/// <summary> Adds elements to the map. </summary>
        private void AddElements()
            #region doc:the location around which the shapes are created
            // the location in Gauss-Kruger coordinates
            var location = new Point(3565913, 5935734);

            #region doc:create ShapeLayer
            // create a shape layer
            shapeLayer = new ShapeLayer("DifferentShapes")
                SpatialReferenceId = "EPSG:31467", // set SR to Gaus s-Kruger zone 3 (default is WGS84)
                LocalOffset        = location      // the localOffset can be used to reduce jitter at deep zoom levels

            shapeLayer2 = new ShapeLayer("PieCharts")
                LocalOffset = new Point(10, 53) // to reduce jitter
            #endregion                          //doc:create ShapeLayer

            #region doc:add layer to map
            // add layers to map
            wpfMap.Layers.InsertBefore(shapeLayer2, "DifferentShapes");
            #endregion //doc:add layer to map

            #region doc:animate shape
            // create a WPF element
            var triangleUp = new TriangleUp {
                Color = Colors.Blue, Stroke = Colors.Red,
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
                ToolTip             = "TriangleUp", Width = 32, Height = 32

            // set geo location of the element
            triangleUp.SetValue(ShapeCanvas.LocationProperty, location);

            // add some click interaction
            triangleUp.MouseDoubleClick += (o, e) => MessageBox.Show("Hello!");

            var myPointAnimation = new PointAnimation
                Duration       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2),
                AutoReverse    = true,
                RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever,
                From           = location,
                To             = new Point(location.X + 960, location.Y + 960)

            // add to layer
            AddToLayer(triangleUp, myPointAnimation);

            #endregion //doc:animate shape

            #region doc:add MapPolygon
            var poly = new MapPolygon
                Points = new PointCollection(new[]
                    (Point)(location - new Point(-100, -100)), (Point)(location - new Point(100, -100)),
                    (Point)(location - new Point(100, 100)), (Point)(location - new Point(-100, 100))
                Fill               = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red),
                Opacity            = .5,
                MapStrokeThickness = 5,
                Stroke             = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black)
            Panel.SetZIndex(poly, -1);
            #endregion //doc:add MapPolygon

            #region doc:handle MapPolygon events
            poly.MouseEnter += (o, e) => poly.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green);
            poly.MouseLeave += (o, e) => poly.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
            #endregion //doc:handle MapPolygon events

            #region doc:create shapes
            // Create elements
            var triangleDown = CreateElement(Symbols.TriangleDown, Colors.Black, Colors.Red) as TriangleDown;
            var star         = CreateElement(Symbols.Star, Colors.Yellow, Colors.Green) as Star;
            var pentagon     = CreateElement(Symbols.Pentagon, Colors.Red, Colors.Blue) as Pentagon;
            var hexagon      = CreateElement(Symbols.Hexagon, Colors.Orange, Colors.Navy) as Hexagon;
            var diamond      = CreateElement(Symbols.Diamond, Colors.DeepPink, Colors.Navy) as Diamond;
            var pyramid      = CreateElement(Symbols.Pyramid, Colors.Yellow, Colors.Black) as Pyramid;
            var ball         = CreateElement(Symbols.Ball, Colors.Yellow, Colors.Green) as Ball;
            ball.Width = ball.Height = 100; // Varying the default size
            var pin  = CreateElement(Symbols.Pin, Colors.Green, Colors.Black) as Pin;
            var cube = CreateElement(Symbols.Cube, Colors.Blue, Colors.Red) as Cube;
            cube.Width = cube.Height = 15; // Varying the default size
            var truck = CreateElement(Symbols.Truck, Colors.Red, Colors.Black) as Truck;
            #endregion                     //doc:create shapes

