Example #1
        public static void AckTruckMessage(Guid MessageID)
            TruckMessage foundMessage = theseMessages.Find(delegate(TruckMessage myMessage) { return(myMessage.MessageID == MessageID); });

            foundMessage.Acked     = true;
            foundMessage.AckedTime = DateTime.Now;
            SQL.SQLCode mySQL = new SQL.SQLCode();
Example #2
        public static void AddTruckMessage(TruckMessage thisMessage)
            SQL.SQLCode  mySQL        = new SQL.SQLCode();
            TruckMessage foundMessage = theseMessages.Find(delegate(TruckMessage myMessage) { return(myMessage.MessageID == thisMessage.MessageID); });

            if (foundMessage == null)
                foundMessage = thisMessage;
Example #3
 //force a message pop-up on the client
 private static void sendMessageToTruck(string data)
     string[] splitBody = data.Split('.');
     string[] splitter = splitBody[2].ToString().Split('/');
     string _truckNumber = splitBody[1].ToString();
     //return bodyData;
     TowTruck.TowTruck t = DataClasses.GlobalData.currentTrucks.Find(delegate(TowTruck.TowTruck find) { return find.TruckNumber == _truckNumber; });
     if (t != null)
         TruckMessage tm = new TruckMessage();
         tm.UserEmail = "CAD SYSTEM";
         tm.SentTime = DateTime.Now;
         tm.MessageID = Guid.NewGuid();
         tm.TruckIP = t.Identifier;
         tm.TruckNumber = _truckNumber;
         tm.Beat = t.beatNumber;
         tm.CallSign = t.Driver.callSign;
         tm.Driver = t.Driver.LastName + ", " + t.Driver.FirstName;
         tm.MessageText = splitter[1].ToString();
         tm.MessageType = 0;
Example #4
        private static void sendAMessage(string data)
            //split the header from the message
            string shift = string.Empty;
            string[] splitter = data.Split('/');
            string header = splitter[0];
            string body = splitter[1];
            string[] splitHead = header.Split('.');
            string callSign = splitHead[1].ToString();
            if (callSign.Substring(0, 1) == "A" || callSign.Substring(0, 1) == "B" || callSign.Substring(0, 1) == "*")
                switch (callSign.Substring(0, 1))
                    case "A":
                        shift = "AM";
                    case "*":
                        shift = "MID";
                    case "B":
                        shift = "PM";
                callSign = callSign.Substring(1, callSign.Length - 1);
            string msg = splitter[splitter.Length - 1].Replace(".M/", "");
                string[] splitMsg = msg.Split(':');
                string subject = splitMsg[1].Replace("Message:", "");
                string message = splitMsg[2];
                 * */

            TowTruck.TowTruck t;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(shift))
                t = DataClasses.GlobalData.currentTrucks.Find(delegate(TowTruck.TowTruck find)
                    return find.Driver.callSign == callSign && find.Driver.AssignedShift.ToUpper().Contains(shift);
                t = DataClasses.GlobalData.currentTrucks.Find(delegate(TowTruck.TowTruck find)
                    return find.Driver.callSign == callSign;

            if (t != null)
                //found a truck, send it the message.
                TruckMessage tm = new TruckMessage();
                tm.Acked = false;
                tm.MessageID = Guid.NewGuid();
                tm.MessageText = body;
                tm.MessageType = 0;
                tm.TruckIP = t.Identifier;
                tm.Driver = t.Driver.LastName + ", " + t.Driver.FirstName;
                tm.CallSign = callSign;
                tm.TruckNumber = t.TruckNumber;
                tm.Beat = t.beatNumber;
                tm.UserEmail = "CHP CAD";
Example #5
        private static string makeBodyData(string data)
            string bodyData = string.Empty;
            string[] splitBody = data.Split('.');
            bodyData += "Command: " + splitBody[0] + Environment.NewLine;
            if (splitBody[0] == "US")
                bodyData += "Unit Number: " + splitBody[1] + Environment.NewLine;
            if (splitBody[0] == "IS")
                bodyData += "Incident Status: " + splitBody[1] + Environment.NewLine;
            if (splitBody[0] == "RM")
                //message rejected, don't parse the rest
                bodyData = "Inbound data was rejected by CAD";
                return bodyData;
            if (splitBody[0] == "SM") //I don't think this is what the CAD is sending, it should be TO (see further down)
                //message to a truck
                bodyData = "SEND MESSAGE:" + Environment.NewLine;
                bodyData += "Truck Number: " + splitBody[1].ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
                string[] splitter = splitBody[2].ToString().Split('/');
                bodyData += "Message: " + splitter[1].ToString();
                string _truckNumber = splitBody[1].ToString();
                //return bodyData;
                TowTruck.TowTruck t = DataClasses.GlobalData.currentTrucks.Find(delegate(TowTruck.TowTruck find) { return find.TruckNumber == _truckNumber; });
                if (t != null)
                    TruckMessage tm = new TruckMessage();
                    tm.UserEmail = "CAD SYSTEM";
                    tm.SentTime = DateTime.Now;
                    tm.MessageID = Guid.NewGuid();
                    tm.TruckIP = t.Identifier;
                    tm.TruckNumber = _truckNumber;
                    tm.Beat = t.beatNumber;
                    tm.CallSign = t.Driver.callSign;
                    tm.Driver = t.Driver.LastName + ", " + t.Driver.FirstName;
                    tm.MessageText = splitter[1].ToString();
                    tm.MessageType = 0;
                    return "SENT";

