private static void Process() { var stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); var index = 1; var batchIndex = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { if (index == 1) { stopwatch.Start(); } // var key = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(SmsContent + i, "MD5"); var key = i.ToString() + "ssss"; if (!TreeProperty.ContainsKey(key)) { try { TreeProperty[key] = i; TreeProperty.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { TreeProperty.Shutdown(); _treeProperty = null; var keyFile = Path.Combine(TreeDataDir, TreeFileName); if (File.Exists(keyFile)) { File.Delete(keyFile); Console.WriteLine("Delete The Bad Key File Done!"); } TreeProperty[key] = i; TreeProperty.Commit(); } } else { Console.WriteLine("ContainsKey:" + key); } index++; if (index == StatCount) { stopwatch.Stop(); var spendSeconds = stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; var speed = StatCount / spendSeconds; Console.WriteLine(batchIndex + ".Speed:" + speed.ToString("0.00") + "/s"); stopwatch.Reset(); index = 1; batchIndex++; } } TreeProperty.Shutdown(); Console.WriteLine("Done!"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void Remove <K>(K key) { if (key is int || key is short || key is uint || key is ushort || key is long || key is ulong) { TreeProperty.RemoveKey(key.ToString()); } else { HBplusTree.RemoveKey(DataSerializer.SerializerBase64(key)); } }
public ExtendTreeProperty(TreeProperty treeProperty) { base.Age = treeProperty.Age; base.CrownDiametrNs = treeProperty.CrownDiametrNs; base.CrownDiametrWe = treeProperty.CrownDiametrWe; base.CrownLength = treeProperty.CrownLength; base.DiametrNs = treeProperty.DiametrNs; base.DiametrWe = treeProperty.DiametrWe; base.IdTaxationYearsNavigation = treeProperty.IdTaxationYearsNavigation; base.IdTreeNavigation = treeProperty.IdTreeNavigation; Year = treeProperty.IdTaxationYearsNavigation.Year; }
public ActionResult AddType(FormCollection collection) { var dataString = collection[0].ToString(); DictionaryTree dt = new DictionaryTree(); TreeProperty treeProperty = JsonHelper.JsonDeserialize <TreeProperty>(dataString); dt.dt_id =; dt.is_leaf = treeProperty.type; =; dt.parent_id =; if ( != "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111") { dt.parent_name = this.StoreService.GetTreeName(; } this.StoreService.InsertDictionaryTree(dt); //var list = this.StoreService.GetDictionaryTreeList(null); return(View()); }
private static ICollection <Tree> GetListTree(Range range) { List <Tree> trees = new List <Tree>(); int raw = 19; while (!((range.Cells[raw, 1] as Range).Value2 is null)) { using (var context = new ConstantTrialPlotsContext()) { var tree = new Tree() { IdPlot = TrialPlot.Id, Number = (int)(range.Cells[raw, 1] as Range).Value2, X = (double)(range.Cells[raw, 2] as Range).Value2, Y = (double)(range.Cells[raw, 3] as Range).Value2, IdBreed = context.Breed.ToList().FirstOrDefault(e => e.Cipher == (range.Cells[raw, 4] as Range).Value2).Id, }; context.Tree.Add(tree); context.SaveChanges(); var property = new TreeProperty { Age = (int)(range.Cells[raw, 6] as Range).Value2, DiametrNs = (double)(range.Cells[raw, 7] as Range).Value2, DiametrWe = (double)(range.Cells[raw, 9] as Range).Value2, Height = (double)(range.Cells[raw, 10] as Range).Value2, CrownDiametrNs = (range.Cells[raw, 11] as Range).Value2 as double?, CrownDiametrWe = (range.Cells[raw, 12] as Range).Value2 as double?, CrownLength = (range.Cells[raw, 14] as Range).Value2 as double?, IdCraft = context.СraftСategory.ToList().FirstOrDefault(c => c.Chipher == ArabToRim((int?)(range.Cells[raw, 15] as Range).Value2)).Id, IdSuitability = context.TechnicalSuitability.ToList().FirstOrDefault(t => t.Chipher == (string)(range.Cells[raw, 16] as Range).Value2).Id, IdTaxationYears = TaxationYear.Id, IdTree = tree.Id }; context.TreeProperty.Add(property); context.SaveChanges(); } raw++; } return(trees); }
set => SetValue(TreeProperty, value);
private void PopulateTreeTest() { this.Tree.Items.Clear(); TreeProperty root = new TreeProperty("root", "Template", "Template"); TreeProperty c1 = new TreeProperty("c1", "Concept1", "Concept"); c1.Items.Add(new TreeProperty("cl1", "Clause1", "Clause")); c1.Items.Add(new TreeProperty("cl2", "Clause2", "Clause")); c1.Items.Add(new TreeProperty("cl3", "Clause3", "Clause")); root.Items.Add(c1); TreeProperty c2 = new TreeProperty("c2", "Concept2", "Concept"); c2.Items.Add(new TreeProperty("cl1", "Clause1", "Clause")); c2.Items.Add(new TreeProperty("cl2", "Clause2", "Clause")); c2.Items.Add(new TreeProperty("cl3", "Clause3", "Clause")); root.Items.Add(c2); this.Tree.Items.Add(root); }
