Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Simulate a student that is really indecisive
        /// </summary>
        public async Task RunProducer(IFdbDatabase db, CancellationToken ct)
            int cnt = 0;

            var rnd = new Random();

            while (!ct.IsCancellationRequested)
                int   k      = cnt++;
                Slice taskId = TuPack.EncodeKey(this.Id.GetHashCode(), k);

                string msg = "Message #" + k + " from producer " + this.Id + " (" + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("O") + ")";

                var latency = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                await this.WorkerPool.ScheduleTaskAsync(db, taskId, Slice.FromString(msg), ct).ConfigureAwait(false);

                Console.Write(k.ToString("N0") + "\r");


                TimeSpan delay = TimeSpan.FromTicks(rnd.Next((int)this.DelayMin.Ticks, (int)this.DelayMax.Ticks));
                await Task.Delay(delay, ct).ConfigureAwait(false);

Example #2
        public void Test_KeyRange_Test()
            const int BEFORE = -1, INSIDE = 0, AFTER = +1;

            KeyRange range;

            // range: [ "A", "Z" )
            range = KeyRange.Create(Slice.FromByteString("A"), Slice.FromByteString("Z"));

            // Excluding the end: < "Z"
            Assert.That(range.Test(Slice.FromByteString("\x00"), endIncluded: false), Is.EqualTo(BEFORE));
            Assert.That(range.Test(Slice.FromByteString("@"), endIncluded: false), Is.EqualTo(BEFORE));
            Assert.That(range.Test(Slice.FromByteString("A"), endIncluded: false), Is.EqualTo(INSIDE));
            Assert.That(range.Test(Slice.FromByteString("Z"), endIncluded: false), Is.EqualTo(AFTER));
            Assert.That(range.Test(Slice.FromByteString("Z\x00"), endIncluded: false), Is.EqualTo(AFTER));
            Assert.That(range.Test(Slice.FromByteString("\xFF"), endIncluded: false), Is.EqualTo(AFTER));

            // Including the end: <= "Z"
            Assert.That(range.Test(Slice.FromByteString("\x00"), endIncluded: true), Is.EqualTo(BEFORE));
            Assert.That(range.Test(Slice.FromByteString("@"), endIncluded: true), Is.EqualTo(BEFORE));
            Assert.That(range.Test(Slice.FromByteString("A"), endIncluded: true), Is.EqualTo(INSIDE));
            Assert.That(range.Test(Slice.FromByteString("Z"), endIncluded: true), Is.EqualTo(INSIDE));
            Assert.That(range.Test(Slice.FromByteString("Z\x00"), endIncluded: true), Is.EqualTo(AFTER));
            Assert.That(range.Test(Slice.FromByteString("\xFF"), endIncluded: true), Is.EqualTo(AFTER));

            range = KeyRange.Create(TuPack.EncodeKey("A"), TuPack.EncodeKey("Z"));
            Assert.That(range.Test(TuPack.EncodeKey("@")), Is.EqualTo((BEFORE)));
            Assert.That(range.Test(TuPack.EncodeKey("A")), Is.EqualTo((INSIDE)));
            Assert.That(range.Test(TuPack.EncodeKey("Z")), Is.EqualTo((AFTER)));
            Assert.That(range.Test(TuPack.EncodeKey("Z"), endIncluded: true), Is.EqualTo(INSIDE));
Example #3
        public async Task Test_Vector_Fast()
            using (var db = await OpenTestPartitionAsync())
                var location = db.Root["ranked_set"];
                await CleanLocation(db, location);

                var rankedSet = new FdbRankedSet(location);
                await db.WriteAsync(tr => rankedSet.OpenAsync(tr), this.Cancellation);

                Log(await rankedSet.ReadAsync(db, (tr, state) => PrintRankedSet(state, tr), this.Cancellation));

                var rnd = new Random();
                var sw  = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    //Log("Inserting " + i);
                    await db.WriteAsync(async tr =>
                        var state = await rankedSet.Resolve(tr);
                        await state.InsertAsync(tr, TuPack.EncodeKey(rnd.Next()));
                    }, this.Cancellation);
                Log($"Done in {sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:N3} sec");
                await DumpSubspace(db, location);

