public Particle(int x, int y, int idxBitmap, float orientationx, float orientationy, CanvasRenderTarget source, float particlespeed = 0.25f, bool particlefall = false)
            particleBitmap = idxBitmap;
            Radius = (particleBitmap + 1) * 4;
            X = x;
            Y = y;
            OrientationX = orientationx;
            OrientationY = orientationy;

            //Here is all the turbulence, without this is linear
            random = generator.Next(2, 50);
            factor = 0.7f * random / 10.0f;
            var octaves = generator.Next(1, 5);
            turbulence = new Transform2DEffect() { Source = new TurbulenceEffect() { Octaves = octaves } };
            displacement = new DisplacementMapEffect() { Source = source, Displacement = turbulence };

            speed = particlespeed;
            fall = particlefall;
        private void Draw(CanvasControl sender, CanvasDrawEventArgs args)
            if (_contentPresenter == null) return;

            var border = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(_contentPresenter, 0) as Border;
            if (border == null) return;

            var borderPoint = border.TransformToVisual(this).TransformPoint(new Point(0, 0));

            var cl = new CanvasCommandList(sender);
            using (var clds = cl.CreateDrawingSession())
                clds.FillRoundedRectangle(new Rect(borderPoint.X, borderPoint.Y, border.ActualWidth, border.ActualHeight), (float)border.CornerRadius.TopLeft, (float)border.CornerRadius.TopLeft, Color.FromArgb(128, 0, 0, 0));

            var shadowEffect = new Transform2DEffect
                Source =
                    new Transform2DEffect
                        Source = new ShadowEffect
                            BlurAmount = 2,
                            ShadowColor = Color.FromArgb(160, 0, 0, 0),
                            Source = cl
                        //TODO not doing any scaling right now, confirm with larger shadows
                        TransformMatrix = Matrix3x2.CreateScale(1.0f, new Vector2((float)(border.ActualWidth / 2), ((float)border.ActualHeight / 2)))

                TransformMatrix = Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(0, 1)

            // args.DrawingSession.DrawImage(cl);
Example #3
        public Renderer(CoreWindow window)
            this.window = window;
            window.PointerPressed += window_PointerPressed;
            window.PointerMoved += window_PointerMoved;
            window.PointerReleased += window_PointerReleased;

            device = new CanvasDevice();
            swapChainManager = new SwapChainManager(window, device);

            var effect = new GaussianBlurEffect()
                BlurAmount = 5,
                Source = inputEffect

            outputEffect = new Transform2DEffect()
                Source = effect

            imageBrush = new CanvasImageBrush(device);
            imageBrush.Opacity = 0.99f;
Example #4
        public async void DrawEffect()
            if (Target == null)

            if (MainContainer != null)
                foreach (var child in MainContainer.Children)
                    if (child is SpriteVisual)
                        (child as SpriteVisual).Brush.Dispose();

            RenderTargetBitmap bitmap = new RenderTargetBitmap();
            await bitmap.RenderAsync(Target);
            var pixels  = (await bitmap.GetPixelsAsync()).ToArray();
            Size srcSize = new Size(bitmap.PixelWidth, bitmap.PixelHeight);
            Size decSize = new Size((int)BlurAmount * 10 + bitmap.PixelWidth, (int)BlurAmount * 10 + bitmap.PixelHeight);
            Size blurSize = new Size(decSize.Width - srcSize.Width, decSize.Height - srcSize.Height);
            Point transform = new Point(blurSize.Width/2, blurSize.Height/2);
            transform.X += Math.Cos(Direction / 360 * 2 * Math.PI) * Depth;
            transform.Y += Math.Sin(Direction / 360 * 2 * Math.PI) * Depth;
            ContainerVisual visual = Target.GetVisual() as ContainerVisual;

            Compositor compositor = visual.Compositor;

            CanvasDevice device = CanvasDevice.GetSharedDevice();
            CanvasRenderTarget offscreen = new CanvasRenderTarget(device, (int)decSize.Width, (int)decSize.Height, 96);

            using (CanvasDrawingSession ds = offscreen.CreateDrawingSession())
                Transform2DEffect finalEffect = new Transform2DEffect()
                    Source = new Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.Effects.ShadowEffect()
                        Source = CanvasBitmap.CreateFromBytes(ds, pixels, (int)srcSize.Width, (int)srcSize.Height,
                        BlurAmount = (float)BlurAmount,
                        ShadowColor = ShadowColor
                    TransformMatrix = Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation((float)blurSize.Width / 2, (float)blurSize.Height / 2)


            var effectPixels = offscreen.GetPixelBytes();

            var imageFactory =

            var effectImage = imageFactory.CreateImageFromPixels(effectPixels, (int)decSize.Width, (int)decSize.Height);
            var effectbrush = compositor.CreateSurfaceBrush(effectImage.Surface);
            var effectVisual = compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();

            effectVisual.Brush = effectbrush;
            effectVisual.Offset = new Vector3( -(float)transform.X, -(float)transform.Y, 0);
            effectVisual.Size = new Vector2((float)decSize.Width, (float)decSize.Height);

            var srcImage = imageFactory.CreateImageFromPixels(pixels, (int)srcSize.Width, (int)srcSize.Height);
            var srcbrush = compositor.CreateSurfaceBrush(srcImage.Surface);
            var srcVisual = compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();

            srcVisual.Brush = srcbrush;
            srcVisual.Offset = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            srcVisual.Size = new Vector2((int)srcSize.Width, (int)srcSize.Height);

            if (MainContainer == null)
                MainContainer = compositor.CreateContainerVisual();
                ElementCompositionPreview.SetElementChildVisual(Target, MainContainer);

        void CreateLinearGradient(ICanvasResourceCreator resourceCreator)
            var commandList = new CanvasCommandList(resourceCreator);

            using (var drawingSession = commandList.CreateDrawingSession())
                var brush = new CanvasLinearGradientBrush(resourceCreator, Colors.White, Colors.Black)
                    StartPoint = new Vector2(-tigerSize.X / 4, 0),
                    EndPoint = new Vector2(tigerSize.X * 5 / 4, 0),

                drawingSession.FillRectangle(bitmapTiger.Bounds, brush);