public void TreeSelect(TreeProperty tree, string id, string proptype) { // Check root if (tree.Type == proptype && (tree.Id == id)) { tree.IsSelected = true; return; } //Step through the tree and select the matching node foreach (TreeProperty item in tree.Items) { if (item.Type == proptype && (item.Id == id)) { item.IsSelected = true; return; } else { if (item.Items.Count > 0) { this.TreeSelect((TreeProperty)item, id, proptype); } } } }
public void PopulateTree() { Globals.ThisAddIn.ProcessingUpdate("Populate Tree"); try { this.Tree.Items.Clear(); if (this.Id == null) this.Id = Globals.ThisAddIn.GetCurrentDocId(); string name = ""; string xml = ""; if (this.Id != "") { string doctype = ""; if (Globals.ThisAddIn.isTemplate(this.Doc)) { this.IsTemplate = true; doctype = "Template"; this.GetTemplateDetails(); if (this.DTTemplate.Rows.Count > 0) { name = this.DTTemplate.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Sorry - can't find the Template"); return; } //Show the Template and The Template Clause tabs this.tabItemTemplate.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; this.tabItemTemplate.IsSelected = true; this.tabItemTClause.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; //Hide the Clause tab this.tabItemClause.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; //Hide the Element Add and Element Delete buttons this.btnElementAdd.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden; this.btnElementDelete.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden; //Populate the Template Properties if (this.DTTemplate.DefaultView.Count > 0) { Utility.UpdateForm(new Grid[] { formGridTemplate }, ((DataRowView)this.DTTemplate.DefaultView[0]).Row); Utility.ReadOnlyForm(false, new Grid[] { formGridTemplate }); this.btnSave.IsEnabled = false; this.btnCancel.IsEnabled = false; } } else { this.IsTemplate = false; doctype = "Clause"; this.CurrentClauseId = this.Id; this.GetClauseDetails(); if (this.DTClause.Rows.Count > 0) { name = this.DTClause.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Sorry - can't find the Clause"); return; } this.CurrentConceptId = this.DTClause.Rows[0]["Concept__r_Id"].ToString(); //Hide the Template Tab this.tabItemTemplate.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; this.tabItemTClause.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; //Show the Clause tab this.tabItemClause.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; this.tabItemClause.IsSelected = true; //Show the Element Add and Element Delete buttons this.btnElementAdd.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; this.btnElementDelete.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; //Populate the Clause Properties Utility.UpdateForm(new Grid[] { formGridClause }, ((DataRowView)this.DTClause.DefaultView[0]).Row); Utility.ReadOnlyForm(false, new Grid[] { formGridClause }); btnSave.IsEnabled = false; btnCancel.IsEnabled = false; } TreeProperty treeContract = new TreeProperty(this.Id, name, doctype); TreeProperty treeItem = null; if (this.IsTemplate) { // Get the concepts from the document so the order is correct Globals.ThisAddIn.ProcessingUpdate("Get Concept Order"); string conceptorder = Globals.ThisAddIn.GetConceptOrder(this.Doc); // Get all the clauses xml = ""; this.GetAllClauses(); // Generate a list of the ClauseIds so we can get all the elemets at once short term solution to cut down on the API calls // [written after - wonder what the long term solution was!] // TODO - build some clean up in here if the concept doesn't appear in the doc we should delete it from the database List<string> clauseids = new List<string>(); foreach (DataRow r in this.DTClause.Rows) { if (!clauseids.Contains(r["Clause__r_Id"].ToString())) clauseids.Add(r["Clause__r_Id"].ToString()); } string clausefilter = ""; foreach (string c in clauseids) { if (clausefilter == "") { clausefilter = "('" + c + "'"; } else { clausefilter += ",'" + c + "'"; } } if (clausefilter != "") clausefilter += ")"; //Get all the