            #region doc:set position
            // set position
            triangleDown.SetValue(ShapeCanvas.LocationProperty, new Point(location.X + 320, location.Y));
            Panel.SetZIndex(triangleDown, -1);
            star.SetValue(ShapeCanvas.LocationProperty, new Point(location.X + 640, location.Y));
            Panel.SetZIndex(star, -1);
            pentagon.SetValue(ShapeCanvas.LocationProperty, new Point(location.X + 960, location.Y));
            Panel.SetZIndex(pentagon, -1);
            hexagon.SetValue(ShapeCanvas.LocationProperty, new Point(location.X, location.Y + 320));
            Panel.SetZIndex(hexagon, -1);
            diamond.SetValue(ShapeCanvas.LocationProperty, new Point(location.X + 320, location.Y + 320));
            Panel.SetZIndex(diamond, -1);
            pyramid.SetValue(ShapeCanvas.LocationProperty, new Point(location.X + 640, location.Y + 320));
            Panel.SetZIndex(pyramid, -1);
            ball.SetValue(ShapeCanvas.LocationProperty, new Point(location.X + 960, location.Y + 320));
            Panel.SetZIndex(ball, -1);
            pin.SetValue(ShapeCanvas.LocationProperty, new Point(location.X, location.Y + 640));
            ShapeCanvas.SetAnchor(pin, LocationAnchor.RightBottom);
            Panel.SetZIndex(pin, -1);
            cube.SetValue(ShapeCanvas.LocationProperty, new Point(location.X + 320, location.Y + 640));
            Panel.SetZIndex(cube, -1);
            truck.SetValue(ShapeCanvas.LocationProperty, new Point(location.X + 960, location.Y + 640));
            Panel.SetZIndex(truck, -1);
            #endregion //doc:set position


            #region doc:sample anchor
            var pinRightBottom = CreateElement(Symbols.Pin, Colors.Green, Colors.Black) as Pin;
            if (pinRightBottom != null)
                pinRightBottom.SetValue(ShapeCanvas.LocationProperty, new Point(location.X - 320, location.Y));
                pinRightBottom.ToolTip = "Pin with anchor right bottom";
                ShapeCanvas.SetAnchor(pinRightBottom, LocationAnchor.RightBottom);
                Panel.SetZIndex(pinRightBottom, -1);

            var ballRightBottom = CreateElement(Symbols.Ball, Colors.Red, Colors.Black) as Ball;
            if (ballRightBottom != null)
                ballRightBottom.Width   = 10;
                ballRightBottom.Height  = 10;
                ballRightBottom.ToolTip = "Ball with same coordinates like pin";
                ballRightBottom.SetValue(ShapeCanvas.LocationProperty, new Point(location.X - 320, location.Y));
                Panel.SetZIndex(ballRightBottom, -1);

            var pinCenter = CreateElement(Symbols.Pin, Colors.Green, Colors.Black) as Pin;
            if (pinCenter != null)
                pinCenter.SetValue(ShapeCanvas.LocationProperty, new Point(location.X - 320, location.Y + 150));
                pinCenter.ToolTip = "Pin with default anchor";
                Panel.SetZIndex(pinCenter, -1);

            var ballCenter = CreateElement(Symbols.Ball, Colors.Red, Colors.Black) as Ball;
            if (ballCenter != null)
                ballCenter.Width   = 10;
                ballCenter.Height  = 10;
                ballCenter.ToolTip = "Ball with same coordinates like pin";
                ballCenter.SetValue(ShapeCanvas.LocationProperty, new Point(location.X - 320, location.Y + 150));
                Panel.SetZIndex(ballCenter, -1);

            #endregion // doc:sample anchor

            #region doc:sample ScaleProperty
            var starStandard = CreateElement(Symbols.Star, Colors.Green, Colors.Black) as Star;
            if (starStandard != null)
                starStandard.SetValue(ShapeCanvas.LocationProperty, new Point(location.X - 100, location.Y + 960));
                starStandard.Width   = starStandard.Height = 40;
                starStandard.ToolTip = "Star with size 40 and scale 1 (standard display)";
                starStandard.SetValue(ShapeCanvas.ScaleProperty, 1.0);
                Panel.SetZIndex(starStandard, -1);

            var starBig = CreateElement(Symbols.Star, Colors.Green, Colors.Black) as Star;
            if (starBig != null)
                starBig.SetValue(ShapeCanvas.LocationProperty, new Point(location.X, location.Y + 960));
                starBig.Width   = starBig.Height = 40;
                starBig.ToolTip = "Star with size 40 and scale 3 (object bigger and border thicker)";
                starBig.SetValue(ShapeCanvas.ScaleProperty, 3.0);
                Panel.SetZIndex(starBig, -1);

