Example #1
        public void ValueTest()
            // arrange
            var loss = new TransmissionLoss(3, 0.0271, 5.3407, 50, 240, 720);

            // act
            var lossValue = loss.Value;

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(0.38, lossValue, 0.01);
Example #2
        public ActionResult Transmission(TransmissionLossModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                model.HasResult = false;
                return(PartialView("_TransmissionResults", model));
            var loss = new TransmissionLoss(

            model.Loss      = loss.Value;
            model.HasResult = true;
            return(PartialView("_TransmissionResults", model));
 void Copy(Scenario scenario)
     Name = scenario.Name;
     Comments = scenario.Comments;
     ShowAllAnalysisPoints = scenario.ShowAllAnalysisPoints;
     ShowAllPerimeters = scenario.ShowAllPerimeters;
     ShowAllSpecies = scenario.ShowAllSpecies;
     StartTime = new TimeSpan(scenario.StartTime.Ticks);
     Duration = new TimeSpan(scenario.Duration.Ticks);
     TimePeriod = (TimePeriod)scenario.TimePeriod;
     Location = scenario.Location;
     Wind = scenario.Wind;
     SoundSpeed = scenario.SoundSpeed;
     Sediment = scenario.Sediment;
     Bathymetry = scenario.Bathymetry;
     // Here we map the old perimeter to the new perimeter so that the copied platform gets the proper perimeter
     var perimeterMap = new Dictionary<Guid, Guid>();
     foreach (var perimeter in scenario.Perimeters)
         var newPerimeter = new Perimeter(perimeter) { Scenario = this };
         perimeterMap.Add(perimeter.Guid, newPerimeter.Guid);
     var modeMap = new Dictionary<Guid, Guid>();
     var allModes = new List<Mode>();
     foreach (var platform in scenario.Platforms)
         var newPlatform = new Platform(platform) { Scenario = this };
         // Make sure the new perimeter gets the proper copied perimeter from the original scenario
         if (platform.Perimeter != null) newPlatform.Perimeter = Perimeters.Find(p => p.Guid == perimeterMap[platform.Perimeter.Guid]);
         foreach (var source in platform.Sources)
             var newSource = new Source(source) { Platform = newPlatform };
             foreach (var mode in source.Modes)
                 var newMode = new Mode(mode) { Source = newSource };
                 modeMap.Add(mode.Guid, newMode.Guid);
     foreach (var analysisPoint in scenario.AnalysisPoints)
         var newAnalysisPoint = new AnalysisPoint(analysisPoint) { Scenario = this };
         foreach (var transmissionLoss in analysisPoint.TransmissionLosses)
             var newTransmissionLoss = new TransmissionLoss { AnalysisPoint = newAnalysisPoint, LayerSettings = new LayerSettings(transmissionLoss.LayerSettings) };
             foreach (var mode in transmissionLoss.Modes) 
                 newTransmissionLoss.Modes.Add(allModes.Find(m => m.Guid == modeMap[mode.Guid]));
             foreach (var radial in transmissionLoss.Radials)
                 var newRadial = new Radial(radial) { TransmissionLoss = newTransmissionLoss };
     foreach (var species in scenario.ScenarioSpecies)
         var newSpecies = new ScenarioSpecies(species) { Scenario = this };
 /// <summary>
 /// Update all the AnalysisPoints contained in a specified Scenario, ensuring that all modes are properly represented across
 /// all AnalysisPoints
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scenario"></param>
 public static void UpdateAnalysisPoints(this Scenario scenario)
     // If there are no analysis points, there's nothing to update
     if (scenario.AnalysisPoints == null) return;
     // Group acoustically equivalent modes
     var groupedModes = scenario.GroupEquivalentModes();
     if (groupedModes == null || groupedModes.Groups == null) throw new ApplicationException("groupedModes or groupedModes.Groups is null");
     // Get the grouped modes into a mode convenient form - a List of Lists of equivalent modes
     var unmatchedModeGroups = (from CollectionViewGroup collectionViewGroup in groupedModes.Groups
                                select (from item in collectionViewGroup.Items
                                        select (Mode)item).ToList()).ToList();
     // Internal variable used to track which groups of modes have been matched to existing TransmissionLosses
     var matchedModeGroups = new List<List<Mode>>();
     // Examine all the AnalysisPoints in the Scenario
     foreach (var analysisPoint in scenario.AnalysisPoints.ToList())
         // Examine each TransmissionLoss in the current AnalysisPoint
         foreach (var transmissionLoss in analysisPoint.TransmissionLosses.ToList())
             // If the current TransmissionLoss has no modes
             if (transmissionLoss.Modes == null || transmissionLoss.Modes.Count == 0)
                 Debug.WriteLine("Deleting empty TL at {0}", (Geo)transmissionLoss.AnalysisPoint.Geo);
                 // Delete the current TransmissionLoss
                 // And look at the next one
             // Get a representative Mode from the current TransmissionLoss.
             var originalMode = transmissionLoss.Modes.First();
             // Find a group of modes that matches the representative Mode
             var matchingModeGroup = (from modeGroup in unmatchedModeGroups
                                      let curMode = modeGroup.First()
                                      where curMode.IsAcousticallyEquivalentTo(originalMode)
                                      select modeGroup).FirstOrDefault();
             // If no current mode group matches the representative Mode
             if (matchingModeGroup == null)
