Example #1
        /// <summary>Send a path tween to the given waypoint.
        /// Has no effect if this is not a path tween.
        /// <para>BEWARE, this is a special utility method:
        /// it works only with Linear eases. Also, the lookAt direction might be wrong after calling this and might need to be set manually
        /// (because it relies on a smooth path movement and doesn't work well with jumps that encompass dramatic direction changes)</para></summary>
        /// <param name="waypointIndex">Waypoint index to reach
        /// (if higher than the max waypoint index the tween will simply go to the last one)</param>
        /// <param name="andPlay">If TRUE will play the tween after reaching the given waypoint, otherwise it will pause it</param>
        public static void GotoWaypoint(this Tween t, int waypointIndex, bool andPlay = false)
            if (t == null)
                if (Debugger.logPriority > 1)
            else if (!t.active)
                if (Debugger.logPriority > 1)
            else if (t.isSequenced)
                if (Debugger.logPriority > 1)

            TweenerCore <Vector3, Path, PathOptions> pathTween = t as TweenerCore <Vector3, Path, PathOptions>;

            if (pathTween == null)
                if (Debugger.logPriority > 1)

            if (!t.startupDone)
                TweenManager.ForceInit(t);                 // Initialize the tween if it's not initialized already (required)
            if (waypointIndex < 0)
                waypointIndex = 0;
            else if (waypointIndex > pathTween.changeValue.wps.Length - 1)
                waypointIndex = pathTween.changeValue.wps.Length - 1;
            // Find path percentage relative to given waypoint
            float wpLength = 0; // Total length from start to the given waypoint

            for (int i = 0; i < waypointIndex + 1; i++)
                wpLength += pathTween.changeValue.wpLengths[i];
            float wpPerc = wpLength / pathTween.changeValue.length;
            // Convert to time taking eventual inverse direction into account
            bool useInversePosition = t.loopType == LoopType.Yoyo &&
                                      (t.position < t.duration ? t.completedLoops % 2 != 0 : t.completedLoops % 2 == 0);

            if (useInversePosition)
                wpPerc = 1 - wpPerc;
            float to = (t.isComplete ? t.completedLoops - 1 : t.completedLoops) * t.duration + wpPerc * t.duration;

            TweenManager.Goto(t, to, andPlay);
Example #2
        public static void GotoWaypoint(this Tween t, int waypointIndex, bool andPlay = false)
            if (t == null)
                if (Debugger.logPriority > 1)
            if (!t.active)
                if (Debugger.logPriority > 1)
            if (t.isSequenced)
                if (Debugger.logPriority > 1)
            TweenerCore <Vector3, Path, PathOptions> tweenerCore = t as TweenerCore <Vector3, Path, PathOptions>;

            if (tweenerCore == null)
                if (Debugger.logPriority > 1)
            if (!t.startupDone)
            if (waypointIndex < 0)
                waypointIndex = 0;
            else if (waypointIndex > tweenerCore.changeValue.wps.Length - 1)
                waypointIndex = tweenerCore.changeValue.wps.Length - 1;
            float num = 0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < waypointIndex + 1; i++)
                num += tweenerCore.changeValue.wpLengths[i];
            float num2 = num / tweenerCore.changeValue.length;
            bool  flag = t.loopType == LoopType.Yoyo && ((t.position < t.duration) ? (t.completedLoops % 2 != 0) : (t.completedLoops % 2 == 0));

            if (flag)
                num2 = 1f - num2;
            float to = (float)(t.isComplete ? (t.completedLoops - 1) : t.completedLoops) * t.duration + num2 * t.duration;

            TweenManager.Goto(t, to, andPlay, UpdateMode.Goto);
Example #3
        // ===================================================================================
        // METHODS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // Returns TRUE if the tween needs to be killed
        static bool ApplyInternalCycle(Sequence s, float fromPos, float toPos, UpdateMode updateMode, bool useInverse, bool prevPosIsInverse, bool multiCycleStep = false)
            bool wasPlaying        = s.isPlaying; // Used to interrupt for loops in case a callback pauses a running Sequence
            bool isBackwardsUpdate = toPos < fromPos;

