public void Init() { Console.WriteLine("Initializing..."); ArrayList RemoteTA = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { RemoteTA.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.udp://" + (base_port + i))); } for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { Address addr = (Address) new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()); Node node = new StructuredNode((AHAddress)addr, brunet_namespace); nodes.Add(addr, node); node.AddEdgeListener(new UdpEdgeListener(base_port + i)); node.RemoteTAs = RemoteTA; tables[addr] = new TableServer(node); (new Thread(node.Connect)).Start(); // if(i < network_size / ((Dht)dhts.GetByIndex(i)).DEGREE) { // ((Dht)dhts.GetByIndex(i)).debug = true; // } } default_dht = new Dht((Node)nodes.GetByIndex(0), degree); }
public void Test() { string ta_string = "brunet.tunnel://UBU72YLHU5C3SY7JMYMJRTKK4D5BGW22/FE4QWASN+FE4QWASM"; TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tunnel://UBU72YLHU5C3SY7JMYMJRTKK4D5BGW22/FE4QWASN+FE4QWASM"); Assert.AreEqual(ta.ToString(), ta_string, "testing tunnel TA parsing"); //Console.WriteLine(ta); RelayTransportAddress tun_ta = (RelayTransportAddress)TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tunnel://OIHZCNNUAXTLLARQIOBNCUWXYNAS62LO/CADSL6GV+CADSL6GU"); ArrayList fwd = new ArrayList(); fwd.Add(new AHAddress(Base32.Decode("CADSL6GVVBM6V442CETP4JTEAWACLC5A"))); fwd.Add(new AHAddress(Base32.Decode("CADSL6GUVBM6V442CETP4JTEAWACLC5A"))); RelayTransportAddress test_ta = new RelayTransportAddress(tun_ta.Target, fwd); Assert.AreEqual(tun_ta, test_ta, "testing tunnel TA compression enhancements"); //Console.WriteLine(tun_ta.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine(test_ta.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(tun_ta.ToString(), test_ta.ToString(), "testing tunnel TA compression enhancements (toString)"); Assert.AreEqual(tun_ta.ContainsForwarder(new AHAddress(Base32.Decode("CADSL6GVVBM6V442CETP4JTEAWACLC5A"))), true, "testing tunnel TA contains forwarder (1)"); Assert.AreEqual(tun_ta.ContainsForwarder(new AHAddress(Base32.Decode("CADSL6GUVBM6V442CETP4JTEAWACLC5A"))), true, "testing tunnel TA contains forwarder (2)"); }
static public Node AddNode(Simulator sim, NatTypes type0, NatTypes type1, bool relay) { Node node = sim.AddNode(); NatFactory.AddNat(node.EdgeListenerList, type0); if (relay) { Relay.IRelayOverlap ito = new Relay.SimpleRelayOverlap(); EdgeListener el = new Relay.RelayEdgeListener(node, ito); node.AddEdgeListener(el); el.Start(); } if (type1 != NatTypes.Disabled) { NodeMapping nm = sim.Nodes[node.Address]; int id = nm.ID; string tas = SimulationTransportAddress.GetString(TransportAddress.TAType.SO, id); INat nat = GetNat(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance(tas), type1); SimulationEdgeListener el = new SimulationEdgeListener(id, 0, null, true, TransportAddress.TAType.SO, nat); node.AddEdgeListener(el); el.Start(); } return(node); }
public void Test() { SimulationTransportAddress.Enable(); SimulationTransportAddressOther.Enable(); TransportAddress tas = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("b.s://234580"); Assert.AreEqual(tas.ToString(), "b.s://234580", "Simulation string"); Assert.AreEqual((tas as SimulationTransportAddress).ID, 234580, "Simulation id"); Assert.AreEqual(TransportAddress.TAType.S, tas.TransportAddressType, "Simulation ta type"); TransportAddress taso = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance(""); Assert.AreEqual(taso.ToString(), "", "Simulation string"); Assert.AreEqual((taso as SimulationTransportAddressOther).ID, 234580, "Simulation id"); Assert.AreEqual(TransportAddress.TAType.SO, taso.TransportAddressType, "Simulation ta type"); Assert.AreNotEqual(taso, tas, "TAs not equal"); Assert.AreNotEqual(taso.TransportAddressType, tas.TransportAddressType, "Type not equal"); var tas1 = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("b.s://-234581"); Assert.AreEqual(-234581, (tas1 as SimulationTransportAddress).ID); var tas2 = (tas as SimulationTransportAddress).Invert(); Assert.AreEqual(tas1, tas2, "Invert equal"); }
public void TestWriteAndParse() { RandomNumberGenerator rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); Address a = new AHAddress(rng); TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://"); NodeInfo ni = NodeInfo.CreateInstance(a, ta); RoundTripHT(ni); RoundTrip(ni); //Test multiple tas: ArrayList tas = new ArrayList(); tas.Add(ta); for (int i = 5001; i < 5010; i++) { tas.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://" + i.ToString())); } NodeInfo ni3 = NodeInfo.CreateInstance(a, tas); RoundTripHT(ni3); RoundTrip(ni3); //Test null address: NodeInfo ni4 = NodeInfo.CreateInstance(null, ta); RoundTripHT(ni4); RoundTrip(ni4); //No TAs: NodeInfo ni5 = NodeInfo.CreateInstance(a); RoundTripHT(ni5); RoundTrip(ni5); }
