Example #1
        private void OnDrawGizmos()
            Ray3      ray      = CreateRay3(Ray);
            Triangle3 triangle = CreateTriangle3(V0, V1, V2);

            IntersectionTypes intersectionType;
            bool test = Intersection.TestRay3Triangle3(ref ray, ref triangle, out intersectionType);
            Ray3Triangle3Intr info;
            bool find = Intersection.FindRay3Triangle3(ref ray, ref triangle, out info);

            DrawRay(ref ray);
            DrawTriangle(ref triangle);

            if (find)

            if (test != find)
                LogError("test != find");
            if (intersectionType != info.IntersectionType)
                LogError("intersectionType != info.IntersectionType");
Example #2
            //from http://stackoverflow.com/a/17503268/931669
            public static bool existsBetween(Bounds box, Triangle3 triangle)
                double triangleMin, triangleMax;
                double boxMin, boxMax;

                // Test the box normals (x-, y- and z-axes)
                var boxNormals = new Vector3[] {
                    new Vector3(1,0,0),
                    new Vector3(0,1,0),
                    new Vector3(0,0,1)

                //Get the box vertices as array for project()
                var boxVertices = new Vector3[] {
                    box.center + new Vector3(box.extents.x, box.extents.y, box.extents.z),
                    box.center + new Vector3(box.extents.x, -box.extents.y, box.extents.z),
                    box.center + new Vector3(-box.extents.x, -box.extents.y, box.extents.z),
                    box.center + new Vector3(-box.extents.x, box.extents.y, box.extents.z),
                    box.center + new Vector3(box.extents.x, box.extents.y, -box.extents.z),
                    box.center + new Vector3(box.extents.x, -box.extents.y, -box.extents.z),
                    box.center + new Vector3(-box.extents.x, -box.extents.y, -box.extents.z),
                    box.center + new Vector3(-box.extents.x, box.extents.y, -box.extents.z),

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    project(triangle.ABC, boxNormals[i], out triangleMin, out triangleMax);
                    if (triangleMax < box.min[i] || triangleMin > box.max[i])
                        return false; // No intersection possible.

                // Test the triangle normal
                double triangleOffset = Vector3.Dot(triangle.Normal, triangle.A);
                project(boxVertices, triangle.Normal, out boxMin, out boxMax);
                if (boxMax < triangleOffset || boxMin > triangleOffset)
                    return false; // No intersection possible.

                // Test the nine edge cross-products
                Vector3[] triangleEdges = new Vector3[] {
                    triangle.A - (triangle.B),
                    triangle.B - (triangle.C),
                    triangle.C - (triangle.A)
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        // The box normals are the same as it's edge tangents
                        Vector3 axis = Vector3.Cross(triangleEdges[i], boxNormals[j]);
                        project(boxVertices, axis, out boxMin, out boxMax);
                        project(triangle.ABC, axis, out triangleMin, out triangleMax);
                        if (boxMax <= triangleMin || boxMin >= triangleMax)
                            return false; // No intersection possible

                // No separating axis found.
                return true;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepare the obstacles for further calculations
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Current position</param>
        /// <param name="desiredVel">Desired velocity</param>
        public void Prepare(Vector3 position, Vector3 desiredVel)
            //prepare obstacles
            for (int i = 0; i < numCircles; i++)
                Vector3 pa = position;
                Vector3 pb = circles[i].Position;

                Vector3 orig = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                circles[i].Dp = pb - pa;
                Vector3 dv = circles[i].DesiredVel - desiredVel;

                float a = Triangle3.Area2D(orig, circles[i].Dp, dv);
                if (a < 0.01f)
                    circles[i].Np.X = -circles[i].Dp.Z;
                    circles[i].Np.Z = circles[i].Dp.X;
                    circles[i].Np.X = circles[i].Dp.Z;
                    circles[i].Np.Z = -circles[i].Dp.X;

            for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++)
                //precalculate if the agent is close to the segment
                float r = 0.01f;
                float t;
                segments[i].Touch = Distance.PointToSegment2DSquared(ref position, ref segments[i].P, ref segments[i].Q, out t) < (r * r);
Example #4
    //public static string LogText = "";

    public static void ShowTriangles()
        for (int i = 0; i < navMeshInfo.triangle3s.Count; i++)
            Triangle3 triangle3 = navMeshInfo.triangle3s[i];
            Plane3    plane     = navMeshInfo.planes[i];

            //Vector3 point = target;
            //Vector3 closestPoint;
            //float dist0 = Distance.Point3Plane3(ref point, ref plane, out closestPoint);

            //Line3 line = new Line3(point, target);
            //Triangle3 triangle = triangle3;
            //Line3Triangle3Intr info;
            //bool find = Intersection.FindLine3Triangle3(ref line, ref triangle, out info);

            //if (find) //只有点在三角形内才有效
            //    //Debug.Log(string.Format("[{0}]{1} {2} {3}", i, dist0, closestPoint, find));

            //    if (dist0 < distance)
            //    {
            //        distance = dist0;
            //        r = closestPoint;
            //    }

        //TimeSpan time = DateTime.Now - start;
        //Log += (string.Format(
        //    "GetClosetPointByTriangle,indices count:{0},distance:{1},closestPoint{2},target:{3},time:{4}ms ",
        //    navMeshInfo.indicesCount, distance, r, target, time.TotalMilliseconds));
Example #5
        private void OnDrawGizmos()
            Vector3   v0       = V0.position;
            Vector3   v1       = V1.position;
            Vector3   v2       = V2.position;
            Triangle3 triangle = CreateTriangle3(V0, V1, V2);

            Circle3 circumscribed;
            bool    b0 = Circle3.CreateCircumscribed(v0, v1, v2, out circumscribed);
            Circle3 inscribed;
            bool    b1 = Circle3.CreateInscribed(v0, v1, v2, out inscribed);

            DrawTriangle(ref triangle);

            if (b0)
                DrawCircle(ref circumscribed);
            if (b1)
                DrawCircle(ref inscribed);

            LogInfo("Circumscribed: " + b0 + "   Inscribed: " + b1);
Example #6
    private void OnDrawGizmos()
        HashSet <Triangle2> grid = _GenerateMesh.GenerateGrid(width, cells);

        if (grid != null)
            //But this will not display each triangle, so we don't know if the mesh is correct
            //Gizmos.DrawMesh(grid, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);

            //Convert the triangles to a mesh

            //2d to 3d
            HashSet <Triangle3> grid_3d = new HashSet <Triangle3>();

            foreach (Triangle2 t in grid)
                Triangle3 t_3d = new Triangle3(t.p1.ToMyVector3_Yis3D(), t.p2.ToMyVector3_Yis3D(), t.p3.ToMyVector3_Yis3D());


            //Triangle to mesh
            //Will also test that the triangle->mesh is working
            //Mesh meshGrid = TransformBetweenDataStructures.Triangle3ToCompressedMesh(grid_3d);

            Mesh meshGrid = _TransformBetweenDataStructures.Triangle3ToMesh(grid_3d);

            TestAlgorithmsHelpMethods.DisplayMeshWithRandomColors(meshGrid, 0);
Example #7
		public void JsonNet_Test()
			// Simple test to make sure that the JSON.Net library is working
			Triangle3 triangle = new Triangle3(new Vector3(3), new Vector3(4), new Vector3(5));
			string output = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(triangle);
Example #8
        public Model(Mesh source)
            vertices       = new List <Vertex>();
            edges          = new List <Edge3>();
            this.triangles = new List <Triangle3>();

