public NNResultsVisual(double width, double height, Tuple<Point, double, bool>[] values, bool shouldOutlineNonMatches)
                #region Min/Max Value, Colors

                bool hasNegative = values.Any(o => o.Item2 < 0);
                double maxValue = Math.Max(Math.Abs(values.Min(o => o.Item2)), Math.Abs(values.Max(o => o.Item2)));
                if (maxValue < 1d)      // should never be greater, but leave alone if it is
                    maxValue = 1d;

                Color positiveColor = hasNegative ? Colors.Blue : Colors.Black;
                Color negativeColor = Colors.Red;

                #region XY Scale

                double radius = ((width + height) / 2) / 100;

                bool hasNegativePosition = values.Any(o => o.Item1.X < 0 || o.Item1.Y < 0);
                double maxX = Math.Max(Math.Abs(values.Min(o => o.Item1.X)), Math.Abs(values.Max(o => o.Item1.X)));
                double maxY = Math.Max(Math.Abs(values.Min(o => o.Item1.Y)), Math.Abs(values.Max(o => o.Item1.Y)));

                // If they are somewhat near 1, then cap at 1
                if (maxX > .5 && maxX < 1) maxX = 1;
                if (maxY > .5 && maxY < 1) maxY = 1;

                double offsetX = hasNegativePosition ? (width / 2) : 0;
                double offsetY = hasNegativePosition ? (height / 2) : 0;

                double scaleX = maxX > 0d ? (width - offsetX) / maxX : 1;
                double scaleY = maxY > 0d ? (height - offsetY) / maxY : 1;


                Pen matchPen = new Pen(Brushes.Lime, radius * .32);
                Pen otherPen = shouldOutlineNonMatches ? new Pen(new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192, 192)), radius * .18) : null;

                _visual = new DrawingVisual();
                using (DrawingContext dc = _visual.RenderOpen())
                    foreach (var value in values)
                        Color color = value.Item2 < 0 ? negativeColor : positiveColor;
                        double alpha = Math.Abs(value.Item2) / maxValue;
                        Color finalColor = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToByte(alpha * 255), color.R, color.G, color.B);

                        Point point = new Point(offsetX + (value.Item1.X * scaleX), offsetY + (value.Item1.Y * scaleY));

                        Pen pen = value.Item3 ? matchPen : otherPen;

                        dc.DrawEllipse(new SolidColorBrush(finalColor), pen, point, radius, radius);
Example #2
        public Task <IPhysicalOperator <RowHolder> > BuildStatement(Sql.sqlStatement statement, ITransaction tran, IPhysicalOperator <RowHolder> source, InputStringNormalizer inputStringNormalizer)
            Sql.columnSelect[]            columns    = new Sql.columnSelect[0];
            Tuple <Sql.aggType, string>[] aggregates = new Tuple <Sql.aggType, string> [0];

            if (!statement.Columns.IsStar)
                columns = (((Sql.selectType.ColumnList)statement.Columns).Item).ToArray();

                aggregates = columns
                             .Where(c => c.IsAggregate == true)
                             .Select(c => ((Sql.columnSelect.Aggregate)c).Item).ToArray();

            if (statement.GroupBy.Any() || aggregates.Any())
                string[] groupByColumns = statement.GroupBy.ToArray();

                GroupByFunctors groupByFunctors            = GroupByStatementBuilder.EvalGroupBy(groupByColumns, columns, source.GetOutputColumns());
                IPhysicalOperator <RowHolder> phyOpGroupBy = new PhyOpGroupBy(source, groupByFunctors);
Example #3
        public static void SetValues(Object instance, Tuple<string, object>[] properties)
            if (instance == null) return;
            if (properties == null || !properties.Any()) return;

            foreach (var property in properties)
                SetValue(instance, property);
Example #4
        private static bool IsAdditionalControllerAction(HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string areaName,
            Tuple<string, string>[] additionalActiveControllerActionNames)
            if (additionalActiveControllerActionNames == null || additionalActiveControllerActionNames.Length == 0)
                return false;

