public static Parser Create( IServiceCollection services, StartServer startServer = null, Demo demo = null, TryGitHub tryGithub = null, Pack pack = null, Install install = null, Verify verify = null, Jupyter jupyter = null) { if (services == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(services)); } startServer = startServer ?? ((options, invocationContext) => Program.ConstructWebHost(options).Run()); jupyter = jupyter ?? JupyterCommand.Do; demo = demo ?? DemoCommand.Do; tryGithub = tryGithub ?? ((repo, console) => GitHubHandler.Handler(repo, console, new GitHubRepoLocator())); verify = verify ?? ((verifyOptions, console, startupOptions) => VerifyCommand.Do(verifyOptions, console, () => new FileSystemDirectoryAccessor(verifyOptions.Dir), PackageRegistry.CreateForTryMode(verifyOptions.Dir), startupOptions)); pack = pack ?? PackCommand.Do; install = install ?? InstallCommand.Do; var dirArgument = new Argument <DirectoryInfo> { Arity = ArgumentArity.ZeroOrOne, Name = nameof(StartupOptions.Dir).ToLower(), Description = "Specify the path to the root directory for your documentation" }.ExistingOnly(); var rootCommand = StartInTryMode(); rootCommand.AddCommand(StartInHostedMode()); rootCommand.AddCommand(Demo()); rootCommand.AddCommand(GitHub()); rootCommand.AddCommand(Pack()); rootCommand.AddCommand(Install()); rootCommand.AddCommand(Verify()); rootCommand.AddCommand(Jupyter()); return(new CommandLineBuilder(rootCommand) .UseDefaults() .UseMiddleware(async(context, next) => { if (context.ParseResult.Directives.Contains("debug") && !(Clock.Current is VirtualClock)) { VirtualClock.Start(); } await next(context); }) .Build()); RootCommand StartInTryMode() { var command = new RootCommand { Name = "dotnet-try", Description = "Interactive documentation in your browser" }; command.AddArgument(dirArgument); command.AddOption(new Option( "--add-package-source", "Specify an additional NuGet package source") { Argument = new Argument <PackageSource>(() => new PackageSource(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory())) { Name = "NuGet source" } }); command.AddOption(new Option( "--package", "Specify a Try .NET package or path to a .csproj to run code samples with") { Argument = new Argument <string> { Name = "name or .csproj" } }); command.AddOption(new Option( "--package-version", "Specify a Try .NET package version to use with the --package option") { Argument = new Argument <string> { Name = "version" } }); command.AddOption(new Option( "--uri", "Specify a URL or a relative path to a Markdown file") { Argument = new Argument <Uri>() }); command.AddOption(new Option( "--enable-preview-features", "Enable preview features") { Argument = new Argument <bool>() }); command.AddOption(new Option( "--log-path", "Enable file logging to the specified directory") { Argument = new Argument <DirectoryInfo> { Name = "dir" } }); command.AddOption(new Option( "--verbose", "Enable verbose logging to the console") { Argument = new Argument <bool>() }); var portArgument = new Argument <ushort>(); portArgument.AddValidator(symbolResult => { if (symbolResult.Tokens .Select(t => t.Value) .Count(value => !ushort.TryParse(value, out _)) > 0) { return("Invalid argument for --port option"); } return(null); }); command.AddOption(new Option( "--port", "Specify the port for dotnet try to listen on") { Argument = portArgument }); command.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <InvocationContext, StartupOptions>((context, options) => { services.AddSingleton(_ => PackageRegistry.CreateForTryMode( options.Dir, options.AddPackageSource)); startServer(options, context); }); return(command); } Command StartInHostedMode() { var command = new Command("hosted") { new Option( "--id", "A unique id for the agent instance (e.g. its development environment id).") { Argument = new Argument <string>(defaultValue: () => Environment.MachineName) }, new Option( "--production", "Specifies whether the agent is being run using production resources") { Argument = new Argument <bool>() }, new Option( "--language-service", "Specifies whether the agent is being run in language service-only mode") { Argument = new Argument <bool>() }, new Option( new[] { "-k", "--key" }, "The encryption key") { Argument = new Argument <string>() }, new Option( new[] { "--ai-key", "--application-insights-key" }, "Application Insights key.") { Argument = new Argument <string>() }, new Option( "--region-id", "A unique id for the agent region") { Argument = new Argument <string>() }, new Option( "--log-to-file", "Writes a log file") { Argument = new Argument <bool>() } }; command.Description = "Starts the Try .NET agent"; command.IsHidden = true; command.