public override void Apply(Path p) { //Good Game Vector3[] vectorPath = IntMath.Int3s2Vector3s(p.vectorPath).ToArray(); //VInt3[] vectorPath = p.vectorPath.ToArray(); if (vectorPath == null || vectorPath.Length <= 2) { return; } //Good Game List <Vector3> newPath = new List <Vector3>(); //List<VInt3> newPath = new List<VInt3>(); newPath.Add(vectorPath[0]); TurnConstructor.turningRadius = turningRadius; for (int i = 1; i < vectorPath.Length - 1; i++) { List <Turn> turnList = new List <Turn>(); TurnConstructor.Setup(i, vectorPath); turnConstruct1.Prepare(i, vectorPath); turnConstruct2.Prepare(i, vectorPath); TurnConstructor.PostPrepare(); if (i == 1) { turnConstruct1.PointToTangent(turnList); turnConstruct2.PointToTangent(turnList); } else { turnConstruct1.TangentToTangent(turnList); turnConstruct2.TangentToTangent(turnList); } EvaluatePaths(turnList, newPath); //Last point if (i == vectorPath.Length - 2) { turnConstruct1.TangentToPoint(turnList); turnConstruct2.TangentToPoint(turnList); } EvaluatePaths(turnList, newPath); } newPath.Add(vectorPath[vectorPath.Length - 1]); //Good Game //p.vectorPath = newPath; p.vectorPath = IntMath.Vector3s2Int3s(newPath); }
public override void Apply(Path p) { Vector3[] vectorPath = p.vectorPath.ToArray(); if ((vectorPath != null) && (vectorPath.Length > 2)) { List <Vector3> output = new List <Vector3>(); output.Add(vectorPath[0]); TurnConstructor.turningRadius = this.turningRadius; for (int i = 1; i < (vectorPath.Length - 1); i++) { List <Turn> turnList = new List <Turn>(); TurnConstructor.Setup(i, vectorPath); this.turnConstruct1.Prepare(i, vectorPath); this.turnConstruct2.Prepare(i, vectorPath); TurnConstructor.PostPrepare(); if (i == 1) { this.turnConstruct1.PointToTangent(turnList); this.turnConstruct2.PointToTangent(turnList); } else { this.turnConstruct1.TangentToTangent(turnList); this.turnConstruct2.TangentToTangent(turnList); } this.EvaluatePaths(turnList, output); if (i == (vectorPath.Length - 2)) { this.turnConstruct1.TangentToPoint(turnList); this.turnConstruct2.TangentToPoint(turnList); } this.EvaluatePaths(turnList, output); } output.Add(vectorPath[vectorPath.Length - 1]); p.vectorPath = output; } }
public Turn(float length, TurnConstructor constructor, int id = 0) { this.length = length; = id; this.constructor = constructor; }
public override void Apply(Path p, ModifierData source) { Vector3[] vectorPath = p.vectorPath.ToArray(); if (vectorPath == null || vectorPath.Length <= 2) { return; } List <Vector3> newPath = new List <Vector3> (); newPath.Add(vectorPath[0]); TurnConstructor.turningRadius = turningRadius; for (int i = 1; i < vectorPath.Length - 1; i++) { List <Turn> turnList = new List <Turn> (); TurnConstructor.Setup(i, vectorPath); turnConstruct1.Prepare(i, vectorPath); turnConstruct2.Prepare(i, vectorPath); TurnConstructor.PostPrepare(); if (i == 1) { turnConstruct1.PointToTangent(turnList); turnConstruct2.PointToTangent(turnList); } else { turnConstruct1.TangentToTangent(turnList); turnConstruct2.TangentToTangent(turnList); } EvaluatePaths(turnList, newPath); //Last point if (i == vectorPath.Length - 2) { turnConstruct1.TangentToPoint(turnList); turnConstruct2.TangentToPoint(turnList); } EvaluatePaths(turnList, newPath); /*Debug.DrawLine (AngleToVector (va)*2+rightCircleCenter,rightCircleCenter,Color.magenta); * * List<Turn> turnList = new List<Turn> (); * * if (i == 1) { * * * PointToCurve (prev , turnList); * * * } else if (i < vectorPath.Length) { * * } * * if (i == vectorPath.Length-2) { * //End Point * * float prevTurnRadius = turningRadius; * * float minRadi = Mathf.Min ((next-rightCircleCenter).magnitude, (next-leftCircleCenter).magnitude); * //No curved path is possible with the current turning radius * if (minRadi <= turningRadius) { * continue; * * /*turningRadius = minRadi-0.001F; * * rightCircleCenter = currentVertice + normal * turningRadius; * leftCircleCenter = currentVertice - normal * turningRadius; * * Debug.DrawLine (rightCircleCenter,leftCircleCenter,; * DebugCircle (rightCircleCenter,turningRadius,new Color (0,0,0,0.4F)); * DebugCircle (leftCircleCenter,turningRadius,new Color (0,0,0,0.4F));* * } * * double alfaRight = Atan2 (next - rightCircleCenter); * double deltaRight = (ThreeSixtyRadians * 0.25) - Math.Asin (turningRadius / (rightCircleCenter - next).magnitude); * * //Angle to the point where turning ends * double gammaRight = alfaRight - deltaRight; * * Debug.DrawLine (rightCircleCenter+ AngleToVector (gammaRight)*turningRadius, rightCircleCenter,; * * double betaRight = ClockwiseAngle (gammaRight, va); * //double counterClockwiseAngle = ClampAngle (gamma1 - va); * * double alfaLeft = Atan2 (next - leftCircleCenter); * double deltaLeft = (ThreeSixtyRadians * 0.25) - Math.Asin (turningRadius / (leftCircleCenter - next).magnitude); * * //Angle to the point where turning ends * double gammaLeft = alfaLeft + deltaLeft; * * Debug.DrawLine (leftCircleCenter+ AngleToVector (gammaLeft)*turningRadius, leftCircleCenter,; * * //double vaLeft = ClampAngle (va + ThreeSixtyRadians * 0.5); * double betaLeft = CounterClockwiseAngle (vaLeft, gammaLeft); * * Vector3 pRight = AngleToVector (gammaRight)+rightCircleCenter; * Vector3 pLeft = AngleToVector (gammaLeft)+leftCircleCenter; * * betaLeft = GetLengthFromAngle (betaLeft,turningRadius); * betaRight = GetLengthFromAngle (betaRight,turningRadius); * * betaRight += (pRight-next).magnitude; * betaLeft += (pLeft-next).magnitude; * * Debug.Log ("=== Right: "+betaRight+" Left: "+betaLeft+" ==="); * * if (betaRight < betaLeft) { * AddCircleSegment (va, gammaRight, true, rightCircleCenter, newPath); * } else { * AddCircleSegment (vaLeft, gammaLeft, false, leftCircleCenter, newPath); * } * * turningRadius = prevTurnRadius; * } * * preRightCircleCenter = rightCircleCenter; * preLeftCircleCenter = leftCircleCenter; * * preVaRight = vaRight; * preVaLeft = vaLeft;*/ /*Debug.Log ("Gamma: "+ToDegrees(gamma1)); * double clockwiseAngle = Mathf.Min (ClampAngle (va - gamma1),ClampAngle (gamma - va)); * * double counterClockwiseAngle = ; * * Debug.DrawLine (AngleToVector (gamma)*2+rightCircleCenter,rightCircleCenter,; * * * Debug.Log ("Adding Circle Segment "+ToDegrees(gamma).ToString ()+" "+ToDegrees (va).ToString ()+" "+ToDegrees (delta).ToString ()); * AddCircleSegment (gamma,va, clockwiseAngle < counterClockwiseAngle, rightCircleCenter, newPath); */ } newPath.Add(vectorPath[vectorPath.Length - 1]); /*for (int i=0;i<newPath.Count-1;i++) { * Debug.DrawLine (newPath[i],newPath[i+1],Color.yellow); * }*/ p.vectorPath = newPath; }