public void CreateProjectile(GameObject ProjectileOBJ, TroopAI theArcher, TroopAI theEnemy, float damage) { if (theProjectile != null) { Destroy(theProjectile); } enemy = theEnemy; thisArcher = theArcher; thisArcher.fireProj = true; projDmg = damage; dir = (theEnemy.transform.position - theArcher.transform.position).normalized; Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0, theArcher.range / 4, 0); if (dir.y < 0) { theProjectile = Instantiate(ProjectileOBJ, theArcher.transform.position - offset, theArcher.transform.rotation); } else { theProjectile = Instantiate(ProjectileOBJ, theArcher.transform.position + offset, theArcher.transform.rotation); } GameObject theCanvas = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas"); Vector2 canvasLocalScale = theCanvas.transform.localScale; theProjectile.transform.SetParent(theCanvas.transform, true); theProjectile.transform.localScale = new Vector3(theProjectile.transform.localScale.x * canvasLocalScale.x, theProjectile.transform.localScale.y * canvasLocalScale.y, 0); }
bool Collided(GameObject projectile, TroopAI theEnemy) { if (projectile.transform.position.x < theEnemy.transform.position.x + (99 * 0.5f) && projectile.transform.position.x > theEnemy.transform.position.x - (99 * 0.5f) && projectile.transform.position.y < theEnemy.transform.position.y + (99 * 0.5f) && projectile.transform.position.y > theEnemy.transform.position.y - (99 * 0.5f)) { return(true); } return(false); }
//Does stuff based on the bool that are set to true, takes in the affected gameobject as parameter public void activateTrap(TroopAI go) { if (instantKill) { //kills/destroy go //Destroy(go); HealthSystem goHealthSystem =; goHealthSystem.addHealth(-goHealthSystem.getHealth()); } if (dealsDamage) { //Deals set damage to gameobject; } if (stun) { go.speed = 0; } }
void Update() { if (PauseAnimator.GetBool("PauseEnabled") == true) { return; } if (health.getHealth() <= 0) { if (team == -1) { thePlayer.GetComponent <InGameCash>().addAmount(10); } activ = false; } if (activ) { if (state == (int)States.CHARGE) { float dist = 0; if (team == 1) { for (uint j = 0; j < enemyGridSystem.GridSize; ++j) { float yDist = enemyGridSystem.grid[j].transform.position.y - originPos.y; //Debug.Log("TEST"); if (Mathf.Abs(enemyGridSystem.grid[j].transform.position.x - originPos.x) < 20 && !enemyGridSystem.IsGreyedOut(j) && Mathf.Abs(yDist) > dist) { //Debug.Log("TEST"); dist = Mathf.Abs(yDist); targetPos = enemyGridSystem.grid[j].transform.position; targetIndex = j; } } } else if (team == -1) { for (uint j = 0; j < theGridSystem.GridSize; ++j) { float yDist = theGridSystem.grid[j].transform.position.y - originPos.y; if (Mathf.Abs(theGridSystem.grid[j].transform.position.x - originPos.x) < 20 && !theGridSystem.IsGreyedOut(j) && Mathf.Abs(yDist) > dist) { dist = Mathf.Abs(yDist); targetPos = theGridSystem.grid[j].transform.position; targetIndex = j; } } } Vector3 hello = targetPos - Pos; //hello.x = 0; //hello.y = team; //hello.z = 0; hello.Normalize(); bool collided = false; for (int i = 0; i < game.objects.Count; ++i) { Vector3 nextPosition = Pos + hello * speed; if (!(Mathf.Abs(game.objects[i].transform.position.x - Pos.x) < 10 * canvasLocalScale.x && Mathf.Abs(game.objects[i].transform.position.y - Pos.y) < 10 * canvasLocalScale.y)) { if (Collided(nextPosition, game.objects[i].transform.position)) { collided = true; } } } if (!collided) { Pos += hello * speed; } transform.position = Pos; if (/*prevhealth != health*/ health.isHealthModified()) { // state = (int)States.CHASE; aggrotimer = 0; } //prevhealth = health; health.setHealthModifiedToFalse(); float minNearest = 1000000; nearest = null; for (int i = 0; i < game.objects.Count; ++i) { nearestAI = game.objects[i].GetComponent <TroopAI>(); if (nearestAI.activ && != team) { //Vector2 hello1 = new Vector2(game.objects[i].transform.position.x - transform.position.x, game.objects[i].transform.position.y - transform.position.y); //float dist = hello1.SqrMagnitude(); //if (dist <= vision * vision && dist < minNearest) //{ // minNearest = dist; // nearest = game.objects[i]; //} if (game.objects[i].transform.position.x > transform.position.x - attackWidth && game.objects[i].transform.position.x < transform.position.x + attackWidth && (game.objects[i].transform.position - transform.position).magnitude < range + 10 * canvasLocalScale.x && Mathf.Abs(game.objects[i].transform.position.y - transform.position.y) < attackHeight + 10 * canvasLocalScale.y) { nearest = game.objects[i]; } } } if (nearest != null) { state = (int)States.ATTACK; } } if (state == (int)States.ATTACK) { attacktimer += Time.deltaTime; if (nearest != null) { nearestAI = nearest.GetComponent <TroopAI>(); if (nearestAI.activ) { if (attacktimer > (attckSpd)) { //Class 1 = Infantry, Class 2 = Bowmen, Class 3 = Cavalry attacktimer = 0; if (_class == nearestAI._class) { if (!fireProj && _class == 2 && nearestAI) { theProjectile.CreateProjectile(projectileOBJ, this, nearestAI, attckDmg); } else if (_class != 2) {; } } if (_class == 1 && nearestAI._class == 3) { * 3); } if (_class == 1 && nearestAI._class == 2) {; } if (_class == 2 && nearestAI._class == 1) { if (!fireProj && nearestAI) { theProjectile.CreateProjectile(projectileOBJ, this, nearestAI, attckDmg + 10); } else { * 5); } } if (_class == 2 && nearestAI._class == 3) { if (!fireProj && nearestAI) { theProjectile.CreateProjectile(projectileOBJ, this, nearestAI, attckDmg); } else {; } } if (_class == 3 && nearestAI._class == 1) {; } if (_class == 3 && nearestAI._class == 2) { * 3); } attacktimer = 0; } } else { state = (int)States.CHARGE; } } else { state = (int)States.CHARGE; } } //Powerups if (thePowerupsSystem && thePowerupsSystem.PowerupsIsActive == true) { //Search player powerups list if (team == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < thePowerupsSystem.PlayerGridPowerups.Count; ++i) { if (Collided(thePowerupsSystem.PlayerGridPowerups[i].powerupPosition, transform.position)) { switch (thePowerupsSystem.PlayerGridPowerups[i].powerType) { case PowerupsSystem.POWERUP_TYPE.POWERUP_ATTACKDAMAGE: { attckDmg += thePowerupsSystem.PlayerGridPowerups[i].AddedAttackDamage; break; } case PowerupsSystem.POWERUP_TYPE.POWERUP_ATTACKSPEED: { attckSpd -= thePowerupsSystem.PlayerGridPowerups[i].AddedAttackSpeed; break; } case PowerupsSystem.POWERUP_TYPE.POWERUP_MOVESPEED: { speed += thePowerupsSystem.PlayerGridPowerups[i].AddedMoveSpeed; break; } default: break; } Destroy(thePowerupsSystem.PlayerGridPowerups[i].PowerUpTexture); thePowerupsSystem.PlayerGridPowerups.RemoveAt(i); } } } else //Search enemy player grid list { for (int i = 0; i < thePowerupsSystem.EnemyGridPowerups.Count; ++i) { if (Collided(thePowerupsSystem.EnemyGridPowerups[i].powerupPosition, transform.position)) { switch (thePowerupsSystem.EnemyGridPowerups[i].powerType) { case PowerupsSystem.POWERUP_TYPE.POWERUP_ATTACKDAMAGE: { attckDmg += thePowerupsSystem.EnemyGridPowerups[i].AddedAttackDamage; break; } case PowerupsSystem.POWERUP_TYPE.POWERUP_ATTACKSPEED: { attckSpd += thePowerupsSystem.EnemyGridPowerups[i].AddedAttackSpeed; break; } case PowerupsSystem.POWERUP_TYPE.POWERUP_MOVESPEED: { speed += thePowerupsSystem.EnemyGridPowerups[i].AddedMoveSpeed; break; } default: break; } Destroy(thePowerupsSystem.EnemyGridPowerups[i].PowerUpTexture); thePowerupsSystem.EnemyGridPowerups.RemoveAt(i); } } } } if (theTrapSystem && theTrapSystem.trapSystemActive) { foreach (GameObject go in theTrapSystem.myTraps) { Trap theTrap = go.GetComponent <Trap>(); if (!theTrap.isactive) { continue; } if ( == team) { continue; } if (Collided(go.transform.position, transform.position)) { theTrap.activateTrap(this); //Destroy(theTrap); theTrap.isactive = false; go.SetActive(false); } } theTrapSystem.cleanUpTraps(); } } }