public static NodeInfo CreateInstance(IDictionary d) { Address address = null; IList tas; object addr_str = d["address"]; if (addr_str != null) { address = AddressParser.Parse((string)addr_str); } IList trans = d["transports"] as IList; if (trans != null) { int count = trans.Count; tas = new TransportAddress[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { tas[i] = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance((string)trans[i]); } NodeInfo ni = CreateInstance(address, tas); return(ni); } else { NodeInfo ni = CreateInstance(address); return(ni); } }
public void SMTest() { Address a = new DirectionalAddress(DirectionalAddress.Direction.Left); TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://"); NodeInfo ni = NodeInfo.CreateInstance(a, ta); //Test with one neighbor: ArrayList neighbors = new ArrayList(); neighbors.Add(ni); StatusMessage sm1 = new StatusMessage(ConnectionType.Structured, neighbors); RoundTripHT(sm1); //Console.Error.WriteLine("\n{0}\n", sm1); //Test with many neighbors: for (int i = 5001; i < 5010; i++) { neighbors.Add(NodeInfo.CreateInstance(a, TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://" + i.ToString()))); } StatusMessage sm2 = new StatusMessage(ConnectionType.Unstructured, neighbors); RoundTripHT(sm2); //Console.Error.WriteLine("\n{0}\n", sm2); //Here is a StatusMessage with no neighbors (that has to be a possibility) StatusMessage sm3 = new StatusMessage("structured", new ArrayList()); RoundTripHT(sm3); //Console.Error.WriteLine("\n{0}\n", sm3); }
public SimulationEdgeListener(int id, double loss_prob, TAAuthorizer ta_auth, bool use_delay) : this(id, loss_prob, ta_auth, use_delay, TransportAddress.TAType.S, new PublicNat(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance( String.Format("b.{0}://{1}", TransportAddress.TATypeToString(TransportAddress.TAType.S), id)))) { }
protected TransportAddress GetTransportAddress(int id) { string tas = String.Format("b.{0}://{1}", TransportAddress.TATypeToString(TAType), id); return(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance(tas)); }
protected void Start() { _start = true; for (int i = 0; i < _parameters.Size; i++) { AddNode(); } TransportAddress broken_ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("b.s://" + 0); for (int idx = 0; idx < Nodes.Count; idx++) { NodeMapping nm = Nodes.Values[idx]; var tas = new List <TransportAddress>(); int cidx = idx + 1; cidx = cidx == Nodes.Count ? 0 : cidx; tas.Add(Nodes.Values[cidx].Node.LocalTAs[0]); if (_broken != 0) { tas.Add(broken_ta); } nm.Node.RemoteTAs = tas; } foreach (NodeMapping nm in Nodes.Values) { nm.Node.Connect(); } _start = false; }
/// <summary>Always returns the oldest non-tunnel address.</summary> public virtual Address EvaluatePotentialOverlap(IDictionary msg) { Address oldest_addr = null; int oldest_age = -1; foreach (DictionaryEntry de in msg) { MemBlock key = de.Key as MemBlock; if (key == null) { key = MemBlock.Reference((byte[])de.Key); } Address addr = new AHAddress(key); Hashtable values = de.Value as Hashtable; TransportAddress.TAType tatype = TransportAddressFactory.StringToType(values["ta"] as string); if (tatype.Equals(TransportAddress.TAType.Tunnel)) { continue; } int age = (int)values["ct"]; if (age > oldest_age) { oldest_addr = addr; } } return(oldest_addr); }
/** return the base TransportAddress and the path associated with it */ public static TransportAddress SplitPath(TransportAddress ta, out string path) { Uri orig_u = ta.Uri; path = orig_u.AbsolutePath; string base_uri = String.Format("{0}://{1}", orig_u.Scheme, orig_u.Authority); return(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance(base_uri)); }
public void CacheTest() { RandomNumberGenerator rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); Address a = new AHAddress(rng); Address a2 = new AHAddress(a.ToMemBlock()); TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://"); TransportAddress ta2 = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://"); NodeInfo ni = NodeInfo.CreateInstance(a, ta); NodeInfo ni2 = NodeInfo.CreateInstance(a2, ta2); Assert.AreSame(ni, ni2, "Reference equality of NodeInfo objects"); }
public void LMSerializationTest() { NodeInfo n1 = NodeInfo.CreateInstance(null, TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://")); RandomNumberGenerator rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); AHAddress tmp_add = new AHAddress(rng); LinkMessage l1 = new LinkMessage(ConnectionType.Structured, n1, NodeInfo.CreateInstance(new DirectionalAddress(DirectionalAddress.Direction.Left), TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://")), string.Empty, tmp_add.ToString()); RoundTripHT(l1); }