            // Wrap the gradient with a border effect to avoid edge artifacts as we rotate it.
            linearGradient = new Transform2DEffect
                Source = new BorderEffect
                    Source = commandList
        void CreateBrushes(CanvasAnimatedControl sender, CanvasBitmap bitmapTiger)
            var bitmapSize = bitmapTiger.Size;
            var scale = (radius * 2) / (float)bitmapSize.Height;

            var backgroundEffect = new Transform2DEffect()
                Source = bitmapTiger,
                TransformMatrix = Matrix3x2.CreateScale(scale, scale) * Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(center - radius, center - radius)

            backgroundBrush = new CanvasImageBrush(sender, backgroundEffect)
                SourceRectangle = new Rect(0, 0, size, size),
                Opacity = 0.6f

            hueRotationEffect = new HueRotationEffect()
                Source = backgroundEffect,
                Angle = (float)Math.PI * 0.5f

            var foregroundEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect()
                Source = hueRotationEffect,
                BlurAmount = 10

            foregroundBrush = new CanvasImageBrush(sender, foregroundEffect)
                SourceRectangle = new Rect(0, 0, size, size)
Example #7
        private ICanvasImage CreateDisplacementMap()
            var turbulence = new Transform2DEffect
                Source = new TurbulenceEffect
                    Octaves = 4

            var displacementEffect = new DisplacementMapEffect
                Source = bitmapTiger,
                Displacement = turbulence,
                XChannelSelect = EffectChannelSelect.Red,
                YChannelSelect = EffectChannelSelect.Green,

            // Animation moves the displacement map from side to side, which creates a rippling effect.
            // It also gradually changes the displacement amount.
            animationFunction = elapsedTime =>
                turbulence.TransformMatrix = Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation((float)Math.Cos(elapsedTime) * 50 - 50,
                                                                         (float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime) * 50 - 50);

                displacementEffect.Amount = (float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime * 0.7) * 50 + 75;

                currentEffectSize = bitmapTiger.Size.ToVector2() + new Vector2(displacementEffect.Amount / 2);

            return displacementEffect;
Example #8
        public void Loadd()
            MAIN = new Transform2DEffect {
                Source = Shape,

            var c = color;

            c.A = (byte)(255 * (density));
            ICanvasImage Main()
                if (Texture == null)
                return(new ArithmeticCompositeEffect {
                    Source1 = MAIN,
                    Source2 = new TileEffect {
                        Source = Texture,
                        SourceRectangle = new Rect(0, 0, Texture.Size.Width, Texture.Size.Height)
                    MultiplyAmount = 1,
                    Source1Amount = 0,
                    Source2Amount = 0,

            ICanvasImage Color()
                var cc = new PremultiplyEffect {
                    Source = new ColorSourceEffect {
                        Color = c

                if (blend == 0 && dilution == 0)
                    ECAN = null;
                ECAN = new TileEffect {
                    Source = new GaussianBlurEffect {
                        Source = Canvas,
                return(new ArithmeticCompositeEffect {
                    Source1 = new CompositeEffect {
                        Sources =
                            new PremultiplyEffect    {
                                Source = cc
                            new LinearTransferEffect {
                                Source = ECAN, AlphaSlope = blend
                    MultiplyAmount = 0,
                    Source1Amount = 1 - dilution,
                    Source2 = ECAN,
                    Source2Amount = dilution,

            MASK = new LuminanceToAlphaEffect {
                Source = Main(),
            ERAS = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect {
                Source1 = Color(),
                Source2 = new InvertEffect {
                    Source = new LuminanceToAlphaEffect {
                        Source = Main(),
                MultiplyAmount = 1,
                Source1Amount  = 0,
                Source2Amount  = 0,
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the flame effect graph. This method is called before the text command list
        /// (input) is created.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateFlameEffect()
            // Thicken the text.
            morphology = new MorphologyEffect
                // The Source property is set by SetupText().
                Mode   = MorphologyEffectMode.Dilate,
                Width  = 7,
                Height = 1

            // Blur, then colorize the text from black to red to orange as the alpha increases.
            var colorize = new ColorMatrixEffect
                Source = new GaussianBlurEffect
                    Source     = morphology,
                    BlurAmount = 3f
                ColorMatrix = new Matrix5x4
                    M11 = 0f, M12 = 0f, M13 = 0f, M14 = 0f,
                    M21 = 0f, M22 = 0f, M23 = 0f, M24 = 0f,
                    M31 = 0f, M32 = 0f, M33 = 0f, M34 = 0f,
                    M41 = 0f, M42 = 1f, M43 = 0f, M44 = 1f,
                    M51 = 1f, M52 = -0.5f, M53 = 0f, M54 = 0f

            // Generate a Perlin noise field (see flamePosition).
            // Animate the noise by modifying flameAnimation's transform matrix at render time.
            flameAnimation = new Transform2DEffect
                Source = new BorderEffect
                    Source = new TurbulenceEffect
                        Frequency = new Vector2(0.109f, 0.109f),
                        Size      = new Vector2(500.0f, 80.0f)
                    // Use Mirror extend mode to allow us to spatially translate the noise
                    // without any visible seams.
                    ExtendX = CanvasEdgeBehavior.Mirror,
                    ExtendY = CanvasEdgeBehavior.Mirror

            // Give the flame its wavy appearance by generating a displacement map from the noise
            // (see flameAnimation) and applying this to the text.
            // Stretch and position this flame behind the original text.
            flamePosition = new Transform2DEffect
                Source = new DisplacementMapEffect
                    Source       = colorize,
                    Displacement = flameAnimation,
                    Amount       = 40.0f
                // Set the transform matrix at render time as it depends on window size.

            // Composite the text over the flames.
            composite = new CompositeEffect()
                Sources = { flamePosition, null }
                // Replace null with the text command list when it is created.
Example #10
        public void SetEncodingProperties(VideoEncodingProperties encodingProperties, IDirect3DDevice device)
            canvasDevice = CanvasDevice.CreateFromDirect3D11Device(device);
            numColumns = (uint)(encodingProperties.Width / pixelsPerTile);
            numRows = (uint)(encodingProperties.Height / pixelsPerTile);
            transforms = new Transform2DEffect[numColumns, numRows];
            crops = new CropEffect[numColumns, numRows];

            for (uint i = 0; i < numColumns; i++)
                for (uint j = 0; j < numRows; j++)
                    crops[i, j] = new CropEffect();
                    crops[i, j].SourceRectangle = new Rect(i * pixelsPerTile, j * pixelsPerTile, pixelsPerTile, pixelsPerTile);
                    transforms[i, j] = new Transform2DEffect();
                    transforms[i, j].Source = crops[i, j];
        public void ProcessFrame(ProcessVideoFrameContext context)
            using (CanvasBitmap input = CanvasBitmap.CreateFromDirect3D11Surface(canvasDevice, context.InputFrame.Direct3DSurface))
            using (CanvasRenderTarget output = CanvasRenderTarget.CreateFromDirect3D11Surface(canvasDevice, context.OutputFrame.Direct3DSurface))
            using (CanvasDrawingSession ds = output.CreateDrawingSession())

                var mirrorEffect = new Transform2DEffect()
                    Source = input,
                    TransformMatrix = new Matrix3x2(-1, 0, 0, 1, output.SizeInPixels.Width, 0),

