/// <summary>
        /// Applies trauma damage to the body part, checks if it has enough protective armor to cancel the trauma damage
        /// </summary>
        public void ApplyTraumaDamage(TraumaticDamageTypes damageType = TraumaticDamageTypes.SLASH, bool ignoreSeverityCheck = false)
            if (Severity < DamageSeverity.Bad && ignoreSeverityCheck == false)
            //We use dismember protection chance because it's the most logical value.
            if (DMMath.Prob(SelfArmor.DismembermentProtectionChance) == false)
                if (damageType == TraumaticDamageTypes.SLASH)
                    currentSlashDamageLevel += 1;
                if (damageType == TraumaticDamageTypes.PIERCE)
                    currentPierceDamageLevel += 1;
            //Burn and blunt damage checks for it's own armor damage type.
            if (damageType == TraumaticDamageTypes.BURN)

            if (damageType == TraumaticDamageTypes.BLUNT && DMMath.Prob(SelfArmor.Melee * 100) == false)
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies trauma damage to the body part, checks if it has enough protective armor to cancel the trauma damage
        /// and automatically checks how big is the body part's cut size.
        /// </summary>
        public void ApplyTraumaDamage(float tramuaDamage, TraumaticDamageTypes damageType = TraumaticDamageTypes.SLASH)
            //We use dismember protection chance because it's the most logical value.
            if (DMMath.Prob(SelfArmor.DismembermentProtectionChance * 100) == false)
                if (damageType == TraumaticDamageTypes.SLASH)
                    currentSlashCutDamage += MultiplyTraumaDamage(tramuaDamage);
                if (damageType == TraumaticDamageTypes.PIERCE)
                    currentPierceDamage += MultiplyTraumaDamage(tramuaDamage);
            //Burn and blunt damage checks for it's own armor damage type.
            if (damageType == TraumaticDamageTypes.BURN)

            if (damageType == TraumaticDamageTypes.BLUNT)
                if (DMMath.Prob(SelfArmor.Melee * 100) == false)
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies damage to this body part. Damage will be divided among it and sub organs depending on their
        /// armor values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="damagedBy">The player or object that caused the damage. Null if there is none</param>
        /// <param name="damage">Damage amount</param>
        /// <param name="attackType">Type of attack that is causing the damage</param>
        /// <param name="damageType">The type of damage</param>
        /// <param name="organDamageSplit">Should the damage be divided amongst the contained organs or applied to a random one</param>
        public void TakeDamage(GameObject damagedBy, float damage, AttackType attackType, DamageType damageType,
                               bool organDamageSplit     = false, bool DamageSubOrgans = true, float armorPenetration = 0,
                               double traumaDamageChance = 100, TraumaticDamageTypes tramuticDamageType = TraumaticDamageTypes.NONE)
            float damageToLimb = Armor.GetTotalDamage(
                SelfArmor.GetDamage(damage, attackType, armorPenetration),

            AffectDamage(damageToLimb, (int)damageType);

            // May be changed to individual damage
            // May also want it so it can miss sub organs
            if (DamageSubOrgans && containBodyParts.Count > 0)
                DamageOrgans(damage, attackType, damageType, organDamageSplit, armorPenetration);

            if (damage < damageThreshold)
                return;                                    //Do not apply traumas if the damage is not serious.
            if (damageType == DamageType.Brute)            //Check damage type to avoid bugs where you can blow someone's head off with a shoe.
                if (attackType == AttackType.Melee || attackType == AttackType.Laser || attackType == AttackType.Energy)
                    if (tramuticDamageType != TraumaticDamageTypes.NONE && DMMath.Prob(traumaDamageChance))
                        //TODO: move this to an utility, its hard to read! - picks a random enum from the ones already flagged
                        Random random = new Random();
                        TraumaticDamageTypes[] typeToSelectFrom = Enum.GetValues(typeof(TraumaticDamageTypes)).Cast <TraumaticDamageTypes>().Where(x => tramuticDamageType.HasFlag(x)).ToArray();
                        TraumaticDamageTypes   selectedType     = typeToSelectFrom[random.Next(1, typeToSelectFrom.Length)];

            if (attackType == AttackType.Bomb)

            if (damageType == DamageType.Burn || attackType == AttackType.Fire ||
                attackType == AttackType.Laser || attackType == AttackType.Energy)
 public void HealTraumaticDamage(TraumaticDamageTypes damageTypeToHeal)
     if (damageTypeToHeal == TraumaticDamageTypes.BURN)
         currentBurnDamageLevel -= 1;
     if (damageTypeToHeal == TraumaticDamageTypes.SLASH)
         currentSlashDamageLevel -= 1;
     if (damageTypeToHeal == TraumaticDamageTypes.PIERCE)
         currentPierceDamageLevel -= 1;
Example #5
        public void HealTraumaticDamage(float healAmount, TraumaticDamageTypes damageTypeToHeal)
            if (damageTypeToHeal == TraumaticDamageTypes.BURN)
                currentBurnDamage -= healAmount;
            if (damageTypeToHeal == TraumaticDamageTypes.SLASH)
                currentSlashCutDamage -= healAmount;
            if (damageTypeToHeal == TraumaticDamageTypes.PIERCE)
                currentPierceDamage -= healAmount;