public void Test() { SubringTransportAddress sta = new SubringTransportAddress( new AHAddress(Base32.Decode("CADSL6GVVBM6V442CETP4JTEAWACLC5A")), "ns.ns0.ns1"); string ta_string = "brunet.subring://CADSL6GVVBM6V442CETP4JTEAWACLC5A.ns.ns0.ns1"; TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance(ta_string); Assert.AreEqual(ta, sta, "TA == STA -- 1"); ta_string = "brunet.subring://CADSL6GVVBM6V442CETP4JTEAWACLC5A.ns.ns0.ns1/"; ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance(ta_string); Assert.AreEqual(ta, sta, "TA == STA -- 2"); }
public void WrapperEdgeRegressionTest() { AHAddress addr = new AHAddress(new System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider()); TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://"); FakeEdge fe = new FakeEdge(ta, ta); WrapperEdge we_fe = new WrapperEdge(fe); Connection fcon = new Connection(we_fe, addr, "structured", null, null); List <Connection> overlap = new List <Connection>(); overlap.Add(fcon); RelayTransportAddress tta = new RelayTransportAddress(addr, overlap); RelayEdge te1 = new RelayEdge(null, tta, tta, new SimpleForwarderSelector(), overlap); WrapperEdge we_te1 = new WrapperEdge(te1); Connection t1con = new Connection(we_te1, addr, "structured", null, null); overlap = new List <Connection>(); overlap.Add(t1con); RelayEdge te2 = new RelayEdge(null, tta, tta, new SimpleForwarderSelector(), overlap); WrapperEdge we_te2 = new WrapperEdge(te2); Connection t2con = new Connection(we_te2, addr, "structured", null, null); overlap = new List <Connection>(); overlap.Add(t2con); RelayEdge te3 = new RelayEdge(null, tta, tta, new SimpleForwarderSelector(), overlap); WrapperEdge we_te3 = new WrapperEdge(te3); Connection t3con = new Connection(we_te3, addr, "structured", null, null); overlap = new List <Connection>(); overlap.Add(t3con); RelayEdge te4 = new RelayEdge(null, tta, tta, new SimpleForwarderSelector(), overlap); WrapperEdge we_te4 = new WrapperEdge(te4); Connection t4con = new Connection(we_te4, addr, "structured", null, null); overlap = new List <Connection>(); overlap.Add(t4con); RelayEdge te5 = new RelayEdge(null, tta, tta, new SimpleForwarderSelector(), overlap); WrapperEdge we_te5 = new WrapperEdge(te5); Connection t5con = new Connection(we_te5, addr, "structured", null, null); Assert.AreEqual(te5.ShouldClose(), false, "Shouldn't close yet..."); te1.DisconnectionHandler(fcon); Assert.AreEqual(te5.ShouldClose(), true, "Should close..."); overlap.Add(t5con); overlap.Add(t3con); overlap.Add(t1con); te2.UpdateNeighborIntersection(overlap); Assert.AreEqual(te5.ShouldClose(), true, "Should close... 2"); }
/** Join a path to the end of a TransportAddress */ public static TransportAddress JoinPath(TransportAddress ta, string path) { Uri orig_u = ta.Uri; string s = orig_u.ToString(); if (s[s.Length - 1] == '/') { s = s.Substring(0, s.Length - 1); } if (path[0] == '/') { path = path.Substring(1); } return(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance(String.Format("{0}/{1}", s, path))); }
/// <summary>Always returns the fastest non-tunnel, overlapping address.</summary> public override Address EvaluatePotentialOverlap(IDictionary msg) { Address best_addr = null; double best_latency = double.MaxValue; Address their_best_addr = null; double their_best_latency = double.MaxValue; foreach (DictionaryEntry de in msg) { MemBlock key = de.Key as MemBlock; if (key == null) { key = MemBlock.Reference((byte[])de.Key); } Address addr = new AHAddress(key); IDictionary info = de.Value as IDictionary; TransportAddress.TAType tatype = TransportAddressFactory.StringToType(info["ta"] as string); if (tatype.Equals(TransportAddress.TAType.Relay)) { continue; } double latency = _ncservice.GetMeasuredLatency(addr); if (latency > 0 && latency < best_latency) { best_addr = addr; best_latency = latency; } if (!info.Contains("lat")) { continue; } latency = (double)info["lat"]; if (latency > 0 && latency < their_best_latency) { their_best_addr = addr; their_best_latency = latency; } } best_addr = their_best_latency < best_latency ? their_best_addr : best_addr; return(best_addr == null?base.EvaluatePotentialOverlap(msg) : best_addr); }
/// <summary>Return a small list of random TAs.</summary> protected virtual List <TransportAddress> GetRemoteTAs() { var RemoteTAs = new List <TransportAddress>(); for (int i = 0; i < 5 && i < TakenIDs.Count; i++) { int rid = TakenIDs.Keys[_rand.Next(0, TakenIDs.Count)]; RemoteTAs.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("b.s://" + rid)); } if (_broken != 0) { RemoteTAs.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("b.s://" + 0)); } return(RemoteTAs); }
protected virtual ArrayList GetRemoteTAs() { ArrayList RemoteTAs = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < 5 && i < TakenIDs.Count; i++) { int rid = (int)TakenIDs.GetByIndex(_rand.Next(0, TakenIDs.Count)); RemoteTAs.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("b.s://" + rid)); } if (_broken != 0) { RemoteTAs.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("b.s://" + 0)); } return(RemoteTAs); }