Example #12
        void CreateEffects()
            // The Game of Life is a cellular automaton with very simple rules.
            // Each cell (pixel) can be either alive (white) or dead (black).
            // The state is updated by:
            //  - for each cell, count how many of its 8 neighbors are alive
            //  - if less than two, the cell dies from loneliness
            //  - if exactly two, the cell keeps its current state
            //  - if exactly three, the cell become alive
            //  - if more than three, the cell dies from overcrowding

            // Step 1: use a convolve matrix to count how many neighbors are alive. This filter
            // also includes the state of the current cell, but with a lower weighting. The result
            // is an arithmetic encoding where (value / 2) indicates how many neighbors are alive,
            // and (value % 2) is the state of the cell itself. This is divided by 18 to make it
            // fit within 0-1 color range.

            countNeighborsEffect = new ConvolveMatrixEffect
                KernelMatrix = new float[]
                    2, 2, 2,
                    2, 1, 2,
                    2, 2, 2

                Divisor    = 18,
                BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard,

            // Step 2: use a color transfer table to map the different states produced by the
            // convolve matrix to whether the cell should live or die. Each pair of entries in
            // this table corresponds to a certain number of live neighbors. The first of the
            // pair is the result if the current cell is dead, or the second if it is alive.

            float[] transferTable =
                0, 0,   // 0 live neighbors -> dead cell
                0, 0,   // 1 live neighbors -> dead cell
                0, 1,   // 2 live neighbors -> cell keeps its current state
                1, 1,   // 3 live neighbors -> live cell
                0, 0,   // 4 live neighbors -> dead cell
                0, 0,   // 5 live neighbors -> dead cell
                0, 0,   // 6 live neighbors -> dead cell
                0, 0,   // 7 live neighbors -> dead cell
                0, 0,   // 8 live neighbors -> dead cell

            liveOrDieEffect = new DiscreteTransferEffect
                Source = countNeighborsEffect,

                RedTable   = transferTable,
                GreenTable = transferTable,
                BlueTable  = transferTable,

            // Step 3: the algorithm is implemented in terms of white = live,
            // black = dead, but we invert these colors before displaying the
            // result, just 'cause I think it looks better that way.

            invertEffect = new LinearTransferEffect
                RedSlope   = -1, RedOffset = 1,
                GreenSlope = -1, GreenOffset = 1,
                BlueSlope  = -1, BlueOffset = 1,

            // Step 4: insert our own DPI compensation effect to stop the system trying to
            // automatically convert DPI for us. The Game of Life simulation always works
            // in pixels (96 DPI) regardless of display DPI. Normally, the system would
            // handle this mismatch automatically and scale the image up as needed to fit
            // higher DPI displays. We don't want that behavior here, because it would use
            // a linear filter while we want nearest neighbor. So we insert a no-op DPI
            // converter of our own. This overrides the default adjustment by telling the
            // system the source image is already the same DPI as the destination canvas
            // (even though it really isn't). We'll handle any necessary scaling later
            // ourselves, using Transform2DEffect to control the interpolation mode.

            var dpiCompensationEffect = new DpiCompensationEffect
                Source    = invertEffect,
                SourceDpi = new Vector2(canvas.Dpi),

            // Step 5: a transform matrix scales up the simulation rendertarget and moves
            // it to the right part of the screen. This uses nearest neighbor filtering
            // to avoid unwanted blurring of the cell shapes.

            transformEffect = new Transform2DEffect
                Source            = dpiCompensationEffect,
                InterpolationMode = CanvasImageInterpolation.NearestNeighbor,
Example #13
        private ICanvasImage CreateLuminanceToAlpha()
            var contrastAdjustedTiger = new LinearTransferEffect
                Source = bitmapTiger,

                RedOffset   = -3,
                GreenOffset = -3,
                BlueOffset  = -3,

            var tigerAlpha = new LuminanceToAlphaEffect
                Source = contrastAdjustedTiger

            var tigerAlphaWithWhiteRgb = new LinearTransferEffect
                Source      = tigerAlpha,
                RedOffset   = 1,
                GreenOffset = 1,
                BlueOffset  = 1,
                RedSlope    = 0,
                GreenSlope  = 0,
                BlueSlope   = 0,

            var recombinedRgbAndAlpha = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect
                Source1 = tigerAlphaWithWhiteRgb,
                Source2 = bitmapTiger,

            var movedTiger = new Transform2DEffect
                Source = recombinedRgbAndAlpha

            const float turbulenceSize = 128;

            var backgroundImage = new CropEffect
                Source = new TileEffect
                    Source = new TurbulenceEffect
                        Octaves  = 8,
                        Size     = new Vector2(turbulenceSize),
                        Tileable = true
                    SourceRectangle = new Rect(0, 0, turbulenceSize, turbulenceSize)
                SourceRectangle = new Rect((bitmapTiger.Size.ToVector2() * -0.5f).ToPoint(),
                                           (bitmapTiger.Size.ToVector2() * 1.5f).ToPoint())

            var tigerOnBackground = new BlendEffect
                Foreground = movedTiger,
                Background = backgroundImage

            // Animation moves the alpha bitmap around, and alters color transfer settings to change how solid it is.
            animationFunction = elapsedTime =>
                contrastAdjustedTiger.RedSlope          =
                    contrastAdjustedTiger.GreenSlope    =
                        contrastAdjustedTiger.BlueSlope = ((float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime * 0.9) + 2) * 3;

                var dx = (float)Math.Cos(elapsedTime) * 50;
                var dy = (float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime) * 50;

                movedTiger.TransformMatrix = Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(dx, dy);

Example #14
        private ICanvasImage CreateLighting()
            var heightMap = new LuminanceToAlphaEffect
                Source = bitmapTiger

            var distantDiffuseEffect = new DistantDiffuseEffect
                Source         = heightMap,
                HeightMapScale = 2

            var distantSpecularEffect = new DistantSpecularEffect
                Source           = heightMap,
                SpecularExponent = 16

            var pointDiffuseEffect = new PointDiffuseEffect
                Source         = heightMap,
                HeightMapScale = 2

            var pointSpecularEffect = new PointSpecularEffect
                Source           = heightMap,
                SpecularExponent = 16

            var spotDiffuseEffect = new SpotDiffuseEffect
                Source            = heightMap,
                HeightMapScale    = 2,
                LimitingConeAngle = 0.25f,
                LightTarget       = new Vector3(bitmapTiger.Size.ToVector2(), 0) / 2

            var spotSpecularEffect = new SpotSpecularEffect
                Source            = heightMap,
                SpecularExponent  = 16,
                LimitingConeAngle = 0.25f,
                LightTarget       = new Vector3(bitmapTiger.Size.ToVector2(), 0) / 2

