public void initialize(TroopType type, int number, int rank = 0, float morale = MAX_STAT) { this.type = type; this.rank = rank; this.number = number; this.morale = morale; }
void makeParty(Party npcParty) { TroopType tt = npcParty.randomTroopType(20, 20, 10, 30, 10, 10); Ranking rk = npcParty.randomRanking(0, 10, 10, 10); if (tt == TroopType.recruitType) { rk = Ranking.recruit; } Person p = npcParty.makeGenericPerson(tt, rk); if (npcParty.battleValue >= p.battleValue) { if (npcParty.addToParty(npcParty.makeGenericPerson(tt, rk))) { npcParty.battleValue -= p.battleValue; } if (npcParty.battleValue > 20) { makeParty(npcParty); } } else { if (npcParty.battleValue > 20) { makeParty(npcParty); } } }
/// <summary> /// true if at least 1 troop was successfully recruited /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override bool RecruitTroops() { Zone curZone = GameController.GetZoneByID(zoneIAmIn); Faction ownerFac = GameController.GetFactionByID(ownerFaction); if (troopsContained.TotalTroopAmount < MaxTroopsCommanded && curZone.multRecruitmentPoints > 0) { //recruitment! TroopType recruitableTroopType = GetTroopTypeRecruitedWhereIAm(ownerFac); if (recruitableTroopType == null) { return(false); } int recruitableTroopsAmount = 0; recruitableTroopsAmount = Mathf.Min(Mathf.RoundToInt(pointsToSpend * curZone.multRecruitmentPoints) / recruitableTroopType.pointCost, MaxTroopsCommanded - troopsContained.TotalTroopAmount); troopsContained.AddTroop(recruitableTroopType.ID, recruitableTroopsAmount); pointsToSpend -= Mathf.RoundToInt(recruitableTroopType.pointCost * recruitableTroopsAmount / curZone.multRecruitmentPoints); WorldFXManager.instance.EmitParticle(WorldFXManager.instance.recruitParticle, MeIn3d.transform.position, GameController.GetFactionByID(ownerFaction).color); troopsContained.Sort(TroopNumberPair.CompareTroopNumberPairsByAutocalcPower); return(true); } return(false); }
public TroopStats(string _name, TroopType _type, int _hp, int _dmg, float _range, int _blockChance) { troopName = _name; type = _type; health = _hp; damage = _dmg; attackRange = _range; if (_blockChance > 100) { blockChance = 100; } else if (_blockChance < 0) { blockChance = 0; } else { blockChance = _blockChance; } sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>(_type.ToString()); relations = new SerializableDictionary <TroopStats, Relationship>(); }
public static string troopTypeToString(TroopType tt) { switch (tt) { case TroopType.recruitType: return("Recruit"); case TroopType.crossbowman: return("Crossbowman"); case TroopType.musketeer: return("Musketeer"); case TroopType.swordsman: return("Swordsman"); case TroopType.halberdier: return("Halberdier"); case TroopType.cavalry: return("Cavalry"); case TroopType.mainCharType: return(""); } return("Recruit"); }
/// <summary> /// Get a Trooptype from a JSON /// </summary> /// <param name="contents"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static TroopType ReadJson(string contents) { TroopType t = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TroopType>(contents); t.Metadata = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(contents); return(t); }
public static void HandleMoveTroops(int fromClient, Packet packet) { int clientIDCheck = packet.ReadInt(); if (fromClient != clientIDCheck) { Console.WriteLine($"Player with ID: \"{fromClient}\" has assumed the wrong client ID: \"{clientIDCheck}\"!"); } HexCoordinates coordinates = packet.ReadHexCoordinates(); TroopType troopType = (TroopType)packet.ReadByte(); int amount = packet.ReadInt(); Player player = Server.clients[fromClient].Player; TroopInventory buildingInventory = ((ProtectedBuilding)GameLogic.grid.GetCell(coordinates).Structure).TroopInventory; if (GameLogic.MoveTroops(player, coordinates, troopType, amount)) { ServerSend.BroadcastMoveTroops(player, coordinates, troopType, amount); Console.WriteLine("Player: " + player.Name + "of tribe " + player.Tribe.Id.ToString() + " successfully exchanged " + amount.ToString() + troopType.ToString() + " with a building at" + coordinates.ToString() + "."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Player: " + player.Name + "of tribe " + player.Tribe.Id.ToString() + " failed to exchange " + amount.ToString() + troopType.ToString() + " with building at " + coordinates.ToString() + "."); } }