                Log(await rankedSet.ReadAsync(db, (tr, state) => PrintRankedSet(state, tr), this.Cancellation));
Example #4
        public void Test_Simple_SelfTerms_Codecs()
            // encodes a key using 3 parts: (x, y, z) => ordered_key

            string x = "abc";
            long   y = 123;
            Guid   z = Guid.NewGuid();

            var first  = TupleCodec <string> .Default;
            var second = TupleCodec <long> .Default;
            var third  = TupleCodec <Guid> .Default;

            var writer = default(SliceWriter);

            first.EncodeOrderedSelfTerm(ref writer, x);
            second.EncodeOrderedSelfTerm(ref writer, y);
            third.EncodeOrderedSelfTerm(ref writer, z);
            var data = writer.ToSlice();

            Assert.That(data, Is.EqualTo(TuPack.EncodeKey(x, y, z)));

            var reader = new SliceReader(data);

            Assert.That(first.DecodeOrderedSelfTerm(ref reader), Is.EqualTo(x));
            Assert.That(second.DecodeOrderedSelfTerm(ref reader), Is.EqualTo(y));
            Assert.That(third.DecodeOrderedSelfTerm(ref reader), Is.EqualTo(z));
            Assert.That(reader.HasMore, Is.False);
Example #5
        public void Test_Subspace_With_Tuple_Prefix()
            var subspace = KeySubspace.CreateDynamic(TuPack.EncodeKey("hello"));

            Assert.That(subspace.GetPrefix().ToString(), Is.EqualTo("<02>hello<00>"));
            Assert.That(subspace.Copy(), Is.Not.SameAs(subspace));
            Assert.That(subspace.Copy().GetPrefix(), Is.EqualTo(subspace.GetPrefix()));

            // concat(Slice) should append the slice to the tuple prefix directly
            Assert.That(subspace[Slice.FromInt32(0x01020304)].ToString(), Is.EqualTo("<02>hello<00><04><03><02><01>"));
            Assert.That(subspace[Slice.FromStringAscii("world")].ToString(), Is.EqualTo("<02>hello<00>world"));

            // pack(...) should use tuple serialization
            Assert.That(subspace.Keys.Encode(123).ToString(), Is.EqualTo("<02>hello<00><15>{"));
            Assert.That(subspace.Keys.Encode("world").ToString(), Is.EqualTo("<02>hello<00><02>world<00>"));

            // even though the subspace prefix is a tuple, appending to it will only return the new items
            var k = subspace.Keys.Pack(("world", 123, false));

            Assert.That(k.ToString(), Is.EqualTo("<02>hello<00><02>world<00><15>{<14>"));

            // if we unpack the key with the binary prefix, we should get a valid tuple
            var t2 = subspace.Keys.Unpack(k);

            Assert.That(t2, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(t2.Count, Is.EqualTo(3));
            Assert.That(t2.Get <string>(0), Is.EqualTo("world"));
            Assert.That(t2.Get <int>(1), Is.EqualTo(123));
            Assert.That(t2.Get <bool>(2), Is.False);
Example #6
        public async Task Test_Vector_Fast()
            using (var db = await OpenTestPartitionAsync())
                var location = await GetCleanDirectory(db, "ranked_set");

                var vector = new FdbRankedSet(location);

                await db.ReadWriteAsync(async (tr) =>
                    await vector.OpenAsync(tr);
                    await PrintRankedSet(vector, tr);
                }, this.Cancellation);

                var rnd = new Random();
                var sw  = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    Console.Write("\rInserting " + i);
                    await db.ReadWriteAsync((tr) => vector.InsertAsync(tr, TuPack.EncodeKey(rnd.Next())), this.Cancellation);
                Log("\rDone in {0:N3} sec", sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds);

                await db.ReadAsync((tr) => PrintRankedSet(vector, tr), this.Cancellation);
        public async Task Test_Can_MergeSort()
            int K = 3;
            int N = 100;

            using (var db = await OpenTestPartitionAsync())
                var location = await GetCleanDirectory(db, "Queries", "MergeSort");

                // clear!
                await db.ClearRangeAsync(location, this.Cancellation);

                // create K lists
                var lists = Enumerable.Range(0, K).Select(i => location.Partition.ByKey(i)).ToArray();

                // lists[0] contains all multiples of K ([0, 0], [K, 1], [2K, 2], ...)
                // lists[1] contains all multiples of K, offset by 1 ([1, 0], [K+1, 1], [2K+1, 2], ...)
                // lists[k-1] contains all multiples of K, offset by k-1 ([K-1, 0], [2K-1, 1], [3K-1, 2], ...)