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <InvocationContext, StartupOptions>((context, options) => { services.AddSingleton(_ => PackageRegistry.CreateForHostedMode()); services.AddSingleton(c => new MarkdownProject(c.GetRequiredService <PackageRegistry>())); services.AddSingleton <IHostedService, Warmup>(); startServer(options, context); }); return(command); } Command Demo() { var demoCommand = new Command( "demo", "Learn how to create Try .NET content with an interactive demo") { new Option("--output", "Where should the demo project be written to?") { Argument = new Argument <DirectoryInfo>( defaultValue: () => new DirectoryInfo(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory())) } }; demoCommand.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <DemoOptions, InvocationContext>((options, context) => { demo(options, context.Console, startServer, context); }); return(demoCommand); } Command GitHub() { var argument = new Argument <string> { // System.CommandLine parameter binding does lookup by name, // so name the argument after the github command's string param Name = nameof(TryGitHubOptions.Repo) }; var github = new Command("github", "Try a GitHub repo") { argument }; github.IsHidden = true; github.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <TryGitHubOptions, IConsole>((repo, console) => tryGithub(repo, console)); return(github); } Command Jupyter() { var jupyterCommand = new Command("jupyter", "Starts dotnet try as a Jupyter kernel") { IsHidden = true }; var connectionFileArgument = new Argument <FileInfo> { Name = "ConnectionFile" }.ExistingOnly(); jupyterCommand.AddArgument(connectionFileArgument); jupyterCommand.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <JupyterOptions, IConsole, InvocationContext>((options, console, context) => { services .AddSingleton(c => ConnectionInformation.Load(options.ConnectionFile)) .AddSingleton( c => { return(CommandScheduler .Create <JupyterRequestContext>(delivery => c.GetRequiredService <ICommandHandler <JupyterRequestContext> >() .Trace() .Handle(delivery))); }) .AddTransient <IKernel>(c => new CompositeKernel { new CSharpKernel().UseNugetDirective() }) .AddSingleton(c => new JupyterRequestContextHandler( c.GetRequiredService <PackageRegistry>(), c.GetRequiredService <IKernel>()) .Trace()) .AddSingleton <IHostedService, Shell>() .AddSingleton <IHostedService, Heartbeat>(); return(jupyter(options, console, startServer, context)); }); return(jupyterCommand); } Command Pack() { var packCommand = new Command("pack", "Create a Try .NET package") { new Argument <DirectoryInfo> { Name = nameof(PackOptions.PackTarget) }, new Option("--version", "The version of the Try .NET package") { Argument = new Argument <string>() }, new Option("--enable-wasm", "Enables web assembly code execution") }; packCommand.IsHidden = true; packCommand.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <PackOptions, IConsole>( (options, console) => { return(pack(options, console)); }); return(packCommand); } Command Install() { var installCommand = new Command("install", "Install a Try .NET package") { new Argument <string> { Name = nameof(InstallOptions.PackageName) }, new Option("--add-source") { Argument = new Argument <PackageSource>() } }; installCommand.IsHidden = true; installCommand.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <InstallOptions, IConsole>((options, console) => install(options, console)); return(installCommand); } Command Verify() { var verifyCommand = new Command("verify", "Verify Markdown files in the target directory and its children.") { dirArgument }; verifyCommand.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <VerifyOptions, IConsole, StartupOptions>( (options, console, startupOptions) => { return(verify(options, console, startupOptions)); }); return(verifyCommand); } }
public static Parser Create( IServiceCollection services, StartServer startServer = null, Demo demo = null, TryGitHub tryGithub = null, Pack pack = null, Install install = null, Verify verify = null, Jupyter jupyter = null, StartKernelServer startKernelServer = null, ITelemetry telemetry = null, IFirstTimeUseNoticeSentinel firstTimeUseNoticeSentinel = null) { if (services == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(services)); } startServer = startServer ?? ((startupOptions, invocationContext) => Program.ConstructWebHost(startupOptions).Run()); jupyter = jupyter ?? ((startupOptions, console, server, context) => JupyterCommand.Do(startupOptions, console, server, context)); demo = demo ?? DemoCommand.Do; tryGithub = tryGithub ?? ((repo, console) => GitHubHandler.Handler(repo, console, new GitHubRepoLocator())); verify = verify ?? ((options, console, startupOptions) => VerifyCommand.Do(options, console, startupOptions)); pack = pack ?? PackCommand.Do; install = install ?? InstallCommand.Do; startKernelServer = startKernelServer ?? ((startupOptions, kernel, console) => KernelServerCommand.Do(startupOptions, kernel, console)); // Setup