public TroopTab ConvertTroopTypeToTab(TroopType type) { TroopTab result = TroopTab.All; switch (type) { case TroopType.Infantry: result = TroopTab.Infantry; break; case TroopType.Vehicle: result = TroopTab.Vehicle; break; case TroopType.Mercenary: result = TroopTab.Mercenary; break; case TroopType.Hero: result = TroopTab.Hero; break; default: Service.Get <StaRTSLogger>().WarnFormat("Cannot convert TroopType {0} to TroopTab", new object[] { type }); break; } return(result); }
public void UpgradeTroopsOrStarships(string uid, bool isStarship) { IDataController dataController = Service.Get <IDataController>(); IUpgradeableVO upgradeableVO; InventoryStorage storage; if (isStarship) { upgradeableVO = dataController.Get <SpecialAttackTypeVO>(uid); this.Starships.SetLevel(upgradeableVO); storage = GameUtils.GetWorldOwner().Inventory.SpecialAttack; } else { upgradeableVO = dataController.Get <TroopTypeVO>(uid); this.Troops.SetLevel(upgradeableVO); TroopType type = ((TroopTypeVO)upgradeableVO).Type; if (type != TroopType.Hero) { if (type != TroopType.Champion) { storage = GameUtils.GetWorldOwner().Inventory.Troop; } else { storage = GameUtils.GetWorldOwner().Inventory.Champion; } } else { storage = GameUtils.GetWorldOwner().Inventory.Hero; } } UnlockedLevelData.UpgradeTroopsOrStarshipsInventory(storage, isStarship, upgradeableVO.UpgradeGroup, upgradeableVO.Uid); }
public TrainTroopTypeObjectiveProcessor(ObjectiveVO vo, ObjectiveManager parent) : base(vo, parent) { TroopType troopType = StringUtils.ParseEnum <TroopType>(vo.Item); if (troopType == TroopType.Champion) { this.deliveryType = DeliveryType.Champion; } else if (troopType == TroopType.Hero) { this.deliveryType = DeliveryType.Hero; } else if (troopType == TroopType.Infantry) { this.deliveryType = DeliveryType.Infantry; } else if (troopType == TroopType.Mercenary) { this.deliveryType = DeliveryType.Mercenary; } else if (troopType == TroopType.Vehicle) { this.deliveryType = DeliveryType.Vehicle; } Service.Get <EventManager>().RegisterObserver(this, EventId.TroopRecruited); Service.Get <EventManager>().RegisterObserver(this, EventId.HeroMobilized); }
public TroopStats GetStatsForType(TroopType _type) { TroopStats _newStats = null; switch (_type) { case TroopType.RegularViking: _newStats = new TroopStats("NewRegularViking", TroopType.RegularViking, 100, 10, 2, 40); break; case TroopType.Beserker: _newStats = new TroopStats("NewBeserker", TroopType.Beserker, 80, 25, 2, 10); break; } if (_newStats != null) { return(_newStats); } else { Debug.LogError("Requested trooptype not setup in the GetStatsForType method!"); return(null); } }
public Troop(TroopType TypeOfTroop, int Price, int Year, string Power) { this.TypeOfTroop = TypeOfTroop; this.Price = Price; this.Year = Year; this.Power = Power; }
internal Troop(CharacterObject characterObject, Party partyModel, TroopType troopType) { CharacterObject = characterObject; Health = CharacterObject.MaxHitPoints(); PartyModel = partyModel; TroopType = troopType; }