            Vector3[] points = source.vertices;
            for (int i = 0, n = points.Length; i < n; i++)
                Vertex v = new Vertex(points[i], i);

            int[] triangles = source.triangles;
            for (int i = 0, n = triangles.Length; i < n; i += 3)
                int    i0 = triangles[i], i1 = triangles[i + 1], i2 = triangles[i + 2];
                Vertex v0 = vertices[i0], v1 = vertices[i1], v2 = vertices[i2];

                Edge3     e0 = GetEdge(edges, v0, v1);
                Edge3     e1 = GetEdge(edges, v1, v2);
                Edge3     e2 = GetEdge(edges, v2, v0);
                Triangle3 f  = new Triangle3(v0, v1, v2, e0, e1, e2);

                v0.AddTriangle(f); v1.AddTriangle(f); v2.AddTriangle(f);
                e0.AddTriangle(f); e1.AddTriangle(f); e2.AddTriangle(f);
        private void OnDrawGizmos()
            Segment3  segment  = CreateSegment3(P0, P1);
            Triangle3 triangle = CreateTriangle3(V0, V1, V2);

            IntersectionTypes intersectionType;
            bool test = Intersection.TestSegment3Triangle3(ref segment, ref triangle, out intersectionType);
            Segment3Triangle3Intr info;
            bool find = Intersection.FindSegment3Triangle3(ref segment, ref triangle, out info);

            DrawSegment(ref segment);
            DrawTriangle(ref triangle);

            if (find)

            LogInfo(info.IntersectionType + " " + info.SegmentParameter);
            if (test != find)
                LogError("test != find");
            if (intersectionType != info.IntersectionType)
                LogError("intersectionType != info.IntersectionType");
Example #10
        public Mesh Build(bool weld = false)
            Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

            int[] triangles = new int[this.triangles.Count * 3];

            Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[this.triangles.Count * 3];
            for (int i = 0, n = this.triangles.Count; i < n; i++)
                Triangle3 f = this.triangles[i];
                int       i0 = i * 3, i1 = i * 3 + 1, i2 = i * 3 + 2;
                vertices[i0]  = f.v0.p;
                vertices[i1]  = f.v1.p;
                vertices[i2]  = f.v2.p;
                triangles[i0] = i0;
                triangles[i1] = i1;
                triangles[i2] = i2;
            mesh.vertices = vertices;

            mesh.indexFormat = mesh.vertexCount < 65535 ? IndexFormat.UInt16 : IndexFormat.UInt32;
            mesh.triangles   = triangles;


        private void OnDrawGizmos()
            Line3     line     = new Line3(Line.position, Line.forward);
            Triangle3 triangle = CreateTriangle3(V0, V1, V2);

            IntersectionTypes intersectionType;
            bool test = Intersection.TestLine3Triangle3(ref line, ref triangle, out intersectionType);
            Line3Triangle3Intr info;
            bool find = Intersection.FindLine3Triangle3(ref line, ref triangle, out info);

            DrawLine(ref line);
            DrawTriangle(ref triangle);

            if (find)

            if (test != find)
                LogError("test != find");
            if (intersectionType != info.IntersectionType)
                LogError("intersectionType != info.IntersectionType");
        public static bool IsPointInTriangle(double px, double py, ref Triangle3 triangle)
            // Barycentric coordinates for PIP w/ triangle test http://blackpawn.com/texts/pointinpoly/

            var ax = triangle.Points.A.X;
            var ay = triangle.Points.A.Y;
            var bx = triangle.Points.B.X;
            var by = triangle.Points.B.Y;
            var cx = triangle.Points.C.X;
            var cy = triangle.Points.C.Y;

            var v0x = cx - ax;
            var v0y = cy - ay;
            var v1x = bx - ax;
            var v1y = by - ay;
            var v2x = px - ax;
            var v2y = py - ay;

            var dot00 = v0x * v0x + v0y * v0y;
            var dot01 = v0x * v1x + v0y * v1y;
            var dot02 = v0x * v2x + v0y * v2y;
            var dot11 = v1x * v1x + v1y * v1y;
            var dot12 = v1x * v2x + v1y * v2y;

            var invDenom = 1.0 / (dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01);
            var u        = (dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * invDenom;
            var v        = (dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom;

            return((u >= 0) && (v >= 0) && (u + v <= 1));
        /// <summary>
        /// Rasterizes several triangles at once.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tris">An array of triangles.</param>
        /// <param name="triOffset">An offset into the array.</param>
        /// <param name="triCount">The number of triangles to rasterize, starting from the offset.</param>
        /// <param name="area">The area flags for all of the triangles.</param>
        public void RasterizeTriangles(Triangle3[] tris, int triOffset, int triCount, Area area)
            int triEnd = triOffset + triCount;

            if (tris == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("verts");

            if (triOffset < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("triOffset", "triOffset must be greater than or equal to 0.");

            if (triCount < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("triCount", "triCount must be greater than or equal to 0.");

            if (triEnd > tris.Length)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("triCount", "The specified offset and count end outside the bounds of the provided array.");

            int numBatches = 8;
            int threads    = (triCount / numBatches) + 1;

            /*spanQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<Tuple<int, int, Span>>();
             * bool allProcessed;
             * var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
             * {
             *      while (true)
             *      {
             *              if (spanQueue.IsEmpty)
             *                      Thread.Sleep(1);
             *              Tuple<int, int, Span> spanEntry;
             *              while (spanQueue.TryDequeue(out spanEntry))
             *                      cells[spanEntry.Item2 * width + spanEntry.Item1].AddSpan(spanEntry.Item3);
             *      }
             * });*/

            Parallel.For(0, threads, i =>
                int start = triOffset + i * numBatches;
                int end   = triOffset + (i + 1) * numBatches;
                if (end > triEnd)
                    end = triEnd;

                for (int j = start; j < end; j++)
                    Triangle3 t = tris[j];
                    RasterizeTriangle(ref t.A, ref t.B, ref t.C, area);
 public static void FillTriangle(this IDebugCanvas canvas, Triangle3 triangle, FillStyle fillStyle)
         new DoubleVector3((float)triangle.Points.A.X, (float)triangle.Points.A.Y, 0),
         new DoubleVector3((float)triangle.Points.B.X, (float)triangle.Points.B.Y, 0),
         new DoubleVector3((float)triangle.Points.C.X, (float)triangle.Points.C.Y, 0),
Example #15
 public static float Vector3Triangle3(
     ref Vector3 point,
     ref Triangle3 triangle,
     out Vector3 closestPoint
     return((float)System.Math.Sqrt(SquaredDistance.Vector3Triangle3(ref point, ref triangle, out closestPoint)));
Example #16
 public static bool existsBetween(Collider collider, Triangle3 triangle)
     RaycastHit info;
     return (
         collider.Raycast(new Ray(triangle.A, triangle.B - triangle.A), out info, (triangle.B - triangle.A).magnitude) ||
         collider.Raycast(new Ray(triangle.B, triangle.C - triangle.B), out info, (triangle.C - triangle.B).magnitude) ||
         collider.Raycast(new Ray(triangle.C, triangle.A - triangle.C), out info, (triangle.A - triangle.C).magnitude)
Example #17
 public static bool IntersectTriangle3Triangle3(
     ref Triangle3 triangle1,
     ref Triangle3 triangle2
                ref triangle1.Vertex0, ref triangle1.Vertex1, ref triangle1.Vertex2,
                ref triangle2.Vertex0, ref triangle2.Vertex1, ref triangle2.Vertex2));
Example #18
File: Ray3.cs Project: minskowl/MY
        /// <summary>Determines where the range clips a triangle</summary>
        /// <param name="triangle">Triangle that will be checked for intersection</param>
        /// <returns>The times at which the range touches the triangle, if at all</returns>
        public LineContacts FindContacts(Triangle3 triangle)
            LineContacts contacts = Collisions.Line3Triangle3Collider.FindContacts(
                Origin, Direction, triangle.A, triangle.B, triangle.C

            limitContactToRay(ref contacts);
Example #19
    private static Vector3 GetClosetPointByTriangle1(Vector3 target)
        //var triangleParent=CreatePoint(Vector3.zero,"TriangleParent",1,Color.black);
        DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
        Vector3  r     = Vector3.zero;