public void CTMSerializationTest() { Address a = new DirectionalAddress(DirectionalAddress.Direction.Left); TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://"); NodeInfo ni = NodeInfo.CreateInstance(a, ta); RandomNumberGenerator rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); AHAddress tmp_add = new AHAddress(rng); ConnectToMessage ctm1 = new ConnectToMessage(ConnectionType.Unstructured, ni, tmp_add.ToString()); HTRoundTrip(ctm1); //Test multiple tas: ArrayList tas = new ArrayList(); tas.Add(ta); for (int i = 5001; i < 5010; i++) { tas.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://" + i.ToString())); } NodeInfo ni2 = NodeInfo.CreateInstance(a, tas); ConnectToMessage ctm2 = new ConnectToMessage(ConnectionType.Structured, ni2, tmp_add.ToString()); HTRoundTrip(ctm2); //Here is a ConnectTo message with a neighbor list: NodeInfo[] neighs = new NodeInfo[5]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { string ta_tmp = "brunet.tcp://" + (i + 80).ToString(); NodeInfo tmp = NodeInfo.CreateInstance(new DirectionalAddress(DirectionalAddress.Direction.Left), TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance(ta_tmp) ); neighs[i] = tmp; } ConnectToMessage ctm3 = new ConnectToMessage("structured", ni, neighs, tmp_add.ToString()); HTRoundTrip(ctm3); #if false Console.Error.WriteLine(ctm3.ToString()); foreach (NodeInfo tni in ctm3a.Neighbors) { Console.Error.WriteLine(tni.ToString()); } #endif }
public void LMSerializationTest() { NodeInfo n1 = NodeInfo.CreateInstance(null, TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://")); RandomNumberGenerator rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); AHAddress tmp_add = new AHAddress(rng); LinkMessage l1 = new LinkMessage(ConnectionType.Structured, n1, NodeInfo.CreateInstance(new DirectionalAddress(DirectionalAddress.Direction.Left), TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://")), tmp_add.ToString()); RoundTripHT(l1); StringDictionary attrs = new StringDictionary(); attrs["realm"] = "test_realm"; attrs["type"] = "structured.near"; LinkMessage l3 = new LinkMessage(attrs, n1, n1, tmp_add.ToString()); RoundTripHT(l3); }
public void Test() { TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://"); FakeEdge fe = new FakeEdge(ta, ta); var rng = new System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); var cons = new List <Connection>(); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { var addr = new AHAddress(rng); cons.Add(new Connection(fe, addr, "structured", null, null)); } var start_addr = new AHAddress(rng); IComparer <Connection> distance_comparer = new BroadcastSender.AbsoluteDistanceComparer(start_addr); cons.Sort(distance_comparer); BigInteger current_distance = new BigInteger(0); foreach (Connection con in cons) { AHAddress addr = con.Address as AHAddress; BigInteger next_distance = start_addr.DistanceTo(addr).abs(); Assert.IsTrue(current_distance < next_distance, "DistanceComparer"); current_distance = next_distance; } IComparer <Connection> address_comparer = new BroadcastSender.LeftDistanceComparer(start_addr); cons.Sort(address_comparer); current_distance = new BigInteger(0); foreach (Connection con in cons) { AHAddress addr = con.Address as AHAddress; BigInteger next_distance = start_addr.LeftDistanceTo(addr).abs(); Assert.IsTrue(current_distance < next_distance, "AddressComparer"); current_distance = next_distance; } }
protected void HandleGetInformation(Object o, EventArgs ea) { Channel queue = (Channel)o; Hashtable ht = null; try { RpcResult rpc_reply = (RpcResult)queue.Dequeue(); ht = (Hashtable)rpc_reply.Result; } catch { // Remote end point doesn't have LocalCO enabled. return; } try { string remote_realm = (string)ht["namespace"]; if (!remote_realm.Equals(_node.Realm)) { return; } ArrayList string_tas = (ArrayList)ht["tas"]; ArrayList remote_tas = new ArrayList(); foreach (string ta in string_tas) { remote_tas.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance(ta)); } _node.UpdateRemoteTAs(remote_tas); AHAddress new_address = (AHAddress)AddressParser.Parse((string)ht["address"]); lock (_sync) { int pos = _local_addresses.BinarySearch(new_address, addr_compare); if (pos < 0) { pos = ~pos; _local_addresses.Insert(pos, new_address); } } } catch (Exception e) { ProtocolLog.WriteIf(ProtocolLog.Exceptions, "Unexpected exception: " + e); } }
