Example #1
        public async Task AwardTrophy(IGuildUser user, string trophyName)
            ITrophy trophy = TrophyService.GetTrophies()
                             .Where(t => t.Name.Equals(trophyName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

            if (trophy is null)
                await BotUtils.ReplyAsync_Error(Context, "No such trophy exists.");


            // #todo Show warning and do nothing if the user already has the trophy

            await Db.UnlockTrophyAsync(new Creator(user.Id, user.Username), trophy);

            await BotUtils.ReplyAsync_Success(Context, string.Format("Successfully awarded **{0}** trophy to {1}.", trophy.Name, user.Mention));
Example #2
        public async Task Profile(IUser user)
            // Begin building the embed (add default parameters).

            EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();

            embed.WithTitle(string.Format("{0}'s profile", user.Username));
            embed.WithThumbnailUrl(user.GetAvatarUrl(size: 64));

            // Get basic information about the user.
            // This will return null if the user hasn't been seen before.

            ICreator userInfo = await Db.GetCreatorAsync(user.ToCreator(), UserInfoQueryFlags.MatchEither);

            if (userInfo is null)
                embed.WithDescription(string.Format("{0} has not submitted any species.", user.Username));
                long     daysSinceFirstSubmission = (DateUtilities.GetCurrentDateUtc() - userInfo.FirstSpeciesDate).Value.Days;
                UserRank userRank = await Db.GetRankAsync(userInfo, UserInfoQueryFlags.MatchEither);

                // Get the user's most active genus.

                IEnumerable <ISpecies> userSpecies = await Db.GetSpeciesAsync(userInfo, UserInfoQueryFlags.MatchEither);

                IGrouping <string, string> favoriteGenusGrouping = userSpecies
                                                                   .Select(x => x.Genus.GetName())
                                                                   .GroupBy(x => x)
                                                                   .OrderByDescending(x => x.Count())

                string favoriteGenus      = favoriteGenusGrouping is null ? "N/A" : favoriteGenusGrouping.First();
                int    favoriteGenusCount = favoriteGenusGrouping is null ? 0 : favoriteGenusGrouping.Count();

                int userSpeciesCount = userSpecies.Count();
                int speciesCount     = (int)await Db.GetSpeciesCountAsync();

                // Get the user's rarest trophy.

                string rarest_trophy = "N/A";

                IUnlockedTrophyInfo[] unlocked = (await Db.GetUnlockedTrophiesAsync(new Creator(user.Id, user.Username), TrophyService.GetTrophies())).ToArray();

                if (unlocked.Count() > 0)
                    Array.Sort(unlocked, (lhs, rhs) => lhs.TimesUnlocked.CompareTo(rhs.TimesUnlocked));

                    ITrophy trophy = TrophyService.GetTrophies()
                                     .Where(t => t.Identifier.Equals(unlocked[0].Trophy.Identifier))

                    rarest_trophy = trophy.Name;

                // Put together the user's profile.

                if (Config.GenerationsEnabled)
                    int    generationsSinceFirstSubmission = (await Db.GetGenerationsAsync()).Where(x => x.EndDate > userInfo.FirstSpeciesDate).Count();
                    double speciesPerGeneration            = generationsSinceFirstSubmission <= 0 ? userSpeciesCount : (double)userSpeciesCount / generationsSinceFirstSubmission;

                    embed.WithDescription(string.Format("{0} made their first species during **{1}**.\nSince then, they have submitted **{2:0.0}** species per generation.\n\nTheir submissions make up **{3:0.0}%** of all species.",
                                                        await GetDateStringAsync(userInfo.FirstSpeciesDate),
                                                        (double)userSpeciesCount / speciesCount * 100.0));
                    embed.WithDescription(string.Format("{0} made their first species on **{1}**.\nSince then, they have submitted **{2:0.0}** species per day.\n\nTheir submissions make up **{3:0.0}%** of all species.",
                                                        await GetDateStringAsync(userInfo.FirstSpeciesDate),
                                                        daysSinceFirstSubmission == 0 ? userSpeciesCount : (double)userSpeciesCount / daysSinceFirstSubmission,
                                                        (double)userSpeciesCount / speciesCount * 100.0));

                embed.AddField("Species", string.Format("{0} (Rank **#{1}**)", userSpeciesCount, userRank.Rank), inline: true);

                embed.AddField("Favorite genus", string.Format("{0} ({1} spp.)", StringUtilities.ToTitleCase(favoriteGenus), favoriteGenusCount), inline: true);

                if (Config.TrophiesEnabled)
                    embed.AddField("Trophies", string.Format("{0} ({1:0.0}%)",
                                                             (await Db.GetUnlockedTrophiesAsync(new Creator(user.Id, user.Username), TrophyService.GetTrophies())).Count(),
                                                             await Db.GetTrophyCompletionRateAsync(new Creator(user.Id, user.Username), TrophyService.GetTrophies())), inline: true);

                    embed.AddField("Rarest trophy", rarest_trophy, inline: true);

            await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build());
Example #3
        public async Task TrophyList()
            int total_trophies            = TrophyService.GetTrophies().Count();
            int trophies_per_page         = 8;
            int total_pages               = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)total_trophies / trophies_per_page);
            int current_page              = 0;
            int current_page_trophy_count = 0;

            IPaginatedMessage message = new PaginatedMessage();

