private IEnumerator GetChannelVideosByUsername(string usernameToGetChannelVideosFrom)
            // Lets get Lucky's id first
            TwitchLib.Api.Models.Helix.Users.GetUsers.GetUsersResponse getUsersResponse = null;
            yield return(_api.InvokeAsync(_api.Users.helix.GetUsersAsync(logins: new List <string> {
                                          (response) => getUsersResponse = response));

            // We won't reach this point until the api request is completed, and the getUsersResponse is set.

            // We'll assume the request went well and that we made no typo's, meaning we should have 1 user at index 0, which is LuckyNoS7evin
            string luckyId = getUsersResponse.Users[0].Id;

            // Now that we have lucky's id, lets get his videos!
            TwitchLib.Api.Models.v5.Channels.ChannelVideos channelVideos = null;
            yield return(_api.InvokeAsync(_api.Channels.v5.GetChannelVideosAsync(luckyId),
                                          (response) => channelVideos = response));

            // Again, we won't reach this point until the request is completed!

            // Handle user's ChannelVideos
            // Using this way of calling the api, we still have access to usernameToGetChannelVideosFrom!

            var listOfVideoTitles          = GetListOfVideoTitles(channelVideos);
            var printableListOfVideoTitles = string.Join("  |  ", listOfVideoTitles);

            Debug.Log($"Videos from user {usernameToGetChannelVideosFrom}: {printableListOfVideoTitles}");
        private void GetChannelVideosCallback(TwitchLib.Api.Models.v5.Channels.ChannelVideos e)
            var listOfVideoTitles          = GetListOfVideoTitles(e);
            var printableListOfVideoTitles = string.Join("  |  ", listOfVideoTitles);

            Debug.Log($"Videos from 14900522: {printableListOfVideoTitles}");
        private List <string> GetListOfVideoTitles(TwitchLib.Api.Models.v5.Channels.ChannelVideos channelVideos)
            List <string> videoTitles = new List <string>();

            foreach (var video in channelVideos.Videos)
