatInkReader(file));
            else if (!File.Exists(input))
                Console.WriteLine($"Input does not exist on disk. Remote is not currently supported ({input}).");
            else if (TwitterReader.AcceptsInput(input))
                yield return(new TwitterReader(input));
            else if (SendouReader.AcceptsInput(input))
                yield return(new SendouReader(input));
            else if (TSVReader.AcceptsInput(input))
                yield return(new TSVReader(input));
            else if (LUTIJsonReader.AcceptsInput(input))
                yield return(new LUTIJsonReader(input));
            else if (BattlefyJsonReader.AcceptsInput(input))
                yield return(new BattlefyJsonReader(input));
                throw new NotImplementedException("File extension not recognised or supported.");
Example #2
        public ActionResult Index()
            TwitterReader objTwitter = new TwitterReader
                OAuthConsumerKey    = "kiVWzXFJJj4ZdblXDMwFxuWxI",
                OAuthConsumerSecret = "7QZL2HLcSH2nJYD6D7iLGcxlPmeP0wAYYAJdopUr2Lx3SzAUZx"

Example #3
        public ActionResult GetView(int tileId)
            var tile = db.Tile.Find(tileId);

            // which tile is it?

            if (tile.TileType == 1)
                // this is a noticeboard tile.
                var noticeBoard = tile as Noticeboard;
                // get Noticeboard Items ViewModel.
                var noticeboardItem = NoticeboardReader.GetNoticeboardItem(noticeBoard, db);
                if (noticeboardItem == null)
                    return(PartialView("_ErrorPartialView", "Cannot find noticeboard item, check your configuration"));
                // pass ViewModel to the view.
                return(PartialView("_NoticeBoardTilePartialView", noticeboardItem));
            if (tile.TileType == 2)
                // this is a calendar tile.
                var calender = tile as Calender;
                // get Calendar Items ViewModel.
                var calendarItems = CalendarReader.GetCalendarItems(calender, db);
                // pass ViewModel to the view.
                return(PartialView("_CalendarTilePartialView", calendarItems));
            if (tile.TileType == 3)
                // this is a newsfeed tile.
                var newstile = tile as Newsfeed;
                // get Newsfeed Items ViewModel.
                var newsItems = RssReader.Read(newstile.RssUrl);
                // pass ViewModel to the view.
                return(PartialView("_NewsFeedTilePartialView", newsItems));
            if (tile.TileType == 4)
                // this is the a Twitter tile.
                var twitterTile = tile as Twitter;
                // get Twitter Items ViewModel.
                var tweets = TwitterReader.GetTweets(twitterTile.SearchCriteria);
                // pass ViewModel to the view.
                return(PartialView("_TwitterTilePartialView", tweets));

Example #4
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     canvas = GameObject.Find("Canvas");
     reader = FindObjectOfType <TwitterReader>();