Example #1
        public async void Download()
            StatusMessage        = "ダウンロードを開始します";
            ProgressMaxValue     = TranslationFiles.Count();
            ProgressCurrentValue = 0;
            IsProgress           = true;
                if (!Directory.Exists(DownloadDirectoryName))

                foreach (var translationFile in TranslationFiles)
                    StatusMessage = $"{translationFile.Name}をダウンロード中...";
                    var uri = new Uri(translationFile.Url);
                    await Downloader.DownloadAsync(uri,

                    ProgressCurrentValue += 1;

                StatusMessage = "全てのダウンロードが完了しました";
                IsProgress = false;
Example #2
        public void NotAllLanguageTranslatedTest()
            var groupedByLng = TranslationFiles
                               .GroupBy(t => t.Language)
                               .Select(grp => new { Lng = grp.Key, Count = grp.Count(), Files = grp.ToList() })

            // Uncomment if new language is needed
            //var newLng = "sk";

            //if (!groupedByLng.Exists(t => t.Lng == newLng))
            //    groupedByLng.Add(new { Lng = newLng, Count = 0, Files = new List<TranslationFile>() });

            var enGroup       = groupedByLng.Find(f => f.Lng == "en");
            var expectedCount = enGroup.Count;

            var otherLngs = groupedByLng.Where(g => g.Lng != "en");

            var incompleteList = otherLngs
                                 .Where(lng => lng.Count != expectedCount)
                                 .Select(lng => new { Issue = $"Language '{lng.Lng}' (Count={lng.Count}). Not found files:\r\n", lng.Lng, lng.Files })

            var message = $"Next languages are not equal 'en' (Count= {expectedCount}) by translated files count:\r\n\r\n";

            if (incompleteList.Count > 0)
                var enFilePaths = enGroup.Files.Select(f => f.FilePath);

                for (int i = 0; i < incompleteList.Count; i++)
                    var lng = incompleteList[i];

                    message += $"\r\n\r\n{i}. {lng.Issue}\r\n";

                    var lngFilePaths = lng.Files.Select(f => f.FilePath).ToList();

                    var notFoundFilePaths = enFilePaths
                                            .Select(p => p.Replace("\\en\\", $"\\{lng.Lng}\\"))
                                            .Where(p => !lngFilePaths.Contains(p));

                    message += string.Join("\r\n", notFoundFilePaths);

                    /* Save empty 'EN' keys to not found files */

                    /*foreach (var path in notFoundFilePaths)
                     * {
                     *  SaveNotFoundLanguage(path.Replace($"\\{lng.Lng}\\", "\\en\\"), path);
                     * }*/

            Assert.AreEqual(0, incompleteList.Count, message);
Example #3
        public void EnDublicatesByContentTest()
            var allRuTranslations = TranslationFiles
                                    .Where(file => file.Language == "ru")
                                    .SelectMany(item => item.Translations)

            var allEnDuplicates = TranslationFiles
                                  .Where(file => file.Language == "en")
                                  .SelectMany(item => item.Translations)
                                  .GroupBy(t => t.Value)
                                  .Where(grp => grp.Count() > 1)
                                  .Select(grp => new { ContentKey = grp.Key, Count = grp.Count(), List = grp.ToList() })
                                  .OrderByDescending(itm => itm.Count)

            var duplicatesKeys = new List <TranslationItem>();

            foreach (var item in allEnDuplicates)
                var ruEquivalents = allRuTranslations
                                    .Where(t => item.List.Select(k => k.Key).Contains(t.Key))
                                    .GroupBy(t => t.Value)
                                    .Select(grp => new
                    ContentKey = grp.Key,
                    Count      = grp.Count(),
                    Keys       = grp.Select(k => k.Key).ToList()
                                    .Where(t => t.Count > 1)

                if (!ruEquivalents.Any())

                    item.List.Where(item => ruEquivalents
                                    .SelectMany(k => k.Keys)
                                    .Any(k => k == item.Key)

            var duplicates = duplicatesKeys
                             .GroupBy(k => k.Value)
                             .Select(g => new { ContentKey = g.Key, Count = g.Count(), Keys = g.ToList() })

