protected override void ComposeTree(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element("editor-container", body: () => { composer.Element("editor", capture: element => this.editorElement = element); }); }
public static void Row(TreeComposer composer, Action left = null, Action right = null) { composer.Element("actions-row", body: () => { composer.Element("left-actions", body: left); composer.Element("right-actions", body: right); }); }
protected override void ComposeTree(TreeComposer composer) { if (!this.IsVisible) { return; } composer.Element( name: "graphics-display", attributes: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "tabindex", "0" }, // required to receive focus }, styles: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "cursor", this.IsMouseVisible ? "initial" : "none" } }, body: () => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Title)) { composer.Element( name: "title", body: () => composer.Text(this.Title)); } composer.Element( name: "svg", capture: element => this.RenderArea = element, attributes: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "height", "100%" }, { "width", "100%" }, }, events: new TreeComposer.Events { OnMouseDown = args => GraphicsDisplayStore.NotifyMouseDown(args.ClientX, args.ClientY, GetMouseButton(args.Button)), OnMouseUp = args => GraphicsDisplayStore.NotifyMouseUp(args.ClientX, args.ClientY, GetMouseButton(args.Button)), OnMouseMove = args => GraphicsDisplayStore.NotifyMouseMove(args.ClientX, args.ClientY), }, body: () => { if (!this.Libraries.IsDefault()) { this.Libraries.ImageList.EmbedImages(composer); this.Libraries.GraphicsWindow.ComposeTree(composer); this.Libraries.Shapes.ComposeTree(composer); this.Libraries.Turtle.ComposeTree(composer); } }); if (!this.Libraries.IsDefault()) { this.Libraries.Controls.ComposeTree(composer); } }); }
public static void DisabledAction(TreeComposer composer, string name, string title, string message) { composer.Element("disabled-action-container", body: () => { composer.Element("action", body: () => { composer.Element("icon-" + name); composer.Text(title); }); composer.Element("disabled-message", body: () => composer.Text(message)); }); }
public static void Action(TreeComposer composer, string name, string title, Func <Task> onClick) { composer.Element( name: "action", events: new TreeComposer.Events { OnClickAsync = args => onClick() }, body: () => { composer.Element("icon-" + name); composer.Text(title); }); }
protected override void ComposeBody(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element("run-page", body: () => { EngineDisplay.Inject(composer, this.engine); }); }
internal void EmbedImages(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element(name: "defs", body: () => { foreach (var pair in this.images) { composer.Element("image", attributes: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "id", pair.Key }, { "width", pair.Value.Width.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }, { "height", pair.Value.Height.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }, { "href", $"data:image/image;base64,{pair.Value.Base64Contents}" } }); } }); }
public override void ComposeTree(TreeComposer composer) { var attributes = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "x", this.X.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }, { "y", this.Y.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }, { "dy", this.Styles.FontSize.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) } }; if (this.Width.HasValue) { attributes.Add("textLength", this.Width.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); } composer.Element( name: "text", styles: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "fill", this.Styles.BrushColor }, { "font-weight", this.Styles.FontBold ? "bold" : "normal" }, { "font-style", this.Styles.FontItalic ? "italic" : "normal" }, { "font-family", $@"""{this.Styles.FontName}""" }, { "font-size", $"{this.Styles.FontSize}px" }, { "pointer-events", "none" } }, attributes: attributes, body: () => composer.Text(this.Text)); }
public static void FontAwesome(TreeComposer composer, string iconName) { composer.Element(name: "font-awesome-icon", attributes: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "class", $"fas fa-{iconName}" } }); }
protected override void ComposeTree(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element( name: "text-display", capture: element => this.textDisplayRef = element, styles: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "background-color", this.backgroundColor } }, attributes: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "tabindex", "0" }, // required to receive focus }, events: new TreeComposer.Events { OnKeyDownAsync = args => this.AcceptInput(args.Key) }, body: () => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Title)) { composer.Element( name: "title", body: () => composer.Text(this.Title)); } foreach (var chunk in this.outputChunks) { composer.Element( name: "span", body: () => composer.Text(chunk.Text), styles: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "color", chunk.HexColor } }); if (chunk.AppendNewLine) { composer.Element("br"); } } composer.Element("input-field", capture: element => this.inputFieldRef = element, body: () => { if (this.mode != AcceptedInputMode.None) { composer.Element("span", body: () => composer.Text(this.inputBuffer)); composer.Element(name: "span", body: () => { composer.Element("cursor", body: () => { composer.Markup("█"); }); }); } }); }); }