public void Test() { SimulationTransportAddress.Enable(); SimulationTransportAddressOther.Enable(); var ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("b.s://234580") as SimulationTransportAddress; var tai = ta.Invert(); TransportAddress[] tas = new TransportAddress[2] { tai, ta }; var ta_oth = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("b.s://234581"); var ta_oth0 = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("b.s://234582"); var nat = new SymmetricNat(ta, 30000); Assert.IsFalse(nat.Incoming(ta_oth), "No outbound yet..."); Assert.IsTrue(nat.Outgoing(ta_oth), "outbound..."); Assert.IsFalse(nat.AllowingIncomingConnections, "SymmetricNat does not allow incoming cons"); Assert.AreEqual(nat.InternalTransportAddresses, nat.KnownTransportAddresses, "ITA and KTA match"); nat.UpdateTAs(ta_oth, ta); Assert.IsTrue(nat.Incoming(ta_oth), "Allowed incoming"); Assert.IsFalse(nat.Incoming(ta_oth0), "Port mapped systems must send out a packet first..."); Assert.IsFalse(nat.AllowingIncomingConnections, "SymmetricNat does not allow incoming cons"); Assert.AreEqual(tas, nat.KnownTransportAddresses, "Two TAs!"); Assert.IsTrue(nat.Outgoing(ta_oth0), "outbound..."); Brunet.Util.SimpleTimer.RunSteps(7500); Assert.IsTrue(nat.Incoming(ta_oth0), "Allowed incoming 0"); Brunet.Util.SimpleTimer.RunSteps(7500); Assert.IsTrue(nat.Incoming(ta_oth0), "Allowed incoming 0"); Brunet.Util.SimpleTimer.RunSteps(7500); Assert.IsTrue(nat.Incoming(ta_oth0), "Allowed incoming 0"); Brunet.Util.SimpleTimer.RunSteps(7500); Assert.IsTrue(nat.Incoming(ta_oth0), "Allowed incoming 0"); Assert.IsFalse(nat.AllowingIncomingConnections, "SymmetricNat does not allow incoming cons"); Assert.AreEqual(tas, nat.KnownTransportAddresses, "Two TAs!"); Brunet.Util.SimpleTimer.RunSteps(60000); Assert.IsFalse(nat.AllowingIncomingConnections, "SymmetricNat does not allow incoming cons"); Assert.IsFalse(nat.Incoming(ta_oth), "Incoming: Timed out...."); }
public void Test() { SimulationTransportAddress.Enable(); SimulationTransportAddressOther.Enable(); var ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("b.s://234580") as SimulationTransportAddress; var tai = ta.Invert(); TransportAddress[] tas = new TransportAddress[2] { tai, ta }; var ta_oth = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("b.s://234581"); var ta_oth0 = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("b.s://234582"); ConeNat nat = new ConeNat(ta, 30000); Assert.IsFalse(nat.Incoming(ta_oth), "No outbound yet..."); Assert.IsTrue(nat.Outgoing(ta_oth), "outbound..."); Assert.IsFalse(nat.AllowingIncomingConnections, "Have not received external ta."); Assert.AreEqual(nat.InternalTransportAddresses, nat.KnownTransportAddresses, "ITA and KTA match"); nat.UpdateTAs(ta_oth, ta); Assert.IsTrue(nat.Incoming(ta_oth), "Allowed incoming"); Assert.IsTrue(nat.Incoming(ta_oth0), "Allowed incoming 0"); Assert.IsTrue(nat.AllowingIncomingConnections, "Have received external ta."); Assert.AreEqual(tas, nat.KnownTransportAddresses, "Two TAs!"); Brunet.Util.SimpleTimer.RunSteps(7500); Assert.IsTrue(nat.Incoming(ta_oth0), "Allowed incoming 0"); Brunet.Util.SimpleTimer.RunSteps(7500); Assert.IsTrue(nat.Incoming(ta_oth0), "Allowed incoming 0"); Brunet.Util.SimpleTimer.RunSteps(7500); Assert.IsTrue(nat.Incoming(ta_oth0), "Allowed incoming 0"); Brunet.Util.SimpleTimer.RunSteps(7500); Assert.IsTrue(nat.Incoming(ta_oth0), "Allowed incoming 0"); Assert.IsTrue(nat.AllowingIncomingConnections, "Have received external ta."); Assert.AreEqual(tas, nat.KnownTransportAddresses, "Two TAs!"); Brunet.Util.SimpleTimer.RunSteps(60000); Assert.IsFalse(nat.AllowingIncomingConnections, "AllowIC: Timed out..."); Assert.IsFalse(nat.Incoming(ta_oth), "Incoming: Timed out...."); }
/// <summary>Returns the oldest 4 addresses in the overlap.</summary> public virtual List <Connection> EvaluateOverlap(ConnectionList cons, IDictionary msg) { List <Connection> overlap = new List <Connection>(); foreach (DictionaryEntry de in msg) { MemBlock key = de.Key as MemBlock; if (key == null) { key = MemBlock.Reference((byte[])de.Key); } Address addr = new AHAddress(key); int index = cons.IndexOf(addr); if (index < 0) { continue; } Connection con = cons[index]; // Since there are no guarantees about routing over two tunnels, we do // not consider cases where we are connected to the overlapping tunnels // peers via tunnels if (con.Edge.TAType.Equals(TransportAddress.TAType.Tunnel)) { Hashtable values = de.Value as Hashtable; TransportAddress.TAType tatype = TransportAddressFactory.StringToType(values["ta"] as string); if (tatype.Equals(TransportAddress.TAType.Tunnel)) { continue; } } overlap.Add(con); } return(GetOldest(overlap)); }