first time use notice sentinel. firstTimeUseNoticeSentinel = firstTimeUseNoticeSentinel ?? new FirstTimeUseNoticeSentinel(); // Setup telemetry. telemetry = telemetry ?? new Telemetry.Telemetry(firstTimeUseNoticeSentinel); var filter = new TelemetryFilter(Sha256Hasher.HashWithNormalizedCasing); Action <ParseResult> track = o => telemetry.SendFiltered(filter, o); var dirArgument = new Argument <FileSystemDirectoryAccessor>(() => new FileSystemDirectoryAccessor(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory())) { Name = nameof(StartupOptions.RootDirectory), Arity = ArgumentArity.ZeroOrOne, Description = "Specify the path to the root directory for your documentation", }; dirArgument.AddValidator(symbolResult => { var directory = symbolResult.Tokens .Select(t => t.Value) .FirstOrDefault(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(directory) && !Directory.Exists(directory)) { return($"Directory does not exist: {directory}"); } return(null); }); var rootCommand = StartInTryMode(); rootCommand.AddCommand(StartInHostedMode()); rootCommand.AddCommand(Demo()); rootCommand.AddCommand(GitHub()); rootCommand.AddCommand(Pack()); rootCommand.AddCommand(Install()); rootCommand.AddCommand(Verify()); rootCommand.AddCommand(Jupyter()); rootCommand.AddCommand(KernelServer()); return(new CommandLineBuilder(rootCommand) .UseDefaults() .UseMiddleware(async(context, next) => { // If sentinel does not exist, print the welcome message showing the telemetry notification. if (!firstTimeUseNoticeSentinel.Exists() && !Telemetry.Telemetry.SkipFirstTimeExperience) { context.Console.Out.WriteLine(); context.Console.Out.WriteLine(Telemetry.Telemetry.WelcomeMessage); firstTimeUseNoticeSentinel.CreateIfNotExists(); } if (context.ParseResult.Directives.Contains("debug") && !(Clock.Current is VirtualClock)) { VirtualClock.Start(); } await next(context); }) .Build()); RootCommand StartInTryMode() { var command = new RootCommand { Name = "dotnet-try", Description = "Interactive documentation in your browser" }; command.AddArgument(dirArgument); command.AddOption(new Option( "--add-package-source", "Specify an additional NuGet package source") { Argument = new Argument <PackageSource>(() => new PackageSource(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory())) { Name = "NuGet source" } }); command.AddOption(new Option( "--package", "Specify a Try .NET package or path to a .csproj to run code samples with") { Argument = new Argument <string> { Name = "name or .csproj" } }); command.AddOption(new Option( "--package-version", "Specify a Try .NET package version to use with the --package option") { Argument = new Argument <string> { Name = "version" } }); command.AddOption(new Option( "--uri", "Specify a URL or a relative path to a Markdown file") { Argument = new Argument <Uri>() }); command.AddOption(new Option( "--enable-preview-features", "Enable preview features") { Argument = new Argument <bool>() }); command.AddOption(new Option( "--log-path", "Enable file logging to the specified directory") { Argument = new Argument <DirectoryInfo> { Name = "dir" } }); command.AddOption(new Option( "--verbose", "Enable verbose logging to the console") { Argument = new Argument <bool>() }); var portArgument = new Argument <ushort>(); portArgument.AddValidator(symbolResult => { if (symbolResult.Tokens .Select(t => t.Value) .Count(value => !ushort.TryParse(value, out _)) > 0) { return("Invalid argument for --port option"); } return(null); }); command.AddOption(new Option( "--port", "Specify the port for dotnet try to listen on") { Argument = portArgument }); command.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <InvocationContext, StartupOptions>((context, options) => { services.AddSingleton(_ => PackageRegistry.CreateForTryMode( options.RootDirectory, options.AddPackageSource)); startServer(options, context); }); return(command); } Command StartInHostedMode() { var command = new Command("hosted") { new Option( "--id", "A unique id for the agent instance (e.g. its development environment id).") { Argument = new Argument <string>(defaultValue: () => Environment.MachineName) }, new Option( "--production", "Specifies whether the agent is being run using production resources") { Argument = new Argument <bool>() }, new Option( "--language-service", "Specifies whether the agent is being run in language service-only mode") { Argument = new Argument <bool>() }, new Option( new[] { "-k", "--key" }, "The encryption key") { Argument = new Argument <string>() }, new Option( new[] { "--ai-key", "--application-insights-key" }, "Application Insights key.") { Argument = new Argument <string>() }, new Option( "--region-id", "A unique id for the agent region") { Argument = new Argument <string>() }, new Option( "--log-to-file", "Writes a log file") { Argument = new Argument <bool>() } }; command.Description = "Starts the Try .NET agent"; command.IsHidden = true; command.