                // more generally: lists[k][i] = (..., MergeSort, k, (i * K) + k) = (k, i)

                for (int k = 0; k < K; k++)
                    using (var tr = db.BeginTransaction(this.Cancellation))
                        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                            tr.Set(lists[k].Keys.Encode((i * K) + k), TuPack.EncodeKey(k, i));
                        await tr.CommitAsync();

                // MergeSorting all lists together should produce all integers from 0 to (K*N)-1, in order
                // we use the last part of the key for sorting

                using (var tr = db.BeginTransaction(this.Cancellation))
                    var merge = tr.MergeSort(
                        lists.Select(list => KeySelectorPair.Create(list.Keys.ToRange())),
                        kvp => location.Keys.DecodeLast <int>(kvp.Key)

                    Assert.That(merge, Is.Not.Null);
                    Assert.That(merge, Is.InstanceOf <MergeSortAsyncIterator <KeyValuePair <Slice, Slice>, int, KeyValuePair <Slice, Slice> > >());

                    var results = await merge.ToListAsync();

                    Assert.That(results, Is.Not.Null);
                    Assert.That(results.Count, Is.EqualTo(K * N));

                    for (int i = 0; i < K * N; i++)
                        Assert.That(location.ExtractKey(results[i].Key), Is.EqualTo(TuPack.EncodeKey(i % K, i)));
                        Assert.That(results[i].Value, Is.EqualTo(TuPack.EncodeKey(i % K, i / K)));
Example #8
        public void Test_FdbKey_PrettyPrint()
            // verify that the pretty printing of keys produce a user friendly output

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.Nil), Is.EqualTo("<null>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.Empty), Is.EqualTo("<empty>"));

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.FromByte(0)), Is.EqualTo("<00>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.FromByte(255)), Is.EqualTo("<FF>"));

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }.AsSlice()), Is.EqualTo("<00><01><02><03><04><05><06><07>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(new byte[] { 255, 254, 253, 252, 251, 250, 249, 248 }.AsSlice()), Is.EqualTo("<FF><FE><FD><FC><FB><FA><F9><F8>"));

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.FromString("hello")), Is.EqualTo("hello"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(Slice.FromString("héllø")), Is.EqualTo("h<C3><A9>ll<C3><B8>"));

            // tuples should be decoded properly

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(123)), Is.EqualTo("(123,)"), "Singleton tuples should end with a ','");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(Slice.FromByteString("hello"))), Is.EqualTo("(`hello`,)"), "ASCII strings should use single back quotes");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey("héllø")), Is.EqualTo("(\"héllø\",)"), "Unicode strings should use double quotes");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }.AsSlice())), Is.EqualTo("(`<01><02><03>`,)"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(123, 456)), Is.EqualTo("(123, 456)"), "Elements should be separated with a space, and not end up with ','");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(default(object), true, false)), Is.EqualTo("(null, true, false)"), "Booleans should be displayed as numbers, and null should be in lowercase");             //note: even though it's tempting to using Python's "Nil", it's not very ".NETty"
            //note: the string representation of double is not identical between NetFx and .NET Core! So we cannot used a constant literal here
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(1.0d, Math.PI, Math.E)), Is.EqualTo("(1, " + Math.PI.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ", " + Math.E.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ")"), "Doubles should used dot and have full precision (17 digits)");
            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(1.0f, (float)Math.PI, (float)Math.E)), Is.EqualTo("(1, " + ((float)Math.PI).ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ", " + ((float)Math.E).ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ")"), "Singles should used dot and have full precision (10 digits)");
            var guid = Guid.NewGuid();

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(guid)), Is.EqualTo($"({guid:B},)"), "GUIDs should be displayed as a string literal, surrounded by {{...}}, and without quotes");
            var uuid128 = Uuid128.NewUuid();

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(uuid128)), Is.EqualTo($"({uuid128:B},)"), "Uuid128s should be displayed as a string literal, surrounded by {{...}}, and without quotes");
            var uuid64 = Uuid64.NewUuid();

            Assert.That(FdbKey.Dump(TuPack.EncodeKey(uuid64)), Is.EqualTo($"({uuid64:B},)"), "Uuid64s should be displayed as a string literal, surrounded by {{...}}, and without quotes");

            // ranges should be decoded when possible
            var key = TuPack.ToRange(STuple.Create("hello"));