public static TrapCondition GenerateTrapCondition(string trapType, params string[] args) { if (trapType == "radius") { uint radius = Convert.ToUInt32(args[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); return(new RadiusTrapCondition(radius)); } if (trapType == "intrudertype") { TroopType intruderType = StringUtils.ParseEnum <TroopType>(args[0]); return(new IntruderTypeTrapCondition(intruderType)); } if (trapType == "armornot") { List <ArmorType> list = new List <ArmorType>(); int i = 0; int num = args.Length; while (i < num) { list.Add(StringUtils.ParseEnum <ArmorType>(args[i])); i++; } return(new ArmorNotTrapCondition(list)); } return(null); }
public void RemoveUnit(TroopType type, int amount) { if (amount < 0) { return; } this.Troops[type] -= Mathf.Min(amount, this.Troops[type]); }
public void TroopFactorySetup() { troopTypes = new Dictionary <string, TroopType>(); string json = "{ 'Id':1,'Name':'Monkey','Type':'Ground','Damage':'6','Health':'50','PreferredTarget':'Ground','Template':'Basic'}"; TroopType monkey = TroopReader.ReadJson(json); troopTypes.Add(monkey.Name, monkey); }
public void InitTroopAs(TroopType type, int number) { HP = number * 10; _troopType = type; AntInstance.InitAnts(number); MoveInstance.Init(); FightInstance.Init(); }
public static void BroadcastChangeStrategyActivePlayer(string playerName, TroopType type, bool newValue) { using (Packet packet = new Packet((int)ServerPackets.broadcastChangeStrategyActivePlayer)) { packet.Write(playerName); packet.Write((byte)type); packet.Write(newValue); SendTCPDataToAll(packet); } }
public bool MoveTroops(TroopInventory destination, TroopType troopType, int amount) { if (this.Troops[troopType] - amount >= 0 && destination.GetTroopCount() + amount <= destination.TroopLimit) { //Move troops this.Troops[troopType] -= amount; destination.Troops[troopType] += amount; return(true); } return(false); }
public Texture2D getTroopProfile(Faction f, TroopType tt, Ranking rk) { if (f == Faction.mercenary) { return(getTroopInfo(f, tt, rk).profile); } else { return(defaultProfile); } }
/// <summary> /// true if at least 1 troop was upgraded /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public override bool TrainTroops() { if (pointsToSpend <= 0) { return(false); } Zone curZone = GameController.GetZoneByID(zoneIAmIn); if (curZone.multTrainingPoints > 0) { Faction ownerFac = GameController.GetFactionByID(ownerFaction); bool hasTrained = false; int trainableTroops = 0; int troopIndexInGarrison = -1; int pointsForTraining; TroopType curTTBeingTrained = null, curTTUpgradeTo = null; for (int i = 0; i < ownerFac.troopLine.Count - 1; i++) //the last one can't upgrade, so... { pointsForTraining = Mathf.RoundToInt(pointsToSpend * curZone.multTrainingPoints); troopIndexInGarrison = troopsContained.IndexOfTroopInThisList(ownerFac.troopLine[i]); if (troopIndexInGarrison >= 0) { curTTBeingTrained = GameController.GetTroopTypeByID(ownerFac.troopLine[i]); curTTUpgradeTo = GameController.GetTroopTypeByID(ownerFac.troopLine[i + 1]); trainableTroops = Mathf.Min(pointsForTraining / curTTUpgradeTo.pointCost, troopsContained[troopIndexInGarrison].troopAmount); if (trainableTroops > 0) { troopsContained.RemoveTroop(curTTBeingTrained.ID, trainableTroops); troopsContained.AddTroop(curTTUpgradeTo.ID, trainableTroops); pointsToSpend -= Mathf.RoundToInt(trainableTroops * curTTUpgradeTo.pointCost / curZone.multTrainingPoints); hasTrained = true; } } } if (hasTrained) { WorldFXManager.instance.EmitParticle(WorldFXManager.instance.bolsterParticle, MeIn3d.transform.position, GameController.GetFactionByID(ownerFaction).color); troopsContained.Sort(TroopNumberPair.CompareTroopNumberPairsByAutocalcPower); } return(hasTrained); } else { return(false); } }
public static TroopNumberPair SerializedTroopToTroopNumberPair(SerializedTroop serialized) { TroopType foundType = GameController.GetTroopTypeByName(; if (foundType != null) { return(new TroopNumberPair(foundType.ID, serialized.amount)); } return(default(TroopNumberPair)); }