            #endregion // doc:sample ScaleProperty

            #region doc:sample ScaleFactor
            var starConstant = CreateElement(Symbols.Star, Colors.Red, Colors.Black) as Star;
            if (starConstant != null)
                starConstant.SetValue(ShapeCanvas.LocationProperty, new Point(location.X + 320, location.Y + 960));
                starConstant.Width   = starConstant.Height = 80;
                starConstant.ToolTip = "Star with size 80 and scale factor 0 (constant object size, standard display)";
                ShapeCanvas.SetScaleFactor(starConstant, 0);
                Panel.SetZIndex(starConstant, -1);

            var starHalfEnlarged = CreateElement(Symbols.Star, Colors.Yellow, Colors.Black) as Star;
            if (starHalfEnlarged != null)
                starHalfEnlarged.SetValue(ShapeCanvas.LocationProperty, new Point(location.X + 370, location.Y + 960));
                starHalfEnlarged.Width   = starHalfEnlarged.Height = 80;
                starHalfEnlarged.ToolTip =
                    "Star with size 80 and scale factor 0.5 (object is half enlarged if the map zooms)";
                ShapeCanvas.SetScaleFactor(starHalfEnlarged, 0.5);
                Panel.SetZIndex(starHalfEnlarged, -1);

            var starEnlarged = CreateElement(Symbols.Star, Colors.Green, Colors.Black) as Star;
            if (starEnlarged != null)
                starEnlarged.SetValue(ShapeCanvas.LocationProperty, new Point(location.X + 420, location.Y + 960));
                starEnlarged.Width   = starEnlarged.Height = 80;
                starEnlarged.ToolTip = "Star with size 80 and scale factor 1 (object is enlarged if the map zooms)";
                ShapeCanvas.SetScaleFactor(starEnlarged, 1);
                Panel.SetZIndex(starEnlarged, -1);

            #endregion // doc:sample ScaleFactor

            // our demo data
            var stores = new List <Store> {
                new Store
                    Name      = "HH-South",
                    Latitude  = 53.55,
                    Longitude = 10.02,
                    Sales     = new List <Sale> {
                        new Sale {
                            Type = "Food", Amount = 30
                        new Sale {
                            Type = "Non Food", Amount = 70
                new Store
                    Name      = "HH-North",
                    Latitude  = 53.56,
                    Longitude = 10.02,
                    Sales     = new List <Sale> {
                        new Sale {
                            Type = "Food", Amount = 40
                        new Sale {
                            Type = "Non Food", Amount = 50
                        new Sale {
                            Type = "Pet Food", Amount = 10

            foreach (var store in stores)
                // initialize a pie chart for each element
                var chartView = new Chart();

                chartView.Width      = 300;
                chartView.Height     = 250;
                chartView.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(192, 255, 255, 255));

                var pieSeries = new PieSeries();
                chartView.Title = store.Name;
                pieSeries.IndependentValuePath = "Type";
                pieSeries.DependentValuePath   = "Amount";
                pieSeries.ItemsSource          = store.Sales;
                pieSeries.IsSelectionEnabled   = true;


                // Add to map
                ShapeCanvas.SetLocation(chartView, new Point(store.Longitude, store.Latitude));
                ShapeCanvas.SetAnchor(chartView, LocationAnchor.Center);
                ShapeCanvas.SetScaleFactor(chartView, .1); // adopt the element to the scale factor

            #region doc:center map to location
            // center map to location
            wpfMap.SetMapLocation(new Point(location.X + 1000, location.Y + 650), 14.7, "EPSG:31467");
            #endregion //doc:center map to location