public void Test() { ITunnelOverlap _ito = new SimpleTunnelOverlap(); Address addr_x = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()); byte[] addrbuff = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(addr_x.ToBigInteger() + (Address.Full / 2)); Address.SetClass(addrbuff, AHAddress._class); Address addr_y = new AHAddress(addrbuff); ArrayList addresses = new ArrayList(); ConnectionTable ct_x = new ConnectionTable(); ConnectionTable ct_y = new ConnectionTable(); ConnectionTable ct_empty = new ConnectionTable(); for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { addrbuff = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(addr_x.ToBigInteger() + (i * Address.Full / 16)); Address.SetClass(addrbuff, AHAddress._class); addresses.Add(new AHAddress(addrbuff)); TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://"); Edge fe = new FakeEdge(ta, ta, TransportAddress.TAType.Tcp); ct_x.Add(new Connection(fe, addresses[i - 1] as AHAddress, "structured", null, null)); if (i == 10) { ct_y.Add(new Connection(fe, addresses[i - 1] as AHAddress, "structured", null, null)); } } ConnectionType con_type = ConnectionType.Structured; IDictionary id = _ito.GetSyncMessage(null, addr_x, ct_x.GetConnections(con_type)); Assert.AreEqual(_ito.EvaluateOverlap(ct_y.GetConnections(con_type), id)[0].Address, addresses[9], "Have an overlap!"); Assert.AreEqual(_ito.EvaluateOverlap(ct_empty.GetConnections(con_type), id).Count, 0, "No overlap!"); Assert.AreEqual(addresses.Contains(_ito.EvaluatePotentialOverlap(id)), true, "EvaluatePotentialOverlap returns valid!"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { RandomNumberGenerator rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); //Initialize hosts Console.WriteLine("\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n"); int port = 20287; int net_size = 3; string net_type = "function"; if (args.Length > 0) { net_size = Int32.Parse(args[0]); } if (args.Length > 1) { net_type = args[1]; } int ms_sleep = 0; if (args.Length > 2) { ms_sleep = Int32.Parse(args[2]); } bool wait_after_connect = true; if (args.Length > 3) { ///@todo we really need better option parsing here wait_after_connect = false; } ArrayList node_list = new ArrayList(); Hashtable add_to_node = new Hashtable(); PathELManager pem = null; for (int loop = 0; loop < net_size; loop++) { //create and initialize new host //create one new node for each host AHAddress tmp_add = new AHAddress(rng); Node tmp_node = new StructuredNode(tmp_add, "bstland"); //Node tmp_node = new HybridNode(tmp_add, "bstland"); node_list.Add(tmp_node); add_to_node[tmp_add] = tmp_node; //long small_add = 2*(loop+1); //Node tmp_node = new StructuredNode(new AHAddress( new BigInteger(small_add)) ); PType path_p = PType.Protocol.Pathing; switch (net_type) { case "tcp": tmp_node.AddEdgeListener(new TcpEdgeListener(port + loop)); break; case "udp": tmp_node.AddEdgeListener(new UdpEdgeListener(port + loop)); break; case "function": tmp_node.AddEdgeListener(new FunctionEdgeListener(port + loop)); break; case "path": if (pem == null) { EdgeListener el = new UdpEdgeListener(port); pem = new PathELManager(el); pem.Start(); } //Pass path messages to the pem: tmp_node.DemuxHandler.GetTypeSource(path_p).Subscribe(pem, path_p); tmp_node.AddEdgeListener(pem.CreatePath((port + loop).ToString())); Console.WriteLine(port + loop); break; case "single_path": EdgeListener myel = new UdpEdgeListener(port + loop); //Test "default" path edge listener: pem = new PathELManager(myel); pem.Start(); tmp_node.DemuxHandler.GetTypeSource(path_p).Subscribe(pem, path_p); //Make the default path: tmp_node.AddEdgeListener(pem.CreateRootPath()); break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown net type: " + net_type); } //tmp_node.AddEdgeListener(new FunctionEdgeListener(port+loop)); for (int loop2 = 0; loop2 < net_size; loop2++) { if (loop == loop2) { continue; } int other_port = port + loop2; string ta_str = null; switch (net_type) { case "tcp": ta_str = "brunet.tcp://"; break; case "udp": ta_str = "brunet.udp://"; break; case "function": ta_str = "brunet.function://localhost:"; break; case "path": ta_str = String.Format("brunet.udp://{0}/", port); break; case "single_path": ta_str = "brunet.udp://"; break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown net type: " + net_type); } ta_str = ta_str + other_port.ToString(); TransportAddress this_ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance(ta_str); tmp_node.RemoteTAs.Add(this_ta); } } //This logs the changes in connection table BootStrapTester bst = new BootStrapTester(node_list); if (bst != null) { //This is just here to prevent a warning for //not using bst, which is just an observer } //Get Connected: int total_started = 0; ArrayList rnd_list = (ArrayList)node_list.Clone(); Random rnd = new Random(); for (int j = 0; j < rnd_list.Count; j++) { //Swap the j^th position with this position: int i = rnd.Next(j, rnd_list.Count); if (i != j) { object o = rnd_list[i]; rnd_list[i] = rnd_list[j]; rnd_list[j] = o; } } ArrayList c_threads = new ArrayList(); //var xrms = new Brunet.Rpc.XmlRpcManagerServer(20000); int cnt = 0; foreach (Node item in rnd_list) { Thread t = new