            // "<02>hello<00><00>" .. "<02>hello<00><FF>"
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(key.Begin, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.Begin), Is.EqualTo("(\"hello\",).<00>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(key.End, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.End), Is.EqualTo("(\"hello\",).<FF>"));

            key = KeyRange.StartsWith(TuPack.EncodeKey("hello"));
            // "<02>hello<00>" .. "<02>hello<01>"
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(key.Begin, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.Begin), Is.EqualTo("(\"hello\",)"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(key.End, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.End), Is.EqualTo("(\"hello\",) + 1"));

            var t = TuPack.EncodeKey(123);

            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(t, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.Single), Is.EqualTo("(123,)"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(TuPack.ToRange(t).Begin, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.Begin), Is.EqualTo("(123,).<00>"));
            Assert.That(FdbKey.PrettyPrint(TuPack.ToRange(t).End, FdbKey.PrettyPrintMode.End), Is.EqualTo("(123,).<FF>"));
 private static async Task HelloWorld(CancellationToken ct)
     // Connect to the "DB" database on the local cluster
     using (var db = await Fdb.OpenAsync())
         // Writes some data in to the database
         using (var tr = db.BeginTransaction(ct))
             tr.Set(TuPack.EncodeKey("Test", 123), Slice.FromString("Hello World!"));
             tr.Set(TuPack.EncodeKey("Test", 456), Slice.FromInt64(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks));
Example #10
        public void Test_Simple_String_Codec()
            var codec = TupleCodec <string> .Default;

            Assert.That(codec, Is.Not.Null);

            Assert.That(codec.EncodeOrdered("héllø Wörld"), Is.EqualTo(TuPack.EncodeKey("héllø Wörld")));
            Assert.That(codec.EncodeOrdered(String.Empty), Is.EqualTo(TuPack.EncodeKey("")));
            Assert.That(codec.EncodeOrdered(null), Is.EqualTo(TuPack.EncodeKey(default(string))));

            Assert.That(codec.DecodeOrdered(TuPack.EncodeKey("héllø Wörld")), Is.EqualTo("héllø Wörld"));
            Assert.That(codec.DecodeOrdered(TuPack.EncodeKey(String.Empty)), Is.EqualTo(""));
            Assert.That(codec.DecodeOrdered(TuPack.EncodeKey(default(string))), Is.Null);
Example #11
        public void Test_Simple_Integer_Codec()
            var codec = TupleCodec <int> .Default;

            Assert.That(codec, Is.Not.Null);

            Assert.That(codec.EncodeOrdered(0), Is.EqualTo(TuPack.EncodeKey(0)));
            Assert.That(codec.EncodeOrdered(123), Is.EqualTo(TuPack.EncodeKey(123)));
            Assert.That(codec.EncodeOrdered(123456), Is.EqualTo(TuPack.EncodeKey(123456)));

            Assert.That(codec.DecodeOrdered(TuPack.EncodeKey(0)), Is.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(codec.DecodeOrdered(TuPack.EncodeKey(123)), Is.EqualTo(123));
            Assert.That(codec.DecodeOrdered(TuPack.EncodeKey(123456)), Is.EqualTo(123456));
Example #12
        public void Test_Tuple_Composite_Encoder()
            // encodes a key using 3 parts: (x, y, z) => ordered_key

            string x = "abc";
            long   y = 123;
            Guid   z = Guid.NewGuid();

            var encoder = TuPack.Encoding.GetKeyEncoder <string, long, Guid>();

            Assert.That(encoder, Is.Not.Null);

            // full key encoding

            // note: EncodeKey(...) is just a shortcurt for packing all items in a tuple, and EncodeComposite(..., count = 3)
            var data = encoder.EncodeKey(x, y, z);

            Assert.That(data, Is.EqualTo(TuPack.EncodeKey(x, y, z)));

            var items = encoder.DecodeKey(data);

            Assert.That(items.Item1, Is.EqualTo(x));
            Assert.That(items.Item2, Is.EqualTo(y));
            Assert.That(items.Item3, Is.EqualTo(z));