        //if (vertices == null)
            var distance = float.MaxValue;

            //NavMeshInfo navMeshInfo = null;
            if (navMeshInfo == null)
                navMeshInfo = new NavMeshInfo();

            for (int i = 0; i < navMeshInfo.triangle3s.Count; i++)
                Triangle3 triangle3 = navMeshInfo.triangle3s[i];
                Plane3    plane     = navMeshInfo.planes[i];

                Vector3 point = target;
                Vector3 closestPoint;
                float   dist0 = Distance.Point3Plane3(ref point, ref plane, out closestPoint);

                Line3              line     = new Line3(target, closestPoint - target);
                Triangle3          triangle = triangle3;
                Line3Triangle3Intr info;
                bool find = Intersection.FindLine3Triangle3(ref line, ref triangle, out info);

                if (find) //只有点在三角形内才有效
                    //Debug.Log(string.Format("[{0}]{1} {2} {3}", i, dist0, closestPoint, find));

                    if (dist0 < distance)
                        distance = dist0;
                        r        = closestPoint;

                        //var tri=ShowTriangle(triangleParent, i, triangle3.V0, triangle3.V1, triangle3.V2);

                        //var pt=CreatePoint(info.Point, i + "," + info.IntersectionType + "," + info.LineParameter + "," + info.TriBary0 + "," + info.TriBary1 + "," + info.TriBary2, 0.1f, Color.black);
                        //pt.transform.parent = tri.transform;

                        //var pt2 = CreatePoint(closestPoint, i+","+closestPoint+","+ dist0, 0.1f, Color.black);
                        //pt2.transform.parent = tri.transform;

            TimeSpan time = DateTime.Now - start;
            LogText += (string.Format(
                            "GetClosetPointByTriangle,indices count:{0},distance:{1},closestPoint{2},target:{3},time:{4}ms ",
                            navMeshInfo.indicesCount, distance, r, target, time.TotalMilliseconds));
Example #20
 //Checks for containment first, then for intersection
 public static bool existsBetweenOrInside(Bounds box, Triangle3 triangle)
     foreach (Vector3 p in triangle.ABC)
             return true;
     return existsBetween(box, triangle);
Example #21
        public const int VERTS_PER_POLYGON = 6;         //max number of vertices

        /// <summary>
        /// Generate an accurate sample of random points in the convex polygon and pick a point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pts">The polygon's points data</param>
        /// <param name="s">A random float</param>
        /// <param name="t">Another random float</param>
        /// <param name="pt">The resulting point</param>
        public static void RandomPointInConvexPoly(Vector3[] pts, float s, float t, out Vector3 pt)
            //Calculate triangle areas
            float[] areas   = new float[pts.Length];
            float   areaSum = 0.0f;
            float   area;

            for (int i = 2; i < pts.Length; i++)
                Triangle3.Area2D(ref pts[0], ref pts[i - 1], ref pts[i], out area);
                areaSum += Math.Max(0.001f, area);
                areas[i] = area;

            //Find sub triangle weighted by area
            float threshold       = s * areaSum;
            float accumulatedArea = 0.0f;
            float u = 0.0f;
            int   triangleVertex = 0;

            for (int i = 2; i < pts.Length; i++)
                float currentArea = areas[i];
                if (threshold >= accumulatedArea && threshold < (accumulatedArea + currentArea))
                    u = (threshold - accumulatedArea) / currentArea;
                    triangleVertex = i;

                accumulatedArea += currentArea;

            float v = (float)Math.Sqrt(t);

            float a = 1 - v;
            float b = (1 - u) * v;
            float c = u * v;

            if (triangleVertex > 0)
                Vector3 pointA = pts[0];
                Vector3 pointB = pts[triangleVertex - 1];
                Vector3 pointC = pts[triangleVertex];

                pt = a * pointA + b * pointB + c * pointC;
                Vector3 pointA = pts[0];
                Vector3 pointB = pts[0];
                Vector3 pointC = pts[0];

                pt = a * pointA + b * pointB + c * pointC;
Example #22
        public Triangle3 Reflect(Triangle3 triangle)
            if (!this.valid)

            return(new Triangle3(Reflect(triangle.A), Reflect(triangle.B), Reflect(triangle.C)));
    //	generate a loat texture map which contains the XYZ(Valid) position of every triangle
    Texture GeneratePositionTextureMap(Mesh mesh, out Vector2[] VertexAtlasUvs, int TextureSize)
        //	generate atlas
        var MeshTriangles   = new List <Triangle3>();
        var Positions       = mesh.vertices;
        var TriangleIndexes = mesh.triangles;

        if (Positions.Length != TriangleIndexes.Length)
            throw new System.Exception("Mesh vertexes need to be unshared. To use shared vertexes we may need to split individual triangles depending on atlasing");

        System.Action <int, int, int> AddTriangleByVertexIndexes = (a, b, c) =>
            var Triangle = new Triangle3();
            Triangle.a = Positions[a];
            Triangle.b = Positions[b];
            Triangle.c = Positions[c];
        for (int t = 0; t < TriangleIndexes.Length; t += 3)
            var ia = TriangleIndexes[t + 0];
            var ib = TriangleIndexes[t + 1];
            var ic = TriangleIndexes[t + 2];
            AddTriangleByVertexIndexes(ia, ib, ic);

        var AtlasTriangles = PopTrianglePacker.AllocateTriangleAtlases(MeshTriangles);

        var AtlasTexture = new RenderTexture(TextureSize, TextureSize, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBFloat);

        AtlasTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;

        RenderTriangleAtlas(ref AtlasTexture, AtlasTriangles, MeshTriangles);

        //	need to give vertexes new uvs! one per vertex
        //	one
        VertexAtlasUvs = new Vector2[Positions.Length];
        for (int t = 0; t < TriangleIndexes.Length / 3; t++)
            var TriangleIndex = t * 3;
            var VertexIndexa  = TriangleIndexes[TriangleIndex + 0];
            var VertexIndexb  = TriangleIndexes[TriangleIndex + 1];
            var VertexIndexc  = TriangleIndexes[TriangleIndex + 2];
            //	get uvs of triangle
            var uva = AtlasTriangles[t].a;
            var uvb = AtlasTriangles[t].b;
            var uvc = AtlasTriangles[t].c;