            Discord.Messaging.IEmbed embed = null;

            IEnumerable <ITrophy> trophy_list = TrophyService.GetTrophies();

            foreach (ITrophy trophy in trophy_list)
                if (current_page_trophy_count == 0)

                    embed = new Discord.Messaging.Embed();

                    embed.Title       = string.Format("All Trophies ({0})", TrophyService.GetTrophies().Count());
                    embed.Description = string.Format("For more details about a trophy, use `?trophy <name>` (e.g. `{0}trophy \"{1}\"`).", Config.Prefix, trophy_list.First().Name);
                    embed.Footer      = string.Format("Page {0} of {1}", current_page, total_pages);
                    embed.Color       = new Color(255, 204, 77).ToSystemDrawingColor();

                double completion_rate = await Db.GetTrophyCompletionRateAsync(trophy);

                string description = (trophy.Flags.HasFlag(TrophyFlags.Hidden) && completion_rate <= 0.0) ? string.Format("_{0}_", TrophyBase.HiddenTrophyDescription) : trophy.Description;

                // If this was a first-time trophy, show who unlocked it.

                if (trophy.Flags.HasFlag(TrophyFlags.OneTime) && completion_rate > 0.0)
                    IEnumerable <IUnlockedTrophyInfo> user_ids = await Db.GetCreatorsWithTrophyAsync(trophy);

                    if (user_ids.Count() > 0 && Context.Guild != null)
                        IGuildUser user = await Context.Guild.GetUserAsync(user_ids.First().Creator.UserId.Value);

                        if (user != null)
                            description += string.Format(" (unlocked by {0})", user.Mention);

                embed.AddField(string.Format("{0} **{1}** ({2:0.#}%)", trophy.Icon, trophy.Name, completion_rate), description);


                if (current_page_trophy_count >= trophies_per_page)

                    current_page_trophy_count = 0;

            // Add the last embed to the message.

            if (embed != null)

            await ReplyAsync(message);
Example #4
        public async Task Trophies(IUser user = null)
            if (user is null)
                user = Context.User;

            ICreator creator = new Creator(user.Id, user.Username);

            IUnlockedTrophyInfo[] unlocked = (await Db.GetUnlockedTrophiesAsync(creator, TrophyService.GetTrophies())).ToArray();

            Array.Sort(unlocked, (x, y) => x.DateUnlocked.CompareTo(y.DateUnlocked));

            EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();

            embed.WithTitle(string.Format("{0}'s Trophies ({1:0.#}%)", user.Username, await Db.GetTrophyCompletionRateAsync(creator, TrophyService.GetTrophies())));
            embed.WithColor(new Color(255, 204, 77));

            StringBuilder description_builder = new StringBuilder();

            description_builder.AppendLine(string.Format("See a list of all available trophies with `{0}trophylist`.", Config.Prefix));

            foreach (IUnlockedTrophyInfo info in unlocked)
                ITrophy trophy = info.Trophy;

                if (trophy is null)

                description_builder.AppendLine(string.Format("{0} **{1}** - Earned {2} ({3:0.#}%)",
                                                             await Db.GetTrophyCompletionRateAsync(trophy)


            await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build());
Example #5
        public async Task Trophy(string name)
            // Find the trophy with this name.

            ITrophy trophy = TrophyService.GetTrophies()
                             .Where(t => t.Name.Equals(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

            // If no such trophy exists, return an error.

            if (trophy is null)
                await BotUtils.ReplyAsync_Error(Context, "No such trophy exists.");


            // Show trophy information.

            double completion_rate = await Db.GetTrophyCompletionRateAsync(trophy);

            bool hide_description = trophy.Flags.HasFlag(TrophyFlags.Hidden) && completion_rate <= 0.0;

            string embed_title       = string.Format("{0} {1} ({2:0.#}%)", trophy.Icon, trophy.Name, completion_rate);
            string embed_description = string.Format("_{0}_", hide_description ? TrophyBase.HiddenTrophyDescription : trophy.Description);
            long   times_unlocked    = await Db.GetTimesTrophyUnlockedAsync(trophy);

            embed_description += string.Format("\n\nThis trophy has been earned by **{0}** user{1} ({2:0.#}%).",
                                               times_unlocked == 1 ? "" : "s",

            EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();

            embed.WithColor(new Color(255, 204, 77));

            // Show first/latest earners.

            IEnumerable <IUnlockedTrophyInfo> earners = (await Db.GetCreatorsWithTrophyAsync(trophy)).OrderBy(x => x.DateUnlocked);
            string date_format = "MMMM dd, yyyy";

            if (Context.Guild != null)
                foreach (IUnlockedTrophyInfo trophy_user in earners)
                    IUser user = await Context.Guild.GetUserAsync(trophy_user.Creator.UserId.Value);

                    if (!(user is null))
                        embed.AddField("First earned", string.Format("**{0}** ({1})", user.Username, trophy_user.DateUnlocked.ToString(date_format)), inline: true);


                foreach (IUnlockedTrophyInfo trophy_user in earners.Reverse())
                    IUser user = await Context.Guild.GetUserAsync(trophy_user.Creator.UserId.Value);

                    if (!(user is null))
                        embed.AddField("Latest earned", string.Format("**{0}** ({1})", user.Username, trophy_user.DateUnlocked.ToString(date_format)), inline: true);


            await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build());