            // Lay out all the different light types in a grid.
            var xgap = (float)bitmapTiger.Size.Width * 1.1f;
            var ygap = (float)bitmapTiger.Size.Height * 1.1f;

            var compositeEffect = new CompositeEffect
                Sources =
                    AddTextOverlay(distantDiffuseEffect,                            -xgap, -ygap),
                    AddTextOverlay(distantSpecularEffect,                           -xgap,     0),
                    AddTextOverlay(pointDiffuseEffect,                                 -0, -ygap),
                    AddTextOverlay(pointSpecularEffect,                                -0,     0),
                    AddTextOverlay(spotDiffuseEffect,               xgap,                  -ygap),
                    AddTextOverlay(spotSpecularEffect,              xgap,                      0),

                    CombineDiffuseAndSpecular(distantDiffuseEffect, distantSpecularEffect,  -xgap,ygap),
                    CombineDiffuseAndSpecular(pointDiffuseEffect,   pointSpecularEffect,        0,ygap),
                    CombineDiffuseAndSpecular(spotDiffuseEffect,    spotSpecularEffect,    xgap,  ygap),

            ICanvasImage finalEffect = compositeEffect;

            // Check the screen size, and scale down our output if the screen is too small to fit the whole thing as-is.
            var xScaleFactor = (float)canvas.ActualWidth / 750;
            var yScaleFactor = (float)canvas.ActualHeight / 500;

            var scaleFactor = Math.Min(xScaleFactor, yScaleFactor);

            if (scaleFactor < 1)
                finalEffect = new Transform2DEffect
                    Source          = compositeEffect,
                    TransformMatrix = Matrix3x2.CreateScale(scaleFactor, bitmapTiger.Size.ToVector2() / 2)

            // Animation changes the light directions.
            animationFunction = elapsedTime =>
                distantDiffuseEffect.Azimuth      =
                    distantSpecularEffect.Azimuth = elapsedTime % ((float)Math.PI * 2);

                distantDiffuseEffect.Elevation      =
                    distantSpecularEffect.Elevation = (float)Math.PI / 4 + (float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime / 2) * (float)Math.PI / 8;

                pointDiffuseEffect.LightPosition             =
                    pointSpecularEffect.LightPosition        =
                        spotDiffuseEffect.LightPosition      =
                            spotSpecularEffect.LightPosition = new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(elapsedTime), (float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime), 1) * 100;

Example #15
        public void Loadd2()
            var MAIN = new Transform2DEffect {
                Source = Shape,

            //直接读CanvasRenderTarget又不行(0x88990025) sessionblend.Mutiply也没有
            //blendcopy要读底图颜色不过UpdateCanvas太慢了 已经写不出橡皮擦了
            ICanvasImage ccc()
                if (Texture == null)
                return(new ArithmeticCompositeEffect {
                    Source1 = MAIN,
                    Source2 = new TileEffect {
                        Source = Texture,
                        SourceRectangle = new Rect(0, 0, Texture.Size.Width, Texture.Size.Height)
                    MultiplyAmount = 1,
                    Source1Amount = 0,
                    Source2Amount = 0,

            var ECAN = new TileEffect {
                Source = new GaussianBlurEffect {
                    Source = Canvas,
            var ERAS = new CompositeEffect {
                Sources =
                    new ArithmeticCompositeEffect            {
                        Source1 = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect{
                            MultiplyAmount = 0,
                            Source1        = new CompositeEffect {
                                Sources =
                                    new PremultiplyEffect    {
                                        Source = new ColorSourceEffect{
                                            Color = color
                                    new LinearTransferEffect {
                                        Source = ECAN, AlphaSlope = blend
                            Source1Amount = 1 - dilution,
                            Source2       = ECAN,
                            Source2Amount = dilution,
                        Source2 = new InvertEffect           {
                            Source = new LuminanceToAlphaEffect{
                                Source = ccc()
                        MultiplyAmount = 1,
                        Source1Amount  = 0,
                        Source2Amount  = 0,
                    new CompositeEffect                      {
                        Sources =
                            new LuminanceToAlphaEffect       {
                                Source = ccc(),
                        Mode = CanvasComposite.DestinationOut
                Mode = CanvasComposite.Add
            var brush = new CanvasImageBrush(device)
                Image           = ERAS,
                SourceRectangle = new Rect(new Point(0, 0), Canvas.Size)

            dynamicbrush = (p, v, size) => {
                checkRandom(out Matrix3x2 x, ref p, ref v, ref size);
                ECAN.SourceRectangle = new Rect(p.X + v.X * size, p.Y + v.Y * size, 1, 1);
                MAIN.TransformMatrix = x;
                // session.Blend = CanvasBlend.Copy;
                // session.FillCircle(p, size*2, brush);
                session.DrawImage(ERAS, CanvasComposite.Copy);
        private void MainGridLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            m_compositor = ElementCompositionPreview.GetElementVisual(MainGrid).Compositor;
            m_root = m_compositor.CreateContainerVisual();
            ElementCompositionPreview.SetElementChildVisual(MainGrid, m_root);

            Size imageSize;
            m_noEffectBrush = CreateBrushFromAsset(
                "Bruno'sFamily2015 (13)-X2.jpg",
                out imageSize);
            m_imageAspectRatio = (imageSize.Width == 0 && imageSize.Height == 0) ? 1 : imageSize.Width / imageSize.Height;

            m_sprite = m_compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();
            ResizeImage(new Size(MainGrid.ActualWidth, MainGrid.ActualHeight));

            // Image with alpha channel as an mask.
            var alphaMaskEffectDesc = new CompositeEffect
                Mode = CanvasComposite.DestinationIn,
                Sources =
                    new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image"),
                    new Transform2DEffect
                        Name = "MaskTransform",
                        Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Mask")
            m_alphaMaskEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                new[] { "MaskTransform.TransformMatrix" }

            // Arithmetic operations between two images.
            var arithmeticEffectDesc = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect
                Name = "effect",
                ClampOutput = false,
                Source1 = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Source1"),
                Source2 = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Source2")
            m_arithmeticEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // Creates a blend effect that combines two images.
            var foregroundBrush = CreateBrushFromAsset("Checkerboard_100x100.png");
            m_blendEffectBrushes = new CompositionEffectBrush[m_supportedBlendModes.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < m_supportedBlendModes.Length; i++)
                var blendEffectDesc = new BlendEffect
                    Mode = m_supportedBlendModes[i],
                    Background = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Background"),
                    Foreground = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Foreground")
                m_blendEffectBrushes[i] = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // Generates an image containing a solid color.
            var colorSourceEffectDesc = new ColorSourceEffect // FloodEffect
                Name = "effect"
            m_colorSourceEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                new[] { "effect.Color" }

            // Changes the contrast of an image.
            var contrastEffectDesc = new ContrastEffect
                Name = "effect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")
            m_contrastEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                new[] { "effect.Contrast" }