            VertexAtlasUvs[VertexIndexa] = uva;
            VertexAtlasUvs[VertexIndexb] = uvb;
            VertexAtlasUvs[VertexIndexc] = uvc;

Example #24
    public Triangle3()
        this.a = TVector3.Tzero;
        this.b = TVector3.Tzero;
        this.c = TVector3.Tzero;

        this.Tag = "";

        this.Complement = null;
Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Rasterizes several triangles at once.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tris">A collection of triangles.</param>
        /// <param name="area">The area flags for all of the triangles.</param>
        public void RasterizeTriangles(IEnumerable <Triangle3> tris, Area area)
            Triangle3 t = new Triangle3();

            foreach (Triangle3 tri in tris)
                t = tri;
                RasterizeTriangle(ref t, area);
Example #26
        /// <summary>Determines where the range clips a triangle</summary>
        /// <param name="triangle">Triangle that will be checked for intersection</param>
        /// <returns>The times at which the range touches the triangle, if at all</returns>
        public LineContacts FindContacts(Triangle3 triangle)
            LineContacts contacts = Collisions.Line3Triangle3Collider.FindContacts(
                Start, End - Start, triangle.A, triangle.B, triangle.C

            limitContactToLineSegment(ref contacts);

Example #27
        public Triangle3()
            this.a = TVector3.Tzero;
            this.b = TVector3.Tzero;
            this.c = TVector3.Tzero;

            this.Tag = "";

            this.Complement = null;

Example #28
    public Triangle3 Copy()
        Triangle3 ret = new Triangle3();

        ret.a          = this.a.Copy();
        ret.b          = this.b.Copy();
        ret.c          = this.c.Copy();
        ret.Tag        = this.Tag;
        ret.SortOrder  = this.SortOrder;
        ret.Complement = new Triangle3();

Example #29
 public static bool IntersectTriangle3Triangle3(
     ref Triangle3 triangle1,
     ref Triangle3 triangle2,
     out bool coplanar,
     out Vector3 isectpt1, out Vector3 isectpt2
                triangle1.Vertex0, triangle1.Vertex1, triangle1.Vertex2,
                triangle2.Vertex0, triangle2.Vertex1, triangle2.Vertex2,
                out coplanar,
                out isectpt1, out isectpt2
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Rasterizes several triangles at once.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tris">A collection of triangles.</param>
        /// <param name="area">The area flags for all of the triangles.</param>
        public void RasterizeTriangles(IEnumerable <Triangle3> tris, Area area)
            foreach (var t in tris)
                Triangle3 tref = t;
                RasterizeTriangle(ref tref, area);

             * Parallel.ForEach(tris, t =>
             * {
             *      RasterizeTriangle(ref t, area);
             * });
Example #31
        private static void CollideLeafLeaf(
            Entity entity1, AlignedBox3TreeNode node1, Vector3[] positions1, ref Matrix worldTransform1,
            Entity entity2, AlignedBox3TreeNode node2, Vector3[] positions2, ref Matrix worldTransform2,
            ref Contact contact, bool reverse
            Sphere3 sphere1, sphere2;

            node1.BoundingBox.CreateSphere3(ref worldTransform1, out sphere1);
            node2.BoundingBox.CreateSphere3(ref worldTransform2, out sphere2);
            if ((sphere1.Center - sphere2.Center).LengthSquared() > (sphere1.Radius + sphere2.Radius) * (sphere1.Radius + sphere2.Radius))

            // "simple" tri<->tri test...
            for (int i = 0; i < node1.NumTriangles; ++i)
                Triangle3 tri1 = node1.GetTriangle(positions1, i);
                tri1.Vertex0 = Vector3.Transform(tri1.Vertex0, worldTransform1);
                tri1.Vertex1 = Vector3.Transform(tri1.Vertex1, worldTransform1);
                tri1.Vertex2 = Vector3.Transform(tri1.Vertex2, worldTransform1);

                for (int j = 0; j < node2.NumTriangles; ++j)
                    Triangle3 tri2 = node2.GetTriangle(positions2, j);
                    tri2.Vertex0 = Vector3.Transform(tri2.Vertex0, worldTransform2);
                    tri2.Vertex1 = Vector3.Transform(tri2.Vertex1, worldTransform2);
                    tri2.Vertex2 = Vector3.Transform(tri2.Vertex2, worldTransform2);

                    //System.Console.WriteLine("performing triangle<->triangle test!");

                    bool    coplanar;
                    Vector3 isectpt1, isectpt2;
                    if (Intersection.IntersectTriangle3Triangle3(ref tri1, ref tri2, out coplanar, out isectpt1, out isectpt2))
                        Vector3 point = (isectpt1 + isectpt2) / 2.0f;

                        if (!contact.ContainsPoint(ref point))
                            Debug.Assert((reverse && contact.EntityA == entity2) || contact.EntityA == entity1);
                            Vector3 normal = reverse ? tri2.Normal : tri1.Normal;
                            contact.AddContactPoint(ref point, ref normal);
    public void SetUniforms(Material DrawTriangleMaterial, Triangle2 TriangleUvs, Triangle3 TriangleColours)
        var Uvs = new List <Vector2>();


        var Colours = new List <Color>();

        Colours.Add(new Color(TriangleColours.a.x, TriangleColours.a.y, TriangleColours.a.z, 1));
        Colours.Add(new Color(TriangleColours.b.x, TriangleColours.b.y, TriangleColours.b.z, 1));
        Colours.Add(new Color(TriangleColours.c.x, TriangleColours.c.y, TriangleColours.c.z, 1));

        SetUniforms(DrawTriangleMaterial, Uvs, Colours);
        private void OnDrawGizmos()
            Triangle3 triangle0 = CreateTriangle3(V0, V1, V2);
            Triangle3 triangle1 = CreateTriangle3(P0, P1, P2);

            DrawTriangle(ref triangle0);
            DrawTriangle(ref triangle1);

            bool test = Intersection.TestTriangle3Triangle3(ref triangle0, ref triangle1);
            Triangle3Triangle3Intr info;
            bool find = Intersection.FindTriangle3Triangle3(ref triangle0, ref triangle1, out info, true);

            if (find)

                if (info.IntersectionType == IntersectionTypes.Point)
                else if (info.IntersectionType == IntersectionTypes.Segment)
                    DrawSegment(info.Point0, info.Point1);
                else if (info.IntersectionType == IntersectionTypes.Plane)
                    for (int i = 0; i < info.Quantity; ++i)
                        DrawSegment(info[i], info[(i + 1) % info.Quantity]);

            LogInfo("Type: " + info.IntersectionType + "      CoplanarType: " + info.CoplanarIntersectionType + "      Touching: " + info.Touching + "      Quantity: " + info.Quantity);
            if (test != find)
                LogError("test != find");
Example #34
		public Triangle3[] GetTris(){
				Triangle3[] tris = new Triangle3[2];
				Triangle3 t1 = new Triangle3();
				Triangle3 t2 = new Triangle3();
				t1.a = a;
				t1.b = b;
				t1.c = c;
				t1.Tag = this.Tag;
				t2.a = a;
				t2.b = c;
				t2.c = d;
				t2.Tag = this.Tag;
				tris[0] = t1;
				tris[1] = t2;
				return tris;
Example #35
    public          Triangle3[] GetTris()
        Triangle3[] tris = new Triangle3[2];
        Triangle3   t1   = new Triangle3();
        Triangle3   t2   = new Triangle3();

        t1.a   = a;
        t1.b   = b;
        t1.c   = c;
        t1.Tag = this.Tag;

        t2.a   = a;
        t2.b   = c;
        t2.c   = d;
        t2.Tag = this.Tag;

        tris[0] = t1;
        tris[1] = t2;

