Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Config constructor
        /// </summary>
        public EssentialsTouchpanelController(string key, string name, string type, CrestronTouchpanelPropertiesConfig props, uint id)
            : base(key, name)
            Debug.Console(0, this, Debug.ErrorLogLevel.Notice, "Creating touchpanel hardware...");
            type = type.ToLower();
                if (type == "crestronapp")
                    var app = new CrestronApp(id, Global.ControlSystem);
                    app.ParameterProjectName.Value = props.ProjectName;
                    Panel = app;
                else if (type == "tsw550")
                    Panel = new Tsw550(id, Global.ControlSystem);
                else if (type == "tsw552")
                    Panel = new Tsw552(id, Global.ControlSystem);
                else if (type == "tsw560")
                    Panel = new Tsw560(id, Global.ControlSystem);
                else if (type == "tsw750")
                    Panel = new Tsw750(id, Global.ControlSystem);
                else if (type == "tsw752")
                    Panel = new Tsw752(id, Global.ControlSystem);
                else if (type == "tsw760")
                    Panel = new Tsw760(id, Global.ControlSystem);
                else if (type == "tsw1050")
                    Panel = new Tsw1050(id, Global.ControlSystem);
                else if (type == "tsw1052")
                    Panel = new Tsw1052(id, Global.ControlSystem);
                else if (type == "tsw1060")
                    Panel = new Tsw1060(id, Global.ControlSystem);
                    Debug.Console(0, this, Debug.ErrorLogLevel.Notice, "WARNING: Cannot create TSW controller with type '{0}'", type);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Console(0, this, Debug.ErrorLogLevel.Notice, "WARNING: Cannot create TSW base class. Panel will not function: {0}", e.Message);

            // Reserved sigs
            if (Panel is TswFt5ButtonSystem)
                var tsw = Panel as TswFt5ButtonSystem;
                    += ExtenderSystemReservedSigs_DeviceExtenderSigChange;

                tsw.ButtonStateChange += new ButtonEventHandler(Tsw_ButtonStateChange);

            if (Panel.Register() != eDeviceRegistrationUnRegistrationResponse.Success)
                Debug.Console(0, this, Debug.ErrorLogLevel.Notice, "WARNING: Registration failed. Continuing, but panel may not function: {0}", Panel.RegistrationFailureReason);

            // Give up cleanly if SGD is not present.
            var sgdName = Global.FilePathPrefix + "sgd" + Global.DirectorySeparator + props.SgdFile;

            if (!File.Exists(sgdName))
                Debug.Console(0, this, "Smart object file '{0}' not present in User folder. Looking for embedded file", sgdName);

                sgdName = Global.ApplicationDirectoryPathPrefix + Global.DirectorySeparator + "SGD" + Global.DirectorySeparator + props.SgdFile;

                if (!File.Exists(sgdName))
                    Debug.Console(0, this, "Unable to find SGD file '{0}' in User sgd or application SGD folder. Exiting touchpanel load.", sgdName);

            Panel.SigChange += Panel_SigChange;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor of the Control System Class. Make sure the constructor always exists.
        /// If it doesn't exit, the code will not run on your 3-Series processor.
        /// </summary>
        public ControlSystem()
            : base()
            // Set the number of threads which you want to use in your program - At this point the threads cannot be created but we should
            // define the max number of threads which we will use in the system.
            // the right number depends on your project; do not make this number unnecessarily large
            Thread.MaxNumberOfUserThreads = 20;

#if IncludeSampleCode
            //Subscribe to the controller events (System, Program, and Etherent)
            CrestronEnvironment.SystemEventHandler        += new SystemEventHandler(ControlSystem_ControllerSystemEventHandler);
            CrestronEnvironment.ProgramStatusEventHandler += new ProgramStatusEventHandler(ControlSystem_ControllerProgramEventHandler);
            CrestronEnvironment.EthernetEventHandler      += new EthernetEventHandler(ControlSystem_ControllerEthernetEventHandler);

            // Register all devices which the program wants to use
            // Check if device supports Ethernet
            if (this.SupportsEthernet)
                My750    = new Tsw750(0x03, this);                  // Register the TSW750 on IPID 0x03
                My550    = new Tsw550(0x04, this);                  // Register the TSW550 on IPID 0x04
                MyXpanel = new XpanelForSmartGraphics(0x05, this);  // Register the Xpanel on IPID 0x05

                // Register a single eventhandler for all three UIs. This guarantees that they all operate
                // the same way.
                My750.SigChange    += new SigEventHandler(MySigChangeHandler);
                My550.SigChange    += new SigEventHandler(MySigChangeHandler);
                MyXpanel.SigChange += new SigEventHandler(MySigChangeHandler);

                // Register the devices for usage. This should happen after the
                // eventhandler registration, to ensure no data is missed.

                if (My750.Register() != eDeviceRegistrationUnRegistrationResponse.Success)
                    ErrorLog.Error("My750 failed registration. Cause: {0}", My750.RegistrationFailureReason);
                if (My550.Register() != eDeviceRegistrationUnRegistrationResponse.Success)
                    ErrorLog.Error("My550 failed registration. Cause: {0}", My550.RegistrationFailureReason);
                if (MyXpanel.Register() != eDeviceRegistrationUnRegistrationResponse.Success)
                    ErrorLog.Error("MyXpanel failed registration. Cause: {0}", MyXpanel.RegistrationFailureReason);

            if (this.SupportsComPort)
                MyCOMPort = this.ComPorts[1];
                MyCOMPort.SerialDataReceived += new ComPortDataReceivedEvent(myComPort_SerialDataReceived);

                if (MyCOMPort.Register() != eDeviceRegistrationUnRegistrationResponse.Success)
                    ErrorLog.Error("COM Port couldn't be registered. Cause: {0}", MyCOMPort.DeviceRegistrationFailureReason);

                if (MyCOMPort.Registered)