            // Changes the exposure of an image.
            var exposureEffectDesc = new ExposureEffect
                Name = "effect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")
            m_exposureEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                new[] { "effect.Exposure" }

            // Alters the colors of an image by applying a per-channel gamma transfer function.
            var gammaTransferEffectDesc = new GammaTransferEffect
                Name = "effect",
                RedDisable = false,
                GreenDisable = false,
                BlueDisable = false,
                AlphaDisable = false,
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")
            m_gammaTransferEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // Converts an image to monochromatic gray.
            var grayscaleEffectDesc = new GrayscaleEffect
                Name = "effect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")
            m_grayscaleEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // Alters the color of an image by rotating its hue values.
            var hueRotationEffectDesc = new HueRotationEffect
                Name = "effect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")
            m_hueRotationEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                new[] { "effect.Angle" }

            // Inverts the colors of an image.
            var invertEffectDesc = new InvertEffect
                Name = "effect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")
            m_invertEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // Alters the saturation of an image.
            var saturationEffectDesc = new SaturationEffect
                Name = "effect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")
            m_saturateEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                new[] { "effect.Saturation" }

            // Converts an image to sepia tones.
            var supportedAlphaModes = new[]
            m_sepiaEffectBrushes = new CompositionEffectBrush[supportedAlphaModes.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < supportedAlphaModes.Length; i++)
                var sepiaEffectDesc = new SepiaEffect
                    Name = "effect",
                    AlphaMode = supportedAlphaModes[i],
                    Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")
                m_sepiaEffectBrushes[i] = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                    new[] { "effect.Intensity" }

            // Adjusts the temperature and/or tint of an image.
            var temperatureAndTintEffectDesc = new TemperatureAndTintEffect
                Name = "effect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")
            m_temperatureAndTintEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // Applies a 2D affine transform matrix to an image.
            var transform2DEffectDesc = new Transform2DEffect
                TransformMatrix = new Matrix3x2(
                    -1, 0,
                    0, 1,
                    m_sprite.Size.X, 0),
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")
            m_transform2DEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // For simplying UI states switch, put effect parameter grids in an array
            m_effectParamsGrids = new Grid[(int)EffectType.NumEffectTypes];
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.NoEffect] = null;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.AlphaMask] = AlphaMaskParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Arithmetic] = ArithmeticParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Blend] = BlendParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.ColorSource] = ColorSourceParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Contrast] = ContrastParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Exposure] = ExposureParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.GammaTransfer] = GammaTransferParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Grayscale] = null;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.HueRotation] = HueRotationParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Invert] = null;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Saturation] = SaturationParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Sepia] = SepiaParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.TemperatureAndTint] = TemperatureAndTintParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Transform2D] = null;

            // Same as grids
            m_effectBrushes = new CompositionBrush[(int)EffectType.NumEffectTypes];
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.NoEffect] = m_noEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.AlphaMask] = m_alphaMaskEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Arithmetic] = m_arithmeticEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Blend] = m_blendEffectBrushes[m_activeBlendMode];
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.ColorSource] = m_colorSourceEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Contrast] = m_contrastEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Exposure] = m_exposureEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.GammaTransfer] = m_gammaTransferEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Grayscale] = m_grayscaleEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.HueRotation] = m_hueRotationEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Invert] = m_invertEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Saturation] = m_saturateEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Sepia] = m_sepiaEffectBrushes[m_activeSepiaAlphaMode];
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.TemperatureAndTint] = m_temperatureAndTintEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Transform2D] = m_transform2DEffectBrush;

Example #17
        void CreateEffects()
            // The Game of Life is a cellular automaton with very simple rules.
            // Each cell (pixel) can be either alive (white) or dead (black).
            // The state is updated by:
            //  - for each cell, count how many of its 8 neighbors are alive
            //  - if less than two, the cell dies from loneliness
            //  - if exactly two, the cell keeps its current state
            //  - if exactly three, the cell become alive
            //  - if more than three, the cell dies from overcrowding

            // Step 1: use a convolve matrix to count how many neighbors are alive. This filter
            // also includes the state of the current cell, but with a lower weighting. The result
            // is an arithmetic encoding where (value / 2) indicates how many neighbors are alive,
            // and (value % 2) is the state of the cell itself. This is divided by 18 to make it
            // fit within 0-1 color range.

            countNeighborsEffect = new ConvolveMatrixEffect
                KernelMatrix = new float[]
                    2, 2, 2,
                    2, 1, 2,
                    2, 2, 2

                Divisor = 18,
                BorderMode = EffectBorderMode.Hard,

            // Step 2: use a color transfer table to map the different states produced by the
            // convolve matrix to whether the cell should live or die. Each pair of entries in
            // this table corresponds to a certain number of live neighbors. The first of the
            // pair is the result if the current cell is dead, or the second if it is alive.

            float[] transferTable =
                0, 0,   // 0 live neighbors -> dead cell
                0, 0,   // 1 live neighbors -> dead cell
                0, 1,   // 2 live neighbors -> cell keeps its current state
                1, 1,   // 3 live neighbors -> live cell
                0, 0,   // 4 live neighbors -> dead cell
                0, 0,   // 5 live neighbors -> dead cell
                0, 0,   // 6 live neighbors -> dead cell
                0, 0,   // 7 live neighbors -> dead cell
                0, 0,   // 8 live neighbors -> dead cell

            liveOrDieEffect = new DiscreteTransferEffect
                Source = countNeighborsEffect,

                RedTable = transferTable,
                GreenTable = transferTable,
                BlueTable = transferTable,

            // Step 3: the algorithm is implemented in terms of white = live,
            // black = dead, but we invert these colors before displaying the
            // result, just 'cause I think it looks better that way.

            invertEffect = new LinearTransferEffect
                RedSlope = -1,
                RedOffset = 1,
                GreenSlope = -1,
                GreenOffset = 1,
                BlueSlope = -1,
                BlueOffset = 1,

            // Step 4: insert our own DPI compensation effect to stop the system trying to
            // automatically convert DPI for us. The Game of Life simulation always works
            // in pixels (96 DPI) regardless of display DPI. Normally, the system would
            // handle this mismatch automatically and scale the image up as needed to fit
            // higher DPI displays. We don't want that behavior here, because it would use
            // a linear filter while we want nearest neighbor. So we insert a no-op DPI
            // converter of our own. This overrides the default adjustment by telling the
            // system the source image is already the same DPI as the destination canvas
            // (even though it really isn't). We'll handle any necessary scaling later
            // ourselves, using Transform2DEffect to control the interpolation mode.

            var dpiCompensationEffect = new DpiCompensationEffect
                Source = invertEffect,
                SourceDpi = new Vector2(canvas.Dpi),