            Assert.AreEqual(0, duplicates.Count, string.Join(", ", duplicates.Select(d => JObject.FromObject(d).ToString())));
Example #4
        public void FullEnDublicatesTest()
            var fullEnDuplicates = TranslationFiles
                                   .Where(file => file.Language == "en")
                                   .SelectMany(item => item.Translations)
                                   .GroupBy(t => new { t.Key, t.Value })
                                   .Where(grp => grp.Count() > 1)
                                   .Select(grp => new { Key = grp.Key, Count = grp.Count(), Keys = grp.ToList() })
                                   .OrderByDescending(itm => itm.Count)
                                   .Select(grp => new { Key = grp.Key.Key, Value = grp.Key.Value, grp.Count })

            Assert.AreEqual(0, fullEnDuplicates.Count, string.Join("\r\n", fullEnDuplicates.Select(d => JObject.FromObject(d).ToString())));
Example #5
        public void LanguageTranslatedPercentTest()
            var message = $"Next languages translated less then 100%:\r\n\r\n";

            var groupedByLng = TranslationFiles
                               .GroupBy(t => t.Language)
                               .Select(g => new
                Language      = g.Key,
                AllTranslated = g.ToList()
                                .SelectMany(t => t.Translations)
                               .Select(t => new
                TotalKeysCount = t.AllTranslated.LongCount(),
                EmptyKeysCount = t.AllTranslated
                                 .Where(t => string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Value))

            var i      = 0;
            var exists = false;

            var expectedTotalKeysCount = groupedByLng.Where(t => t.Language == "en").Single().TotalKeysCount;

            foreach (var lng in groupedByLng)
                if (lng.EmptyKeysCount == 0 && lng.TotalKeysCount == expectedTotalKeysCount)

                exists = true;

                var translated = lng.TotalKeysCount == expectedTotalKeysCount
                    ? Math.Round(100f - (lng.EmptyKeysCount * 100f / expectedTotalKeysCount), 1)
                    : Math.Round(lng.TotalKeysCount * 100f / expectedTotalKeysCount, 1);

                message += $"{++i}. Language '{lng.Language}' translated by '{translated}%'\r\n";

            Assert.AreEqual(false, exists, message);
Example #6
        public void NotFoundKeysTest()
            var allEnKeys = TranslationFiles
                            .Where(file => file.Language == "en")
                            .SelectMany(item => item.Translations)
                            .Select(item => item.Key);

            var allJsTranslationKeys = JavaScriptFiles
                                       .Where(f => !f.Path.Contains("Banner.js")) // skip Banner.js (translations from firebase)
                                       .SelectMany(j => j.TranslationKeys)
                                       .Select(k => k.Substring(k.IndexOf(":") + 1))

            var notFoundJsKeys = allJsTranslationKeys.Except(allEnKeys);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, notFoundJsKeys.Count(),
                            "Some i18n-keys are not exist in translations in 'en' language: Keys: '{0}'",
                            string.Join("\r\n", notFoundJsKeys));
Example #7
        public void DublicatesFilesByMD5HashTest()
            var skipHashes = new List <string>()

            var duplicatesByMD5 = TranslationFiles
                                  .Where(t => !skipHashes.Contains(t.Md5Hash))
                                  .GroupBy(t => t.Md5Hash)
                                  .Where(grp => grp.Count() > 1)
                                  .Select(grp => new { Key = grp.Key, Count = grp.Count(), Paths = grp.ToList().Select(f => f.FilePath) })
                                  .OrderByDescending(itm => itm.Count)

            Assert.AreEqual(0, duplicatesByMD5.Count, "Dublicates by MD5 hash:\r\n" + string.Join("\r\n", duplicatesByMD5.Select(d => $"\r\nMD5='{d.Key}':\r\n{string.Join("\r\n", d.Paths.Select(p => p))}'")));
Example #8
        public void UselessTranslationKeysTest()
            var allEnKeys = TranslationFiles
                            .Where(file => file.Language == "en")
                            .SelectMany(item => item.Translations)
                            .Select(item => item.Key)
                            .Where(k => !k.StartsWith("Culture_"));

            var allJsTranslationKeys = JavaScriptFiles
                                       .SelectMany(j => j.TranslationKeys)
                                       .Select(k => k.Substring(k.IndexOf(":") + 1))
                                       .Where(k => !k.StartsWith("Culture_"))

            var notFoundi18nKeys = allEnKeys.Except(allJsTranslationKeys);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, notFoundi18nKeys.Count(),
                            "Some i18n-keys are not found in js: \r\nKeys: '\r\n{0}'",
                            string.Join("\r\n", notFoundi18nKeys));
        public void RefreshTranslationFiles(bool showDirNotFoundError = false)
            if (Directory.Exists(SelectedFolder))
                DirectoryInfo folder = new DirectoryInfo(SelectedFolder);