 /// <summary>
 /// Applies Trauma damage to a body part.
 /// </summary>
 public void TakeTraumaDamage(float damage, TraumaticDamageTypes damageType)
     foreach (BodyPart limb in ContainsLimbs)
         if (damageType.HasFlag(TraumaticDamageTypes.BURN))
             limb.ApplyTraumaDamage(damage, TraumaticDamageTypes.BURN);
         if (damageType.HasFlag(TraumaticDamageTypes.SLASH))
         if (damageType.HasFlag(TraumaticDamageTypes.PIERCE))
             limb.ApplyTraumaDamage(damage, TraumaticDamageTypes.PIERCE);
 public void HealTraumaDamage(float healAmt, TraumaticDamageTypes typeToHeal)
Example #8
    public void ServerPerformMeleeAttack(GameObject victim, Vector2 attackDirection, BodyPartType damageZone, LayerType layerType)
        if (victim == null)
        if (Cooldowns.IsOnServer(playerScript, CommonCooldowns.Instance.Melee))
        if (playerMove.allowInput == false)
        if (playerScript.IsGhost)
        if (playerScript.playerHealth.serverPlayerConscious == false)

        if (victim.TryGetComponent <InteractableTiles>(out var tiles))
            // validate based on position of target vector
            if (Validations.CanApply(playerScript, victim, NetworkSide.Server, targetVector: attackDirection) == false)
            // validate based on position of target object
            if (Validations.CanApply(playerScript, victim, NetworkSide.Server) == false)

        float                  damage           = fistDamage;
        DamageType             damageType       = DamageType.Brute;
        AddressableAudioSource weaponSound      = meleeSounds.PickRandom();
        GameObject             weapon           = playerScript.playerNetworkActions.GetActiveHandItem();
        ItemAttributesV2       weaponAttributes = weapon == null ? null : weapon.GetComponent <ItemAttributesV2>();

        if (weaponAttributes != null)
            damage             = weaponAttributes.ServerHitDamage;
            damageType         = weaponAttributes.ServerDamageType;
            weaponSound        = weaponAttributes.hitSoundSettings == SoundItemSettings.OnlyObject ? null : weaponAttributes.ServerHitSound;
            tramuticDamageType = weaponAttributes.TraumaticDamageType;
            traumaDamageChance = weaponAttributes.TraumaDamageChance;

        LayerTile attackedTile = null;
        bool      didHit       = false;

        // If Tilemap LayerType is not None then it is a tilemap being attacked
        if (layerType != LayerType.None)
            var tileChangeManager = victim.GetComponent <TileChangeManager>();
            if (tileChangeManager == null)
                return;                                        // Make sure its on a matrix that is destructable
            // Tilemap stuff:
            var tileMapDamage = victim.GetComponentInChildren <MetaTileMap>().Layers[layerType].gameObject.GetComponent <TilemapDamage>();
            if (tileMapDamage == null)

            var worldPos = (Vector2)transform.position + attackDirection;
            attackedTile = tileChangeManager.InteractableTiles.LayerTileAt(worldPos, true);

            // Tile itself is responsible for playing victim damage sound
            tileMapDamage.ApplyDamage(damage, AttackType.Melee, worldPos);
            didHit = true;
        // Damaging an object
        else if (victim.TryGetComponent <Integrity>(out var integrity) &&
                 victim.TryGetComponent <Meleeable>(out var meleeable) && meleeable.IsMeleeable)
            if (weaponAttributes != null && weaponAttributes.hitSoundSettings != SoundItemSettings.OnlyItem)
                AudioSourceParameters audioSourceParameters = new AudioSourceParameters(pitch: Random.Range(0.9f, 1.1f));
                SoundManager.PlayNetworkedAtPos(integrity.soundOnHit, gameObject.WorldPosServer(), audioSourceParameters, sourceObj: gameObject);

            integrity.ApplyDamage(damage, AttackType.Melee, damageType);
            didHit = true;