            // partial key encoding

            data = encoder.EncodeKeyParts(2, items);
            Assert.That(data, Is.EqualTo(TuPack.EncodeKey(x, y)));
            items = encoder.DecodeKeyParts(2, TuPack.EncodeKey(x, y));
            Assert.That(items.Item1, Is.EqualTo(x));
            Assert.That(items.Item2, Is.EqualTo(y));
            Assert.That(items.Item3, Is.EqualTo(default(Guid)));

            data = encoder.EncodeKeyParts(1, items);
            Assert.That(data, Is.EqualTo(TuPack.EncodeKey(x)));
            items = encoder.DecodeKeyParts(1, TuPack.EncodeKey(x));
            Assert.That(items.Item1, Is.EqualTo(x));
            Assert.That(items.Item2, Is.EqualTo(default(long)));
            Assert.That(items.Item3, Is.EqualTo(default(Guid)));

            // should fail if number of items to encode is out of range
            Assert.That(() => { encoder.EncodeKeyParts(4, items); }, Throws.InstanceOf <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>());
            Assert.That(() => { encoder.EncodeKeyParts(0, items); }, Throws.InstanceOf <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>());
        public void Test_FdbQueryTransformExpression()
            var expr = FdbQueryExpressions.Transform(
                FdbQueryExpressions.RangeStartsWith(TuPack.EncodeKey("Hello", "World")),
                (kvp) => kvp.Value.ToUnicode()


            Assert.That(expr, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(expr.Source, Is.Not.Null.And.InstanceOf <FdbQueryRangeExpression>());
            Assert.That(expr.Transform, Is.Not.Null);

            Assert.That(expr.Type, Is.EqualTo(typeof(IAsyncEnumerable <string>)));
            Assert.That(expr.ElementType, Is.EqualTo(typeof(string)));

        public void Test_FdbQueryFilterExpression()
            var expr = FdbQueryExpressions.Filter(
                FdbQueryExpressions.RangeStartsWith(TuPack.EncodeKey("Hello", "World")),
                (kvp) => kvp.Value.ToInt32() % 2 == 0


            Assert.That(expr, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(expr.Source, Is.Not.Null.And.InstanceOf <FdbQueryRangeExpression>());
            Assert.That(expr.Filter, Is.Not.Null);

            Assert.That(expr.Type, Is.EqualTo(typeof(IAsyncEnumerable <KeyValuePair <Slice, Slice> >)));
            Assert.That(expr.ElementType, Is.EqualTo(typeof(KeyValuePair <Slice, Slice>)));

        public async Task Test_Can_Open_Database_With_Non_Empty_GlobalSpace()
            // using a tuple prefix
            using (var db = await Fdb.OpenAsync(new FdbConnectionOptions {
                GlobalSpace = KeySubspace.FromKey(TuPack.EncodeKey("test"))
            }, this.Cancellation))
                Assert.That(db, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(db.GlobalSpace, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(db.GlobalSpace.GetPrefix().ToString(), Is.EqualTo("<02>test<00>"));

                var subspace = db.Partition.ByKey("hello");
                Assert.That(subspace.GetPrefix().ToString(), Is.EqualTo("<02>test<00><02>hello<00>"));

                // keys inside the global space are valid
                Assert.That(db.IsKeyValid(TuPack.EncodeKey("test", 123)), Is.True);

                // keys outside the global space are invalid
                Assert.That(db.IsKeyValid(Slice.FromByte(42)), Is.False);

            // using a random binary prefix
            using (var db = await Fdb.OpenAsync(new FdbConnectionOptions {
                GlobalSpace = KeySubspace.FromKey(new byte[] { 42, 255, 0, 90 }.AsSlice())
            }, this.Cancellation))
                Assert.That(db, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(db.GlobalSpace, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(db.GlobalSpace.GetPrefix().ToString(), Is.EqualTo("*<FF><00>Z"));

                var subspace = db.Partition.ByKey("hello");
                Assert.That(subspace.GetPrefix().ToString(), Is.EqualTo("*<FF><00>Z<02>hello<00>"));

                // keys inside the global space are valid
                Assert.That(db.IsKeyValid(Slice.Unescape("*<FF><00>Z123")), Is.True);