            for (int i = 2; i < splitBody.Length; i++)

                if (splitBody[i].Substring(0, 2) == "S/")
                    //status component
                    string[] splitter = splitBody[i].Split('/');
                    bodyData += "Status: " + splitter[1] + Environment.NewLine;
                if (splitBody[i].Substring(0, 2) == "DT")
                    //date component
                    string[] splitter = splitBody[i].Split('/');
                    bodyData += "Date: " + splitter[1].Substring(0, 2) + "/" + splitter[1].Substring(2, 2) + "/" +
                        splitter[1].Substring(4, 2) + Environment.NewLine;
                if (splitBody[i].Substring(0, 2) == "TM")
                    //time component
                    string[] splitter = splitBody[i].Split('/');
                    bodyData += "Time: " + splitter[1].Substring(0, 2) + ":" + splitter[1].Substring(2, 2) + ":" +
                        splitter[1].Substring(4, 2) + Environment.NewLine;
                if (splitBody[i].Substring(0, 2) == "II") //gives us incident number
                    string[] splitter = splitBody[i].Split('/');
                    bodyData += "Incident ID: " + splitter[1].ToString();
            return bodyData;
Example #6
        private static void checkForDispatches()
            foreach (wazeXML x in wazes)
                if (x.dispatched == false)
                    //look for the beat by segment
                    beatInformation bi = (from b in BeatData.Beats.beatInfos
                                          where b.beatSegmentList.Contains(x.segment)
                                          select b).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (bi != null)   //we found a beat, find out if we have a vehicle
                    //check to see if beat is active. Inactive beats don't get messages
                        if (activeBeats.Contains(bi.BeatID))
                            List <truckDistance> tdList = new List <truckDistance>();
                            var tList = from trucks in DataClasses.GlobalData.currentTrucks
                                        where trucks.beatNumber == bi.BeatID && trucks.Status.VehicleStatus != "ON INCIDENT"
                                        select trucks;
                            foreach (TowTruck.TowTruck t in tList)
                                BeatData.Haversine h  = new BeatData.Haversine();
                                BeatData.Position  pW = new BeatData.Position();
                                pW.Latitude  = x.lat;
                                pW.Longitude = x.lon;
                                BeatData.Position tW = new BeatData.Position();
                                tW.Latitude  = t.GPSPosition.Lat;
                                tW.Longitude = t.GPSPosition.Lon;
                                double        dist = h.Distance(pW, tW, BeatData.DistanceType.Miles);
                                truckDistance td   = new truckDistance();
                                td.t        = t;
                                td.distance = dist;

                            TowTruck.TowTruck ft = null;
                            if (tdList.Count > 0)
                                tdList = tdList.OrderBy(t => t.distance).ToList <truckDistance>();
                                ft     = tdList[0].t;

                            if (ft != null)
                                TruckMessage tm = new TruckMessage();
                                tm.Acked             = false;
                                tm.Beat              = bi.BeatID;
                                tm.CallSign          = ft.Driver.callSign;
                                tm.Driver            = ft.Driver.LastName + ", " + ft.Driver.FirstName;
                                tm.MessageID         = Guid.NewGuid();
                                tm.MessageText       = "You have a WAZE request for an assist. Please respond.";
                                tm.streetInformation = x.street;
                                tm.MessageType       = 4;
                                tm.SentTime          = DateTime.Now;
                                tm.TruckIP           = ft.Identifier;
                                tm.TruckNumber       = ft.TruckNumber;
                                tm.UserEmail         = "WAZE DISPATCH";
                                tm.lat         = x.lat;
                                tm.lon         = x.lon;
                                tm.WazeUUID    = x.uuid;
                                tm.WazeType    = x.type;
                                tm.WazeSubType = x.subtype;
                                x.dispatched      = true;
                                x.dispatchVehicle = ft.TruckNumber;
                                x.dispatchedTime  = DateTime.Now;

                                SQL.SQLCode sql = new SQL.SQLCode();