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <InvocationContext, StartupOptions>((context, options) => { services.AddSingleton(_ => PackageRegistry.CreateForHostedMode()); services.AddSingleton(c => new MarkdownProject(c.GetRequiredService <PackageRegistry>())); services.AddSingleton <IHostedService, Warmup>(); startServer(options, context); }); return(command); } Command Demo() { var demoCommand = new Command( "demo", "Learn how to create Try .NET content with an interactive demo") { new Option("--output", "Where should the demo project be written to?") { Argument = new Argument <DirectoryInfo>( defaultValue: () => new DirectoryInfo(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory())) } }; demoCommand.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <DemoOptions, InvocationContext>((options, context) => { demo(options, context.Console, startServer, context); }); return(demoCommand); } Command GitHub() { var argument = new Argument <string> { // System.CommandLine parameter binding does lookup by name, // so name the argument after the github command's string param Name = nameof(TryGitHubOptions.Repo) }; var github = new Command("github", "Try a GitHub repo") { argument }; github.IsHidden = true; github.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <TryGitHubOptions, IConsole>((repo, console) => tryGithub(repo, console)); return(github); } Command Jupyter() { var jupyterCommand = new Command("jupyter", "Starts dotnet try as a Jupyter kernel"); var defaultKernelOption = new Option("--default-kernel", "The default .NET kernel language for the notebook.") { Argument = new Argument <string>(defaultValue: () => "csharp") }; jupyterCommand.AddOption(defaultKernelOption); var connectionFileArgument = new Argument <FileInfo> { Name = "ConnectionFile", Arity = ArgumentArity.ZeroOrOne //should be removed once the commandlineapi allows subcommands to not have arguments from the main command }.ExistingOnly(); jupyterCommand.AddArgument(connectionFileArgument); jupyterCommand.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <StartupOptions, JupyterOptions, IConsole, InvocationContext>((startupOptions, options, console, context) => { track(context.ParseResult); services .AddSingleton(c => ConnectionInformation.Load(options.ConnectionFile)) .AddSingleton( c => { return(CommandScheduler .Create <JupyterRequestContext>(delivery => c.GetRequiredService <ICommandHandler <JupyterRequestContext> >() .Trace() .Handle(delivery))); }) .AddSingleton(c => CreateKernel(options.DefaultKernel)) .AddSingleton(c => new JupyterRequestContextHandler(c.GetRequiredService <IKernel>()) .Trace()) .AddSingleton <IHostedService, Shell>() .AddSingleton <IHostedService, Heartbeat>(); return(jupyter(startupOptions, console, startServer, context)); }); var installCommand = new Command("install", "Install the .NET kernel for Jupyter"); installCommand.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <IConsole, InvocationContext>((console, context) => { track(context.ParseResult); return(new JupyterCommandLine(console, new FileSystemJupyterKernelSpec()).InvokeAsync()); }); jupyterCommand.AddCommand(installCommand); return(jupyterCommand); } Command KernelServer() { var startKernelServerCommand = new Command("kernel-server", "Starts dotnet-try with kernel functionality exposed over standard I/O"); var defaultKernelOption = new Option("--default-kernel", "The default .NET kernel language for the notebook.") { Argument = new Argument <string>(defaultValue: () => "csharp") }; startKernelServerCommand.AddOption(defaultKernelOption); startKernelServerCommand.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <StartupOptions, KernelServerOptions, IConsole, InvocationContext>( (startupOptions, options, console, context) => { track(context.ParseResult); return(startKernelServer(startupOptions, CreateKernel(options.DefaultKernel), console)); }); return(startKernelServerCommand); } Command Pack() { var packCommand = new Command("pack", "Create a Try .NET package") { new Argument <DirectoryInfo> { Name = nameof(PackOptions.PackTarget) }, new Option("--version", "The version of the Try .NET package") { Argument = new Argument <string>() }, new Option("--enable-wasm", "Enables web assembly code execution") }; packCommand.IsHidden = true; packCommand.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <PackOptions, IConsole>( (options, console) => { return(pack(options, console)); }); return(packCommand); } Command Install() { var installCommand = new Command("install", "Install a Try .NET package") { new Argument <string> { Name = nameof(InstallOptions.PackageName), Arity = ArgumentArity.ExactlyOne }, new Option("--add-source") { Argument = new Argument <PackageSource>() } }; installCommand.IsHidden = true; installCommand.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <InstallOptions, IConsole>((options, console) => install(options, console)); return(installCommand); } Command Verify() { var verifyCommand = new Command("verify", "Verify Markdown files in the target directory and its children.") { dirArgument }; verifyCommand.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <VerifyOptions, IConsole, StartupOptions>( (options, console, startupOptions) => { return(verify(options, console, startupOptions)); }); return(verifyCommand); } }