elements this.GetAllElements(clausefilter); //Step through in the right order and display tree if (conceptorder != "") { string[] cotags = conceptorder.Split(','); foreach (string cotag in cotags) { string[] conceptdetails = cotag.Split('|'); // format is Concept|ConceptId|ClauseId|LastModified - last 2 may not be there string concept = conceptdetails[1]; //Populate all the Concepts and Clauses DataView dv = new DataView(this.DTClause); dv.RowFilter = "Clause__r_Concept__r_Id='" + concept + "'"; dv.Sort = "Order__c"; string conceptname = ""; string conceptid = ""; if (dv.Count > 0) { conceptname = dv[0]["Clause__r_Concept__r_Name"].ToString(); conceptid = dv[0]["Clause__r_Concept__r_Id"].ToString(); treeItem = new TreeProperty(conceptid, conceptname, "Concept"); } else { //Concept must have been removed. Globals.ThisAddIn.RemoveConcept(this.Doc, concept); } foreach (DataRowView r in dv) { if (Convert.ToString(r["Clause__r_Concept__r_Id"]) != conceptid) { //Push the old one treeContract.Items.Add(treeItem); //Create the new one conceptid = Convert.ToString(r["Clause__r_Concept__r_Id"]); conceptname = r["Clause__r_Concept__r_Name"].ToString(); treeItem = new TreeProperty(conceptid, conceptname, "Concept"); } // Get the XML for this clause // ok trying to do this IF the clause in the template matches the clause // then just use the XML in the content control so we don't have to go get it // TODO this does as intended but still has to hit the db if the clause isn't the one selected // can we stash the xml of the other choices in a hidden bit of the doc? string clauseid = Convert.ToString(r["Clause__r_Id"]); string lastmodified = Convert.ToString(r["Clause__r_LastModifiedDate"]); lastmodified = lastmodified.Substring(0, 16); xml = ""; bool selectedclause = false; if (conceptorder != "") { cotags = conceptorder.Split(','); foreach (string cotag1 in cotags) { conceptdetails = cotag1.Split('|'); if (conceptdetails.Length > 3) { // add a special case for Import - if the tag says 4 zeros then its the uptodate version if (conceptdetails[2] == clauseid && (lastmodified == conceptdetails[3] || conceptdetails[3] == "0000")) { selectedclause = true; } } } } // take the answer from the database if the selection and lastchanged match and we aren't being told to // (refresh button sets the ForceRefresh flag) if (selectedclause && (!this.ForceRereshClauseXML)) { Globals.ThisAddIn.ProcessingUpdate("Take XML from Doc"); // get the xml from the doc xml = Globals.ThisAddIn.GetTemplateClauseXML(this.Doc, conceptid); this.AddClauseXML(clauseid, xml); } if (xml == "") { Globals.ThisAddIn.ProcessingUpdate("Get the Clause Template File from SF for:" + r["Clause__r_Name"].ToString()); xml = this.GetClauseXML(clauseid); } // --------------------- // Globals.ThisAddIn.ProcessingUpdate("Get the Clause Template File from SF for:" + r["Clause__r_Name"].ToString()); // xml = this.GetClauseXML(clauseid); TreeProperty tpClause = new TreeProperty(Convert.ToString(r["Clause__r_Id"]), r["Clause__r_Name"].ToString(), "Clause"); //Add in the elements for this clause - filter the full list for this clause DataRow[] elements = this.DTElement.Select("Clause__r_Id='" + Convert.ToString(r["Clause__r_Id"]) + "'"); if (elements.Length > 0) { Globals.ThisAddIn.ProcessingUpdate("Get the Elements for:" + r["Clause__r_Name"].ToString()); foreach (DataRow er in elements) { tpClause.Items.Add(new TreeProperty(Convert.ToString(er["Element__r_Id"]), er["Element__r_Name"].ToString(), "Element")); } } treeItem.Items.Add(tpClause); } if (dv.Count > 0) treeContract.Items.Add(treeItem); } } } else { this.GetElements(this.Id); //Add in the elements for this clause if (this.DTElement.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow er in this.DTElement.Rows) { treeContract.Items.Add(new TreeProperty(Convert.ToString(er["Element__r_Id"]), er["Element__r_Name"].ToString(), "Element")); } } } this.Tree.ExpandAll(); this.Tree.Items.Add(treeContract); // if this is a clause then select the clause node if (!this.IsTemplate) { this.SelectClause(this.Id); } } } catch (Exception e) { string errormessage = "Sorry there has been an error - " + e.Message; if (e.InnerException != null) errormessage += " " + e.InnerException.Message; MessageBox.Show(errormessage); // Globals.ThisAddIn.ProcessingStop("Finished"); } }