public bool HasSameNameCatalogChild(string parentId, string name) { return(DbHelper.FirstOrDefault(this._catalogType, this._dbAccount, x => { TreeCatalog TreeCatalog = (TreeCatalog)x; return TreeCatalog.ParentId == parentId && TreeCatalog.Name == name && TreeCatalog.PrevId != TreeCatalog.ParentId; }) != null); }
public TreeCatalog CreateRootAndSaveToDb(string entityId) { TreeCatalog TreeCatalog = EntityHelper.Create(this._catalogType, this._dbAccount) as TreeCatalog; TreeCatalog.Name = "Root!@#$Catalog$%&Header*&()"; TreeCatalog.EntityId = entityId; this.SaveNodeToDb(TreeCatalog); return(TreeCatalog); }
public IActionResult RenderTrees(TreeCatalog model) { ITreeCatalogResponsitory tree = new TreeCatalogResponsitory(_context); var Trees = tree.GetTreeCatalogs().Select(x => new { name = x.Name, scientificName = x.ScientificName, description = x.Description, id = x.Id, url = x.Url }); return(Ok(Trees)); }
public async Task AddAsync(TreeBindingModel newTreeCatalog) { var item = _ProjectContext.TreeCatalog.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ScientificName == newTreeCatalog.ScientificName); if (item == null) { TreeCatalog tree = new TreeCatalog { Name = newTreeCatalog.TreeName, ScientificName = newTreeCatalog.ScientificName, Url = newTreeCatalog.Url }; _ProjectContext.TreeCatalog.Add(tree); await _ProjectContext.SaveChangesAsync(); } }
private async void LoadOffersView() { var OfferList = Joyces.Platform.AppContext.Instance.Platform.OfferList; if (OfferList != null) { ViewPager viewPager = FindViewById <ViewPager>(Resource.Id.viewpager); TreeCatalog treeCatalog = new TreeCatalog(); viewPager.Adapter = new TreePagerAdapter(this, treeCatalog, OfferList, this); } else { progress.Show(); //Alert(Lang.MESSAGE_HEADLINE, Lang.SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE, Lang.BUTTON_OK); } }
private TreeNode ReadRootFromDb() { var nds = DbHelper.Fetch <TreeNode>(this._catalogType, this._dbAccount, (TreeNode x) => { TreeCatalog TreeCatalog = (TreeCatalog)x; return(TreeCatalog.Name == "Root!@#$Catalog$%&Header*&()"); }); TreeNode result = null; int cnt = nds.xCount(); if (cnt == 1) { result = nds[0]; } else if (cnt > 1) { result = this.FixExtraRoot(nds); } return(result); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); // Set our view from the "main" layout resource SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Main); // Locate the ViewPager: ViewPager viewPager = FindViewById <ViewPager>(Resource.Id.viewpager); LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater)GetSystemService(LayoutInflaterService); // Instantiate the tree catalog: treeCatalog = new TreeCatalog(); string dbPath_Photo = System.IO.Path.Combine(Android.OS.Environment.GetExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Android.OS.Environment.DirectoryDcim).ToString(), "App4_Photo.db"); //var db_Photo = new SQLiteConnection(dbPath_Photo); using (var db_Photo = new SQLiteConnection(dbPath_Photo)) { db_Photo.CreateTable <Photo>(); var table_Photo = db_Photo.Table <Photo>(); foreach (var s in table_Photo) { ListItems.PhotoPathList.Add(s.Path_Photo); } } // ここでFileStreamオブジェクトのDisposeメソッドが呼び出される // Set up the adapter for the ViewPager\ viewPager.Adapter = new TreePagerAdapter(this, treeCatalog); }
public HolePagerAdapter(Context context, TreeCatalog treeCatalog) { this.context = context; this.treeCatalog = treeCatalog; }