public static Parser Create( IServiceCollection services, StartServer startServer = null, Install install = null, Demo demo = null, TryGitHub tryGithub = null, Pack pack = null, Verify verify = null, Publish publish = null, ITelemetry telemetry = null, IFirstTimeUseNoticeSentinel firstTimeUseNoticeSentinel = null) { if (services == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(services)); } startServer ??= (startupOptions, invocationContext) => Program.ConstructWebHost(startupOptions).Run(); demo ??= DemoCommand.Do; tryGithub ??= (repo, console) => GitHubHandler.Handler(repo, console, new GitHubRepoLocator()); verify ??= VerifyCommand.Do; publish ??= (options, console, startupOptions) => PublishCommand.Do(options, console, startupOptions); pack ??= PackCommand.Do; // Setup first time use notice sentinel. firstTimeUseNoticeSentinel ??= new FirstTimeUseNoticeSentinel(VersionSensor.Version().AssemblyInformationalVersion); // Setup telemetry. telemetry ??= new Telemetry( VersionSensor.Version().AssemblyInformationalVersion, firstTimeUseNoticeSentinel); var filter = new TelemetryFilter(Sha256Hasher.HashWithNormalizedCasing); Action <ParseResult> track = o => telemetry.SendFiltered(filter, o); var dirArgument = new Argument <FileSystemDirectoryAccessor>(result => { var directory = result.Tokens .Select(t => t.Value) .FirstOrDefault(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(directory) && !Directory.Exists(directory)) { result.ErrorMessage = $"Directory does not exist: {directory}"; return(null); } return(new FileSystemDirectoryAccessor( directory ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory())); }, isDefault: true) { Name = "root-directory", Arity = ArgumentArity.ZeroOrOne, Description = "The root directory for your documentation" }; var rootCommand = StartInTryMode(); rootCommand.AddCommand(StartInHostedMode()); rootCommand.AddCommand(Demo()); rootCommand.AddCommand(GitHub()); rootCommand.AddCommand(Install()); rootCommand.AddCommand(Pack()); rootCommand.AddCommand(Verify()); rootCommand.AddCommand(Publish()); return(new CommandLineBuilder(rootCommand) .UseDefaults() .UseMiddleware(async(context, next) => { if (context.ParseResult.Errors.Count == 0) { telemetry.SendFiltered(filter, context.ParseResult); } // If sentinel does not exist, print the welcome message showing the telemetry notification. if (!firstTimeUseNoticeSentinel.Exists() && !Telemetry.SkipFirstTimeExperience) { context.Console.Out.WriteLine(); context.Console.Out.WriteLine(Telemetry.WelcomeMessage); firstTimeUseNoticeSentinel.CreateIfNotExists(); } if (context.ParseResult.Directives.Contains("debug") && !(Clock.Current is VirtualClock)) { VirtualClock.Start(); } await next(context); }) .Build()); RootCommand StartInTryMode() { var command = new RootCommand { Name = "dotnet-try", Description = "Interactive documentation in your browser" }; command.AddArgument(dirArgument); command.AddOption(new Option( "--add-package-source", "Specify an additional NuGet package source") { Argument = new Argument <PackageSource>(() => new PackageSource(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory())) { Name = "NuGet source" } }); command.AddOption(new Option( "--package", "Specify a Try .NET package or path to a .csproj to run code samples with") { Argument = new Argument <string> { Name = "name or .csproj" } }); command.AddOption(new Option( "--package-version", "Specify a Try .NET package version to use with the --package option") { Argument = new Argument <string> { Name = "version" } }); command.AddOption(new Option <Uri>( "--uri", "Specify a URL or a relative path to a Markdown file")); command.AddOption(new Option <bool>( "--enable-preview-features", "Enable preview features")); command.AddOption(new Option( "--log-path", "Enable file logging to the specified directory") { Argument = new Argument <DirectoryInfo> { Name = "dir" } }); command.AddOption(new Option <bool>( "--verbose", "Enable verbose logging to the console")); var portArgument = new Argument <ushort>(); portArgument.AddValidator(symbolResult => { if (symbolResult.Tokens .Select(t => t.Value) .Count(value => !ushort.TryParse(value, out _)) > 0) { return("Invalid argument for --port option"); } return(null); }); command.AddOption(new Option( "--port", "Specify the port for dotnet try to listen on") { Argument = portArgument }); command.