public static bool ChangeActiveStrategyOfPlayer(String playerName, TroopType type, bool newValue) { Player player = GetPlayer(playerName); if (player != null) { int index = player.TroopInventory.Strategy.FindIndex(tpl => tpl.Item1 == type); player.TroopInventory.Strategy[index] = new Tuple <TroopType, bool>(type, newValue); return(true); } return(false); }
protected string TroopTypeString(TroopType type) { switch (type) { case TroopType.Ram: return "lính giáo"; case TroopType.Catapult: return "lính kiếm"; default: return ""; } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new copy of the <see cref="Research" /> struct. /// </summary> /// <param name="troop">Troop type.</param> /// <param name="trainable">Researched or not.</param> /// <param name="armoury">Armoury level.</param> /// <param name="blacksmith">Blacksmith level.</param> public Research( TroopType troop, bool trainable, int armoury, int blacksmith) : this() { TroopType = troop; Trainable = trainable; Armoury = armoury; Blacksmith = blacksmith; }
public Troop() { troopType = TroopType.Swordsman; IsAlive = true; _damage = 1; _health = 5; _speed = 3.5f; _minEnemyDistToNotice = 2; isControlled = false; attackSpeedWaitForSeconds = new WaitForSeconds(1.0f); _canAttack = true; }
protected string GetTroopText(TroopType type) { switch (type) { case TroopType.Spear: return "lính giáo"; case TroopType.Sword: return "lính kiếm"; case TroopType.Axe: return "lính rìu"; } return ""; }
protected string TroopTypeString(TroopType type) { switch (type) { case TroopType.Scout: return "siêu điệp viên"; case TroopType.Light: return "kỵ binh"; case TroopType.Heavy: return "hiệp sỹ"; } return ""; }
public void ReadTemplateTest_NoBaseTroopError() { string contents = File.ReadAllText(flyingMonkeyJson); //Setup base monkey troop TroopReader troopReader = new TroopReader(); TemplateReader reader = new TemplateReader(contents, troopReader.TroopTypes); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => { TroopType flyingMonkey = reader.Read(); }); }
public static bool MoveTroops(Player player, HexCoordinates coordinates, TroopType troopType, int amount) { ProtectedBuilding building = (ProtectedBuilding)grid.GetCell(coordinates).Structure; if (amount > 0) { return(building.TroopInventory.MoveTroops(player.TroopInventory, troopType, Mathf.Abs(amount))); } else { return(player.TroopInventory.MoveTroops(building.TroopInventory, troopType, Mathf.Abs(amount))); } }
/// <summary> /// if we're not neutral, uses the pointsToSpend to add more troops to the garrison... or train them /// and upgrade them /// </summary> public void SpendPoints(bool useGraphicFX = false, bool ignoreGarrisonTierLimit = false) { if (ownerFaction >= 0 && pointsToSpend > 0) { RecruitTroops(); //if we still have points left... training time if (pointsToSpend > 0 && multTrainingPoints > 0) { bool hasTrained = false; Faction ownerFac = GameController.GetFactionByID(ownerFaction); int trainableTroops = 0; int pointsForTraining; int troopIndexInGarrison = -1; int tierLimit = ignoreGarrisonTierLimit ? ownerFac.troopLine.Count - 1 : ownerFac.maxGarrisonedTroopTier - 1; TroopType curTTBeingTrained = null, curTTUpgradeTo = null; for (int i = 0; i < tierLimit; i++) { pointsForTraining = Mathf.RoundToInt(pointsToSpend * multTrainingPoints); troopIndexInGarrison = troopsContained.IndexOfTroopInThisList(ownerFac.troopLine[i]); if (troopIndexInGarrison >= 0) { curTTBeingTrained = GameController.GetTroopTypeByID(ownerFac.troopLine[i]); curTTUpgradeTo = GameController.GetTroopTypeByID(ownerFac.troopLine[i + 1]); trainableTroops = Mathf.Min(pointsForTraining / curTTBeingTrained.pointCost, troopsContained[troopIndexInGarrison].troopAmount); if (trainableTroops > 0) { troopsContained.RemoveTroop(curTTBeingTrained.ID, trainableTroops); troopsContained.AddTroop(curTTUpgradeTo.ID, trainableTroops); pointsToSpend -= Mathf.RoundToInt(trainableTroops * curTTBeingTrained.pointCost / multTrainingPoints); hasTrained = true; } } } if (useGraphicFX) { if (hasTrained) { WorldFXManager.instance.EmitParticle(WorldFXManager.instance.bolsterParticle, MyZoneSpot.transform.position, GameController.GetFactionByID(ownerFaction).color); } } } troopsContained.Sort(TroopNumberPair.CompareTroopNumberPairsByAutocalcPower); } }