Example #36
    void Start()
        // triangle verticies
        triangle = new Triangle3
            new Vec3(0, 0, .33f),
            new Vec3(0, 1.5f, 0),
            new Vec3(1, 0, -.12f)

        // create unity mesh
        triangleMesh          = new Mesh();
        triangleMesh.vertices = new Vector3[3]
        triangleMesh.SetIndices(new int[3] {
            0, 1, 2
        }, MeshTopology.Triangles, 0);
Example #37
        public Triangle3 Copy()
            Triangle3 ret = new Triangle3();

            ret.a = this.a.Copy();
            ret.b = this.b.Copy();
            ret.c = this.c.Copy();
            ret.Tag = this.Tag;
			ret.SortOrder = this.SortOrder;
            ret.Complement = new Triangle3();

            return ret;
Example #38
	public Shape3D GetRingGear()
		System.Collections.Generic.List<Triangle3> tris = new List<Triangle3> ();

		float OuterWidth = 0.0f;
		float ToothBaseWidth = 0.0f;
		Shape3D ret;
		_origin.Tag = VERT_origin;
		ToothBaseWidth = (float)(_innerRadius * 2 * Mathf.PI / (((float)(_qtyTeeth)) * (_outerWidthPct + 1)));
		OuterWidth = ToothBaseWidth * _outerWidthPct;

		//Calc the angle to sweep...
		float inctheta = 2 * Mathf.PI / ((float)_qtyTeeth * (_outerWidthPct + 1));
		float theta = 0.0f;
		float ToothRotAngle = _toothRot * Mathf.PI / 360.0f;
		float phi = (inctheta *_outerRadius - OuterWidth) / (2 *_outerRadius);
		for (int i = 0; i <  _qtyTeeth * 2; i++) { 
			TVector3 a;
			TVector3 b;
			TVector3 c;
			TVector3 ta; 
			TVector3 tb;
			TVector3 tc;
			float adjAngle = 0.0f;
			float angleBuffera = 0;
            float angleBufferc = 0;
            Triangle3 t = new Triangle3();
			if (i % 2 == 0) {
				adjAngle = inctheta;
                angleBuffera = inctheta / 2.0f; //LargePoints
                angleBufferc = inctheta + _outerWidthPct * inctheta / 2.0f;
			} else {
				adjAngle = _outerWidthPct * inctheta;
                angleBuffera = _outerWidthPct * inctheta / 2.0f; // Small points
                angleBufferc = inctheta / 2.0f + inctheta * _outerWidthPct;

			b = new TVector3 (_innerRadius * Mathf.Cos (theta) +_origin.Value.x, _innerRadius * Mathf.Sin (theta) +_origin.Value.y,_origin.Value.z, VERT_OuterRingBorderTop);
			c = new TVector3 (_innerRadius * Mathf.Cos (theta + adjAngle) +_origin.Value.x, _innerRadius * Mathf.Sin (theta + adjAngle) +_origin.Value.y,_origin.Value.z, VERT_OuterRingBorderTop);

			a =_origin.Copy();
			if (_ringRadius != 0) {
                if (_outerWidthPct != 0)
                    a = new TVector3(_ringRadius * Mathf.Cos(theta + angleBuffera) + a.Value.x, _ringRadius * Mathf.Sin(theta + angleBuffera) + a.Value.y, a.Value.z, VERT_InnerRingBorderTop);
                    a = new TVector3(_ringRadius * Mathf.Cos(theta + angleBuffera) + a.Value.x, _ringRadius * Mathf.Sin(theta + angleBuffera) + a.Value.y, a.Value.z, VERT_InnerRingBorderTop);
			t.a = a;
			t.b = b;
			t.c = c;
			t.SortOrder = _triOrder;
			_triOrder += 2;
			if (i % 2 == 0) {
				t.Tag = TRI_GearPlaneTopA1;
				t.Tag = TRI_GearPlaneTopA2;
            t = new Triangle3();

            if (_ringRadius != 0)
                if (_outerWidthPct != 0)
                    Triangle3 tFill = new Triangle3();
                    tFill.a = a.Copy();

                    tFill.b = c.Copy();

                    tFill.c = new TVector3(_ringRadius * Mathf.Cos(theta + angleBufferc) + _origin.Value.x, _ringRadius * Mathf.Sin(theta + angleBufferc) + _origin.Value.y, _origin.Value.z, VERT_InnerRingBorderTop);

                    tFill.Tag = TRI_GearPlaneTopB;
					tFill.SortOrder = _triOrder;
					_triOrder += 2;

                    Triangle3 tFill = new Triangle3();
                    tFill.a = a.Copy();

                    tFill.b = c.Copy();

                    tFill.c = new TVector3(_ringRadius * Mathf.Cos(theta + angleBufferc) + _origin.Value.x, _ringRadius * Mathf.Sin(theta + angleBufferc) + _origin.Value.y, _origin.Value.z, VERT_InnerRingBorderTop);

                    tFill.Tag = TRI_GearPlaneTopC;
					tFill.SortOrder = _triOrder;
					_triOrder += 2;


            if (_outerWidthPct == 0 && i % 2 != 0)
                continue; //If no 'squared' teeth, then bail quickly.

			if (i % 2 == 0) {
				Triangle3 t1 = new Triangle3();
                Triangle3 t2 = new Triangle3();
				ta = b.Copy(); //First corner of tooth.

				tb = new TVector3 (_outerRadius * Mathf.Cos (theta + phi + ToothRotAngle) +_origin.Value.x,_outerRadius * Mathf.Sin (theta + phi + ToothRotAngle) +_origin.Value.y,_origin.Value.z, VERT_ToothBorderTop);
				tc = c.Copy();
				t1.a = ta;
				t1.b = tb;
				t1.c = tc;
				t1.Tag = TRI_GearPlaneTopD;
				t1.SortOrder = _triOrder;
				_triOrder += 2;
			    tris.Add (t1);
				tb = new TVector3 (_outerRadius * Mathf.Cos (theta + inctheta - phi + ToothRotAngle) +_origin.Value.x,_outerRadius * Mathf.Sin (theta + inctheta - phi + ToothRotAngle) +_origin.Value.y,_origin.Value.z, VERT_ToothBorderTop); //Second Corner of Outer Tooth.
				ta = new TVector3 (_outerRadius * Mathf.Cos (theta + phi + ToothRotAngle) +_origin.Value.x,_outerRadius * Mathf.Sin (theta + phi + ToothRotAngle) +_origin.Value.y,_origin.Value.z, VERT_ToothBorderTop); //First corner of outer tooth.
				tc = c.Copy();
				t2.a = ta;
				t2.b = tb;
				t2.c = tc;
				t2.Tag = TRI_GearPlaneTopE;
				t2.SortOrder = _triOrder;
				_triOrder += 2;
				tris.Add (t2);


			theta += adjAngle;
			//If next to last tooth then set theta = 0 (for full circle...);
			if (i == (_qtyTeeth * 2 - 1)) {
				theta = 0;	
		var opptris = BuildOppositePlane(tris.ToArray(), new string[] { TRI_GearPlaneTopA1 }, TRI_GearPlaneBottomA1, _topScale, _topRotation);
		opptris = BuildOppositePlane(tris.ToArray(), new string[] { TRI_GearPlaneTopA2 }, TRI_GearPlaneBottomA2, _topScale, _topRotation);
		opptris = BuildOppositePlane(tris.ToArray(), new string[] { TRI_GearPlaneTopE }, TRI_GearPlaneBottomE, _topScale, _topRotation);
		opptris = BuildOppositePlane(tris.ToArray(), new string[] { TRI_GearPlaneTopD }, TRI_GearPlaneBottomD, _topScale, _topRotation);
		opptris = BuildOppositePlane(tris.ToArray(), new string[] { TRI_GearPlaneTopB }, TRI_GearPlaneBottomB, _topScale, _topRotation);
		opptris = BuildOppositePlane(tris.ToArray(), new string[] { TRI_GearPlaneTopC }, TRI_GearPlaneBottomC, _topScale, _topRotation);