            return additionalActiveControllerActionNames.Any(t =>
                TokenMatches(htmlHelper, areaName, "area")
                && ValueMatches(htmlHelper, t.Item1, "controller")
                && ValueMatches(htmlHelper, t.Item2, "action"));
Example #5
        public static (short X, short Y) GetNewTownPosition(IEnumerable <Town> existTowns, Func <Town, bool> subject, bool isHandouts = false)
            var borderTowns = existTowns
                              .Where(t => existTowns.GetAroundTowns(t).Count() <
                                     ((t.X < 9 && t.X > 0 && t.Y < 9 && t.Y > 0) ?  8  :
                                      (t.X < 9 && t.X > 0) ? 5 :
                                      (t.Y < 9 && t.Y > 0) ? 5 : 3) - (isHandouts ? 2 : 0));

            if (subject != null)
                borderTowns = borderTowns.Where(subject);
            if (!borderTowns.Any())
                return(-1, -1);

            var nearTown      = borderTowns.ElementAt(RandomService.Next(0, borderTowns.Count()));
            var townPositions = new Tuple <short, short>[]
                new Tuple <short, short>((short)(nearTown.X - 1), (short)(nearTown.Y - 1)),
                new Tuple <short, short>((short)(nearTown.X + 0), (short)(nearTown.Y - 1)),
                new Tuple <short, short>((short)(nearTown.X + 1), (short)(nearTown.Y - 1)),
                new Tuple <short, short>((short)(nearTown.X - 1), (short)(nearTown.Y + 0)),
                new Tuple <short, short>((short)(nearTown.X + 1), (short)(nearTown.Y + 0)),
                new Tuple <short, short>((short)(nearTown.X - 1), (short)(nearTown.Y + 1)),
                new Tuple <short, short>((short)(nearTown.X + 0), (short)(nearTown.Y + 1)),
                new Tuple <short, short>((short)(nearTown.X + 1), (short)(nearTown.Y + 1)),
            .Where(t => t.Item1 >= 0 && t.Item1 < 10 && t.Item2 >= 0 && t.Item2 < 10)
            .Where(t => !isHandouts || existTowns.GetAroundTowns(t.Item1, t.Item2).Count() < 7)
            .Where(t => !existTowns.Any(tt => tt.X == t.Item1 && tt.Y == t.Item2))

            if (!townPositions.Any())
                return(-1, -1);

            var k            = existTowns.GetAroundTowns(4, 5);
            var townPosition = townPositions[RandomService.Next(0, townPositions.Length)];

            return(townPosition.Item1, townPosition.Item2);
        private static void GetAccepHeaderTraceLog(
            NancyContext context,
            NegotiationContext negotiationContext,
            Tuple<string, decimal>[] coercedAcceptHeaders,
            StringBuilder sb)
            var allowableFormats = negotiationContext.PermissableMediaRanges
                .Select(mr => mr.ToString())
                .Aggregate((t1, t2) => t1 + ", " + t2);

            var originalAccept = context.Request.Headers["accept"].Any()
                ? string.Join(", ", context.Request.Headers["accept"])
                : "None";

            var coercedAccept = coercedAcceptHeaders.Any()
                ? coercedAcceptHeaders.Select(h => h.Item1).Aggregate((t1, t2) => t1 + ", " + t2)
                : "None";

            sb.AppendFormat("[DefaultResponseNegotiator] Original accept header: {0}\n", originalAccept);
            sb.AppendFormat("[DefaultResponseNegotiator] Coerced accept header: {0}\n", coercedAccept);
            sb.AppendFormat("[DefaultResponseNegotiator] Acceptable media ranges: {0}\n", allowableFormats);
        /// <summary>
        /// This will move the types in transfer from the from array to the to array.  The arrays passed in won't be affected,
        /// but the return will be the new from and to
        /// </summary>
        private static Tuple<Type[], Tuple<Type, int>[]> TransferTypes(Type[] existingFrom, Tuple<Type, int>[] existingTo, Tuple<Type, int>[] transfer)
            // Only keep the types that aren't in transfer
            Type[] newFrom = existingFrom.Where(o => !transfer.Any(p => p.Item1.Equals(o))).ToArray();
            if (newFrom.Length == 0)
                newFrom = null;

            // Add transfer to existing
            Tuple<Type, int>[] newTo = UtilityCore.ArrayAdd(existingTo, transfer);

            return Tuple.Create(newFrom, newTo);
Example #8
            private static FlagColorCategory GetRandomFlagColors_Category(FlagColorCategory[] chooseFrom, Tuple<ColorHSV, FlagColorCategory>[] existing)
                if (chooseFrom.Length == 1)
                    return chooseFrom[0];

                Random rand = StaticRandom.GetRandomForThread();
                int infiniteLoopDetector = 0;