                // keys outside the global space are invalid
                Assert.That(db.IsKeyValid(Slice.FromByte(123)), Is.False);
                Assert.That(db.IsKeyValid(Slice.Unescape("*<FF>")), Is.False);
 /// <summary>Append a pair encoded keys to the prefix of the current location</summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T1">Type of the first key</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="T2">Type of the second key</typeparam>
 /// <param name="item1">Key that will be appended first to the current location's binary prefix</param>
 /// <param name="item2">Key that will be appended last to the current location's binary prefix</param>
 /// <returns>A new subspace location with an additional binary suffix</returns>
 public DynamicKeySubspaceLocation ByKey <T1, T2>(T1 item1, T2 item2) => new DynamicKeySubspaceLocation(GetSafePath(), TuPack.EncodeKey <T1, T2>(item1, item2), TuPack.Encoding.GetDynamicKeyEncoder());
        public async Task Test_Range_Except()
            int K = 3;
            int N = 100;

            using (var db = await OpenTestPartitionAsync())
                // get a clean new directory
                var location = await GetCleanDirectory(db, "Queries", "Except");

                // create K lists
                var lists = Enumerable.Range(0, K).Select(i => location.Partition.ByKey(i)).ToArray();

                // lists[0] contains all multiples of 1
                // lists[1] contains all multiples of 2
                // lists[k-1] contains all multiples of K

                // more generally: lists[k][i] = (..., Intersect, k, i * (k + 1)) = (k, i)

                var series = Enumerable.Range(1, K).Select(k => Enumerable.Range(1, N).Select(x => k * x).ToArray()).ToArray();
                //foreach(var serie in series)
                //	Log(String.Join(", ", serie));

                for (int k = 0; k < K; k++)
                    //Log("> k = " + k);
                    using (var tr = db.BeginTransaction(this.Cancellation))
                        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                            var key   = lists[k].Keys.Encode(series[k][i]);
                            var value = TuPack.EncodeKey(k, i);
                            //Log("> " + key + " = " + value);
                            tr.Set(key, value);
                        await tr.CommitAsync();

                // Intersect all lists together should produce all integers that are prime numbers
                IEnumerable <int> xs = series[0];
                for (int i = 1; i < K; i++)
                    xs = xs.Except(series[i]);
                var expected = xs.ToArray();
                Log("Expected: {0}", String.Join(", ", expected));

                using (var tr = db.BeginTransaction(this.Cancellation))
                    var merge = tr.Except(
                        lists.Select(list => KeySelectorPair.Create(list.Keys.ToRange())),
                        kvp => location.Keys.DecodeLast <int>(kvp.Key)

                    Assert.That(merge, Is.Not.Null);
                    Assert.That(merge, Is.InstanceOf <ExceptAsyncIterator <KeyValuePair <Slice, Slice>, int, KeyValuePair <Slice, Slice> > >());

                    var results = await merge.ToListAsync();

                    Assert.That(results, Is.Not.Null);

                    Assert.That(results.Count, Is.EqualTo(expected.Length));

                    for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++)
                        Assert.That(location.Keys.DecodeLast <int>(results[i].Key), Is.EqualTo(expected[i]));
        public async Task Test_FdbMap_With_Custom_Key_Encoder()
            // Use a table as a backing store for the rules of a Poor Man's firewall, where each keys are the IPEndPoint (tcp only!), and the values are "pass" or "block"

            // Encode IPEndPoint as the (IP, Port,) encoded with the Tuple codec
            // note: there is a much simpler way or creating composite keys, this is just a quick and dirty test!
            var keyEncoder = new KeyEncoder <IPEndPoint>(
                (ipe) => ipe == null ? Slice.Empty : TuPack.EncodeKey(ipe.Address, ipe.Port),
                (packed) =>
                if (packed.IsNullOrEmpty)
                var t = TuPack.Unpack(packed);
                return(new IPEndPoint(t.Get <IPAddress>(0), t.Get <int>(1)));

            var rules = new Dictionary <IPEndPoint, string>()
                { new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 6667), "block" },
                { new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 80), "pass" },
                { new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 443), "pass" }

            using (var db = await OpenTestPartitionAsync())
                var location = db.Root["Collections"]["Maps"];
                await CleanLocation(db, location);

                var mapHosts = new FdbMap <IPEndPoint, string>(location.ByKey("Hosts").AsTyped <IPEndPoint>(keyEncoder), BinaryEncoding.StringEncoder);

                // import all the rules
                await mapHosts.WriteAsync(db, (tr, hosts) =>
                    foreach (var rule in rules)
                        hosts.Set(tr, rule.Key, rule.Value);
                }, this.Cancellation);

                await DumpSubspace(db, location);