            // Step 5: a transform matrix scales up the simulation rendertarget and moves
            // it to the right part of the screen. This uses nearest neighbor filtering
            // to avoid unwanted blurring of the cell shapes.

            transformEffect = new Transform2DEffect
                Source = dpiCompensationEffect,
                InterpolationMode = CanvasImageInterpolation.NearestNeighbor,
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the flame effect graph. This method is called before the text command list
        /// (input) is created.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateFlameEffect()
            // Thicken the text.
            morphology = new MorphologyEffect
                // The Source property is set by SetupText().
                Mode = MorphologyEffectMode.Dilate,
                Width = 7,
                Height = 1

            // Blur, then colorize the text from black to red to orange as the alpha increases.
            var colorize = new ColorMatrixEffect
                Source = new GaussianBlurEffect
                    Source = morphology,
                    BlurAmount = 3f
                ColorMatrix = new Matrix5x4
                    M11 = 0f, M12 = 0f, M13 = 0f, M14 = 0f,
                    M21 = 0f, M22 = 0f, M23 = 0f, M24 = 0f,
                    M31 = 0f, M32 = 0f, M33 = 0f, M34 = 0f,
                    M41 = 0f, M42 = 1f, M43 = 0f, M44 = 1f,
                    M51 = 1f, M52 = -0.5f, M53 = 0f, M54 = 0f

            // Generate a Perlin noise field (see flamePosition).
            // Animate the noise by modifying flameAnimation's transform matrix at render time.
            flameAnimation = new Transform2DEffect
                Source = new BorderEffect
                    Source = new TurbulenceEffect
                        Frequency = new Vector2(0.109f, 0.109f),
                        Size = new Vector2(500.0f, 80.0f)
                    // Use Mirror extend mode to allow us to spatially translate the noise
                    // without any visible seams.
                    ExtendX = CanvasEdgeBehavior.Mirror,
                    ExtendY = CanvasEdgeBehavior.Mirror

            // Give the flame its wavy appearance by generating a displacement map from the noise
            // (see flameAnimation) and applying this to the text.
            // Stretch and position this flame behind the original text.
            flamePosition = new Transform2DEffect
                Source = new DisplacementMapEffect
                    Source = colorize,
                    Displacement = flameAnimation,
                    Amount = 40.0f
                // Set the transform matrix at render time as it depends on window size.

            // Composite the text over the flames.
            composite = new CompositeEffect()
                Sources = { flamePosition, null }
                // Replace null with the text command list when it is created.
Example #19
        private ICanvasImage CreateLuminanceToAlpha()
            var contrastAdjustedTiger = new LinearTransferEffect
                Source = bitmapTiger,

                RedOffset = -3,
                GreenOffset = -3,
                BlueOffset = -3,

            var tigerAlpha = new LuminanceToAlphaEffect
                Source = contrastAdjustedTiger

            var tigerAlphaWithWhiteRgb = new LinearTransferEffect
                Source = tigerAlpha,
                RedOffset = 1,
                GreenOffset = 1,
                BlueOffset = 1,
                RedSlope = 0,
                GreenSlope = 0,
                BlueSlope = 0,

            var recombinedRgbAndAlpha = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect
                Source1 = tigerAlphaWithWhiteRgb,
                Source2 = bitmapTiger,

            var movedTiger = new Transform2DEffect
                Source = recombinedRgbAndAlpha

            const float turbulenceSize = 128;

            var backgroundImage = new CropEffect
                Source = new TileEffect
                    Source = new TurbulenceEffect
                        Octaves = 8,
                        Size = new Vector2(turbulenceSize),
                        Tileable = true
                    SourceRectangle= new Rect(0, 0, turbulenceSize, turbulenceSize)
                SourceRectangle = new Rect((bitmapTiger.Size.ToVector2() * -0.5f).ToPoint(),
                                           (bitmapTiger.Size.ToVector2() * 1.5f).ToPoint())

            var tigerOnBackground = new BlendEffect
                Foreground = movedTiger,
                Background = backgroundImage

            // Animation moves the alpha bitmap around, and alters color transfer settings to change how solid it is.
            animationFunction = elapsedTime =>
                contrastAdjustedTiger.RedSlope =
                contrastAdjustedTiger.GreenSlope =
                contrastAdjustedTiger.BlueSlope = ((float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime * 0.9) + 2) * 3;

                var dx = (float)Math.Cos(elapsedTime) * 50;
                var dy = (float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime) * 50;

                movedTiger.TransformMatrix = Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(dx, dy);

            return tigerOnBackground;
Example #20
        private ICanvasImage CreateCrossFade()
            if (!CrossFadeEffect.IsSupported)
                return CreateNotSupportedMessage(requiresWin10_14393);

            textLabel = requiresWin10_14393;

            var upsideDownTiger = new Transform2DEffect
                Source = bitmapTiger,
                TransformMatrix = Matrix3x2.CreateScale(1, -1, bitmapTiger.Size.ToVector2() / 2)

            var crossFadeEffect = new CrossFadeEffect
                Source1 = bitmapTiger,
                Source2 = upsideDownTiger

            // Animation changes the crossfade amount.
            animationFunction = elapsedTime =>
                crossFadeEffect.CrossFade = 0.5f + (float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime * 2) / 2;

            return crossFadeEffect;
Example #21
        async Task CreateResourcesAsync(CanvasAnimatedControl sender)
            Arms_AR = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Char/arms/AR.png"));

            Arms_Pistol = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Char/arms/Pistol.png"));

            Arms_SMG = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Char/arms/SMG.png"));

            Arms_Fists = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Char/arms/Fists.png"));

            Bullet = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Bullets/bullet.png"));

            UI_AR = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/UI/gun-1.png"));

            UI_SMG = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/UI/gun-2.png"));

            UI_Pistol = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/UI/gun-3.png"));

            UI_Fists = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/UI/fists.png"));

            Bullets = ImageManipulation.img(Bullet);
            Enemy1  = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Char/spr_hayri.png"));

            ARWeapon.SetImage(await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Weapons/gun-1.png")));
            SMGWeapon.SetImage(await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Weapons/gun-2.png")));
            PistolWeapon.SetImage(await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Weapons/gun-3.png")));

            if (ChooseCharacter.PlayerCharacter.Equals("Jeroen")) // If Jeroen is chooses as as the player
                Player_sprite = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Char/spr_jeroen.png"));

                Char_UI = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Char/Char_UI/Jeroen.png"));

                // Set the sprite, and set in in the UI
            else if (ChooseCharacter.PlayerCharacter.Equals("Jeffrey")) // If Jeffrey is chooses as as the player
                Player_sprite = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Char/spr_jeffrey.png"));

                Char_UI = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Char/Char_UI/Jeffrey.png"));