                // There are more than one to choose from.  Pick one that hasn't been picked before
                // For example { Black, White }, and White is used.  Need to return Black
                int index = -1;
                while (true)
                    index = rand.Next(chooseFrom.Length);

                    if (!existing.Any(o => o.Item2 == chooseFrom[index]))
                        return chooseFrom[index];

                    if (infiniteLoopDetector > 1000)
                        throw new ApplicationException("Infinite loop detected");
        private static Point3D[] GetVoronoiCtrlPoints_TwoLines(Tuple<Point3D, ITriangle, double>[][] hits, ITriangleIndexed[] asteroid)
            if (hits.Length != 2 || hits.Any(o => o.Length != 2))
                throw new ArgumentException("This method expects 2 hits, each with two endpoints");

            // Examine hits
            Tuple<int, double>[] hitsByLength = hits.
                Select((o, i) => Tuple.Create(i, (o[1].Item1 - o[0].Item1).Length)).
                OrderByDescending(o => o.Item2).

            double totalLength = hitsByLength.Sum(o => o.Item2);

            Tuple<int, double>[] hitsByPercentLength = hitsByLength.
                Select(o => Tuple.Create(o.Item1, o.Item2 / totalLength)).

            // Define control point cones
            var aabb = Math3D.GetAABB(asteroid);
            double aabbLen = (aabb.Item2 - aabb.Item1).Length;

            double entryRadius = aabbLen * .03;
            double exitRadius = aabbLen * .15;
            double maxAxisLength = aabbLen * .75;

            List<Point3D> retVal = new List<Point3D>();

            //TODO: Instead of a fixed number here, figure out how many control points to make based on the total
            //length of the hits in relation to the volume of the asteroid
            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < 3; cntr++)
                int index = UtilityCore.GetIndexIntoList(StaticRandom.NextDouble(), hitsByPercentLength);

                retVal.AddRange(ExplosionForceWorker.GetVoronoiCtrlPoints_AroundLine_Cone(hits[index][0].Item1, hits[index][1].Item1, StaticRandom.Next(2, 5), entryRadius, exitRadius, maxAxisLength));

            return retVal.ToArray();

            #region OLD THOUGHTS

            //DIFFICULT: This should be doable, but seems more difficult than it's worth (also very hardcoded and specific - not very natural)
            // Draw a line between the two entry points, and another line between the two exit points
            // (or reverse one line if the shots come from opposite directions)
            // Choose a 5th point that is the midpoint of the segment: Math3D.GetClosestPoints_Line_Line()
            // No choose control points that will have those 4 triangles as edge faces

            //FAIL: The plate is very likely not coplanar
            // Create a plate with the four hitpoints as verticies
            //  Choose two points on either side of the plate (equidistant)

        public static Tuple<Tuple<DateTime, RollResultItem>[], Tuple<DateTime, RollResultItem>[]> IntersectDates(Tuple<DateTime, RollResultItem>[] series1, Tuple<DateTime, RollResultItem>[] series2)
            var commonDates = series1.Select(s => s.Item1).Concat(series2.Select(s => s.Item1)).Distinct();
            var list1 = new List<Tuple<DateTime, RollResultItem>>();
            var list2 = new List<Tuple<DateTime, RollResultItem>>();
            foreach (var date in commonDates)
                if (series1.Any(s => s.Item1 == date)) 
                    list1.Add(series1.First(s => s.Item1 == date));
                    list1.Add(new Tuple<DateTime, RollResultItem>(date, new RollResultItem(){Value = double.NaN}));

                if (series2.Any(s => s.Item1 == date))
                    list2.Add(series2.First(s => s.Item1 == date));
                    list2.Add(new Tuple<DateTime, RollResultItem>(date, new RollResultItem() { Value = double.NaN }));

            return new Tuple<Tuple<DateTime, RollResultItem>[], Tuple<DateTime, RollResultItem>[]>(list1.ToArray(), list2.ToArray());
        private static bool IsStupidBrowser(Tuple<string, decimal>[] current, NancyContext context)
            // If there's one or less accept headers then we can't be a stupid
            // browser so just bail out early
            if (current.Length <= 1)
                return false;

            var maxScore = current.First().Item2;

            if (IsPotentiallyBrokenBrowser(context.Request.Headers.UserAgent)
                && !current.Any(h => h.Item2 == maxScore && string.Equals(HtmlContentType, h.Item1, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                return true;

            return false;
                private static void GetUniquePoints(out Point[] uniquePoints, out Tuple<int, int>[] segments, Tuple<Point, Point>[] lineSegments)
                    // Find the unique points
                    List<Point> uniquePointList = new List<Point>();
                    foreach (Point point in UtilityCore.Iterate(lineSegments.Select(o => o.Item1), lineSegments.Select(o => o.Item2)))
                        if (!uniquePointList.Any(o => Math2D.IsNearValue(point, o)))

                    uniquePoints = uniquePointList.ToArray();