Thread(item.Connect); c_threads.Add(t); t.Start(); //xrms.Add(item, "xm" + cnt++ + ".rem"); Console.WriteLine(item.Address.ToString() + " RemoteTAs count: " + item.RemoteTAs.Count); total_started++; Console.WriteLine("Started: " + total_started.ToString()); //Thread.Sleep(10000); Thread.Sleep(ms_sleep); //Console.ReadLine(); //foreach (TransportAddress item2 in item.RemoteTAs) // Console.WriteLine(item2); } System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Finished with BootStrapTester.Main"); string[] this_command = new string[] { "Q" }; if (wait_after_connect) { Console.WriteLine("Enter Q to stop"); this_command = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); } while (this_command[0] != "Q") { if (this_command[0] == "D") { //Disconnect a node: int node = -1; try { node = Int32.Parse(this_command[1]); Node to_disconnect = (Node)node_list[node]; Console.WriteLine("About to Disconnect: {0}", to_disconnect.Address); to_disconnect.Disconnect(); bst.Remove(to_disconnect); } catch (Exception) { } } if (this_command[0] == "abort") { //Disconnect a node: int node = -1; try { node = Int32.Parse(this_command[1]); Node to_abort = (Node)node_list[node]; Console.WriteLine("About to Abort: {0}", to_abort.Address); to_abort.Abort(); bst.Remove(to_abort); } catch (Exception) { } } if (this_command[0] == "P") { //Pick a random pair of nodes to ping: Ping(node_list); } if (this_command[0] == "BP") { try { int reps = Int32.Parse(this_command[1]); bst.BenchmarkPing(reps); } catch (Exception x) { Console.WriteLine(x); } } if (this_command[0] == "BH") { try { int reps = Int32.Parse(this_command[1]); bst.BenchmarkHops(reps); } catch (Exception x) { Console.WriteLine(x); } } if (this_command[0] == "T") { //Pick a random pair of nodes to ping: TraceRoute(node_list); } if (wait_after_connect) { this_command = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); } } foreach (Node n in node_list) { n.Disconnect(); } if (pem != null) { pem.Stop(); } //Block until all Connect threads finish. //foreach(Thread t in c_threads) { // t.Join(); //} }
public static void Main(string [] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("please specify the number edge protocol."); Environment.Exit(0); } if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("please specify the number of p2p nodes."); Environment.Exit(0); } if (args.Length < 3) { Console.WriteLine("please specify the number of missing edges."); Environment.Exit(0); } string proto = "function"; try { proto = args[0].Trim(); } catch (Exception) {} bool tunnel = false; int base_port = 54000; int network_size = Int32.Parse(args[1]); int missing_count = Int32.Parse(args[2]); try { tunnel = args[3].Trim().Equals("tunnel"); } catch (Exception) {} Console.WriteLine("use tunnel edges: {0}", tunnel); Random rand = new Random(); ArrayList missing_edges = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < missing_count; i++) { int idx = -1; int left, right; do { idx = rand.Next(0, network_size); left = (idx + 1) % network_size; if (idx == 0) { right = network_size - 1; } else { right = idx - 1; } } while (missing_edges.Contains(idx));// || //missing_edges.Contains(left) || //missing_edges.Contains(right)); Console.WriteLine("Will drop a left edge on idx {0}: ", idx); missing_edges.Add(idx); } // // Sort missing edges. // missing_edges.Sort(); SortedList dist = new SortedList(); // // Compute the average distance between missing edges. // if (missing_count > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < missing_count; i++) { int idx = (int)missing_edges[i]; int idx_next; int d; if (i == missing_count - 1) { idx_next = (int)missing_edges[0]; d = (network_size - 1) - idx + idx_next; } else { idx_next = (int)missing_edges[i + 1]; d = idx_next - idx - 1; } if (!dist.Contains(d)) { dist[d] = 0; } else { int c = (int)dist[d]; dist[d] = c + 1; } } } double sum = 0.0; int num = 0; Console.WriteLine("distribution of missing edges separation"); foreach (DictionaryEntry de in dist) { int k = (int)de.Key; int c = (int)de.Value; Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", k, c); sum = sum + k * c; num = num + c; } Console.WriteLine("average separation: {0}", (double)sum / num); string brunet_namespace = "testing"; Console.WriteLine("Initializing..."); var RemoteTA = new List <TransportAddress>(); for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { if (proto.Equals("udp")) { RemoteTA.