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <InvocationContext, StartupOptions>((context, options) => { services.AddSingleton(_ => PackageRegistry.CreateForTryMode( options.RootDirectory, options.AddPackageSource)); startServer(options, context); }); return(command); } Command StartInHostedMode() { var command = new Command("hosted") { new Option <string>( "--id", description: "A unique id for the agent instance (e.g. its development environment id).", getDefaultValue: () => Environment.MachineName), new Option <bool>( "--production", "Specifies whether the agent is being run using production resources"), new Option <bool>( "--language-service", "Specifies whether the agent is being run in language service-only mode"), new Option <string>( new[] { "-k", "--key" }, "The encryption key"), new Option <string>( new[] { "--ai-key", "--application-insights-key" }, "Application Insights key."), new Option <string>( "--region-id", "A unique id for the agent region"), new Option <bool>( "--log-to-file", "Writes a log file") }; command.Description = "Starts the Try .NET agent"; command.IsHidden = true; command.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <InvocationContext, StartupOptions>((context, options) => { services.AddSingleton(_ => PackageRegistry.CreateForHostedMode()); services.AddSingleton(c => new MarkdownProject(c.GetRequiredService <PackageRegistry>())); startServer(options, context); }); return(command); } Command Demo() { var demoCommand = new Command( "demo", "Learn how to create Try .NET content with an interactive demo") { new Option <DirectoryInfo>( "--output", description: "Where should the demo project be written to?", getDefaultValue: () => new DirectoryInfo(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory())) }; demoCommand.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <DemoOptions, InvocationContext>((options, context) => { demo(options, context.Console, startServer, context); }); return(demoCommand); } Command GitHub() { var argument = new Argument <string> { // System.CommandLine parameter binding does lookup by name, // so name the argument after the github command's string param Name = nameof(TryGitHubOptions.Repo) }; var github = new Command("github", "Try a GitHub repo") { argument }; github.IsHidden = true; github.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <TryGitHubOptions, IConsole>((repo, console) => tryGithub(repo, console)); return(github); } Command Install() { var installCommand = new Command("install", "Install a Try .NET package") { new Argument <string> { Name = nameof(InstallOptions.PackageName), Arity = ArgumentArity.ExactlyOne }, new Option <PackageSource>("--add-source") }; installCommand.IsHidden = true; installCommand.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <InstallOptions, IConsole>((options, console) => install(options, console)); return(installCommand); } Command Pack() { var packCommand = new Command("pack", "Create a Try .NET package") { new Argument <DirectoryInfo> { Name = nameof(PackOptions.PackTarget) }, new Option <string>("--version", "The version of the Try .NET package"), new Option <bool>("--enable-wasm", "Enables web assembly code execution") }; packCommand.IsHidden = true; packCommand.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <PackOptions, IConsole>( (options, console) => { return(pack(options, console)); }); return(packCommand); } Command Verify() { var verifyCommand = new Command("verify", "Verify Markdown files found under the root directory.") { dirArgument }; verifyCommand.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <VerifyOptions, IConsole, StartupOptions>( (options, console, startupOptions) => { return(verify(options, console, startupOptions)); }); return(verifyCommand); } Command Publish() { var publishCommand = new Command("publish", "Publish code from sample projects found under the root directory into Markdown files in the target directory") { new Option <PublishFormat>( "--format", description: "Format of the files to publish", getDefaultValue: () => PublishFormat.Markdown), new Option <IDirectoryAccessor>( "--target-directory", description: "The path where the output files should go. This can be the same as the root directory, which will overwrite files in place.", parseArgument: result => { var directory = result.Tokens .Select(t => t.Value) .Single(); return(new FileSystemDirectoryAccessor(directory)); } ), dirArgument }; publishCommand.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <PublishOptions, IConsole, StartupOptions>( (options, console, startupOptions) => publish(options, console, startupOptions)); return(publishCommand); } }