                FileInfo[] fileInfos = folder.GetFiles("*.json", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);

                foreach (FileInfo translationFile in fileInfos)
                    StreamReader reader     = new StreamReader(new FileStream(translationFile.FullName, FileMode.Open));
                    string       jsonString = reader.ReadToEnd();
                    Dictionary <string, string>            jsonPairs        = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(jsonString);
                    ObservableCollection <TranslationPair> translationPairs = new ObservableCollection <TranslationPair>(
                        jsonPairs.Select(pair => new TranslationPair {
                        Key = pair.Key, Value = pair.Value
                    string fileName = translationFile.Name.Substring(0, translationFile.Name.Length - translationFile.Extension.Length);

                    TranslationFiles.Add(new TranslationFile {
                        Name = fileName, Path = translationFile.FullName, TranslationPairs = translationPairs


                if (showDirNotFoundError)
                    MessageBox.Show("The selected folder wasn't found.");
        public void RefreshScores()
            //get unique translation keys of all files
            Dictionary <string, Tuple <string, string> > uniqueTranslationKeys = new Dictionary <string, Tuple <string, string> >();

            foreach (TranslationFile translationFile in TranslationFiles)
                foreach (TranslationPair translationPair in translationFile.TranslationPairs)
                    if (!uniqueTranslationKeys.ContainsKey(translationPair.Key))
                        uniqueTranslationKeys.Add(translationPair.Key, new Tuple <string, string>(translationFile.Name, translationPair.Value));

            //determine score for every key and add missing keys to respective files
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Tuple <string, string> > uniqueTranslationPair in uniqueTranslationKeys)
                double score = (double)TranslationFiles.Count(tf => tf.TranslationPairs.Any(tp => tp.Key == uniqueTranslationPair.Key && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tp.Value))) / TranslationFiles.Count();
                foreach (TranslationFile translationFile in TranslationFiles)
                    TranslationPair translationPair = translationFile.TranslationPairs.FirstOrDefault(tp => tp.Key == uniqueTranslationPair.Key);
                    if (translationPair == null)
                        //_languageServiceClient.GetAppIdToken(APP_ID, );
                        //string autoTranslateValue = _languageServiceClient.Translate(
                        //	"Bearer" + " " + APP_ID,
                        //	uniqueTranslationPair.Value.Item2,
                        //	uniqueTranslationPair.Value.Item1,
                        //	translationFile.Name,
                        //	"text/plain",
                        //	"general"
                        //	);
                        translationFile.TranslationPairs.Add(new TranslationPair {
                            Key = uniqueTranslationPair.Key, Value = "", Score = 0
                    else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(translationPair.Value))
                        translationPair.Score = 0;
                        //translationPair.Value = _languageServiceClient.Translate(
                        //	"Bearer" + " " + APP_ID,
                        //	uniqueTranslationPair.Value.Item2,
                        //	uniqueTranslationPair.Value.Item1,
                        //	translationFile.Name,
                        //	"text/plain",
                        //	"general"
                        //	);
                        translationPair.Score = score;

            foreach (TranslationFile translationFile in TranslationFiles)
                translationFile.TranslationPairs = new ObservableCollection <TranslationPair>(translationFile.TranslationPairs.OrderBy(tp => tp.Score).ThenBy(tp => tp.Key));
Example #11
        public void SpellCheckTest()
            const string dictionariesPath = @"..\..\..\dictionaries";
            var          i           = 0;
            var          errorsCount = 0;
            var          message     = $"Next keys have spell check issues:\r\n\r\n";