		//Stitch Teeth
		System.Collections.Generic.List<Triangle3> stitching = new List<Triangle3>();
		System.Collections.Generic.SortedList<int, Triangle3> sortedTris = new SortedList<int, Triangle3>();
		foreach (Triangle3 item in tris) {
				Debug.Log("Item exists: " + 	item.SortOrder.ToString() + " " + item.Tag);
			sortedTris.Add(item.SortOrder, item);			

		foreach (Triangle3 item in sortedTris.Values) {
			stitching.AddRange(StitchEdge(item, TRI_GearPlaneTopA2, TRI_GearPlaneBottomA2, "b", "c", "a", "b", TRI_SideOuterTop, TRI_SideOuterBottom));
			stitching.AddRange(StitchEdge(item, TRI_GearPlaneTopD, TRI_GearPlaneBottomD, "a", "b", "b", "c", TRI_SideOuterTop, TRI_SideOuterBottom));
			stitching.AddRange(StitchEdge(item, TRI_GearPlaneTopE, TRI_GearPlaneBottomE, "a", "b", "b", "c", TRI_SideOuterTop, TRI_SideOuterBottom));
			stitching.AddRange(StitchEdge(item, TRI_GearPlaneTopE, TRI_GearPlaneBottomE, "b", "c", "a", "b", TRI_SideOuterTop, TRI_SideOuterBottom));
			//Stitch Inner Ring.
			stitching.AddRange(StitchEdge(item, TRI_GearPlaneTopB, TRI_GearPlaneBottomB, "c", "a", "c", "a", TRI_SideInnerTop, TRI_SideInnerBottom));
			stitching.AddRange(StitchEdge(item, TRI_GearPlaneTopC, TRI_GearPlaneBottomC, "c", "a", "c", "a", TRI_SideInnerTop, TRI_SideInnerBottom));
			//Stitch Straight Spokes
			stitching.AddRange(StitchEdge(item, TRI_SpokeTop1, TRI_SpokeBottom1, "a", "b", "b", "c", TRI_SpokeSideTop, TRI_SpokeSideBottom));
			stitching.AddRange(StitchEdge(item, TRI_SpokeTop2, TRI_SpokeBottom2, "b", "c", "a", "b", TRI_SpokeSideTop, TRI_SpokeSideBottom));
			//Stitch Hub
			stitching.AddRange(StitchEdge(item, TRI_HubTop, TRI_HubBottom, "b", "c", "a", "b", TRI_HubSideTop, TRI_HubSideBottom));

		ret.UV = BuildUVs(tris);
		ret.tris = tris.ToArray();
		return ret;
		/// <summary>
		/// Rasterizes several triangles at once.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tris">An array of triangles.</param>
		public void RasterizeTriangles(Triangle3[] tris)
			RasterizeTriangles(tris, 0, tris.Length, Area.Default);
		/// <summary>
		/// Rasterizes several triangles at once.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tris">An array of triangles.</param>
		/// <param name="triOffset">An offset into the array.</param>
		/// <param name="triCount">The number of triangles to rasterize, starting from the offset.</param>
		/// <param name="area">The area flags for all of the triangles.</param>
		public void RasterizeTriangles(Triangle3[] tris, int triOffset, int triCount, Area area)
			int triEnd = triOffset + triCount;

			if (tris == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("verts");

			if (triOffset < 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("triOffset", "triOffset must be greater than or equal to 0.");

			if (triCount < 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("triCount", "triCount must be greater than or equal to 0.");

			if (triEnd > tris.Length)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("triCount", "The specified offset and count end outside the bounds of the provided array.");

			int numBatches = 8;
			int threads = (triCount / numBatches) + 1;

			/*spanQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<Tuple<int, int, Span>>();
			bool allProcessed;

			var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
				while (true)
					if (spanQueue.IsEmpty)

					Tuple<int, int, Span> spanEntry;
					while (spanQueue.TryDequeue(out spanEntry))
						cells[spanEntry.Item2 * width + spanEntry.Item1].AddSpan(spanEntry.Item3);

			Parallel.For(0, threads, i =>
				int start = triOffset + i * numBatches;
				int end = triOffset + (i + 1) * numBatches;
				if (end > triEnd)
					end = triEnd;

				for (int j = start; j < end; j++)
					Triangle3 t = tris[j];
					RasterizeTriangle(ref t.A, ref t.B, ref t.C, area);
Example #41
	public Triangle3[] GetHubPlane(TVector3 Origin, float zOffset, string Tag){
		System.Collections.Generic.List<Triangle3> tris = new List<Triangle3> ();
		float inctheta = 2 * Mathf.PI / ((float) _hubSides);
		float theta = 0.0f;
		float adjAngle = 0.0f;
		float r = Mathf.Sqrt((_spokeWidthInner) * (_spokeWidthInner) + (_hubRadius * _hubRadius)); //Get dist to corner of spoke.
		for (int i = 0; i < (_hubSides); i++) {
			Triangle3 tri = new Triangle3();
			adjAngle = inctheta;
            tri.a = new TVector3(Origin.Value.x, Origin.Value.y, Origin.Value.z + zOffset, VERT_origin);
            tri.b = new TVector3(r * Mathf.Cos(theta) + Origin.Value.x, r * Mathf.Sin(theta) + Origin.Value.y, Origin.Value.z + zOffset, VERT_HubPerimeterTop);
            tri.c = new TVector3(r * Mathf.Cos(theta + adjAngle) + Origin.Value.x, r * Mathf.Sin(theta + adjAngle) + Origin.Value.y, Origin.Value.z + zOffset, VERT_HubPerimeterTop);
			tri.SortOrder = _triOrder;
			_triOrder += 2;
			tri.Tag = Tag;
			theta += (adjAngle);
		return tris.ToArray();
Example #42
		/// <summary>
		/// Iterates over an array of <see cref="Triangle3"/> with a specified offset and length.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="triangles">An array of triangles.</param>
		/// <param name="triOffset">The index of the first triangle to be enumerated.</param>
		/// <param name="triCount">The number of triangles to enumerate.</param>
		/// <returns>An enumerable collection of triangles.</returns>
		public static IEnumerable<Triangle3> FromTriangle(Triangle3[] triangles, int triOffset, int triCount)
			for (int i = 0; i < triCount; i++)
				yield return triangles[triOffset + i];
Example #43
	private void MirrorVertTags(Triangle3[] tris){	
		foreach (Triangle3 item in tris) {
			item.a.Tag = _VertMap[item.a.Tag];
			item.b.Tag = _VertMap[item.b.Tag];
			item.c.Tag = _VertMap[item.c.Tag];
Example #44
	Triangle3[] GetSolidSpokes (string TagTop, string TagBottom)
		TVector3 origin1 = new TVector3(0,0, ((-_spokeIndent/2)), GearRenderer.VERT_origin);
		TVector3 origin2 = new TVector3(0,0, ((-_height + _spokeIndent/2)), GearRenderer.VERT_origin);
        System.Collections.Generic.List<Triangle3> tris = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Triangle3>();
        Triangle3 newtri;