                // test the rules

                await mapHosts.ReadAsync(db, async (tr, hosts) =>
                    var value = await hosts.GetAsync(tr, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 6667));
                    Assert.That(value, Is.EqualTo("block"));

                    value = await hosts.GetAsync(tr, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 443));
                    Assert.That(value, Is.EqualTo("pass"));

                    var baz = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 80);
                    Assert.That(async() => await hosts.GetAsync(tr, baz), Throws.InstanceOf <KeyNotFoundException>());

                    var opt = await hosts.TryGetAsync(tr, baz);
                    Assert.That(opt.HasValue, Is.False);
                }, this.Cancellation);
        private static async Task MainAsync(CancellationToken ct)
            // change the path to the native lib if not default
            if (NATIVE_PATH != null)

            // uncomment this to enable network thread tracing
            // FdbCore.TracePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "fdb");

            int apiVersion = Fdb.GetMaxApiVersion();

            Console.WriteLine("Max API Version: " + apiVersion);

                Console.WriteLine("Starting network thread...");
                Fdb.Start();                 // this will select API version 21
                Console.WriteLine("> Up and running");

                Console.WriteLine("Connecting to local cluster...");
                using (var cluster = await Fdb.CreateClusterAsync(CLUSTER_FILE, ct))
                    Console.WriteLine("> Connected!");

                    Console.WriteLine("Opening database 'DB'...");
                    using (var db = await cluster.OpenDatabaseAsync(DB_NAME, KeySubspace.FromKey(TuPack.EncodeKey(SUBSPACE)), false, ct))
                        Console.WriteLine("> Connected to db '{0}'", db.Name);

                        // get coordinators
                        var cf = await Fdb.System.GetCoordinatorsAsync(db, ct);

                        Console.WriteLine("Coordinators: " + cf.ToString());

                        // clear everything
                        using (var tr = db.BeginTransaction(ct))
                            Console.WriteLine("Clearing subspace " + db.GlobalSpace + " ...");
                            await tr.CommitAsync();

                            Console.WriteLine("> Database cleared");


                        await TestSimpleTransactionAsync(db, ct);


                        await BenchInsertSmallKeysAsync(db, N, 16, ct);                         // some guid
                        await BenchInsertSmallKeysAsync(db, N, 60 * 4, ct);                     // one Int32 per minutes, over an hour
                        await BenchInsertSmallKeysAsync(db, N, 512, ct);                        // small JSON payload

                        ////await BenchInsertSmallKeysAsync(db, N, 4096, ct); // typical small cunk size
                        ////await BenchInsertSmallKeysAsync(db, N / 10, 65536, ct); // typical medium chunk size
                        //await BenchInsertSmallKeysAsync(db, 1, 100000, ct); // Maximum value size (as of beta 1)

                        ////// insert keys in parrallel
                        await BenchConcurrentInsert(db, 1, 100, 512, ct);
                        await BenchConcurrentInsert(db, 1, 1000, 512, ct);
                        await BenchConcurrentInsert(db, 1, 10000, 512, ct);

                        await BenchConcurrentInsert(db, 1, N, 16, ct);
                        await BenchConcurrentInsert(db, 2, N, 16, ct);
                        await BenchConcurrentInsert(db, 4, N, 16, ct);
                        await BenchConcurrentInsert(db, 8, N, 16, ct);
                        await BenchConcurrentInsert(db, 16, N, 16, ct);

                        //await BenchSerialWriteAsync(db, N, ct);
                        //await BenchSerialReadAsync(db, N, ct);
                        //await BenchConcurrentReadAsync(db, N, ct);

                        //await BenchClearAsync(db, N, ct);

                        await BenchUpdateSameKeyLotsOfTimesAsync(db, 1000, ct);

                        await BenchUpdateLotsOfKeysAsync(db, 1000, ct);

                        await BenchBulkInsertThenBulkReadAsync(db, 100 * 1000, 50, 128, ct);
                        await BenchBulkInsertThenBulkReadAsync(db, 100 * 1000, 128, 50, ct);

                        ////await BenchBulkInsertThenBulkReadAsync(db, 1 * 1000 * 1000, 50, 128, ct);

                        await BenchMergeSortAsync(db, 100, 3, 20, ct);
                        await BenchMergeSortAsync(db, 1000, 10, 100, ct);
                        await BenchMergeSortAsync(db, 100, 100, 100, ct);
                        await BenchMergeSortAsync(db, 100, 1000, 100, ct);

                        Console.WriteLine("time to say goodbye...");
                Console.WriteLine("### DONE ###");