//            Debug.Log(Time.frameCount + " " + s.id + " " + (multiCycleStep ? "<color=#FFEC03>Multicycle</color> > " : "Cycle > ") + s.position + "/" + s.duration + " - s.isBackwards: " + s.isBackwards + ", useInverse/prevInverse: " + useInverse + "/" + prevPosIsInverse + " - " + fromPos + " > " + toPos + " - UpdateMode: " + updateMode + ", isPlaying: " + s.isPlaying + ", completedLoops: " + s.completedLoops);
            if (isBackwardsUpdate)
                int len = s._sequencedObjs.Count - 1;
                for (int i = len; i > -1; --i)
                    if (!s.active)
                        return(true);           // Killed by some internal callback
                    if (!s.isPlaying && wasPlaying)
                        return(false);                            // Paused by internal callback
                    ABSSequentiable sequentiable = s._sequencedObjs[i];
                    if (sequentiable.sequencedEndPosition < toPos || sequentiable.sequencedPosition > fromPos)
                    if (sequentiable.tweenType == TweenType.Callback)
                        if (updateMode == UpdateMode.Update && prevPosIsInverse)
//                            Debug.Log("<color=#FFEC03>BACKWARDS Callback > " + s.id + " - s.isBackwards: " + s.isBackwards + ", useInverse/prevInverse: " + useInverse + "/" + prevPosIsInverse + " - " + fromPos + " > " + toPos + "</color>");
                        // Nested Tweener/Sequence
                        float gotoPos = toPos - sequentiable.sequencedPosition;
//                        float gotoPos = (float)((decimal)toPos - (decimal)sequentiable.sequencedPosition);
                        if (gotoPos < 0)
                            gotoPos = 0;
                        Tween t = (Tween)sequentiable;
                        if (!t.startupDone)
                            continue;                 // since we're going backwards and this tween never started just ignore it
                        t.isBackwards = true;
                        if (TweenManager.Goto(t, gotoPos, false, updateMode))
                            // Nested tween failed. If it's the only tween and there's no callbacks mark for killing the whole sequence
                            // (default behaviour in any case prior to v1.2.060)...
                            if (DOTween.nestedTweenFailureBehaviour == NestedTweenFailureBehaviour.KillWholeSequence)
                            if (s.sequencedTweens.Count == 1 && s._sequencedObjs.Count == 1 && !IsAnyCallbackSet(s))
                            // ...otherwise remove failed tween from Sequence and continue
                            TweenManager.Despawn(t, false);
                            --i; --len;