            //var list = new List<SpellCheckExclude>();

            var groupByLng = TranslationFiles
                             .GroupBy(t => t.Language)
                             .Select(g => new
                Language = g.Key,
                Files    = g.ToList()

            foreach (var group in groupByLng)
                    var language = SpellCheck.GetDictionaryLanguage(group.Language);

                    //var spellCheckExclude = new SpellCheckExclude(group.Language);

                    using (var dictionaryStream = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(dictionariesPath, language, $"{language}.dic")))
                        using (var affixStream = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(dictionariesPath, language, $"{language}.aff")))
                            var dictionary = WordList.CreateFromStreams(dictionaryStream, affixStream);

                            foreach (var g in group.Files)
                                foreach (var item in g.Translations)
                                    var result = SpellCheck.HasSpellIssues(item.Value, group.Language, dictionary);

                                    if (result.HasProblems)
                                        message += $"{++i}. lng='{group.Language}' file='{g.FilePath}'\r\nkey='{item.Key}' value='{item.Value}'\r\nIncorrect words:\r\n{string.Join("\r\n", result.SpellIssues.Select(issue => $"'{issue.Word}' Suggestion: '{issue.Suggestions.FirstOrDefault()}'"))}\r\n\r\n";

                                        /*foreach (var word in result.SpellIssues
                                         *  .Where(issue => issue.Suggestions.Any())
                                         *  .Select(issue => issue.Word))
                                         * {
                                         *  if (!spellCheckExclude.Excludes.Contains(word))
                                         *  {
                                         *      spellCheckExclude.Excludes.Add(word);
                                         *  }
                                         * }*/


                catch (NotSupportedException)
                    // Skip not supported

            //string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list, Formatting.Indented);
            //File.WriteAllText("../../../spellcheck-excludes.json", json);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, errorsCount, message);
Example #12
        public void WrongTranslationVariablesTest()
            var message      = $"Next keys have wrong variables:\r\n\r\n";
            var regVariables = new Regex("\\{\\{([^\\{].?[^\\}]+)\\}\\}", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline);

            var groupedByLng = TranslationFiles
                               .GroupBy(t => t.Language)
                               .Select(g => new
                Language = g.Key,
                TranslationsWithVariables = g.ToList()
                                            .SelectMany(t => t.Translations)
                                            .Where(k => k.Value.IndexOf("{{") != -1)
                                            .Select(t => new
                    Variables = regVariables.Matches(t.Value)
                                .Select(m => m.Groups[1]?.Value?.Trim().Replace(", lowercase", ""))

            var enWithVariables = groupedByLng
                                  .Where(t => t.Language == "en")
                                  .SelectMany(t => t.TranslationsWithVariables)

            var otherLanguagesWithVariables = groupedByLng
                                              .Where(t => t.Language != "en")

            var i           = 0;
            var errorsCount = 0;

            foreach (var lng in otherLanguagesWithVariables)
                foreach (var t in lng.TranslationsWithVariables)
                    var enKey = enWithVariables
                                .Where(en => en.Key == t.Key)

                    if (enKey == null)
                        // wrong
                        message += $"{++i}. lng='{lng.Language}' key='{t.Key}' has no 'en' language variant (!!!useless key!!!)\r\n\r\n";

                    if (enKey.Variables.Count != t.Variables.Count)
                        // wrong
                        message += $"{++i}. lng='{lng.Language}' key='{t.Key}' has less variables then 'en' language have " +
                                   $"(en={enKey.Variables.Count}|{lng.Language}={t.Variables.Count})\r\n" +
                                   $"'en': '{enKey.Value}'\r\n'{lng.Language}': '{t.Value}'\r\n\r\n";

                    if (!t.Variables.All(v => enKey.Variables.Contains(v)))
                        // wrong
                        message += $"{++i}. lng='{lng.Language}' key='{t.Key}' has not equals variables of 'en' language have\r\n\r\n" +
                                   $"Have to be:\r\n'{enKey.Value}'\r\n\r\n{string.Join("\r\n", enKey.Variables)}\r\n\r\n" +
                                   $"But in real:\r\n'{t.Value}'\r\n\r\n{string.Join("\r\n", t.Variables)} \r\n\r\n";

            Assert.AreEqual(0, errorsCount, message);