protected override void ComposeBody(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element("edit-page", body: () => { LibraryExplorer.Inject(composer); composer.Element("main-space", body: () => { composer.Element("editor-space", body: () => { MonacoEditor.Inject(composer, isReadOnly: false); }); ErrorsSpace.Inject(composer); }); }); }
protected override void ComposeBody(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element("debug-page", body: () => { MemoryExplorer.Inject(composer, this.engine); composer.Element("main-space", body: () => { composer.Element("editor-space", body: () => { MonacoEditor.Inject(composer, isReadOnly: true); }); EngineDisplay.Inject(composer, this.engine); }); }); }
private void ComposeHeader(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element("header-area", body: () => { composer.Element( name: "logo-area", events: new TreeComposer.Events { OnClick = args => this.isExpanded = !this.isExpanded }, body: () => { composer.Element("logo"); }); composer.Element("empty-scroll-area"); if (this.isExpanded) { composer.Element("title-area", body: () => composer.Text(EditorResources.MemoryExplorer_Title)); composer.Element( name: "minimize-button", events: new TreeComposer.Events { OnClick = args => this.isExpanded = false }, body: () => { composer.Element("angle-left"); }); } }); }
public override void ComposeTree(ControlsLibrary library, TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element( name: "button", body: () => composer.Text(this.Caption), events: new TreeComposer.Events { OnClick = args => library.NotifyButtonClicked(this.Name) }, styles: this.Styles); }
public override void ComposeTree(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element( name: "image", attributes: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "href", $"Turtle.svg" }, /* width and height attributes required on Firefox */ { "width", Width.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }, { "height", Height.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) } }); }
public override void ComposeTree(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element( name: "image", attributes: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "href", this.Name }, { "x", this.X.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }, { "y", this.Y.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }, { "transform", $"scale({this.ScaleX}, {this.ScaleY})" } }); }
protected override void ComposeTree(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element("memory-explorer", body: () => { composer.Element( name: this.isExpanded ? "content-area-expanded" : "content-area-contracted", body: () => { this.ComposeHeader(composer); composer.Element("member-area", body: () => { if (this.isExpanded) { this.ComposeVariables(composer); this.ComposeCallStack(composer); } }); }); }); }
protected override void ComposeTree(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element("library-explorer", body: () => { composer.Element("navigation-area", body: () => { composer.Element( name: "logo-area", events: new TreeComposer.Events { OnClick = args => { if (this.selectedLibrary.IsDefault()) { this.selectedLibrary = Libraries.Types.Values.First(); } else { this.selectedLibrary = default; } } },
private void ComposeOnlyIfNotRunning(TreeComposer composer, bool showEvenIfTerminated, Action body) { switch (this.Engine.State) { case ExecutionState.BlockedOnNumberInput: case ExecutionState.BlockedOnStringInput: case ExecutionState.Paused: { body(); break; } case ExecutionState.Running: { composer.Element("running-block", body: () => { composer.Element("icon-container", body: () => composer.Element("program-running-icon")); composer.Element("text-container", body: () => composer.Text(EditorResources.MemoryExplorer_ProgramRunning)); }); break; } case ExecutionState.Terminated: { if (showEvenIfTerminated) { body(); } else { composer.Element("running-block", body: () => { composer.Element("icon-container", body: () => composer.Element("program-ended-icon")); composer.Element("text-container", body: () => composer.Text(EditorResources.MemoryExplorer_ProgramEnded)); }); } break; } default: { throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(this.Engine.State); } } }
public override void ComposeTree(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element( name: "polygon", styles: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "fill", this.Styles.BrushColor }, { "stroke", this.Styles.PenColor }, { "stroke-width", $"{this.Styles.PenWidth}px" }, }, attributes: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "points", string.Join(",", this.X1, this.Y1, this.X2, this.Y2, this.X3, this.Y3) } }); }
private Action AttachTranslation(Action body, TreeComposer composer) { if (this.TranslateX == 0 && this.TranslateY == 0 && !this.TranslationAnimation.HasValue) { return(body); } return(() => { composer.Element( name: "g", attributes: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "transform", this.TranslationAnimation.HasValue ? string.Empty : $"translate({this.TranslateX}, {this.TranslateY})" }, }, styles: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "transform-origin", "0 0" }, { "transform-box", "view-box" }, }, body: () => { if (this.TranslationAnimation.HasValue) { (decimal x, decimal y, decimal duration, double start) = this.TranslationAnimation.Value; composer.Element( name: "animateTransform", attributes: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "attributeName", "transform" }, { "type", "translate" }, { "from", $"{this.TranslateX} {this.TranslateY}" }, { "to", $"{x} {y}" }, { "begin", $"{start}s" }, { "dur", $"{duration / 1000}s" }, { "fill", "freeze" }, { "additive", "sum" }, }); } body(); }); }); }