                    // Convert the line segments into indices
                    segments = lineSegments.
                        Select(o => Tuple.Create(IndexOfPoint(uniquePointList, o.Item1), IndexOfPoint(uniquePointList, o.Item2))).      // using the list, because an out param can't be used in a lambda, and I didn't feel like making a copy of the array
                        Where(o => o.Item1 != o.Item2).
                        Select(o => o.Item1 < o.Item2 ? o : Tuple.Create(o.Item2, o.Item1)).        // force the item 1 to be the smaller index (so that the distinct will work properly)
                        Distinct().     // get rid of duplicate segments

                    if (segments.Any(o => o.Item1 < 0 || o.Item2 < 0))
                        throw new ApplicationException("Unique point wasn't found");
Example #13
        private readonly double _ruleCount;     // storing this as a double to speed up the score get


        #region Constructor

        public FitnessTracker(ArcBot bot, Tuple<IFitnessRule, double>[] rules)
            if (bot != null)
                if (rules.Any(o => o.Item1.Bot.Token != bot.Token))
                    throw new ArgumentException("All rules must be for the same bot");

            this.Bot = bot;

            _rules = rules;
            _ruleCount = _rules.Length;
Example #14
            /// <summary>
            /// This returns the range that all guns can support
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Say gun0 can go from 1 to 3
            /// and gun1 can go from 2 to 4
            /// The return would be 2 to 3
            /// If there's a gap, an exception is thrown
            /// </remarks>
            private static Tuple<double, double> GetRange(Tuple<int, ProjectileGun>[] guns)
                double? max = null;
                double? min = null;

                for (int cntr = 0; cntr < guns.Length; cntr++)
                    Tuple<double, double> range = guns[cntr].Item2.CaliberRange;

                    // Min
                    if (min == null)
                        min = range.Item1;
                    else if (range.Item1 > min.Value)
                        min = range.Item1;

                    // Max
                    if (max == null)
                        max = range.Item2;
                    else if (range.Item2 < max.Value)
                        max = range.Item2;

                if (min == null || max == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("There were no guns passed in");

                // Verify
                if (guns.Any(o => o.Item2.CaliberRange.Item1 > max.Value) || guns.Any(o => o.Item2.CaliberRange.Item2 < min.Value))
                    throw new ArgumentException("There is a gap in caliber ranges");

                return Tuple.Create(min.Value, max.Value);
Example #15
        private void TransitionToCandidates(Tuple<long, WinnerList.WinningBean>[] deadLive, Tuple<long, WinnerList.WinningBean>[] deadFinalists, long[] removedTokens)
            // These are ships that died, and were on the live winner list
            if (deadLive != null && deadLive.Length > 0)
                foreach (var win in deadLive)
                    // Store this as a finalist
                    this.Candidates.Add(win.Item2.Ship.GetNewDNA(), win.Item2.Score);

            // Apply final scores to the dead finalists
            if (deadFinalists != null && deadFinalists.Length > 0)
                foreach (var final in deadFinalists)
                    TrackingCandidate finalist = _finalists.Where(o => o.Contains(final.Item1)).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (finalist == null)
                        throw new ApplicationException("Didn't find the finalist passed in: " + final.Item1);

                    finalist.FinishedShip(final.Item1, final.Item2.Score);

            // There is a chance that a ship died before getting added to _livingFinalistTopScores.  If that happens, then it never gets into deadFinalists.
            // So look for this case, and set directly into _finalists
            if (removedTokens != null && removedTokens.Length > 0)
                long[] uniqueDead = removedTokens;
                if (deadFinalists != null && deadFinalists.Length > 0)
                    uniqueDead = removedTokens.Where(o => !deadFinalists.Any(p => o == p.Item1)).ToArray();

                foreach (long dead in uniqueDead)
                    TrackingCandidate finalist = _finalists.Where(o => o.Contains(dead)).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (finalist != null)
                        finalist.FinishedShip(dead, 0d);