                // Set the sprite, and set in in the UI
            else if (ChooseCharacter.PlayerCharacter.Equals("Daan"))     // If Daan is chooses as as the player
                Player_sprite = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Char/spr_daan.png"));

                Char_UI = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Char/Char_UI/Daan.png"));

                // Set the sprite, and set in in the UI
            else if (ChooseCharacter.PlayerCharacter.Equals("Jordy"))     // // If Jordy is chooses as as the player
                Player_sprite = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Char/spr_jordy.png"));

                Char_UI = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Char/Char_UI/Jordy.png"));

                // Set the sprite, and set in in the UI
            else if (ChooseCharacter.PlayerCharacter.Equals("Matthew"))     // If Matthew is chooses as as the player
                Player_sprite = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Char/spr_matthew.png"));

                Char_UI = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Char/Char_UI/Matthew.png"));

                // Set the sprite, and set in in the UI
            else if (ChooseCharacter.PlayerCharacter.Equals("Hayri"))     // If Hayri is chooses as as the player
                Player_sprite = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Char/spr_hayri.png"));

                Char_UI = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Char/Char_UI/Hayri.png"));

                // Set the sprite, and set in in the UI
            else if (ChooseCharacter.PlayerCharacter.Equals("Max"))     // If Max is chooses as as the player
                Player_sprite = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Char/spr_max.png"));

                Char_UI = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Char/Char_UI/Max.png"));

                // Set the sprite, and set in in the UI
            else if (ChooseCharacter.PlayerCharacter.Equals("Samus"))     // If Samus is chooses as as the player
                Player_sprite = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Char/spr_samus.png"));

                Char_UI = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Char/Char_UI/samus.png"));

                // Set the sprite, and set in in the UI
            Health_Full = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/UI/Health/health-full.png"));

            Health_Half = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/UI/Health/health-half.png"));

            Health_Empty = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/UI/Health/health-empty.png"));

            // Images for the Health

            // So that this isn't done on each frame, but only once.

            foreach (Tile t in Levels.Levels.tiles.Values) // Loop through all tiles
                await t.InitBitmap(sender).AsAsyncAction();

                // Load the tiles
Example #22
        private ICanvasImage CreateLighting()
            var heightMap = new LuminanceToAlphaEffect
                Source = bitmapTiger

            var distantDiffuseEffect = new DistantDiffuseEffect
                Source = heightMap,
                HeightMapScale = 2

            var distantSpecularEffect = new DistantSpecularEffect
                Source = heightMap,
                SpecularExponent = 16

            var pointDiffuseEffect = new PointDiffuseEffect
                Source = heightMap,
                HeightMapScale = 2

            var pointSpecularEffect = new PointSpecularEffect
                Source = heightMap,
                SpecularExponent = 16

            var spotDiffuseEffect = new SpotDiffuseEffect
                Source = heightMap,
                HeightMapScale = 2,
                LimitingConeAngle = 0.25f,
                LightTarget = new Vector3(bitmapTiger.Size.ToVector2(), 0) / 2

            var spotSpecularEffect = new SpotSpecularEffect
                Source = heightMap,
                SpecularExponent = 16,
                LimitingConeAngle = 0.25f,
                LightTarget = new Vector3(bitmapTiger.Size.ToVector2(), 0) / 2

            // Lay out all the different light types in a grid.
            var xgap = (float)bitmapTiger.Size.Width * 1.1f;
            var ygap = (float)bitmapTiger.Size.Height * 1.1f;

            var compositeEffect = new CompositeEffect
                Sources =
                    AddTextOverlay(distantDiffuseEffect,  -xgap, -ygap),
                    AddTextOverlay(distantSpecularEffect, -xgap,  0),
                    AddTextOverlay(pointDiffuseEffect,    -0,    -ygap),
                    AddTextOverlay(pointSpecularEffect,   -0,     0),
                    AddTextOverlay(spotDiffuseEffect,      xgap, -ygap),
                    AddTextOverlay(spotSpecularEffect,     xgap,  0),

                    CombineDiffuseAndSpecular(distantDiffuseEffect, distantSpecularEffect, -xgap, ygap),
                    CombineDiffuseAndSpecular(pointDiffuseEffect,   pointSpecularEffect,    0,    ygap),
                    CombineDiffuseAndSpecular(spotDiffuseEffect,    spotSpecularEffect,     xgap, ygap),

            ICanvasImage finalEffect = compositeEffect;

            // Check the screen size, and scale down our output if the screen is too small to fit the whole thing as-is.
            var xScaleFactor = (float)canvas.ActualWidth / 750;
            var yScaleFactor = (float)canvas.ActualHeight / 500;

            var scaleFactor = Math.Min(xScaleFactor, yScaleFactor);

            if (scaleFactor < 1)
                finalEffect = new Transform2DEffect
                    Source = compositeEffect,
                    TransformMatrix = Matrix3x2.CreateScale(scaleFactor, bitmapTiger.Size.ToVector2() / 2)

            // Animation changes the light directions.
            animationFunction = elapsedTime =>
                distantDiffuseEffect.Azimuth = 
                distantSpecularEffect.Azimuth = elapsedTime % ((float)Math.PI * 2);

                distantDiffuseEffect.Elevation =
                distantSpecularEffect.Elevation = (float)Math.PI / 4 + (float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime / 2) * (float)Math.PI / 8;

                pointDiffuseEffect.LightPosition = 
                pointSpecularEffect.LightPosition =
                spotDiffuseEffect.LightPosition =
                spotSpecularEffect.LightPosition = new Vector3((float)Math.Cos(elapsedTime), (float)Math.Sin(elapsedTime), 1) * 100;

            return finalEffect;
Example #23
        void CreateLinearGradient(ICanvasResourceCreator resourceCreator)
            var commandList = new CanvasCommandList(resourceCreator);

            using (var drawingSession = commandList.CreateDrawingSession())
                var brush = new CanvasLinearGradientBrush(resourceCreator, Colors.White, Colors.Black)
                    StartPoint = new Vector2(-tigerSize.X / 4, 0),
                    EndPoint = new Vector2(tigerSize.X * 5 / 4, 0),