public void CreateTroop_Valid() { Dictionary <string, TroopType> troopTypes = new Dictionary <string, TroopType>(); string json = "{ 'Id':1,'Name':'Monkey','Type':'Ground','Damage':'6','Health':'50','PreferredTarget':'Ground','Template':'Basic'}"; TroopType monkey = TroopReader.ReadJson(json); troopTypes.Add(monkey.Name, monkey); TroopFactory factory = new TroopFactory(troopTypes); Troop t = factory.Create("Monkey"); Assert.AreEqual(t.Info, monkey); Assert.AreEqual(t.CurrentHealth, monkey.Health); }
private bool loadType() { troopTypes = new List<TroopType>(); TextAsset text = Resources.Load(troopTypeFileName) as TextAsset; string[] lines = text.text.Split('\n'); for(int i = 1; i < lines.Length; i++) { if (lines[i] == null || lines[i] == "") continue; TroopType newType = new TroopType(lines[i]); troopTypes.Add(newType); } return true; }
public TroopType Read() { TroopType t = new TroopType(); t.Id = Int32.Parse(metadata["Id"]); t.Name = metadata["Name"]; t.Type = GetStringProperty("Type"); t.Damage = Int32.Parse(GetStringProperty("Damage")); t.Health = Int32.Parse(GetStringProperty("Health")); t.PreferredTarget = GetStringProperty("PreferredTarget"); t.Template = metadata["Template"]; return(t); }
/// <summary> /// returns the percentage compared to the cmder's MAX amount of troops that would be upgraded if /// the cmder trained instead of moving or recruiting /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public float GetPercentOfTroopsUpgradedIfTrained() { if (pointsToSpend <= 0) { return(0.0f); } Zone curZone = GameController.GetZoneByID(zoneIAmIn); if (curZone.multTrainingPoints > 0) { Faction cmderFac = GameController.GetFactionByID(ownerFaction); int totalTrainableTroops = 0; int trainableTroops = 0; int troopTrainingCostHere = 0; int troopIndexInGarrison = -1; int fakePointsToSpend = pointsToSpend; TroopType curTTBeingTrained = null, curTTUpgradeTo = null; for (int i = 0; i < cmderFac.troopLine.Count - 1; i++) //the last one can't upgrade, so... { troopIndexInGarrison = troopsContained.IndexOfTroopInThisList(cmderFac.troopLine[i]); if (troopIndexInGarrison >= 0) { curTTBeingTrained = GameController.GetTroopTypeByID(cmderFac.troopLine[i]); curTTUpgradeTo = GameController.GetTroopTypeByID(cmderFac.troopLine[i + 1]); troopTrainingCostHere = Mathf.RoundToInt(curTTUpgradeTo.pointCost / curZone.multTrainingPoints); if (troopTrainingCostHere == 0) { trainableTroops = troopsContained[troopIndexInGarrison].troopAmount; } else { trainableTroops = Mathf.Min(fakePointsToSpend / troopTrainingCostHere, troopsContained[troopIndexInGarrison].troopAmount); } if (trainableTroops > 0) { totalTrainableTroops += trainableTroops; fakePointsToSpend -= trainableTroops * troopTrainingCostHere; } } } //Debug.Log("GetPercentOfTroopsUpgradedIfTrained = " + ((float)totalTrainableTroops / MaxTroopsCommanded)); return((float)totalTrainableTroops / MaxTroopsCommanded); } return(0.0f); }
