static void HandleCaseGeneration()

        BombGenerator bombGenerator = Object.FindObjectOfType <BombGenerator>();

        if (bombGenerator.BombPrefabOverride == null)         // No point in doing anything if they aren't even going to use the ObjectPool.
            ObjectPool prefabPool = bombGenerator.BombPrefabPool;

            // Generate a case parent
            if (CaseParent != null)

            // We have to parent the case to a GameObject that isn't active so it doesn't appear in the scene but itself is still active.
            CaseParent = new GameObject();

            // Override any KMGameCommands
            foreach (KMGameCommands gameCommands in Object.FindObjectsOfType <KMGameCommands>())
                var previousDelegate = gameCommands.OnCreateBomb;

                gameCommands.OnCreateBomb = (string missionId, KMGeneratorSetting generatorSettings, GameObject spawnTarget, string seed) =>
                    HandleGeneratorSetting(ModMission.CreateGeneratorSettingsFromMod(generatorSettings), prefabPool);
                    return(previousDelegate(missionId, generatorSettings, spawnTarget, seed));

            // This must happen regardless of even BetterCasePicker is enabled so that the game can't try to spawn the fake case.
            prefabPool.Objects = prefabPool.Objects.Where(gameobject => != "TweaksCaseGenerator").ToList();

            if (!Tweaks.settings.BetterCasePicker && !Tweaks.CaseGeneratorSettingCache)

            // Try to figure out what mission we are going into
            Mission mission = null;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GameplayState.MissionToLoad))
                if (GameplayState.MissionToLoad.Equals(FreeplayMissionGenerator.FREEPLAY_MISSION_ID))
                    mission = FreeplayMissionGenerator.Generate(GameplayState.FreeplaySettings);
                else if (GameplayState.MissionToLoad.Equals(ModMission.CUSTOM_MISSION_ID))
                    mission = GameplayState.CustomMission;
                    mission = MissionManager.Instance.GetMission(GameplayState.MissionToLoad);

            if (mission == null)
                Debug.LogError("[BetterCasePicker] Unable to find the current mission");

            HandleGeneratorSetting(mission.GeneratorSetting, prefabPool);