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.udp://localhost:" + (base_port + i))); } else if (proto.Equals("function")) { RemoteTA.Add(TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.function://localhost:" + (base_port + i))); } } for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { AHAddress address = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()); Node node = new StructuredNode(address, brunet_namespace); _sorted_node_list.Add((Address)address, node); _node_list.Add(node); RouteTestHandler test_handler = new RouteTestHandler(); node.GetTypeSource(new PType(routing_test)).Subscribe(test_handler, address.ToMemBlock()); RpcManager rpc_man = node.Rpc; rpc_man.AddHandler("rpc_routing_test", new RpcRoutingTestHandler(node)); } for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { Node node = (Node)_sorted_node_list.GetByIndex(i); Console.WriteLine("Configuring node: {0} ", node.Address); TAAuthorizer ta_auth = null; if (missing_edges.Contains(i)) { int remote_port; if (i == network_size - 1) { remote_port = base_port; } else { remote_port = base_port + i + 1; } PortTAAuthorizer port_auth = new PortTAAuthorizer(remote_port); Console.WriteLine("Adding a port TA authorizer at: {0} for remote port: {1}", base_port + i, remote_port); ArrayList arr_tas = new ArrayList(); arr_tas.Add(port_auth); arr_tas.Add(new ConstantAuthorizer(TAAuthorizer.Decision.Allow)); ta_auth = new SeriesTAAuthorizer(arr_tas); } if (proto.Equals("udp")) { node.AddEdgeListener(new UdpEdgeListener(base_port + i, null, ta_auth)); } else if (proto.Equals("function")) { node.AddEdgeListener(new FunctionEdgeListener(base_port + i, -1.00, ta_auth)); } if (tunnel) { Console.WriteLine("Adding a tunnel edge listener"); node.AddEdgeListener(new Relay.RelayEdgeListener(node)); } _node_to_port[node] = base_port + i; node.RemoteTAs = RemoteTA; } //start nodes one by one. for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { Node node = (Node)_node_list[i]; Console.WriteLine("Starting node: {0}, {1}", i, node.Address); node.Connect(); Console.WriteLine("Going to sleep for 2 seconds."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); } //wait for 300000 more seconds Console.WriteLine("Going to sleep for 300000 seconds."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(300000); bool complete = CheckStatus(); int count = 0; // // Send a large number of packets as exact packets to random destinations // and make sure exact routing is perfect. // for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < network_size; j++) { int src_idx = i; int dest_idx = j; Node src_node = (Node)_sorted_node_list.GetByIndex(src_idx); Node dest_node = (Node)_sorted_node_list.GetByIndex(dest_idx); //Console.WriteLine("{0} -> {1}", src_idx, dest_idx); Address dest_address = (Address)dest_node.Address; ISender s = new AHExactSender(src_node, dest_address); MemBlock p = dest_address.ToMemBlock(); s.Send(new CopyList(new PType(routing_test), p)); _sent++; //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); s.Send(new CopyList(new PType(routing_test), p)); _sent++; //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); } } //wait for 10 more seconds Console.WriteLine("Going to sleep for 10 seconds."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); Console.WriteLine("Final statistics"); lock (_class_lock) { Console.WriteLine("Sent: {0}, Received: {1}, Wrongly routed: {2}", _sent, _received, _wrongly_routed); } int missing_rpcs = 0; int correct_rpcs = 0; int incorrect_rpcs = 0; Hashtable queue_to_address = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < network_size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < network_size; j++) { int src_idx = i; int dest_idx = j; Node src_node = (Node)_sorted_node_list.GetByIndex(src_idx); Node dest_node = (Node)_sorted_node_list.GetByIndex(dest_idx); //Console.WriteLine("{0} -> {1}", src_idx, dest_idx); Address dest_address = (Address)dest_node.Address; ISender s = new AHExactSender(src_node, dest_address); RpcManager rpc_man = src_node.Rpc; Channel q = new Channel(); lock (_class_lock) { queue_to_address[q] = dest_address; } q.CloseAfterEnqueue(); q.CloseEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs cargs) { lock (_class_lock) { Channel qu = (Channel)o; if (qu.Count == 0) { missing_rpcs++; } queue_to_address.Remove(qu); } }; q.EnqueueEvent += delegate(object o, EventArgs cargs) { lock (_class_lock) { Channel qu = (Channel)o; RpcResult rpc_reply = (RpcResult)qu.Peek(); byte [] result = (byte[])rpc_reply.Result; Address target = new AHAddress(result); if (target.Equals(queue_to_address[qu])) { correct_rpcs++; } else { incorrect_rpcs++; } } }; rpc_man.Invoke(s, q, "rpc_routing_test.GetIdentification", new object[] {}); } } //wait for 10 more seconds while (true) { int c = -1; lock (_class_lock) { c = incorrect_rpcs + missing_rpcs + correct_rpcs; } if (c < network_size * network_size) { Console.WriteLine("Going to sleep for 10 seconds."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); } else { break; } } Console.WriteLine("Final statistics"); Console.WriteLine("correct rpcs: {0}, incorrect rpcs: {1}, missing rpcs: {2}", correct_rpcs, incorrect_rpcs, missing_rpcs); System.Environment.Exit(1); }