public static DateTime LandingTime (TroopType troop, int sourceX, int sourceY, int desX, int desY, DateTime start, double speedIncrease) { string type = "Map.merchant_speed"; switch (troop) { case TroopType.Axe: type = "Map.axe_speed"; break; case TroopType.Spear: type = "Map.spear_speed"; break; case TroopType.Sword: type = "Map.sword_speed"; break; case TroopType.Heavy: type = "Map.heavy_cavalry_speed"; break; case TroopType.Light: type = "Map.light_cavalry_speed"; break; case TroopType.Scout: type = "Map.scout_speed"; break; case TroopType.Nobleman: type = "Map.noble_speed"; break; case TroopType.Ram: type = "Map.ram_speed"; break; case TroopType.Catapult: type = "Map.catapult_speed"; break; default: type = "Map.merchant_speed"; break; } Configuration config = Configuration.TribalWarsConfiguration; NumericConfiguration troopSpeedConfiguration = config.GetNumericConfigurationItem(type); return start.AddMilliseconds(RangeCalculator(sourceX, sourceY, desX, desY) * (troopSpeedConfiguration.Value - troopSpeedConfiguration.Value * speedIncrease)); }
public static double MovingTime(int sourceX, int sourceY, int desX, int desY, TroopType troop) { string type = "Map.merchant_speed"; switch (troop) { case TroopType.Axe: type = "Map.axe_speed"; break; case TroopType.Spear: type = "Map.spear_speed"; break; case TroopType.Sword: type = "Map.sword_speed"; break; case TroopType.Heavy: type = "Map.heavy_cavalry_speed"; break; case TroopType.Light: type = "Map.light_cavalry_speed"; break; case TroopType.Scout: type = "Map.scout_speed"; break; case TroopType.Nobleman: type = "Map.noble_speed"; break; case TroopType.Ram: type = "Map.ram_speed"; break; case TroopType.Catapult: type = "Map.catapult_speed"; break; default: type = "Map.merchant_speed"; break; } Configuration config = Configuration.TribalWarsConfiguration; NumericConfiguration troopSpeedConfiguration = config.GetNumericConfigurationItem(type); return RangeCalculator(sourceX, sourceY, desX, desY) * troopSpeedConfiguration.Value; }
public static long RecruitTime(TroopType troop, int quantity, int level) { if (level==0) return int.MaxValue; if (quantity == 0) return 0; return Recruit.GetPrice(troop).BuildTime * quantity; }
public virtual int this[TroopType troopType] { get { switch (troopType) { case TroopType.Axe: return this.VillageTroopData.AxeInVillage; case TroopType.Catapult: return this.VillageTroopData.CatapultInVillage; case TroopType.Heavy: return this.VillageTroopData.HeavyCavalryInVillage; case TroopType.Light: return this.VillageTroopData.LightCavalryInVillage; case TroopType.Nobleman: return this.VillageTroopData.NobleInVillage; case TroopType.Ram: return this.VillageTroopData.RamInVillage; case TroopType.Scout: return this.VillageTroopData.ScoutInVillage; case TroopType.Spear: return this.VillageTroopData.SpearInVillage; case TroopType.Sword: return this.VillageTroopData.SwordInVillage; default: return -1; } } }
public static bool CanRecruit(TroopType troop, int quantity, int wood, int clay, int iron) { Price price = null; switch (troop) { case TroopType.Spear: price = Recruit.Spear; break; case TroopType.Sword: price = Recruit.Sword; break; case TroopType.Axe: price = Recruit.Axe; break; case TroopType.Scout: price = Recruit.Scout; break; case TroopType.Light: price = Recruit.Light; break; case TroopType.Heavy: price = Recruit.Heavy; break; case TroopType.Ram: price = Recruit.Ram; break; case TroopType.Catapult: price = Recruit.Catapult; break; case TroopType.Nobleman: price = Recruit.Noble; break; default: break; } if (object.Equals(price, null)) return false; if (quantity * price.Clay > clay) return false; if (quantity * price.Wood > wood) return false; if (quantity * price.Iron > iron) return false; return true; }