                        // Fixes nested callbacks not being called correctly if main sequence has loops and nested ones don't
                        if (multiCycleStep && t.tweenType == TweenType.Sequence)
                            if (s.position <= 0 && s.completedLoops == 0)
                                t.position = 0;
                                bool toZero = s.completedLoops == 0 || s.isBackwards && (s.completedLoops < s.loops || s.loops == -1);
                                if (t.isBackwards)
                                    toZero = !toZero;
                                if (useInverse)
                                    toZero = !toZero;
                                if (s.isBackwards && !useInverse && !prevPosIsInverse)
                                    toZero = !toZero;
                                t.position = toZero ? 0 : t.duration;
                int len = s._sequencedObjs.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
                    if (!s.active)
                        return(true);           // Killed by some internal callback
                    if (!s.isPlaying && wasPlaying)
                        return(false);                            // Paused by internal callback
                    ABSSequentiable sequentiable = s._sequencedObjs[i];
//                    if (sequentiable.sequencedPosition > toPos || sequentiable.sequencedEndPosition < fromPos) continue;
                    // Fix rare case with high FPS when a tween/callback might happen in same exact time as it's set
                    // This fixes it but should check for backwards tweens and loops
                    if (
                        sequentiable.sequencedPosition > toPos ||
                        sequentiable.sequencedPosition > 0 && sequentiable.sequencedEndPosition <= fromPos ||
                        sequentiable.sequencedPosition <= 0 && sequentiable.sequencedEndPosition < fromPos
                    if (sequentiable.tweenType == TweenType.Callback)
                        if (updateMode == UpdateMode.Update)
//                            Debug.Log("<color=#FFEC03>FORWARD Callback > " + s.id + " - s.isBackwards: " + s.isBackwards + ", useInverse/prevInverse: " + useInverse + "/" + prevPosIsInverse + " - " + fromPos + " > " + toPos + "</color>");
                            bool fire = !s.isBackwards && !useInverse && !prevPosIsInverse ||
                                        s.isBackwards && useInverse && !prevPosIsInverse;
                            if (fire)
                        // Nested Tweener/Sequence
                        float gotoPos = toPos - sequentiable.sequencedPosition;
//                        float gotoPos = (float)((decimal)toPos - (decimal)sequentiable.sequencedPosition);
                        if (gotoPos < 0)
                            gotoPos = 0;
                        Tween t = (Tween)sequentiable;
                        // Fix for final nested tween not calling OnComplete in some cases
                        if (toPos >= sequentiable.sequencedEndPosition)
                            if (!t.startupDone)
                                TweenManager.ForceInit(t, true);
                            if (gotoPos < t.fullDuration)
                                gotoPos = t.fullDuration;
                        t.isBackwards = false;
                        if (TweenManager.Goto(t, gotoPos, false, updateMode))
                            // Nested tween failed. If it's the only tween and there's no callbacks mark for killing the whole sequence
                            // (default behaviour in any case prior to v1.2.060)...
                            if (DOTween.nestedTweenFailureBehaviour == NestedTweenFailureBehaviour.KillWholeSequence)
                            if (s.sequencedTweens.Count == 1 && s._sequencedObjs.Count == 1 && !IsAnyCallbackSet(s))
                            // ...otherwise remove failed tween from Sequence and continue
                            TweenManager.Despawn(t, false);
                            --i; --len;

                        // Fixes nested callbacks not being called correctly if main sequence has loops and nested ones don't
                        if (multiCycleStep && t.tweenType == TweenType.Sequence)
                            if (s.position <= 0 && s.completedLoops == 0)
                                t.position = 0;
                                bool toZero = s.completedLoops == 0 || !s.isBackwards && (s.completedLoops < s.loops || s.loops == -1);
                                if (t.isBackwards)
                                    toZero = !toZero;
                                if (useInverse)
                                    toZero = !toZero;
                                if (s.isBackwards && !useInverse && !prevPosIsInverse)
                                    toZero = !toZero;
                                t.position = toZero ? 0 : t.duration;
Example #4
        // ===================================================================================
        // METHODS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // Returns TRUE if the tween needs to be killed
        static bool ApplyInternalCycle(Sequence s, float fromPos, float toPos, UpdateMode updateMode, bool useInverse, bool prevPosIsInverse, bool multiCycleStep = false)
            bool isBackwardsUpdate = toPos < fromPos;