		Triangle3[] p1tris = GetSolidSpokePlane(origin1, TagTop, 1.0f);
		Triangle3[] p2tris = GetSolidSpokePlane(origin2, TagBottom,1.0f);
		foreach(var tri in p1tris){
			var t1 = tri.Copy();
            newtri = new Triangle3();
            newtri.a = t1.a;
            newtri.b = t1.b;
            newtri.c = t1.c;
            newtri.Tag = TagTop;
			newtri.SortOrder = _triOrder;
			_triOrder += 2;
		foreach(var tri in p2tris){
			var t2 = tri.Copy();
            newtri = new Triangle3();
            newtri.a = t2.c;
            newtri.b = t2.b;
            newtri.c = t2.a;
            newtri.Tag = TagBottom;
			newtri.SortOrder = tri.SortOrder + 1;


		return tris.ToArray();
		/// <summary>
		/// Rasterizes several triangles at once with per-triangle area flags.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tris">An array of triangles.</param>
		/// <param name="triOffset">An offset into the array.</param>
		/// <param name="triCount">The number of triangles to rasterize, starting from the offset.</param>
		/// <param name="areas">An array of area flags, one for each triangle.</param>
		public void RasterizeTrianglesWithAreas(Triangle3[] tris, int triOffset, int triCount, Area[] areas)
			int triEnd = triOffset + triCount;

			if (tris == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("verts");

			if (triOffset < 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("triOffset", "triOffset must be greater than or equal to 0.");

			if (triCount < 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("triCount", "triCount must be greater than or equal to 0.");

			if (triEnd > tris.Length)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("triCount", "The specified offset and count end outside the bounds of the provided array.");

			if (areas.Length < triCount)
				throw new ArgumentException("There must be at least as many AreaFlags as there are triangles.", "areas");

			for (int i = triOffset, j = 0; i < triEnd; i++, j++)
				RasterizeTriangle(ref tris[i].A, ref tris[i].B, ref tris[i].C, areas[j]);
Example #46
    private Triangle3[] StitchEdge(Triangle3 item, string TopTriTag, string BottomTriTag, string StitchTopVertName1, string StitchTopVertName2, string StitchBottomVertName1, string StitchBottomVertName2, string TopTag, string BottomTag)
        System.Collections.Generic.List<Triangle3> ret = new List<Triangle3>();
        //Get first tri from top, get first tri from bottom...
        int i = 0;

            Triangle3 topTri;
            Triangle3 bottomTri;
            i += 1;

            if (item.Complement != null && item.Complement.Tag == TopTriTag)
                bottomTri = item;
                topTri = item.Complement;
                Quad3D q3 = new Quad3D();

				TVector3 t1 = TVector3.Tzero.Copy();
				TVector3 t2 = TVector3.Tzero.Copy();
				TVector3 b1 = TVector3.Tzero.Copy();
				TVector3 b2 = TVector3.Tzero.Copy();
				switch (StitchTopVertName1.ToLower()) {
					case "a":
						t1 = topTri.a.Copy();
				case "b":
					t1 = topTri.b.Copy();
				case "c":
					t1 = topTri.c.Copy();
				switch (StitchTopVertName2.ToLower()) {
					case "a":
						t2 = topTri.a.Copy();
				case "b":
					t2 = topTri.b.Copy();
				case "c":
					t2 = topTri.c.Copy();
				switch (StitchBottomVertName1.ToLower()) {
					case "a":
						b1 = bottomTri.a.Copy();
				case "b":
					b1 = bottomTri.b.Copy();
				case "c":
					b1 = bottomTri.c.Copy();
				switch (StitchBottomVertName2.ToLower()) {
					case "a":
						b2 = bottomTri.a.Copy();
				case "b":
					b2 = bottomTri.b.Copy();
				case "c":
					b2 = bottomTri.c.Copy();
					q3.a = t1;
	                q3.b = b2;
	                q3.c = b1;
	                q3.d = t2;
					q3.Tag = TopTag;
					var newtris = q3.GetTris();
					newtris[0].SortOrder = _triOrder;
					_triOrder += 2;		
					newtris[1].SortOrder = _triOrder;
					_triOrder += 2;		
					newtris[1].Tag = BottomTag;

        return ret.ToArray();
		/// <summary>
		/// Rasterizes a triangle using conservative voxelization.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tri">The triangle as a <see cref="Triangle3"/> struct.</param>
		/// <param name="area">The area flags for the triangle.</param>
		public void RasterizeTriangle(ref Triangle3 tri, Area area)
			RasterizeTriangle(ref tri.A, ref tri.B, ref tri.C, area);
		/// <summary>
		/// Rasterizes a triangle using conservative voxelization.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tri">The triangle as a <see cref="Triangle3"/> struct.</param>
		public void RasterizeTriangle(ref Triangle3 tri)
			RasterizeTriangle(ref tri.A, ref tri.B, ref tri.C, Area.Default);
Example #49
	public Triangle3[] GetSolidSpokePlane (TVector3 origin, string Tag, float scale)
		System.Collections.Generic.List<Triangle3> tris = new List<Triangle3> ();

		//Calc the angle to sweep...
		float inctheta = 2 * Mathf.PI / ((float)_qtyTeeth * 2.0f);
		float theta = 0.0f;
		_origin.Tag = VERT_origin;
        float width = _ringRadius * 1.05f;
		for (int i = 0; i < (_qtyTeeth * 2); i++) {
			TVector3 a;
			TVector3 b;
			TVector3 c;
			float adjAngle = 0.0f;