public static int MaxRecruit(TroopType troop, int wood, int clay, int iron) { Price price = null; switch (troop) { case TroopType.Spear: price = Recruit.Spear; break; case TroopType.Sword: price = Recruit.Sword; break; case TroopType.Axe: price = Recruit.Axe; break; case TroopType.Scout: price = Recruit.Scout; break; case TroopType.Light: price = Recruit.Light; break; case TroopType.Heavy: price = Recruit.Heavy; break; case TroopType.Ram: price = Recruit.Ram; break; case TroopType.Catapult: price = Recruit.Catapult; break; case TroopType.Nobleman: price = Recruit.Noble; break; default: break; } int maxRecruit = clay / price.Clay; if (maxRecruit > iron / price.Iron) maxRecruit = iron / price.Iron; if (maxRecruit > wood / price.Wood) maxRecruit = wood / price.Wood; return maxRecruit; }
public static Price GetPrice(TroopType troop, int level) { if (level <= 1) return Recruit.GetPrice(troop); int key = (int)troop*1000 + level; if (Recruit.PriceDictionary.ContainsKey(key)) return Recruit.PriceDictionary[key]; Price basePrice = Recruit.GetPrice(troop); int time = basePrice.BuildTime; for (int i = 1; i < level; i++) time -= (int)(time * 0.05); Price price = new Price(basePrice.Name, time, basePrice.Wood, basePrice.Clay, basePrice.Iron, basePrice.Population); Recruit.PriceDictionary.Add(key, price); return price; }
public static bool CanRecruit(TroopType troop, int quantity, Village village) { switch (troop) { case TroopType.Spear: if (village.VillageBuildingData.Barracks == 0) return false; break; case TroopType.Sword: if (village.VillageBuildingData.Barracks == 0 || village.VillageBuildingData.Smithy < 1) return false; break; case TroopType.Axe: if (village.VillageBuildingData.Barracks == 0 || village.VillageBuildingData.Smithy < 2) return false; break; case TroopType.Scout: if (village.VillageBuildingData.Stable == 0) return false; break; case TroopType.Light: if (village.VillageBuildingData.Stable < 3 || village.VillageBuildingData.Stable < 3) return false; break; case TroopType.Heavy: if (village.VillageBuildingData.Stable < 10 || village.VillageBuildingData.Smithy < 15) return false; break; case TroopType.Ram: if (village.VillageBuildingData.Workshop == 0) return false; break; case TroopType.Catapult: if (village.VillageBuildingData.Workshop < 2 || village.VillageBuildingData.Smithy < 12) return false; break; case TroopType.Nobleman: if (village.VillageBuildingData.Academy == 0 || village.VillageBuildingData.Smithy < 20) return false; break; default: return false; } return Recruit.CanRecruit(troop, quantity, village.VillageResourceData.Wood, village.VillageResourceData.Clay, village.VillageResourceData.Iron); }
public static DateTime LandingTime(TroopType troop, Village from, Village to, DateTime start) { return Map.LandingTime(troop, from.X, from.Y, to.X, to.Y, start, 0); }
public static Price GetPrice(TroopType troop) { switch (troop) { case TroopType.Spear: return Recruit.Spear; case TroopType.Sword: return Recruit.Sword; case TroopType.Axe: return Recruit.Axe; case TroopType.Scout: return Recruit.Scout; case TroopType.Light: return Recruit.Light; case TroopType.Heavy: return Recruit.Heavy; case TroopType.Ram: return Recruit.Ram; case TroopType.Catapult: return Recruit.Catapult; case TroopType.Nobleman: return Recruit.Noble; default: throw new Exception("Báo động: HACK!!!"); } }
public static DateTime LandingTime(TroopType troop, Village from, Village to, DateTime start, double speedIncrease) { return Map.LandingTime(troop, from.X, from.Y, to.X, to.Y, start, speedIncrease); }
public virtual Recruit BeginRecruit(TroopType troop, int quantity, ISession session) { if (!Recruit.CanRecruit(troop, quantity, this.Village.VillageResourceData.Wood, this.Village.VillageResourceData.Clay, this.Village.VillageResourceData.Iron)) return null; Recruit lastRecruit = null; BuildingType building = BuildingType.Barracks; int level = 0; if ((troop == TroopType.Axe) || (troop == TroopType.Spear) || (troop == TroopType.Sword)) { level = this.Village[BuildingType.Barracks]; lastRecruit = (from r in this.InfantryRecruits orderby r.ID descending select r).FirstOrDefault<Recruit>(); } else if ((troop == TroopType.Light) || (troop == TroopType.Scout) || (troop == TroopType.Heavy)) { level = this.Village[BuildingType.Stable]; building = BuildingType.Stable; lastRecruit = (from r in this.CavalryRecruits orderby r.ID descending select r).FirstOrDefault<Recruit>(); } else if (troop == TroopType.Ram || troop == TroopType.Catapult) { building = BuildingType.Workshop; level = this.Village[BuildingType.Workshop]; lastRecruit = (from r in this.CarRecruits orderby r.ID descending select r).FirstOrDefault<Recruit>(); } Recruit recruit = new Recruit(); recruit.InVillage = this.Village; recruit.Quantity = quantity; recruit.Troop = troop; if (lastRecruit == null) recruit.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now; else recruit.LastUpdate = lastRecruit.FinishTime; Price p = Recruit.GetPrice(troop, this.Village[building]); this.Village.VillageResourceData.Clay -= p.Clay * quantity; this.Village.VillageResourceData.Wood -= p.Wood * quantity; this.Village.VillageResourceData.Iron -= p.Iron * quantity; this.Village.Population += p.Population * quantity; recruit.FinishTime = recruit.LastUpdate.AddMilliseconds(p.BuildTime * quantity); this.Village.Recruits.Add(recruit); session.Save(recruit); session.Update(this.Village); if ((troop == TroopType.Axe) || (troop == TroopType.Spear) || (troop == TroopType.Sword)) { this.InfantryRecruits.Add(recruit); } else if ((troop == TroopType.Light) || (troop == TroopType.Scout) || (troop == TroopType.Heavy)) { this.CavalryRecruits.Add(recruit); } else if (troop == TroopType.Ram || troop == TroopType.Catapult) { this.CarRecruits.Add(recruit); } return recruit; }
public virtual int MaxRecruit(TroopType troop) { return Recruit.MaxRecruit(troop, this.Village.VillageResourceData.Wood, this.Village.VillageResourceData.Clay, this.Village.VillageResourceData.Iron); }
/// <summary> /// Determines whether the Troop is a specified Troop Type. /// </summary> /// <param name="troop">The troop.</param> /// <param name="type">The troop type.</param> /// <returns><c>true</c> if the troop is the specified troop type; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns> public static bool IsTroopType(this Troop troop, TroopType type) { switch (type) { case TroopType.Tier1: return troop <= Troop.Goblin && troop >= Troop.Barbarian; case TroopType.Tier2: return troop <= Troop.Wizard && troop >= Troop.Giant; case TroopType.Tier3: return troop <= Troop.Pekka && troop >= Troop.Healer; case TroopType.DarkTroops: return troop <= Troop.LavaHound && troop >= Troop.Minion; case TroopType.Heroes: return troop == Troop.King || troop == Troop.Queen; default: return false; // Unknown } }
protected string TroopTypeString(TroopType type) { switch (type) { case TroopType.Spear: return "lính giáo"; case TroopType.Sword: return "lính kiếm"; case TroopType.Axe: return "lính rìu"; default: return ""; } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new copy of the <see cref="Troop" /> struct. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">Troop type.</param> /// <param name="count">Troop count.</param> public Troop(TroopType type, int count) : this() { Type = type; Count = count; }
public static double MovingTime(Village fromVillage, Village toVillage, TroopType troop) { return MovingTime(fromVillage.X, fromVillage.Y, toVillage.X, toVillage.Y, troop); }
public static DateTime LandingTime(TroopType troop, int sourceX, int sourceY, int desX, int desY, DateTime start) { return LandingTime(troop, sourceX, sourceY, desX, desY, start, 0); }
public void init(TroopType type, Player team, Level.LevelInstance level) { attributes = attributesList[type]; health = attributes[TroopAttributeType.baseHealth]; = team; this.level = Level.getLevel (level); Troop.troops[team].Add(this); transform.position = pointAt (0f); distanceTraveled = 0f; }