//            Debug.Log(Time.frameCount + " " + s.id + " " + (multiCycleStep ? "<color=#FFEC03>Multicycle</color> > " : "Cycle > ") + s.position + "/" + s.duration + " - s.isBackwards: " + s.isBackwards + ", useInverse/prevInverse: " + useInverse + "/" + prevPosIsInverse + " - " + fromPos + " > " + toPos + " - UpdateMode: " + updateMode + ", isPlaying: " + s.isPlaying + ", completedLoops: " + s.completedLoops);
            if (isBackwardsUpdate)
                int len = s._sequencedObjs.Count - 1;
                for (int i = len; i > -1; --i)
                    if (!s.active)
                        return(true);           // Killed by some internal callback
                    ABSSequentiable sequentiable = s._sequencedObjs[i];
                    if (sequentiable.sequencedEndPosition < toPos || sequentiable.sequencedPosition > fromPos)
                    if (sequentiable.tweenType == TweenType.Callback)
                        if (updateMode == UpdateMode.Update && prevPosIsInverse)
//                            Debug.Log("<color=#FFEC03>BACKWARDS Callback > " + s.id + " - s.isBackwards: " + s.isBackwards + ", useInverse/prevInverse: " + useInverse + "/" + prevPosIsInverse + " - " + fromPos + " > " + toPos + "</color>");
                        // Nested Tweener/Sequence
                        float gotoPos = toPos - sequentiable.sequencedPosition;
//                        float gotoPos = (float)((decimal)toPos - (decimal)sequentiable.sequencedPosition);
                        if (gotoPos < 0)
                            gotoPos = 0;
                        Tween t = (Tween)sequentiable;
                        if (!t.startupDone)
                            continue;                 // since we're going backwards and this tween never started just ignore it
                        t.isBackwards = true;
                        if (TweenManager.Goto(t, gotoPos, false, updateMode))

                        // Fixes nested callbacks not being called correctly if main sequence has loops and nested ones don't
                        if (multiCycleStep && t.tweenType == TweenType.Sequence)
                            if (s.position <= 0 && s.completedLoops == 0)
                                t.position = 0;
                                bool toZero = s.completedLoops == 0 || s.isBackwards && (s.completedLoops < s.loops || s.loops == -1);
                                if (t.isBackwards)
                                    toZero = !toZero;
                                if (useInverse)
                                    toZero = !toZero;
                                if (s.isBackwards && !useInverse && !prevPosIsInverse)
                                    toZero = !toZero;
                                t.position = toZero ? 0 : t.duration;
                int len = s._sequencedObjs.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
                    if (!s.active)
                        return(true);           // Killed by some internal callback
                    ABSSequentiable sequentiable = s._sequencedObjs[i];
                    if (sequentiable.sequencedPosition > toPos || sequentiable.sequencedEndPosition < fromPos)
                    if (sequentiable.tweenType == TweenType.Callback)
                        if (updateMode == UpdateMode.Update)
//                            Debug.Log("<color=#FFEC03>FORWARD Callback > " + s.id + " - s.isBackwards: " + s.isBackwards + ", useInverse/prevInverse: " + useInverse + "/" + prevPosIsInverse + " - " + fromPos + " > " + toPos + "</color>");
                            bool fire = !s.isBackwards && !useInverse && !prevPosIsInverse ||
                                        s.isBackwards && useInverse && !prevPosIsInverse;
                            if (fire)
                        // Nested Tweener/Sequence
                        float gotoPos = toPos - sequentiable.sequencedPosition;
//                        float gotoPos = (float)((decimal)toPos - (decimal)sequentiable.sequencedPosition);
                        if (gotoPos < 0)
                            gotoPos = 0;
                        Tween t = (Tween)sequentiable;
                        // Fix for final nested tween not calling OnComplete in some cases
                        if (toPos >= sequentiable.sequencedEndPosition)
                            if (!t.startupDone)
                                TweenManager.ForceInit(t, true);
                            if (gotoPos < t.fullDuration)
                                gotoPos = t.fullDuration;
                        t.isBackwards = false;
                        if (TweenManager.Goto(t, gotoPos, false, updateMode))

                        // Fixes nested callbacks not being called correctly if main sequence has loops and nested ones don't
                        if (multiCycleStep && t.tweenType == TweenType.Sequence)
                            if (s.position <= 0 && s.completedLoops == 0)
                                t.position = 0;
                                bool toZero = s.completedLoops == 0 || !s.isBackwards && (s.completedLoops < s.loops || s.loops == -1);
                                if (t.isBackwards)
                                    toZero = !toZero;
                                if (useInverse)
                                    toZero = !toZero;
                                if (s.isBackwards && !useInverse && !prevPosIsInverse)
                                    toZero = !toZero;
                                t.position = toZero ? 0 : t.duration;