                // Expand the bounds to avoid going past the edge of the gradient as we rotate it.
                var expandedBounds = new Rect((-tigerSize).ToPoint(), (tigerSize * 2).ToPoint());

                drawingSession.FillRectangle(expandedBounds, brush);

            linearGradient = new Transform2DEffect
                Source = commandList
Example #24
        private ICanvasImage CreateShadow()
            var renderTarget = new CanvasRenderTarget(canvas, 360, 150);

            using (var ds = renderTarget.CreateDrawingSession())
                ds.Clear(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0));

                ds.DrawText("This text is drawn onto a rendertarget", 10, 10, Colors.White);
                ds.DrawText("with a different color per line,", 10, 40, Colors.Red);
                ds.DrawText("after which a drop shadow is", 10, 70, Colors.Green);
                ds.DrawText("generated using image effects.", 10, 100, Colors.Blue);

            var shadowEffect = new Transform2DEffect
                Source = new ShadowEffect
                    Source = renderTarget,
                    BlurAmount = 2
                TransformMatrix = Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(3, 3)

            var whiteBackground = new CropEffect
                Source = new ColorSourceEffect { Color = Colors.White },
                SourceRectangle = renderTarget.Bounds

            var compositeEffect = new CompositeEffect
                Sources = { whiteBackground, shadowEffect, renderTarget }

            animationFunction = elapsedTime => { };

            currentEffectSize = renderTarget.Size.ToVector2();

            return compositeEffect;
        private void MainGridLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            m_compositor = ElementCompositionPreview.GetElementVisual(MainGrid).Compositor;
            m_root       = m_compositor.CreateContainerVisual();
            ElementCompositionPreview.SetElementChildVisual(MainGrid, m_root);

            Size imageSize;

            m_noEffectBrush = CreateBrushFromAsset(
                "Bruno'sFamily2015 (13)-X2.jpg",
                out imageSize);
            m_imageAspectRatio = imageSize.Width / imageSize.Height;

            m_sprite = m_compositor.CreateSpriteVisual();
            ResizeImage(new Size(MainGrid.ActualWidth, MainGrid.ActualHeight));

            // Image with alpha channel as an mask.
            var alphaMaskEffectDesc = new CompositeEffect
                Mode    = CanvasComposite.DestinationIn,
                Sources =
                    new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image"),
                    new Transform2DEffect
                        Name   = "MaskTransform",
                        Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Mask")

            m_alphaMaskEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                new[] { "MaskTransform.TransformMatrix" }

            // Arithmetic operations between two images.
            var arithmeticEffectDesc = new ArithmeticCompositeEffect
                Name        = "effect",
                ClampOutput = false,
                Source1     = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Source1"),
                Source2     = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Source2")

            m_arithmeticEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // Creates a blend effect that combines two images.
            var foregroundBrush = CreateBrushFromAsset("Checkerboard_100x100.png");

            m_blendEffectBrushes = new CompositionEffectBrush[m_supportedBlendModes.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < m_supportedBlendModes.Length; i++)
                var blendEffectDesc = new BlendEffect
                    Mode       = m_supportedBlendModes[i],
                    Background = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Background"),
                    Foreground = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Foreground")
                m_blendEffectBrushes[i] = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // Generates an image containing a solid color.
            var colorSourceEffectDesc = new ColorSourceEffect // FloodEffect
                Name = "effect"

            m_colorSourceEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                new[] { "effect.Color" }

            // Changes the contrast of an image.
            var contrastEffectDesc = new ContrastEffect
                Name   = "effect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")

            m_contrastEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                new[] { "effect.Contrast" }

            // Changes the exposure of an image.
            var exposureEffectDesc = new ExposureEffect
                Name   = "effect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")

            m_exposureEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                new[] { "effect.Exposure" }

            // Alters the colors of an image by applying a per-channel gamma transfer function.
            var gammaTransferEffectDesc = new GammaTransferEffect
                Name         = "effect",
                RedDisable   = false,
                GreenDisable = false,
                BlueDisable  = false,
                AlphaDisable = false,
                Source       = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")

            m_gammaTransferEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // Converts an image to monochromatic gray.
            var grayscaleEffectDesc = new GrayscaleEffect
                Name   = "effect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")

            m_grayscaleEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // Alters the color of an image by rotating its hue values.
            var hueRotationEffectDesc = new HueRotationEffect
                Name   = "effect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")

            m_hueRotationEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                new[] { "effect.Angle" }

            // Inverts the colors of an image.
            var invertEffectDesc = new InvertEffect
                Name   = "effect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")

            m_invertEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // Alters the saturation of an image.
            var saturationEffectDesc = new SaturationEffect
                Name   = "effect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")

            m_saturateEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                new[] { "effect.Saturation" }

            // Converts an image to sepia tones.
            var supportedAlphaModes = new[]

            m_sepiaEffectBrushes = new CompositionEffectBrush[supportedAlphaModes.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < supportedAlphaModes.Length; i++)
                var sepiaEffectDesc = new SepiaEffect
                    Name      = "effect",
                    AlphaMode = supportedAlphaModes[i],
                    Source    = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")
                m_sepiaEffectBrushes[i] = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(
                    new[] { "effect.Intensity" }

            // Adjusts the temperature and/or tint of an image.
            var temperatureAndTintEffectDesc = new TemperatureAndTintEffect
                Name   = "effect",
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")

            m_temperatureAndTintEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // Applies a 2D affine transform matrix to an image.
            var transform2DEffectDesc = new Transform2DEffect
                TransformMatrix = new Matrix3x2(
                    -1, 0,
                    0, 1,
                    m_sprite.Size.X, 0),
                Source = new CompositionEffectSourceParameter("Image")

            m_transform2DEffectBrush = m_compositor.CreateEffectFactory(

            // For simplying UI states switch, put effect parameter grids in an array
            m_effectParamsGrids = new Grid[(int)EffectType.NumEffectTypes];
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.NoEffect]           = null;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.AlphaMask]          = AlphaMaskParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Arithmetic]         = ArithmeticParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Blend]              = BlendParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.ColorSource]        = ColorSourceParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Contrast]           = ContrastParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Exposure]           = ExposureParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.GammaTransfer]      = GammaTransferParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Grayscale]          = null;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.HueRotation]        = HueRotationParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Invert]             = null;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Saturation]         = SaturationParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Sepia]              = SepiaParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.TemperatureAndTint] = TemperatureAndTintParams;
            m_effectParamsGrids[(int)EffectType.Transform2D]        = null;

            // Same as grids
            m_effectBrushes = new CompositionBrush[(int)EffectType.NumEffectTypes];
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.NoEffect]           = m_noEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.AlphaMask]          = m_alphaMaskEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Arithmetic]         = m_arithmeticEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Blend]              = m_blendEffectBrushes[m_activeBlendMode];
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.ColorSource]        = m_colorSourceEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Contrast]           = m_contrastEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Exposure]           = m_exposureEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.GammaTransfer]      = m_gammaTransferEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Grayscale]          = m_grayscaleEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.HueRotation]        = m_hueRotationEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Invert]             = m_invertEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Saturation]         = m_saturateEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Sepia]              = m_sepiaEffectBrushes[m_activeSepiaAlphaMode];
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.TemperatureAndTint] = m_temperatureAndTintEffectBrush;
            m_effectBrushes[(int)EffectType.Transform2D]        = m_transform2DEffectBrush;
