Example #1
        private static void UploadExampleStream()
            var testfile = GenFileText(sizeInMb: 32);

            Dictionary <string, string> metadata = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            metadata["filena"] = testfile.Name;

            TusClient.TusClient tc = new TusClient.TusClient();
            tc.Uploading += (long bytesTransferred, long bytesTotal) =>
                decimal perc = (Decimal)(bytesTransferred / (double)bytesTotal * 100.0);
                Console.WriteLine("Up {0:0.00}% {1} of {2}", perc, bytesTransferred, bytesTotal);

            var fileURL = tc.Create(ServerURL, testfile.Length, metadata: metadata);

            using (System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(testfile.FullName, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read))
                tc.Upload(fileURL, fs);


            // Cleanup
Example #2
        private static void UploadWithProgress()
            var testfile = GenFileText(sizeInMb: 32);

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
            long      bytesTransferredLast = 0;
            decimal   transferRate         = 0;

            decimal PreviousPercentage = 0;

            TusClient.TusClient tc = new TusClient.TusClient();
            tc.Uploading += (long bytesTransferred, long bytesTotal) =>
                if (sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > 0)
                    transferRate = (decimal)((bytesTransferred - bytesTransferredLast) / sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

                decimal perc = (decimal)(bytesTransferred / (double)bytesTotal * 100.0);
                perc = Math.Truncate(perc);

                if (perc != PreviousPercentage)
                    Console.WriteLine("Up {0:0.00}% {1} of {2} @ {3}/second", perc, HumanizeBytes(bytesTransferred), HumanizeBytes(bytesTotal), HumanizeBytes((long)transferRate));
                    PreviousPercentage = perc;

                if (sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > 1)
                    bytesTransferredLast = bytesTransferred;

            var fileURL = tc.Create(ServerURL, testfile);

            tc.Upload(fileURL, testfile);

            //VerifyUpload(fileURL, testfile);

            var serverInfo = tc.getServerInfo(ServerURL);

            //if (serverInfo.SupportsDelete)
            //    if (tc.Delete(fileURL))
            //        Console.WriteLine("Upload Terminated");
            //    else
            //        Console.WriteLine("Upload Terminated FAILED");

            // Cleanup
Example #3
        private static void UploadExampleMinimal()
            var testfile = GenFileText(sizeInMb: 32);

            TusClient.TusClient tc = new TusClient.TusClient();
            tc.Uploading += (long bytesTransferred, long bytesTotal) =>
                decimal perc = (decimal)(bytesTransferred / (double)bytesTotal * 100.0);
                Console.WriteLine("Up {0:0.00}% {1} of {2}", perc, bytesTransferred, bytesTotal);

            var fileURL = tc.Create(ServerURL, testfile);

            tc.Upload(fileURL, testfile);


            // Cleanup
Example #4
        private static void UploadConnectionInterrupted()
            var testfile = GenFileBinary(sizeInMb: 64);

            decimal PreviousPercentage           = 0;
            decimal PreviousPercentageDisconnect = 0;

            TusClient.TusClient tc = new TusClient.TusClient();
            tc.Uploading += (long bytesTransferred, long bytesTotal) =>
                decimal perc = (decimal)(bytesTransferred / (double)bytesTotal * 100.0);
                perc = Math.Truncate(perc);
                if (perc != PreviousPercentage)
                    Console.WriteLine("Up {0:0.00}% {1} of {2}", perc, HumanizeBytes(bytesTransferred), HumanizeBytes(bytesTotal));
                    PreviousPercentage = perc;

                if (perc > PreviousPercentageDisconnect & perc > 0 & Math.Ceiling(perc) % 20 == 0)

                    PreviousPercentageDisconnect = Math.Ceiling(perc);

            var fileURL = tc.Create(ServerURL, testfile);

            tc.Upload(fileURL, testfile);

            //VerifyUpload(fileURL, testfile);

            // Cleanup
Example #5
        private static void CancelResumeExample()
            var testfile = GenFileText(sizeInMb: 32);

            int lastperc = 0;

            TusClient.TusClient tc = new TusClient.TusClient();
            tc.Uploading += (long bytesTransferred, long bytesTotal) =>
                decimal perc = (decimal)(bytesTransferred / (double)bytesTotal * 100.0);
                if (perc - lastperc > 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Up {0:0.00}% {1} of {2}", perc, bytesTransferred, bytesTotal);
                    lastperc = (int)perc;
                if (perc > 50)

            var fileURL = tc.Create(ServerURL, testfile);

                tc.Upload(fileURL, testfile);
            catch (TusClient.TusException ex)
                if (ex.Status == System.Net.WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled)
                    Console.WriteLine("Upload Cancelled");


            tc            = new TusClient.TusClient(); // Have to create new client to resume with same URL
            tc.Uploading += (long bytesTransferred, long bytesTotal) =>
                decimal perc = (decimal)(bytesTransferred / (double)bytesTotal * 100.0);
                if (perc - lastperc > 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Up {0:0.00}% {1} of {2}", perc, bytesTransferred, bytesTotal);
                    lastperc = (int)perc;

            Console.WriteLine("Upload Resumed");
            tc.Upload(fileURL, testfile);

            Console.WriteLine("Upload Complete");

            // Cleanup