private Action AttachRotation(Action body, TreeComposer composer) { if (this.Angle == 0 && !this.AngleAnimation.HasValue) { return(body); } return(() => { composer.Element( name: "g", attributes: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "transform", this.AngleAnimation.HasValue ? string.Empty : $"rotate({this.Angle}, {this.Width / 2}, {this.Height / 2})" }, }, styles: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "transform-origin", "center center" }, { "transform-box", "fill-box" }, }, body: () => { if (this.AngleAnimation.HasValue) { (decimal angle, decimal duration, double start) = this.AngleAnimation.Value; composer.Element( name: "animateTransform", attributes: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "attributeName", "transform" }, { "type", "rotate" }, { "from", this.Angle.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }, { "to", angle.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }, { "begin", $"{start}s" }, { "dur", $"{duration / 1000}s" }, { "fill", "freeze" }, { "additive", "sum" }, }); } body(); }); }); }
private Action AttachOpacity(Action body, TreeComposer composer) { if (this.Opacity == 100) { return(body); } return(() => { composer.Element( name: "g", attributes: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "opacity", (this.Opacity / 100).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }, }, body: body); }); }
private Action AttachScale(Action body, TreeComposer composer) { return(() => { composer.Element( name: "g", attributes: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "transform", $"scale({this.ScaleX}, {this.ScaleY})" }, }, styles: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "transform-origin", "center center" }, { "transform-box", "fill-box" } }, body: body); }); }
private Action AttachScale(Action body, TreeComposer composer) { if (this.ScaleX == 1 && this.ScaleY == 1) { return(body); } return(() => { composer.Element( name: "g", attributes: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "transform", $"scale({this.ScaleX}, {this.ScaleY})" }, }, body: body); }); }
public override void ComposeTree(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element( name: "ellipse", styles: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "fill", this.Styles.BrushColor }, { "stroke", this.Styles.PenColor }, { "stroke-width", $"{this.Styles.PenWidth}px" }, }, attributes: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "cx", (this.X - (this.Width / 2)).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }, { "cy", (this.Y - (this.Height / 2)).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }, { "rx", (this.Width / 2).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }, { "ry", (this.Height / 2).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }, }); }
public override void ComposeTree(ControlsLibrary library, TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element( name: "textarea", styles: this.Styles, events: new TreeComposer.Events { OnInput = args => { this.Text = args.Value.ToString(); library.NotifyTextTyped(this.Name); } }, attributes: new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "value", this.Text }, }); }
public override void ComposeTree(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element( name: "rect", styles: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "fill", this.Styles.BrushColor }, { "stroke", this.Styles.PenColor }, { "stroke-width", $"{this.Styles.PenWidth}px" }, }, attributes: new Dictionary <string, string> { { "x", this.X.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }, { "y", this.Y.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }, { "width", this.Width.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }, { "height", this.Height.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) }, }); }
protected sealed override void ComposeTree(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element("main-layout", body: () => { composer.Element("header-row", body: () => { composer.Element("logo-area", body: () => { composer.Element( name: "logo", events: new TreeComposer.Events { OnClickAsync = args => OpenExtrernalLink("") }); }); composer.Element("header-links", body: () => { foreach (var pair in HeaderLinks) { composer.Element( name: "header-link", events: new TreeComposer.Events { OnClickAsync = args => OpenExtrernalLink(pair.Value) }, body: () => { composer.Text(pair.Key); }); } }); }); Actions.Row(composer, left: () => this.ComposeLeftActions(composer), right: () => this.ComposeRightActions(composer)); composer.Element("page-contents", body: () => { this.ComposeBody(composer); }); }); }
protected override void ComposeTree(TreeComposer composer) { composer.Element( name: "engine-display", attributes: new Dictionary <string, string> { // Important to prevent the right-click menu { "oncontextmenu", "return false;" } }, body: () => { if (CompilationStore.Compilation.Analysis.UsesTextWindow) { TextDisplay.Inject(composer); } if (CompilationStore.Compilation.Analysis.UsesGraphicsWindow) { GraphicsDisplay.Inject(composer, this.Engine.Libraries); } }); }