                 Debug.WriteLine("Deleting TL [{0}:{1}] at {2}", transmissionLoss.Modes.First().ModeName, transmissionLoss.Modes.First().MaxPropagationRadius, (Geo)transmissionLoss.AnalysisPoint.Geo);
                 // Delete the current TransmissionLoss
                 // And look at the next one
             // Get the list of the original modes in the current TransmissionLoss that don't match the new mode group.
             // Match criteria (provided by GuidComparer<Mode>) are that the Guids in each mode must be identical
             var unmatchedOriginalModes = transmissionLoss.Modes.Except(matchingModeGroup, new GuidComparer<Mode>()).ToList();
             // Remove the unmatched original modes in the current TransmissionLoss
             unmatchedOriginalModes.ForEach(m =>
                 Debug.WriteLine("Removing mode [{0}:{1}] from [{2}:{3}] at {4}", m.ModeName, m.MaxPropagationRadius, transmissionLoss.Modes.First().ModeName, transmissionLoss.Modes.First().MaxPropagationRadius, (Geo)transmissionLoss.AnalysisPoint.Geo);
             // Get the list of the modes in the new mode group that don't match modes already in the current TransmissionLoss.
             // Match criteria (provided by GuidComparer<Mode>) are that the Guids in each mode must be identical
             var unmatchedNewModes = matchingModeGroup.Except(transmissionLoss.Modes, new GuidComparer<Mode>()).ToList();
             // Add those new modes to the current TransmissionLoss
             unmatchedNewModes.ForEach(m =>
                 Debug.WriteLine("Adding mode [{0}:{1}] to [{2}:{3}] at {4}", m.ModeName, m.MaxPropagationRadius, transmissionLoss.Modes.First().ModeName, transmissionLoss.Modes.First().MaxPropagationRadius, (Geo)transmissionLoss.AnalysisPoint.Geo);
             // Add the matching mode group to the internal holding list so we can re-use it for the next analysis point
             // Remove the matching mode group from the list of unmatched mode groups so it can't match another TransmissionLoss
             // in the current AnalysisPoint
             // Update the current TransmissionLoss
         // If any mode groups remain unmatched in the current AnalysisPoint, add new TransmissionLosses to hold them
         foreach (var newModeGroup in unmatchedModeGroups)
             // Get the bathymetry for the scenario that the AnalysisPoint belongs to
             var bathymetry = analysisPoint.Scenario.BathymetryData;
             // Look up the depth at the AnalysisPoint
             var depthAtAnalysisPoint = bathymetry.Samples.IsFast2DLookupAvailable
                                            ? -bathymetry.Samples.GetNearestPointAsync(analysisPoint.Geo).Result.Data
                                            : -bathymetry.Samples.GetNearestPoint(analysisPoint.Geo).Data;
             // Get a representative mode from the list of modes
             var firstMode = newModeGroup.First();
             // Calculate the actual source depth of the mode
             var sourceDepth = firstMode.Source.Platform.Depth;
             if (firstMode.Depth.HasValue) sourceDepth += firstMode.Depth.Value;
             // If the source depth is greater than the depth at this AnalysisPoint, 
             // then don't add a TransmissionLoss for this list of modes to the current AnalysisPoint
             if (sourceDepth >= depthAtAnalysisPoint)
                 Debug.WriteLine("Skipping TL mode [{0}:{1}] at {2} because depth is too shallow ", firstMode.ModeName, firstMode.MaxPropagationRadius, (Geo)analysisPoint.Geo);
             // The depth check is OK, so create a new TransmissionLoss
             Debug.WriteLine("Creating new TL for mode [{0}:{1}] at {2}", firstMode.ModeName, firstMode.MaxPropagationRadius, (Geo)analysisPoint.Geo);
             var transmissionLoss = new TransmissionLoss { AnalysisPoint = analysisPoint };
             // Add the list of modes to the TransmissionLoss
             newModeGroup.ForEach(m =>
                 Debug.WriteLine("Adding mode [{0}:{1}] to new TL at {2}", m.ModeName, m.MaxPropagationRadius, (Geo)transmissionLoss.AnalysisPoint.Geo);
             // Add the TransmissionLoss to the current AnalysisPoint
             // Verify the TransmissionLoss, which will create the radials and queue them for calculation
         // Add the matched mode groups from the last pass back into the list of unmatched mode groups for the next iteration
         // Clear the matched mode group list for the next iteration
 void ViewTransmissionLoss(TransmissionLoss transmissionLoss)
         var transmissionLossViewModel = new TransmissionLossViewModel { TransmissionLoss = transmissionLoss };
         var window = Globals.VisualizerService.ShowWindow("TransmissionLossWindowView", transmissionLossViewModel);
         transmissionLossViewModel.Window = window;
         transmissionLossViewModel.SaveFileService = Globals.SaveFileService;
     catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
         Globals.MessageBoxService.ShowError(string.Format("Error displaying transmission loss: {0}", ex.Message));
 void RecalculateTransmissionLoss(TransmissionLoss transmissionLoss)
     if (Globals.MessageBoxService.ShowYesNo(string.Format("Are you sure you want to recalculate this transmission loss \"{0}\"?", transmissionLoss.AnalysisPoint.Geo), MessageBoxImage.Warning) !=
         MessageBoxResult.Yes) return;
 void DeleteTransmissionLoss(TransmissionLoss transmissionLoss)
     if (Globals.MessageBoxService.ShowYesNo(string.Format("Are you sure you want to delete this transmission loss \"{0}\"?", transmissionLoss.AnalysisPoint.Geo), MessageBoxImage.Warning) !=
         MessageBoxResult.Yes) return;
     //transmissionLoss.LayerSettings.IsChecked = false;
     //await Task.Delay(50);