            Triangle3 t = new Triangle3();

			adjAngle = inctheta;
			a =origin.Copy();
            b = new TVector3(width * Mathf.Cos(theta) + origin.Value.x, width * Mathf.Sin(theta) + origin.Value.y, a.Value.z, VERT_SpokePerimeterTop);
 			b = new TVector3(b.Value.x * scale, b.Value.y * scale, b.Value.z, b.Tag);
            c = new TVector3(width * Mathf.Cos(theta + adjAngle) + origin.Value.x, width * Mathf.Sin(theta + adjAngle) + origin.Value.y, a.Value.z, VERT_SpokePerimeterTop);
 			c = new TVector3(c.Value.x * scale, c.Value.y * scale, c.Value.z, c.Tag);
			t.a = a;
			t.b = b;
			t.c = c;
			t.Tag = Tag;
			t.SortOrder = _triOrder;
			_triOrder += 2;
			tris.Add (t);

			theta += adjAngle;
			//If next to last tooth then set theta = 0 (for full circle...);
			if (i == (_qtyTeeth * 2 - 1)) {
				theta = 0;	

		return tris.ToArray ();
		/// <summary>
		/// Rasterizes several triangles at once.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tris">An array of triangles.</param>
		/// <param name="triOffset">An offset into the array.</param>
		/// <param name="triCount">The number of triangles to rasterize, starting from the offset.</param>
		public void RasterizeTriangles(Triangle3[] tris, int triOffset, int triCount)
			RasterizeTriangles(tris, triOffset, triCount, Area.Default);
Example #51
		/// <summary>
		/// Create instance from specified triangles in array of tris from tris[triOffset] to tris[triOffset+triCount] with specified area.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tris">An array of triangles.</param>
		/// <param name="triOffset">Tri offset.</param>
		/// <param name="triCount">Tri count.</param>
		/// <param name="area">Area of Triangle.</param>
		/// <returns>A new AreaIdGenerator.</returns>
		public static AreaGenerator From(Triangle3[] tris, int triOffset, int triCount, Area area)
			return new AreaGenerator(TriangleEnumerable.FromTriangle(tris, triOffset, triCount), triCount, area);
		/// <summary>
		/// Rasterizes several triangles at once.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tris">An array of triangles.</param>
		/// <param name="area">The area flags for all of the triangles.</param>
		public void RasterizeTriangles(Triangle3[] tris, Area area)
			RasterizeTriangles(tris, 0, tris.Length, area);
Example #53
		/// <summary>
		/// Create instance from every specified triangles in array of tris with specified area.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tris">An array of triangles.</param>
		/// <param name="area">Area of Triangle.</param>
		/// <returns>A new AreaIdGenerator.</returns>
		public static AreaGenerator From(Triangle3[] tris, Area area)
			return new AreaGenerator(TriangleEnumerable.FromTriangle(tris, 0, tris.Length), tris.Length, area);
Example #54
	Triangle3[] GetStraightSpokes (string TagTop1,string TagTop2, string TagBottom1, string TagBottom2)
		TVector3 origin1 = new TVector3(0,0, ((-_spokeIndent/2)), GearRenderer.VERT_origin);
        TVector3 origin2 = new TVector3(0, 0, ((-_height + _spokeIndent / 2)), GearRenderer.VERT_origin);
        System.Collections.Generic.List<Triangle3> tris = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Triangle3>();
        Triangle3[] p1tris = GetStraightSpokePlane(origin1.Copy(), (+_spokeIndent / 2), TagTop1, TagTop2);
        Triangle3[] p2tris = GetStraightSpokePlane(origin2.Copy(), (-_spokeIndent / 2), TagBottom1, TagBottom2);
        Triangle3 trinew;

        for (int i = 0; i < p1tris.Length; i++)  //Works since both arrays are same len.
            var tri1 = p1tris[i].Copy();
            var tri2 = p2tris[i].Copy();
            trinew = new Triangle3();
            trinew.a = tri1.a;
            trinew.b = tri1.b;
            trinew.c = tri1.c;
            trinew.Tag = tri1.Tag;
			trinew.SortOrder = _triOrder;
			_triOrder += 2;

            trinew = new Triangle3();
            trinew.a = tri2.c;
            trinew.b = tri2.b;
            trinew.c = tri2.a;
            trinew.Tag = tri2.Tag;
			trinew.SortOrder = _triOrder + 1;
            trinew.Complement = tri1;


		if(_hubRadius != 0){
        	Triangle3[] p3tris = GetHubPlane(origin1.Copy(), (+_hubHeight / 2.0f), TRI_HubTop);
        	Triangle3[] p4tris = GetHubPlane(origin2.Copy(), (-_hubHeight / 2.0f), TRI_HubBottom);
	        for (int i = 0; i < p3tris.Length; i++)  //Works since both arrays are same len.
	            var tri1 = p3tris[i].Copy();
	            var tri2 = p4tris[i].Copy();
	            trinew = new Triangle3();
	            trinew.a = tri1.a;
	            trinew.b = tri1.b;
	            trinew.c = tri1.c;
	            trinew.Tag = tri1.Tag;
				trinew.SortOrder = _triOrder;
				_triOrder += 2;
	            trinew = new Triangle3();
	            trinew.a = tri2.c;
	            trinew.b = tri2.b;
	            trinew.c = tri2.a;
	            trinew.Tag = tri2.Tag;
	            trinew.Complement = tri1;
				trinew.SortOrder = _triOrder + 1;
        return tris.ToArray();
Example #55
	private Triangle3[] BuildOppositePlane (Triangle3[] tris, string[] TriTags, string Tag, float scaleFactor, float rotation)
        float scale = 0.0f;
		float rot = rotation;
		System.Collections.Generic.List<Triangle3> ret = new List<Triangle3> ();
		var ScaleIgnoreList = new string[]{VERT_origin, VERT_InnerRingBorderTop, VERT_HubPerimeterTop, VERT_HubPerimeterBottom};
		//Build other plane for extrusion...  (Unwinding back to forwards)
		for (int j = tris.Length-1; j >= 0; j--) {
            var tri = tris[j].Copy();
            var triOrig = tri.Copy();
				var a = tri.a.Copy().Value;
                var b = tri.b.Copy().Value;
                var c = tri.c.Copy().Value;
				string aTag = tri.a.Tag;
				string bTag = tri.b.Tag;
				string cTag = tri.c.Tag;
				if (! TagContains(triOrig.c.Tag, ScaleIgnoreList)){
                    scale = scaleFactor;
					scale = 1.0f;
				tri.a = new TVector3(c.x*scale, c.y*scale, c.z - _height, cTag);
                tri.a = RotatePoint(rot, tri.a);
				if (! TagContains(triOrig.b.Tag, ScaleIgnoreList)){
                    scale = scaleFactor;;
					scale = 1.0f;
                tri.b = new TVector3(b.x * scale, b.y * scale, b.z - _height, bTag);
                tri.b = RotatePoint(rot, tri.b);
				if (! TagContains(triOrig.a.Tag, ScaleIgnoreList)){
                    scale = scaleFactor;
					scale = 1.0f;
                tri.c = new TVector3(a.x * scale, a.y * scale, a.z - _height, aTag);
                tri.c = RotatePoint(rot, tri.c);
                tri.Tag = Tag;
				tri.SortOrder = triOrig.SortOrder + 1;
                tri.Complement = triOrig;

		return ret.ToArray();
Example #56
	private Triangle3[] StitchEdges(Triangle3[] tris, string TopTriTag, string BottomTriTag, string StitchTopVertName1, string StitchTopVertName2, string StitchBottomVertName1, string StitchBottomVertName2, string TopTag, string BottomTag)
        System.Collections.Generic.List<Triangle3> ret = new List<Triangle3>();
		foreach (var item in tris)
			ret.AddRange(StitchEdge(item, TopTriTag, BottomTriTag, StitchTopVertName1, StitchTopVertName2, StitchBottomVertName1, StitchBottomVertName2,TopTag, BottomTag));
		return ret.ToArray();
		/// <summary>
		/// Rasterizes several triangles at once with per-triangle area flags.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tris">An array of triangles.</param>
		/// <param name="areas">An array of area flags, one for each triangle.</param>
		public void RasterizeTrianglesWithAreas(Triangle3[] tris, Area[] areas)
			RasterizeTrianglesWithAreas(tris, 0, tris.Length, areas);